, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Defense Ministry Reports Russian Aviation Gains Air Superiority Over Entire Ukraine

Defense Ministry Reports Russian Aviation Gains Air Superiority Over Entire Ukraine

Russian aviation has taken air supremacy over the entire territory of Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov stressed on Monday.

Over the past day, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 8 Buk M-1 combat vehicles, S-300 and Buk M-1 air defence systems, 3 radio positions with P-14 stations, 4 assault aircraft on the ground and one assault aircraft shot down in the air.

In total, since the beginning of the operation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have hit 1,114 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine. Of these: 31 command posts and a communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

314 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 57 multiple rocket launch systems, 121 field artillery and mortars, 274 units of special military vehicles were destroyed. 

The groupping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support of the Russian Armed Forces, carried out successful offensive operations and established control over Khvorostyanka, Sukhanovka, and Artem settlements.

The units of the Armed Forces of Donetsk People's Republic, continuing the offensive, advanced another 19 kilometers. The Novyi Aidar was taken under control and Volnovaha was completely blocked.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have taken control of Berdyansk and Energodar cities. Russian servicemen fully guard and control the area around Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. NPP personnel continue to work on maintenance of facilities and control of the radioactive situation in the normal mode. The radioactive background is normal.

The leadership of Ukraine and the authorities of the city, having announced a curfew, persuade the residents of the capital to stay in their homes. This once again proves that the Kyiv regime uses the inhabitants of the city as a human shield for the nationalists who have deployed artillery units and military equipment in residential areas of the capital.

It is also announced that groups of “Russian saboteurs” are allegedly operating in the capital, and the city itself is blocked.

The real situation is as follows. 

Armed gangs of looters, robbers and nationalists are rampaging in Kiev, who received weapons as a result of the criminal decision of the authorities to distribute them uncontrollably to the population.

We appeal to the people of Kiev.

All civilians in the city can freely leave the capital of Ukraine along the Kyiv-Vasilkov highway.  This route is open and safe.

Once again, I want to emphasize that the armed forces of the Russian Federation strike only at military targets. Nothing threatens the civilian population.

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