, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Inspects Progress Of Construction Of National Space Centre In Moscow

Putin Inspects Progress Of Construction Of National Space Centre In Moscow

On Manday, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Centre, which is currently undergoing massive reorganisation, involving, in particular, the construction of the National Space Centre complex.

The reorganisation project is being carried out by the Moscow City Government and the State Corporation Roscosmos at the instruction of the President. As a result, a unique research and production, engineering and educational cluster for the space and related industries will be created in the Filevskaya water meadow that will employ over 50,000 highly qualified engineers, scientists, researchers and specialists.

The National Space Centre will be the centrepiece of the renovated area. Its construction will make it possible to pool together several key space industry organisations in one location – the central office and situation centre of the State Corporation Roscosmos, sectoral institutes, and other enterprises, which are currently scattered around Moscow. The National Space Centre will also incorporate a modern educational complex, youth design bureaus, a business support centre, exhibition pavilions and a centre for diversifying production.

In addition to the construction of the National Space Centre, the project envisages the preservation of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Centre’s manufacturing complex as well as a new research and production cluster of the Technopolis Moscow special economic zone. A part of the territory will be set aside for the construction of social facilities and residential buildings for the relocation of city residents as part of the housing renovation programme.

At present, 800 people are engaged in works at the facility. The construction is to be completed in 2023.

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