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CSTO Peacekeepers Having Completed Their Mission In Kazakhstan Return Home

Solemn march dedicated to the completion of the operation of the CSTO peacekeepers in Kazakhstan. In the same ranks, the military of all allied countries - Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Russia.

The mission was completed so quickly due to the fact that the allies quickly transferred forces to Kazakhstan and, thereby, turned the tide of the fight against terrorists. Now the withdrawal of the contingent, it will take 10 days.

“The difficult period in the life of Kazakhstan has passed. The country is returning to normal life, including thanks to the help and support of all our CSTO member states. [In recent days] it has been demonstrated that the CSTO is a combat-ready organization that is able to ensure the security of our common defense space,"CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas said.

As soon as the president of Kazakhstan asked his CSTO allies to help repel an attack by militants and the threat of external interference, the sky of the republic was almost continuously buzzing from heavy transport workers. More than two thousand peacekeepers and 200 pieces of equipment took up combat duty.

The commander of the peacekeepers, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, noted: this joint operation was the first for the CSTO, but our peoples fought as a united front more than once. Both during the Great Patriotic War and in recent history - against international terroris.

“Today, too, the servicemen who stood in a joint formation stood shoulder to shoulder in defense of the fraternal Kazakh people, not allowing criminal and terrorist groups to encroach on the constitutional system and integrity of Kazakhstan. The peacekeeping operation has been successfully completed, the task of the contingent of the CSTO collective peacekeeping forces has been completed, ”said Andrey Serdyukov, commander of the CSTO collective peacekeeping forces.

The CSTO forces have already begun to transfer protected objects to the security forces of Kazakhstan - all this time, the peacekeepers have been engaged in the defense of transport interchanges, communication centers, military warehouses, water utilities and power plants.

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