, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Su-35S Fighters Relocate To Belarus As Part Of Check Of Reaction Forces Of Union State

Su-35S Fighters Relocate To Belarus As Part Of Check Of Reaction Forces Of Union State

EMD's Su-35S fighters crews relocate to the Republic of Belarus as part of the check of the reaction forces of the Union State on Saturday.

During flight tasks, the crews of the Russian Aerospace Forces will practice flights to the maximum range, landing at Belarusian airfields, as well as joint preparation for re-flights with Belarusian specialists.
The check of the reaction forces of the Union State will take place in two stages.
At the first stage (until February 9), there will be the transfer and creation of groupings of troops (forces) on the territory of the Republic of Belarus as soon as possible, the organization of protection and defence of important state and military facilities, the protection of the State Border in the airspace, the check of the readiness and ability of the air defence forces on duty and means to fulfill the tasks of covering important objects on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
At the second stage of the check, from February 10 to February 20, Union Courage 2022 joint exercise will be held, the purpose of which will be to practice tasks of suppressing and repelling external aggression during a defensive operation, as well as countering terrorism and protecting the interests of the Union State.
During the exercise, measures will be taken to strengthen the protection of the State Border to prevent the penetration of armed groups of militants, to block the channels for the delivery of weapons and ammunition, as well as to search for, block, and destroy illegal armed formations and sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy.
Practical actions of troops (forces) will take place at the Domanovsky, Gozhsky, Obuz-Lesnovsky, Brestsky and Osipovichsky training grounds, as well as certain areas located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. It is planned to involve Baranovichi, Luninets, Lida and Machulishchi airfields.
The number of participants in the exercise, as well as the number of major weapons systems that fall under the scope of the Vienna Document 2011, do not exceed the parameters determined by it, which are subject to notification.

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