, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Decipheres 'NATO's Open Door Policy'

Lavrov Decipheres 'NATO's Open Door Policy'

Sergey Lavrov deciphered ["chewed"] for Western partners (who apparently have difficulty reading or fully understanding the document) "NATO's open door policy," which originates from the European Security Charter. Сharter signed at the highest level in 1999 in Istanbul contain three components. Everyone shared them and signed off on them.

So, the first of them, which the West loves talking about now, is the right to freely choose how to ensure one’s own security, including treaties of alliance. After all, these documents say that each state has the right to be neutral. This should not be forgotten, either. Then follows a paragraph that is an inalienable part of this compromise, notably, the agreement binding each state to respect the rights of other countries and not to bolster its own security at the expense of the security of others.
"There is a special stipulation that no single state, group of countries or organisation can be primarily responsible for the maintenance of peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region and cannot view any part of it as a sphere of its influence,"Lavrov noted.
Pocketing the first part of this inseparable package (the right of each state to choose alliances), US and NATO then try to cross out all the rest, without which the first part is invalid.
"We are not bound by this norm (respect for the right to choose alliances) if it is applied in flagrant violation of the other parts of this inseparable package. We have explained this in sufficient detail. Now we are awaiting responses in writing, after which this issue will move to the fore if it becomes clear that it makes sense to resume the talks,"he added.

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