, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lukashenko Says Deep Reasons Behind Pressure On Belarus Are Connected To US

Lukashenko Says Deep Reasons Behind Pressure On Belarus Are Connected To US

Aleksandr Lukashenko gave an interview to the Turkish broadcaster TRT. The interviewer was Nisa Efendioglu, a journalist and presenter of TRT Haber TV channel.

When asked about the reasons behind the pressure on Belarus, Lukashenko said: “Deep reasons behind pressure on Belarus are connected to the USA. I am not going to recount all the reasons. I will try to specify the key ones. The key reason is that we happened to be the key link in the USA’s and NATO’s pressure on Russia.”

Lukashenko remarked that once the revolt failed and a fast attempt to break the country failed, they switched to systematic pressure and a hybrid war. “Pressure and attacks against Belarus from various directions with different intensity are the essence of this hybrid war. It is manifested as pressure via mass media, via diplomatic channels, political channels. And now they have switched to tough pressure via economic channels. Five packages of sanctions have been introduced by Americans and Europeans against Belarus,” the head of state said.

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