, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Discuss Law On Foreign Agents In Media At HRC Meeting

Putin Discuss Law On Foreign Agents In Media At HRC Meeting

Vladimir Putin discussed the law on foreign agents in the media with the editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets Pavel Gusev at the meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

Gusev spoke about the law on foreign agents in the media, which he described as one of the most controversial laws, listed its shortcomings and proposed creating a separate working group with the participation of corresponding parliamentary committees, journalist unions, and the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights in order to deal with the issues that are haunting media outlets recognised as foreign agents.
"We should pay attention to what you said, including the way this document was drafted, meaning that it was not discussed with the professional community. we must do more than just note this. this work must be done and we must see how it works and what it leads to,"Putin said.
"We must ensure freedom of speech and, to a certain extent, the inviolability of people who talk about the flaws of our society, the imperfections of our state apparatus and the governance system, and questions that arise during election campaigns. No doubt about it. What we need to do though is protect ourselves from potential external interference in our domestic affairs. We need to protect ourselves from anyone using any kind of tool in Russia to pursue their goals that have nothing to do with our interests. This is what we are talking about,"he added.

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