, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova Says UK, US Officials Squeal On 'Russian Aggression' Provoke Only Acrid Laughter

Zakharova Says UK, US Officials Squeal On 'Russian Aggression' Provoke Only Acrid Laughter

The statements on "Russian aggression" by the US and British official structures, they provoke acrid laughter and jokes not only in Russia but across the globe because it is impossible to take these statements, these sets of mythical cliches, these phobias seriously," Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova stressed. 

"But it is necessary to be serious and responsible about the reality: the Kiev regime’s requests to play down the zeal are heeded neither in Washington nor in London. I wouldn’t say that they don’t care, they simply have their own goals. They have a political crisis both in the United States and in Great Britain. So, they urgently need to find a possibility to do some virtual fighting anywhere and they are doing it to divert the attention of the people in their countries from the current political developments at home."

 Maria Zakharova has called on the UK prime minister to stop disseminating fabricated ideas about the alleged threat of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

"UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson posted a video on the government’s official account in social networks, where he tells viewers about Russian troops near the border with Ukraine and threatens with ‘very real’ perspectives of an imminent Russian aggression," she said. "Stop intimidating people, stop spreading fake news and threats."

She noted that the suspenseful music that accompanies Johnson’s words deadens the voice of the Kiev regime, which has begun to "shout out loud opposite things to what the Britons and the Americans are saying." "The Ukrainian authorities have suddenly understood that that the West is simply using their country in its geopolitical interests and are trying to backpedal," she said, citing as an example the statements by Ukraine’s security chief, as well as defense and foreign ministers.

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