, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Congratulates Russia's Warriors On Defender Of Fatherland Day

Putin Congratulates Russia's Warriors On Defender Of Fatherland Day

On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a video address to congratulate veterans, the military and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and all citizens of Russia on this holiday.

"Patriotism and the unity of our nation, the exploits of its devoted sons and daughters have always been the foundation of the martial history of our thousand-year-old country, its glory and victories. We are proud of the many generations of its defenders: the guards of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, the warriors of Minin and Pozharsky and the heroes of Poltava and Borodino, Stalingrad and the unstoppable assault on Berlin, all those who brought glory to our Fatherland according to the great traditions of our ancestors," he said.
Putin expressed his sincere, heartfelt gratitude to the few veterans of the Great Patriotic War who remained with us.
"We will always remember that you, the valiant generation of victors, crushed Nazism and saved our country and the entire world from this barbaric, merciless force. Your feat is a summit of human history, a great example for all those who are serving today in the Army and the Navy, and protecting Russia from external threats on land, in air and at sea," he said.
Ensuring that Russia can defend itself remains a primary responsibility of government, and the Armed Forces serve as a reliable guarantee of our national security, the peaceful and orderly lives of our people and Russia’s stable and steady development.
Russia is always open to a direct and honest dialogue and ready to search for diplomatic solutions to the most complicated issues.
"But I want to repeat that Russia’s interests and the security of our people are an indisputable priority. So, we will continue to strengthen and modernise our Army and Navy, striving to increase their effectiveness, so they are fitted out with the most cutting-edge equipment," Putin noted.
The President noted that Russia have weapons that are second to none in the world and they are operational. Russia will continue to develop promising weapon systems, including hypersonic weapons and those based on new physical principles, and expand the use of advanced digital technology and elements of artificial intelligence. Complexes like these are weapons of the future, which can boost the potential of our Armed Forces several-fold.

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