, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian MoD Promises To Find All Ukrainian Nationalists

Russian MoD Promises To Find All Ukrainian Nationalists

All nationalists involved in the abuse of Russian military personnel in violation of the convention on the treatment of prisoners of war will be found and will inevitably bear severe responsibility, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov stressed on Sunday.

"But we know how the Ukrainian Nazis treat the few captured Russian servicemen. And we see that the tortures are the same as those of the German Nazis and their henchmen-policemen in the Great Patriotic War.
I want to emphasize.
All faces, voices, phone numbers, their coordinates, IP addresses, as well as the correspondence of all Ukrainian Nazis involved in the abuse of our comrades are recorded and identified. This also applies to the leaders of the Kiev regime and their executors, who directly call for bullying of Russian military personnel in violation of the convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. All of you will be found and will inevitably bear severe responsibility," he added.
The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, successfully advanced another 4 kilometers deep into the enemy's defenсe. The units of Donetsk People's Republic, having overcome the resistance of the nationalist units, advanced another 6 kilometers. Nizhne, Granitnoye and Gnutovo settlements were liberated.
In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 1,067 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
Among them: 27 command posts and communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 38 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 56 radar stations.
Today, 7 anti-aircraft missile systems were destroyed, including one S-300 near Kramatorsk city. 3 attack unmanned aerial vehicles Bayraktar TB-2 were shot down in Chernihiv suburbs.
254 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 31 aircraft (on the ground), 46 multiple rocket launchers, 103 field artillery mounts and mortars, 164 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
Russian military personnel show courage and heroism in the course of carrying out combat missions of a special military operation.
There are dead and wounded of our comrades.
But our losses are many times less than the eliminated nationalists. And losses among the military personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces.
As for the Ukrainian prisoners of war, we will continue to treat with dignity all servicemen of the Ukrainian armed forces who laid down their arms.
We understand that they took an oath to the people of Ukraine. All who laid down their arms and ceased resistance will be returned to their families.

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