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Russian Embassy In Estonia Blasts Ex-Waffen SS Gathering

Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu earlier welcomed the convention participants on his Facebook

TALLINN, July 30. The Russian Embassy in Estonia has denounced the gathering of Waffen-SS stormtroopers that took place in this country, the embassy said on Facebook on Monday.
"To our regret, Estonia continues the degrading practice of glorifying ex Waffen-SS members," the report says.

"On July 28 this year another gathering of former SS-men took place in the village of Sinimae, and representatives for some Estonian parliamentary parties, the current minister and activists from ultranationalist organizations honored them."

The Russian Embassy in Estonia specified in a conversation with TASS that Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu earlier welcomed the convention participants on his Facebook.

"We note that there can be no excuse for the glorification of the Waffen-SS criminals," the Russian embassy said in the statement.

Russian Mountaineer Was Rescued In Pakistan

According to the information from the Russian embassy in Islamabad, the mountaineer is now in critical condition in hospital

MOSCOW, July 31. The Petersburg mountaineer Alexander Gukov, who was blocked for several days on the slope of the Latok-1 mountain in Pakistan, has been rescued and taken to a hospital, Anna Piunova coordinator of the rescue team told.

"He was rescued, they are flying to the hospital of city of Skardu," Piunova said. She added that the rescue operation involved two Pakistani military helicopters.

According to the information from the Russian embassy in Islamabad, the mountaineer is now in critical condition in hospital.

Earlier it was reported that Gukov and Sergei Glazunov from Irkutsk were blocked on a steep slope. Later, it became known from the base camp that Glazunov fell down and died. Gukov managed to gain a foothold at an altitude of 6,200 meters. He remained there almost without equipment, most of which was lost when his partner fell.

Russian Military Down Militants’ Drone Near Hmeymim Airbase In Syria

No injuries or material damage as a result of the incident

MOSCOW, July 30. A drone launched by militants from Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone was downed by the Russian military near the Hmeymim airbase, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria Alexei Tsygankov said on Monday.

"Militants of illegal armed groups continue to launch unmanned aerial vehicle from the territory of the Idlib de-escalation zone towards the Russian airbase at Hmeymim. Thus, at dusk on July 29, airspace control tools of the Russian airbase at Hmeymim spotted an unmanned aerial vehicle launched from territories controlled by illegal armed groups. The air target was downed at a safe distance from the airspace," he said.

"No one was hurt, no material damage was incurred. The Russian airbase at Hmeymim operates routinely," he added.

Incidents with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles near the Hmeymim airbase have become more frequent in the recent time. Thus, the Russian military reportedly downed militants’ drones on July 21, 22 and 27.

Angara Heavy Class Rocket Is Being Prepared For 2nd Test Launch

The representative of the center of Khrunichev did not specify the timing of the launch

MOSCOW, July 31. The Angara heavy-class carrier rocket is being prepared for the second test launch, at the Khrunichev center.

"At present, the heavy class Angara-A5 is being prepared for the next test launch," the representative said without specifying the date of the test launch.In the center of Khrunichev did not specify the timing of the launch.

Angara is a family of light and heavy Russian rockets which uses environment-friendly fuel. Only two launches were held so far from Plesetsk. Light Angara 1.2PP blasted off in July 2014 and the heavy Angara-A5 in December 2014. Vostochny cosmodrome in Amur region will be the main launching site for Angara.

A heavy version of the Angara rocket is capable of brining up to 38 tonnes of cargos to the low orbit. It is planned to use 25 Angara heavy rockets will be used to launch 650 satellites under the Sfera program.

Trump: US Sanctions On Russia Will Remain In Place And Unchanged

The United States President said this during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
The US President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON, July 31. Washington's sanctions against Moscow will remain in place and unchanged for now, US President Donald Trump said during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the White House on Monday.

"Sanctions against Russia will remain as is," he said.

The United States repeatedly imposed sanctions against Russia. In particular, during the presidency of Trump, Russian diplomats were expelled from the country and the Consulates of the Russian Federation in San Francisco, California and Seattle, Washington, were closed. Currently, a group of senators in the US Congress is working on a new package of sanctions against Moscow, which is currently supported by legislators from both parties.

Lavrov Biefs Press On Territory Of Meanings On Klyazma Forum

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's answers to media questions on the sidelines of the Territory of Meanings on Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum, Vladimir Region, July 30, 2018.

New Orleans Shooting: 3 Killed, 7 Injured

Police in New Orleans are asking for help following Saturday night's deadly shooting at a strip mall that left three people dead and seven others injured.

Authorities say the two people who shot into a large crowd outside a daiquiri shop at about 8:35 p.m. are at large.

In a press conference early Sunday, New Orleans Police Superintendent Michael Harrison said one of the shooters used a rifle and the other a handgun. He said they "appeared to have fired indiscriminately" into the crowd but then "stood over one individual and fired multiple rounds." The pair then ran away.

Harrison said the shooters were believed to be wearing hooded sweatshirts, but that was the only description available. He repeatedly asked for help from the public, stressing that "crimes like this only get solved with community participation."

"This has to be personal," Harrison said. "Firing indiscriminately into a crowd, shooting 10 people, killing three? That's personal. It doesn't get more personal."

The seven victims in the hospital — five men and two women — are being treated for "varying degrees of condition, some more critical than others," New Orleans Emergency Medical Services Director Emily Nichols said in the press conference.

The three people pronounced dead at the scene were two men and one woman. No names of the dead or injured have been released by the New Orleans Police Department. Authorities are still investigating motive.

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell issued a statement Saturday condemning the shooting.

"There is no place in New Orleans for this kind of violence. I speak for everyone in our City when I say we are disgusted, we are infuriated, and we have had more than enough."

Russian Aircraft Delivers 34 Tonnes Of Humanitarian Aid To Syria

1030th Anniversary Of Baptism Of Rus Celebrations

Putin Welcomes Russian National Football Team At Kremlin Awards Ceremony

On Jule 28, in the Catherine Hall of the Moscow Kremlin, Vladimir Putin presented state awards and certificates of honor to 23 athletes and 6 coaches of the Russian national football team - participants of the FIFA World Cup 2018.

It was the first time Russia hosted the FIFA World Cup. The matches were held at 12 stadiums in 11 cities across the country. The Russian national team performed better than they had ever done, making it to the quarterfinals. The Russian President attended the opening and closing ceremonies of the championship.

Putin Attends 1030th Anniversary Of Baptism Of Rus Celebrations

Vladimir Putin attended events to mark the 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, Moscow, July 28, 2018.

Pompeo Meets Jhinaoui At US Department Of State

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo met with Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui, at the Department of State, on July 27, 2018.

Putin's Press Conference Following 10th BRICS Summit In Johannesburg

Vladimir Putin made a statement to the press and answered questions from Russian journalists after the two-day 10th BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 27, 2018.

Putin Speaks At BRICS Heads Meeting With Leaders Of Invited States

Vladimir Putin attended a meeting of BRICS leaders with delegation heads from invited African states and chairs of international associations, at the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 27, 2018.

Zhirinovsky's Reaction To US Crimea Declaration

LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky responded to the publication of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's declaration of non-recognition of the Crimea by the Russian.

Pompeo's Statement Following Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivers welcome remarks and introduces Vice President Mike Pence at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, at the Department of State, Washington, July 26, 2018.

Putin's Meetings On Sidelines Of 10th BRICS Summit (Day 1)

Vladimir Putin held bilateral meetings with President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, President of Argentina Mauricio Macri, President of Angola Joao Lourenco, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Zambia Edgar Lungu, PRC President Xi Jinping, on the sidelines of the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 26, 2018.

Pompeo, Pence At Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivers welcome remarks and introduces Vice President Mike Pence at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, at the Department of State, Washington, July 26, 2018.

Putin's Address To 10th BRICS Summit In Johannesburg

Vladimir Putin addressed to the 10th BRICS Summit (Vladimir Putin addressed to the 10th BRICS Summit (Expanded Meeting), Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26, 2018.

Johannesburg Hosts 10th BRICS Summit

On Jule 26-27, Johannesburg is hosting the 10th BRICS Summit.

Putin Arrives Johannesburg (South Africa) To Attend BRICS Summit

Vladimir Putin arrived in South Africa to attend the 10th BRICS Summit, Johannesburg. Jule 26, 2018.

Pompeo's Remarks On Supporting Iranian Voices

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivers remarks on “Supporting Iranian Voices”, at the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Library, in Simi Valley, California.

Putin Chairs Meeting Of Sport Development

During his trip to Kaliningrad, Vladimir Putin Held a joint meeting of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sport and the Supervisory Board of the Russia 2018 Local Organising Committee autonomous non-profit organisation.

Putin Thanks Volunteers Of 2018 FIFA World Cup

During his visit to the Kaliningrad Stadium, Vladimir Putin met with 2018 FIFA World Cup volunteers.

Putin Outlines Key Objectives Of Russian Diplomacy

On Jule 19, in Moscow, Vladimir Putin speak at meeting of Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives. The President outline the key objectives of Russian diplomacy.

These include the further strengthening of the role of Russia on the international stage, protection of national interests, creation of favourable external conditions for the development of the country’s economy and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens, as well as safeguarding the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and compatriots abroad.

Putin Discuss Developing Space Industry With ROSCOSMOS Executives

Vladimir Putin discussed plans for developing the missile and space industry and measures aimed at making the corporation more efficient with the executives of the State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS, the Kremlin, Moscow, July 18, 2018.

Putin Hold Meeting With Government: World Cup legacy, INNOPROM, Floods &...

President Putin held a regular meeting with Government members to discus the tentative results of the FIFA World Cup and the 2018 International Industrial Trade Fair INNOPROM, and the issues of eliminating the consequences of floods and fires in a number of regions, the Kremlin, Moscow, July 18, 2018.

Putin's Welcome Address To Moscow Urban Forum 2018

Mogherini Welcomes Vučić And Thaçi To Brussels

EU HR Federica Mogherini chairs the EU facilitated dialogue between Belgrade-Pristina with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić  and the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi in Brussels, July 18, 2018.

Abe, Tusk, Juncker Made Joint Press Conference In Tokyo

Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe, President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, made press statements and answered journalists’ questions, following the 2018 EU-Japan Summit in Tokyo, Jule17, 2018.

2018 Japan-EU Summit: Signing Ceremony Of EPA And SPA

Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe, President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, made press statements and answered journalists’ questions, following the 2018 EU-Japan Summit in Tokyo, Jule17, 2018.

2018 Japan-EU Summit: Abe Welcomes Tusk And Junker To Tokyo

Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzō Abe, welcomes President of the European Council, Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, at the 2018 Japan-EU Summit in Tokyo, Jule17, 2018.

Fox's Wallace Interview With Putin

Vladimir Putin answered the questions of journalist, Fox News television channel Chris Wallace. The interview was recorded on July 16 in Helsinki (Finland), after the 2018 Russia-US Summit.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...