, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Exposes 'Killer of Minsk Accords'

Putin Exposes 'Killer of Minsk Accords'

The Minsk Package of Measures were killed not by Russia and not by the representatives of Donbass republics, but by the current Kiev authorities, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a press conference on Tuesday.

"As it was said yesterday during the Security Council meeting, over all these years, the efforts of the current Kiev authorities reduced it all to naught. So, the Minsk agreements were dead long before yesterday’s recognition of the people’s republics of Donbass," he said.
According to Punin, yesterday's event – the recognition of these republics – was dictated precisely by the fact that the Ukrainian leadership had publicly declared that they were not going to abide by these agreements. Not going to abide by them. "Well, what else can you say to that? The top officials have publicly said so."
The President also noted the inaction and impotence of the EU representatives, who were the guarantors of the Package of Measures.
"When we spoke to our European colleagues, they all said the same thing: 'Yes, this is the way forward,' but in reality they were unable to force their partners in the current leadership in Kiev to do so. So, we were compelled to take this decision and, in this sense, indeed, the Minsk agreements do not exist anymore. Why abide by them if we have recognised the independence of these entities?" he stressed.

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