, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov’s Remarks After Russia-Brazil '2+2' Talks

Lavrov’s Remarks After Russia-Brazil '2+2' Talks

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks at a joint news conference with Foreign Minister of Brazil Carlos Franca following talks in the 2 + 2 formaton Wednesday.

Relations between Russia and Brazil are valuable in themselves. In recent years, they have developed progressively and cover virtually all areas of interstate cooperation, and are gaining momentum in such spheres as trade, economy and investment, as well as military and military-technical cooperation, humanitarian, cultural and education exchange, and foreign policy coordination.
Russia confirms its support for Brazil’s candidacy for a seat in the Security Council as a permanent member in the context of expanding this body by giving additional seats to the developing countries of Asia and Africa.
The two countries are working closely in diverse areas at the UN including strengthening international security, settling regional conflicts, ensuring security in space activities, and preventing the deployment of weapons in space. They, also cooperate on promoting the Chemical Weapons Convention without attempts to undermine its key provisions.
Ministers agreed to coordinate their approaches in preparations for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
Russia and Brazil share an approach in favour of the earliest possible enactment of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
Lavrov shared with our Brazilian friends a detailed assessments of the United States' policy of substituting international law with some “rules-based order.” This policy implies and is already putting in practice an attempt to split the world into “democracies” and “non-democracies,” the former enjoying a privileged position, and the latter who need to be restrained. In Europe, this policy is manifested in a so-called open-door policy, which, in violation of all legal norms and political obligations, has led to NATO’s reckless eastward expansion, creating a direct threat to Russia’s national security. He have substantively informed the other party of the steps that Russia are taking in our dialogue with the United States and NATO.
"We are interested in a regular exchange of information, assessments of what is happening in our respective regions, in Latin America and around Russia. This demonstrates the special trusting nature of our relations," Lavrov noted.
The representatives of the respective Ministries of Defence who were participating in "2+2" meeting exchanged detailed assessments of military and military-technical cooperation and the prospects for its expansion. They agreed to continue discussing these matters in the follow-up expert consultations.

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