, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Warns West Went Too Far 'Russia's Patience Has Been Exhausted'

Lavrov Warns West Went Too Far 'Russia's Patience Has Been Exhausted'

The current timeframe for security talks with the US, NATO is the period when the West went too far. Our patience has been exhausted, Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"It’s been an accumulation. I am referring to the period after the 1990s when our Western friends carelessly threw out all their promises not to expand NATO, not to move military infrastructure eastward, not to deploy substantial military forces on the territory of the new members. During the five waves of expansion, NATO has come right to our borders. When we formalised our relations with NATO in 1997, Poland was the only candidate for accession. Look at how the situation has changed since then,"he added.
Much has changed, according to the Minister. The real configuration of weapons, military equipment and troops in Europe has changed.
"We are faced with unacceptable demands to return our troops to their barracks on our own territory, while the Americans, Canadians and Brits have permanently deployed their troops in the guise of rotation in the Baltic states and other countries in the North of Europe. Bases are being set up in the Black Sea. The Brits are building bases in Ukraine, in the Sea of Azov area. We are categorically opposed. This approach is unacceptable,"Lavrov noted.
The timeframe that was chosen is the period when the West went too far, let’s be honest. In violations of all its commitments and contrary to common sense, it went for aggravation. The West denounces the use of violence against civilians and human rights abuses. But if bloody coups are staged by people who swear fealty to the West, it simply welcomes them with open arms. This is what happened during the coup in Ukraine when many people were killed, some by provocateurs.
"The US approved the coup (I will put it mildly) which was later perceived by the Europeans as a fait accompli. This case is well-known. Nobody is going to investigate the crimes of Maidan. Nobody is going to look into the crime committed in Odessa on May 2, 2014 when people were burned alive while those who committed this crime posed for photos. This is the support of the new government. Nothing is changing. Look at Poroshenko, Zelensky, all these Right Sector and Azov militants that were considered extremists in America only recently. Now the situation has changed,"Lavrov said.
Lavrov said that Russia does not intend to continue to put up with the existential threat, and is waiting for the promised reciprocal proposals from the West.
"Our patience has been exhausted. We are very patient. You know what they say about how long Russians take to harness their horses? We harness them slowly but then it’s time to ride. Now we are waiting for the coachman over there to give specific answers to our proposals,"Lavrov completes.

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