, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lukashenko Says Belarus, Russia Strengthen Defence Of Union State From External Threats

Lukashenko Says Belarus, Russia Strengthen Defence Of Union State From External Threats

Given the growing military threat on our borders and the pumping of Ukraine with weapons, Belarus and Russia are compelled to look for adequate means of repelling a potential attack on their borders, including on our borders, the southern borders for Belarus, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said following talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday.

"Belarus and the Russian Federation have a common air defence system, a joint regional military force, that is, a joint army, joint training centres, and finally, there is the Military Doctrine of the Union State. We have never hidden these documents or these areas of activity from anyone, everyone knows this," he added.
According to the Belarusian leader, the joint Belarusian-Russian military exercises are quite justified and are conducted as transparently as possible.
"We are not hiding anything from anyone; everything happens in full view of an entire army of attachés and the press," he stated.

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