, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Joint Naval Exercise CHIRU-2022 Of Warships Of Russia, China And Iran In Gulf of Oman

Joint Naval Exercise CHIRU-2022 Of Warships Of Russia, China And Iran In Gulf of Oman

The CHIRU-2022 joint Russian-Chinese-Iranian naval exercise took place in the Gulf of Oman (the northern part of the Arabian Sea) and in the airspace above it.

The Russian side was represented by a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet consisting of the guards cruiser Varyag, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs and the large sea tanker Boris Butoma. A total of 14 warships and auxiliary vessels were involved in the exercise from three fleets.
In the course of practical actions, the ships of the Russian Navy, together with the Chinese and Iranian Naval Forces, performed artillery firing on a naval target, carried out joint tactical maneuvering, worked out search and rescue tasks at sea.
In the final part of the CHIRU-2022 exercise, the practical skills of the parties in conducting inspection actions and freeing a ship conditionally captured by pirates were improved. In this episode of the exercise, an amphibious helicopter and special units of the Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Armed Forces of Iran) were involved.
After the completion of the exercise, the ships of the Pacific Fleet will continue the transition according to the long-distance campaign plan.
A detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet left Vladivostok for a campaign in December 2021 to solve tasks in the Asia-Pacific region. During this period, the ships conducted a number of private training sessions at sea, visited the Indian port of Cochin and took part in the PASSEX exercise with an Indian Navy ship.
In the future, the ships of the Pacific Fleet will make the transition to the Mediterranean Sea, where, together with the forces of the Northern and Baltic fleets, they will take part in the exercises of the Navy's inter-fleet grouping.
In accordance with the training plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2022, a series of naval exercises are held in January-February in all areas of responsibility of the fleets under the general leadership of the Russian Navy Admiral Nikolai Evmenov.
The main focus of the exercises is to work out the actions of the Navy and Aerospace Forces to protect Russian national interests in the world Ocean, as well as to counter military threats to the Russian Federation from sea and ocean directions.
In total, it is planned to involve more than 140 warships and support vessels, more than 60 aircraft, 1,000 units of military equipment, and about 10,000 military personnel to participate in the events.

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