, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian MoD Reveals 74 Ukrainian Military Facilities Were Crippled By Russia’s Strikes

Russian MoD Reveals 74 Ukrainian Military Facilities Were Crippled By Russia’s Strikes

More than 70 ground infrastructure facilities belonging to Ukraine were incapacitated by strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces, Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Thursday.

"As a result of the strikes conducted by Russia’s Armed Forces, 74 ground facilities of Ukraine’s military infrastructure were knocked out of action. Among them are 11 airfields belonging to the Air Force, three command points, a Ukrainian Navy base and 18 radar stations of S-300 and Buk-M1 missile systems," Konashenkov specified.

According to him, a combat helicopter and four Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicles were shot down.

He stressed that the strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces are not targeting Ukrainian cities as well as social facilities in military garrisons.

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