, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov's Remarks On Activities Of Russia's Diplomacy

Lavrov's Remarks On Activities Of Russia's Diplomacy

The situation in the world is complicated, the conflict potential is growing, Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference following the work of Russian Foreign Ministry.

"The situation has not improved. Everyone understands that. Conflict potential is building up, and our Western colleagues have largely shaped this trend. Their policy consists of undermining the architecture of international relations based on the UN Charter, as well as replacing international law with their own “rules” and imposing them on others to build a new world order. All kinds of international formats have been emerging on matters which have long been on the agenda of universal UN agencies. This creates an overlap. These are narrow formats of like-minded countries who are cast as trail-blazers dictating “much-needed” new approaches to all others. Those refusing to join these initiatives are labelled as reactionary countries seeking to impose a revisionist agenda in international affairs. However, it is the West that currently promotes a revisionist agenda. It is the West that seeks to revise the UN Charter. Russia and other nations who are our allies and strategic partners have been standing up for the UN Charter, its principles, purposes and structure to defend them from revisionist aspirations,"he said.

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