, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Participates In Expanded Meeting Of Emergencies Ministry Board

Putin Participates In Expanded Meeting Of Emergencies Ministry Board

Emergencies Ministry has proven in practice that it is an essential and highly needed link in Russia’s security system, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the expanded Board meeting of the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief on on Wednesday.

"It has become a flawless, mobile, and well-equipped organisation responsible for protecting our citizens in emergencies, as well as preventing and extinguishing fires and developing the civil defence system," he added.
Last year was difficult for the ministry. Floods in Siberia, in the Far East and in the south of Russia were an important test for rescue crews. They fought natural and man-made fires that threatened people and property.
A major effort was carried out in response to the Listvyazhnaya Mine accident. This tragedy, which unfortunately killed several people – miners and rescuers – was the pain and misfortune of Kuzbass and the rest of Russia.
"Russians are grateful for the substantive aid you have provided in countering the coronavirus," President noted.
Ministry also fulfilled an important mission abroad during these difficult months. During the general lockdown when the borders were closed, Emergency Ministry planes helped evacuate Russians who were abroad on business trips or holidays. Over 1,400 tonnes of medical equipment and medicines, 120 tonnes of food and over 380,000 doses of Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines were delivered to the countries that suffered most from the coronavirus.
Putin expressed gratitude the managers, the military personnel, the employees and civilian specialists at the Emergencies Ministry for their dutiful work and their courage and selflessness in performing their duties, for their readiness to immediately help others, often at the risk of their own lives.

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