, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: US's Javelin, UK's NLAW Anti Tank Missiles Became Trophies Of Russian Troops

US's Javelin, UK's NLAW Anti Tank Missiles Became Trophies Of Russian Troops

During the hostilities, a large number of weapons delivered by Western countries to Ukraine over the past few months have been captured. American Javelin and British NLAW anti-tank missiles are among the trophies, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov reported Friday.

In total, the Russian Armed Forces disabled 211 military infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Among them: 17 command posts and communication centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 19 S-300 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 39 radar stations.
Shot down: 6 combat aircraft, 1 helicopter, 5 unmanned aerial vehicles.
67 tanks and other armored vehicles, 16 multiple rocket launchers, 87 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
Groupings of troops of DPR and LPR continue offensive operation against units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic advanced to a depth of up to 21 kilometers and captured Trekhizbenka settlement.
Formations and military units of Donetsk People's Republic, having broken through the prepared defence of the nationalist battalions, advanced up to 25 kilometers and reached Volnovakha.
Russian Armed Forces units blocked Sumy and Konotop cities and are taking measures to ensure the safety of the civilian population both in these cities and in the surrounding settlements.

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