, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Defense Ministry Warns Of Impending Provocation In Kharkov

Russian Defense Ministry Warns Of Impending Provocation In Kharkov

Ukrainian nationalists are preparing a provocation with the participation of Western journalists in Kharkov, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on Friday.

"According to confirmed data, on Zhilardi Street, Kievsky District, in the private sector, multiple launch rocket systems are placed between the houses. Nationalists forbid local residents, including children, to leave their homes," he said.
Now mounts are ready for shelling the units of the Russian armed forces located outside the city. "The purpose of the provocation is to cause the return fire of Russian artillery on the residential sector of Kharkov. All this is planned to be filmed on cameras with the subsequent transfer to Western journalists," Konashenkov stated.
According to the general, Russian armed forces provide assistance to residents of settlements liberated from nationalists.

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