, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Outlines Key Tasks At The Cabinet Meeting

Putin Outlines Key Tasks At The Cabinet Meeting

Restraining inflation, increasing incomes of citizens and sustainable economic growth - these goals were outlined by Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday.

The main reason for global inflation is the extremely soft budgetary policy in a number of developed countries.
Rising inflation, which was 8.4 percent as of late November, is the main problem plaguing the economy and consumers. "It is imperative to bring inflation back to the benchmark level of 4 percent in 2022,"he said.
"Among other things, the production and supply of meat, sugar and vegetables should significantly increase in 2022,"Putin noted.
The President stressed that it is necessary to increase the real disposable income of the population not lower than the calculated level, that is, not lower than 2.5 percent.
Finally, It is important to maintain high rates of economic growth going forward.

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