, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Says Talks On Security Guarantees With US Met Russia’s Expectations

Lavrov Says Talks On Security Guarantees With US Met Russia’s Expectations

Talks with the US on security guarantees were consistent with Moscow’s expectations, Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

"[The talks on security guarantees] went as we had expected. I think that we know rather well the American negotiators, we have met with them repeatedly on different occasions," he said.

Moscow knew beforehand what kind of a conversation it would be with the US representatives, and outlined the importance of raising the security issue toughly, of which President Vladimir Putin had spoken earlier. "It was fundamentally important for us to comply with the direct instruction from the president who said that we must very firmly raise these issues, the issues that concern the entire architecture of European security," Lavrov stressed.

The Russian proposals on security guarantees take into regard not only the interests of Moscow, but the guarantees imply ensuring the security of everyone, without infringing on anyone's interests, he stressed.

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