, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Supports Measures To Prevent Cyberbullying For Teens

Putin Supports Measures To Prevent Cyberbullying For Teens

The bullying and the promotion of Western culture, although this has nothing to do with culture, in our society, and these behaviour patterns are often promoted by social media, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Thursday.

Western parliamentarians are now actively discussing the impact of these international platforms on the minds of younger people and their personal development, and their negative impact on the psyche of teenagers and children. we, too, should step up and take a closer look at that. Europe is paying much attention to this, and the United States is beginning to raise these issues at public or parliamentary platforms.
Putin supported Kirill Kabanov's proposals on preventive measures in this matter.
"We should proceed with caution given the young age of the people we are talking about, but we must do it nonetheless,"he said.

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