, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Remarks After Talks With Argentina's Fernandez

Putin's Remarks After Talks With Argentina's Fernandez

Argentina is one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America, Vladimir Putin said at a press conference following talks with his Argentine counterpart Alberto Fernandez on Thursday.

"I would like to point out that Argentina is one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America. For over 150 years, our countries have been maintaining good and friendly relations based on equality, respect, and concern for each other’s interests," Putin said.

According to him, Russia and Argentina seek to strengthen their close and mutually beneficial cooperation in every possible way and find new fields of collaboration.

The Russian leader paid special attention to the two countries’ fruitful cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. He noted that Argentina was the first country in the western hemisphere to approve Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine.

All in all, in Putin’s words, the parties thoroughly discussed the entire range of bilateral issues at their talks that took place in a business-like and constructive atmosphere. They substantially considered potential areas where it would be possible to boost comprehensive strategic partnership. In addition, according to the Russian president, Fernandez and he exchanged views on some pressing international and regional issues.

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