, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin, Top Judge Discuss Russia’s Legislative System

Putin, Top Judge Discuss Russia’s Legislative System

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with Chairman of the Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin on Monday.

Putin and Zorkin congratulated each other on the last Constitution Day of Russia.
The Constitution is the foundation of the entire legal system of the state, and the role of the Constitutional Court here, as the supreme constitutional control body, is of everlasting importance.
"The updated Constitution has strengthened the role of the Constitutional Court even more,"Putin stressed.
Russia has been living under the sign of the updated Constitution for the second year already. "Of course, we are trying to use the new provisions of the Constitution, for example, in the social sphere.
The number of complaints has not increased, but the number of rulings has remained approximately the same,"Top Judge said.
According to Zorkin, Russia’s legislative system has become stable, balanced and more professional. "Of course, there are always blemishes, the pabulum for the Constitutional Court. But I think that now we should lay greater emphasis on law enforcement, because we check not just the letter of the law but also take into consideration law enforcement practice. And that is where the trouble lies, as the saying goes,"Zorkin said.
Also, the judge noted an increase in the level of legal awareness of citizens.
"The level of legal awareness, of course, has increased, and increased demands are being made on us,"he added.

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