, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin: 'We Must Not Restrict People’s Rights While Ensuring Their Coronavirus Safety'

Putin: 'We Must Not Restrict People’s Rights While Ensuring Their Coronavirus Safety'

"We must not restrict people’s rights, on the one hand, while ensuring their security and safety. therefore, before we issue any final decisions, they must be exhaustively discussed,"Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Thursday.

Vaccination certificates only serve as proof of vaccination.
"We also know that almost all countries have chosen the same path, all countries without exception that have the opportunity to vaccinate their people. still, we have to proceed very carefully, weigh out every step and understand what is happening. the entire procedure must be perfectly clear and transparent. it must not create any additional problems for people,"he added.
The President also raised the issue of dividing society into those who are for and against vaccinations. "Some people are opposed to vaccination and object to any restrictions. and those who support vaccination receive jabs and demand, including from officials in their regions, that they be guarded from the unvaccinated. you see, there are certain issues in society that also need to be addressed. at any rate, we must make decisions carefully,"Putin noted.
The President suggested not rushing to introduce restrictions on public transport.
"We must fully consider the consequences and check if the transport system is ready. we must not restrict people’s rights, on the one hand, while ensuring their security and safety. therefore, before we issue any final decisions, they must be exhaustively discussed,"Putin said.
"We will, in cooperation with the professional community, find a solution that can guarantee the rights of all citizens,"Vladimir Putin stressed.

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