, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: DPR Head Says Ukraine Pull Artillery And Tanks To Donbass

DPR Head Says Ukraine Pull Artillery And Tanks To Donbass

Kiev is actively preparing for a forceful solution to the conflict in Donbass, Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin said on Monday.

The US and UK are recalling their diplomats from Ukraine. Austria and Latvia are also ready for this. At the same time, even the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called such decisions premature. Because of the same mythical threat of military action from Russia, NATO announced today that the Alliance is sending ships and fighters to Eastern Europe.

Earlier, Western media, including The New York Times, citing informed sources in the US administration, wrote that Washington could transfer up to 5,000 military and equipment to the countries of Eastern Europe and the Baltic states. The day before, a new batch arrived in Ukraine - more than 80 tons of weapons, as well as Javelin anti-tank missile systems.

The fact that Kiev is actively preparing for a forceful solution to the conflict in Donbass was reported today in both Luhansk and Donetsk. Ukraine is pulling up artillery and tanks to the line of contact. The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, spoke about this in an interview with Channel One.

“The concentration of personnel along the line of contact, as well as the pulling up of equipment from Ukraine, causes more concern. There are instructors from the United States and instructors from the UK. Several groups have been transferred over the last period of time, the last group is 40 people, which is now based in the Avdiivka area. Before that, several sabotage groups were deployed, which were aimed specifically at destruction, at the commission of terrorist acts against infrastructure facilities,” he said.

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