, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Kremlin Says Reports About Reducing Gas Supplies To EU Amid Sanctions Are ‘Fake Hysteria’

Kremlin Says Reports About Reducing Gas Supplies To EU Amid Sanctions Are ‘Fake Hysteria’

Reports that Russia could allegedly cut gas supplies to Europe in the event of sanctions are an example of "fake hysteria", Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"This is another brilliant example of fake hysteria. Hysteria, which is constructed through various fake and provocative false stories," he said.
Peskov stressed that Russia, even in the most difficult moments of relations with the West, "was a reliable guarantor of Europe's energy security". "In the most difficult moments of confrontation between East and West, Russia flawlessly fulfilled its contractual obligations," he recalled.
When asked if Moscow would continue to behave this way in the event of new sanctions, Peskov confirmed, "Russia has never given anyone a reason to doubt its reliability."

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