, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Catastrophic Humanitarian Situation Has Developed In Most Of Territory Of Ukraine

Catastrophic Humanitarian Situation Has Developed In Most Of Territory Of Ukraine

Currently, a catastrophic humanitarian situation has developed in most of the territory of Ukraine, which, unfortunately, is rapidly deteriorating. The most difficult situation in Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Chernigov and Mariupol, as well as in a number of other settlements. In these cities today there is practically a humanitarian catastrophe, Chief of the National Centre for State Defence Control, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev reported on Friday.

"Despite all our calls, the Ukrainian Nazis block thousands of Ukrainian citizens, as well as a large number of foreigners, and do not let them out for evacuation to safe places. The terrorists of the national battalions continue to use civilians and foreign citizens as 'human shield," he added.
Today there are more than 7.5 thousand foreigners forcibly held as hostages in various settlements of Ukraine, including: in Kharkov - 3,189 citizens of India, 2,700 citizens of Vietnam, 200 citizens of Jordan, 30 citizens of Egypt; in Sumy - 576 citizens of India, 121 citizens of China and 100 citizens of Ghana, as well as 60 citizens of Egypt and 45 citizens of Jordan.
"Firstly, the Kiev regime has almost completely lost the ability to manage the administrations of the regions and districts of the country.
Secondly, civil law administrations in cities and towns of Ukraine are deprived of the right to deal with the civilian population, they are not able to solve elementary issues of a social and domestic nature. Thirdly, in most cities and towns, national battalions of the so-called territorial defenсe are rampaging, and in fact they are Nazis and mercenaries who joined them, terrorists and bandits, including those of foreign origin." General stressed.

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