, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin 'Who Said That Good Should Not Be Able To Defend Itself?'

Putin 'Who Said That Good Should Not Be Able To Defend Itself?'

"First, I did not say our troops would enter [Donbass]right away, after our meeting here. That is first. Second, it is absolutely impossible to predict the detailed path of possible actions. It depends on the concrete situation that is unfolding on the ground, as they say.

Regarding the question if all issues can and must be resolved by force or if it is possible to remain on the side of good. Well, why do you think that good must always be frail and helpless? I do not think that is true. I think good means being able to defend oneself. We will proceed from that," Russian President Vladimir Putin told a news conference on Tuesday.

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