, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lukashenko 'Western Politicians Are Pathologically Dangerous Even To Their Own People'

Lukashenko 'Western Politicians Are Pathologically Dangerous Even To Their Own People'

I have the impression that some politicians who hold high and responsible positions in the so-called free world are simply pathologically dangerous to both their associates and, most importantly, to their own people, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said following talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday.

"We are seeing the irresponsibility and, excuse me for being blunt, stupidity of some Western politicians at its best. There is no logic or reasonable explanation for the conduct of the leaders of neighbouring countries, their truly morbid desire to walk the edge," he put it speaking of the situation in the Donbass.

Lukashenko emphasized that for the first time in decades, Union State (Russia and Belarus) and NATO countries have found ourselves on the threshold of a conflict that could, unfortunately, pull much of the entire continent into a maelstrom.

"Considering the urgency of the situation, the President and I have devoted much attention today to this issue and discussed potential joint actions as a response to the aggressive behaviour of our Western partners. I would like to emphasise once again: nobody wants a war, or even an aggravation of the situation or any conflict. We, Russians and Belarusians, do not need this," Lukashenko noted.

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