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Putin Discusses The Northern Sea Route' Prospects With Future Sailors

Vladimir Putin met with Admiral Nevelskoi Maritime State University cadets, on Thursday.

The President got acquainted with the training process there, as well as with the University’s advanced science and engineering projects.

The Training Centre that started operating in July 2021 is a unique facility for training the crews of multi-functional vessels and improving the skills of maritime specialists.

As per the President’s instruction, the Maritime State University operates a School Under Sails, the purpose of which is to acquaint young people with the history of the Far East, and to plan and conduct high-seas voyages aboard sailing boats to places linked with Russia’s glorious military history.

Putin Supports Genetic Engineering Studies

Creating artificial barriers to the development of genetic engineering is pointless, so Russia will support research in this sphere, Vladimir Putin said at a back-to-school gathering on Wednesday to mark the occasion of the Day of Knowledge during his visit to Russia’s Far East.

Putin Warns Children Against Information Rubbish

In the modern world there are many so-called information resources and users can find out anything there, but there is a problem related to the quality of this information. There is a lot of informational rubbish, which is often passed off as the ultimate truth. but you should not trust this information, which is provided by people posing as specialists, and not real professionals, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with schoolchildren on the occasion of Russia’s Knowledge Day during his trip to the Far East, Wednesday.

Putin Greets Schoolchildren And Urges To Take Care Of First-Grade Pupils

On Knowledge Day, Vladimir Putin had a meeting at the Okean National Children’s Centre with pupils of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, winners of Olympiads and competitions in culture, art, science and sport.

The President congratulated the little first-graders who will go to school for the first time, as well as their parents and educators. After all, according to him, high school students are already in a kind of preset mode, they meet with their friends and peers, this is a continuation of the educational process to which they are accustomed. However, first-graders open a new page in life, a new destiny awaits them, they begin to acquire knowledge and choose their place in life and future careers.
This is a very important period in the life of young children. And Putin asked all other Russian schoolchildren to warmly welcome young children to schools and to support them along the way.

Putin Blasts US For Afghanistan: Only Losses, Tragedies

Washington tried for 20 years to impose its standards on Afghanistan and that has resulted only in tragedies and losses, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with schoolchildren on the occasion of Russia’s Knowledge Day during his trip to the Far East, Wednesday.

Lavrov Made Fun Of Kiev's Provocations Ahead Of Russia's Elections

The Kiev authorities are carrying out provocations in the run-up to the election to the Russian State Duma, including sending letters to various countries, demanding that they do not send observers to monitor the vote, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday at a meeting with representatives of national and cultural associations.

He noted that Kiev’s arguments about the electoral process in Crimea and Donbass did not hold water. "The Crimea issue is closed, we explained everything to everyone a long time ago, and everyone understood everything, including the Ukrainian leaders themselves, I am certain," Lavrov explained. He stressed that Donbass residents with Russian passports were entitled to vote "wherever they live."
According to Russia’s top diplomat, Ukraine will take advantage of the fact many in the West are looking for an excuse to step up pressure on Russia, and more attempts to irritate Moscow will follow.

Russia, China Сriticize UNSC Resolution On Afghanistan

Russia and China abstained during the voting on the United Nations Security Council resolution on Afghanistan because its principle concerns were ignored in it, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia and China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Geng Shuang said on Monday.

Nebenzia expressed bewilderment that the resolution was passed that swiftly. "At the same time, we see attempts to shift responsibility for the failure of the United States’ and its allies’ 20-year presence in Afghanistan onto the Taliban movement and countries of the region, which will have to face consequences of this long campaign," he added.
He stressed that Russia will continue to support Afghanistan. "On its part, Russia wants to see peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan, with no terrorist and drug threats coming from its territory. We will continue to help Afghans attain this goal," he said.

Lavrov: West Seeks To Influence The Upcoming Russia's Elections

The West is already trying to call into question the results of the upcoming election in Russia due in September, Sergey Lavrov said on Monday at a meeting with the public and young adults in Volgograd.

On June 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an executive order on holding the vote to the State Duma of the eighth convocation on Election Day, September 19, 2021. The election will run for three days on September 17, 18 and 19. In addition to the State Duma race, direct voting to elect the heads of nine Russian constituent entities and 39 regional parliaments will be held. In three more regions, the top officials will be elected by legislative assemblies.

Lavrov Accuses US Of Trying To Destroy Orthodox Unity

The Russian Orthodox Church is under tremendous pressure from the United States, which set itself a goal of destroying the unity of world Orthodox Christianity, Sergey Lavrov said on Monday at a meeting with the public and young adults in Volgograd.

Lavrov Considers The West An Unreliable Partner

Western nations have demonstrated their unreliability as partners in bilateral cooperation and their ability to break the norms of international law in the interests of their "geopolitical gains," Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

What's Left Behind The Scenes Of The Farewell Meeting Of Merkel And Putin?

Exclusive footage of the farewell meeting in the Kremlin, the outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel and not going anywhere, Russian President Vladimir Putin was kindly provided by the Russian state television company on the Moscow. Kremlin. Putin TV show.

Lavrov Hopes The West Has Learned The Lessons Of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan

At a joint press conference with Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio in Rome, on Friday, Sergey Lavrov expressed the hope that the events in Iraq, Libya and now in Afghanistan will become lessons about the futility and danger of imposing one's values (exporting democracy to other countries without taking into account the historical, cultural and religious characteristics of these countries) for Western politicians.

Peskov: Russia Strongly Condemns Kabul Airport Attack

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media on Friday, that Russia is seriously worried over the way the situation in Afghanistan is developing and it most strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Kabul.

On August 26, Kabul's airport, which the Western countries are using to evacuate foreign citizens, saw two explosions staged by suicide bombers from the Islamic State. According to the latest report, the blasts killed 103, including 13 US soldiers. US President Joe Biden said the United States would track down those responsible and was already planning strikes against the Islamic State. The Taliban radical movement (outlawed in Russia), which has seized power in Afghanistan, has condemned the attacks and promised to punish those responsible.

Putin Discuss Afghanistan At The Security Council Meeting

Vladimir Putin discussed the current situation in Afghanistan at the video conference briefing session, on Friday, with permanent members of the Security Council.

In the same time, Sergey Lavrov, said at a press conference in Rome that it is of fundamental importance for Russia now to ensure the security of its southern borders and its allies in Central Asia.

Lavrov Invites Western Colleagues To Crimea

During jointe press conference with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Sergey Lavrov, once again invited him, others Western politicians and journalists to visit Crimea and see with his own eyes everything that happens on the peninsula, and not speculate.

Lavrov Lists The Consequences Of US' Adventures

Illegal migration, a surge in terrorism and drug trafficking have become a consequence of of the reckless undertakings that our Western colleagues, NATO led by Americans, got involved in over the years, Sergey Lavrov stressed at a press conference with Alexander Schallenberg in Vienna on Thursday.

"Speaking about the lessons that the United States could learn from the situation in Afghanistan, the main lesson is that they should not try to teach others how to live, let alone force them to do something. We have seen it in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans wanted to force everybody to live the way they see fit. We should all deal with our own problems, especially because each country has plenty of them,"Minister said.
"Nothing good came out of the four military campaigns I mentioned. There has been a surge in terrorism, an unprecedented growth in drug trafficking; illegal migrants have been flooding Europe since NATO bombed the Libyan state to dust. The bottom line is: do not interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs and do not use force in violation of the UN Charter," Lavrov summed up.

Lavrov Explains Russian Foreign Agent Status

Sergey Lavrov explained the status of a foreign agent in Russia, answering a question from an Austrian reporter at a press conference with Alexander Schallenberg in Vienna on Thursday.

A foreign agent is a natural or legal person who receives funds from abroad and engages in political activities. Those who are engaged in humanitarian, cultural contacts are not subject to the law on foreign agents.

All Defense Ministry Planes Return To Russia After Evacuating People Fro...

On Thursday night, the Russian defense ministry evacuated more than 500 people, citizens of Russia, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member states and Ukraine, from Afghanistan by four military transport aircraft at the instruction of President Vladimir Putin.

The planes took off from Kabul on Wednesday. They made stopovers in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to drop off citizens of these countries.

Putin: The Chaos Left In Afghanistan By The West Threatens Russia

Vladimir Putin notes at the United Russia party congress on Tuesday that "there is a danger that terrorists and different kinds of groups that found a refuge in Afghanistan will use the chaos left behind in that country by our Western colleagues and will try to launch a direct escalation in adjoining countries. And this will pose an immediate threat to our country and our allies, as well as a possible surge in drug trafficking and escalating illegal migration. They are all threats for us, and they are absolutely real."

The President called on Russian society and citizens to become more united. The coordinated actions of all government agencies are of paramount importance. He asked the Government, Foreign Ministry, law enforcement agencies, together with parliament members to work more actively on all key issues of ensuring the security of Russia and its citizens.

Putin Holds Public Meeting To Discuss General Education

Vladimir Putin discussed the development of general education with representatives of the public, including school teachers and university professors, graduates, and students’ parents.

The meeting, held via videoconference, was also attended by First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Kiriyenko, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, Presidential Aide Andrei Fursenko, Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov and Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova.

Lavrov Сriticizes EU Borrell's Remarks On Afghanistan

Sergey Lavrov criticized the statement by the head of European Union diplomacy, Joseph Borrell, about the inadmissibility of allowing Russia and China to take control of Afghanistan.

'Immediately after the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, head of EU for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell said that they must not let Russia and China take control of Afghanistan. If this is what the EU foreign chief believes, I feel sorry for the EU members who have to listen to and support this kind of mindset. Mr Borrell is worried about the wrong thing. he should be preoccupied with the Afghans being able to bring peace to their country as soon as possible. this mentality, “we must not let Russia and China take control of Afghanistan,” is yet another “either or” statement: the countries must choose whether they support the West or Russia and China. it is sad if these kind of people are responsible for the foreign political course of the European Union," Lavrov stressed.

Putin: A Strong Family Is Russia's National Idea

Vladimir Putin said at the United Russia party congress that "I often hear people say that we need a national idea, an image of the future, everybody speaks about that. You know, friends, I avoid high words, but I think that a solid good family with two, three, four or more children should become the future of Russia. There is nothing to invent here."

Children, parental love and generation solidarity are all unquestionable values for all traditions and cultures of Russian multiethnic and multi-religious nation. For Russia to have more children, people and families obviously need prosperity, good jobs, affordable housing, education, healthcare and reliable social guarantees. They need confidence in tomorrow, confidence that the security of Russia and the safety of children and citizens will be properly protected against any threats.

Putin: Russia Not To Draw Its Army Into All Against All Conflict In Afgh...

Russia is keeping a close eye on the situation in Afghanistan but will not let its armed forces be drawn into an all-against-all conflict in that country, Vladimir Putin said at the United Russia party congress on Tuesday.

He recalled that the conflict in Afghanistan has been smoldering for decades. "The former Soviet Union has its own experience in that country. We have learned the lesson," Putin said.

Putin Advocates Vaccination, But 'No One Should Be Forced To Get A Jab'

"Vaccination is the main weapon against the spread of the virus. Importantly, no one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is even less acceptable. People must be convinced of the need to get the vaccine. This must be done persistently and respectfully. People should be convinced of the need to get vaccinated in order to save their lives and health, and to protect their loved ones," said Vladimir Putin, speaking at the United Russia party congress on Tuesday.

Putin: Everyone Should Be Equal Just Like In Bathhouse

At the United Russia party congress on Tuesday, Vladimir Putin announced a one-time payment for the military: "let everyone receive the same amount regardless of the number of stars on their shoulder straps. Pardon me, everyone should be equal in this case, just like in a bathhouse; this is not debatable."

Lavrov Slams Ukraine’s Crimea Platform As Empty Endeavor

The Crimea Platform initiative of the Kiev authorities has risen from the falsely interpreted solidarity of EU and NATO members and therefore has no prospects, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday at a press conference following talks with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto.

Lavrov Lays Wreath At Monument To Soviet Soldiers Liberators In Budapest

On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov participates in a wreath-laying ceremony at the monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators in Budapest, where he is on an official visit.

Shoigu Highlights Egypt As Russia’s Strategic Partner On African Continent

Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu held talks with the Minister of Defense and Military Industry of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Colonel General Mohamed Ahmed Zaki.

During the bilateral meeting, the parties discussed military and military-technical cooperation.

Putin Concerned Over Potential Threats From Afghanistan

Vladimir Putin participated in the emergency session of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in a video conference format, on Monday.

It was held at Putin’s initiative. The event was conducted in a closed format, in his address, President Putin, like other heads of state and government, expressed deep concern over the events in Afghanistan, the potential threats coming from Afghanistan.

Putin Meets Jordan’s King Abdullah II At Army 2021 Forum

At the Army 2021 forum, on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with King Adbullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, who is on a working visit to Russia.

Russian President stressed that despite the coronavirus pandemic relations between Russia and Jordan are developing in all areas, including trade and economic ties and political dialogue.
Also, Vladimir Putin suggested they exchange views on the situation in Syria and Afghanistan. "Of course, we hope for an exchange of views on the most pressing matters. They are the normalization of the situation in Syria and the current escalation in Afghanistan," the Russian leader said, adding that these topics have been on the agenda of the Russian-Jordanian relations for years. Putin stressed that despite the coronavirus pandemic relations between Russia and Jordan are developing in all areas, including trade and economic ties and political dialogue. He noted that the intergovernmental commission, chaired by Russian Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev, is working actively. "We are also working jointly to combat the pandemic and overcome its impacts," he said.
The Russian president and the King of Jordan walked around the Patriot Park outside Moscow exhibiting pieces of military hardware. The Russian president explained that these weapons are both supplied to the Russian army and exported. In his words, direct contacts with colleagues from the armed forces of foreign countries help build up trust. "Maybe, it is even more important that exhibiting weapons, though it is also important in terms of strengthening stability," he stressed.

Putin Jokes He Has To Remind Lavrov He Is Foreign Minister, Not Defense ...

Vladimir Putin praised the offensive stance of Russian diplomacy, noting with irony that he even has to remind Sergey Lavrov that he is the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, not the Defense Ministry.

President said this at a meeting with representatives of the United Russia party on Sunday.

According to him, some time ago, the Russian diplomacy was willing to make any compromises, regardless of their own interests, just to look good in the eyes of their partners, but now the situation has changed dramatically: "Today, the huge enormous professional potential of our diplomatic service fulfils itself and it is working very pragmatically in the national interests of the country. It is not about only talking in well-arranged beautiful interiors anymore. There is a real struggle for the national interests of those states that participate in these discussions," the Russian leader stressed.

Lavrov’s Video Address To Kaliningrad Historical Forum

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s video address to the participants in the conference The Frontiers of Russia: Geopolitics, Regional Studies and Historical Memory, on Monday.

Putin Opens Army 2021, Army Games 2021

Vladimir Putin participates in the opening ceremony of the Army 2021 international military technical forum and the International Army Games 2021 at the Russian Armed Forces military patriotic park Patriot.

Putin Meets Leaders Of United Russia

On the eve of the party congress and the upcoming parliamentary elections, on Sunday, Vladimir Putin held a meeting at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill with the United Russia political party representatives.

Zakharova Condemns Installation Of Monuments To Nazi Collaborators In Ca...

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova said that despite the protests by the public, Jewish organisations and Russians living in Canada, the Ottawa authorities have refused to take any steps to eradicate a shameful phenomenon like memorials to Nazi criminals from among Ukrainian collaborators who fought in the 14th Waffen-SS (Galician) Division.

There are monuments in different cities, including Edmonton, the capital of the Province of Alberta, where a bust has been installed to SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Roman Shukhevich, who was commander of the 201st Waffen-SS Schutzmannschaft Battalion, as well as to those from the above Galician Division who took part in massacres. the recent high-profile incident, involving some unidentified people, who used red paint to write on this, so called, “memorial” the words true Nazi and Nazi monument, has sparked again a discussion on the unacceptability of glorifying Nazi butchers in Canada, a country that fought against Nazism as part of the anti-Hitler coalition.
The diplomat noted that the majority of Canadians do not sympathise with Stepan Bandera and other Ukrainian warlords who fought with him, to whom the Canadian authorities gave shelter in the wake of WWII. however, quite a few politicians, including some cabinet members, openly support ultra-nationalism with a Russophobic tinge that is being preached by the incumbent regime in Kiev. it is not surprising therefore that the calls by the Canadian Jewish community, including well-known NGOs like B’nai B’rith and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre, to get rid of Nazi symbols have remained a voice in the wilderness.
in addition to this, the media and history textbooks are being used to inculcate “the only true” opinion, which is that Nazi accomplices led by Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich allegedly fought for the independence of Ukraine. at the official level, Nazi Germany is being blasphemously equated to the Soviet Union, which insults the memory of the 27 million Soviet people who lost their lives fighting for the victory over Nazism and also spoils relations between Russia and Canada.
Russia are calling on the Canadian authorities, who speak about their commitment to human rights and democracy and pay lip service to the criticism of any manifestation of xenophobia and anti-Semitism, to take real and effective steps towards the historical truth.

US, NATO Сontinue To Build Up Military Infrastructure Near Russia’s Borders

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, notes the build-up of the US and NATO military infrastructure near the Russian borders.

The diplomat argues that in Europe as a whole there are no insoluble military-political issues that may require a military solution or a significant presence of military-political blocs. Nonetheless, the reality and NATO's military build-up on our western borders are a compelling sign that the alliance thinks differently.
The NATO leadership, promoting the propaganda thesis about the need to "contain Moscow by force", does not pay attention to real threats and begins to fight them after the world collapses. Because for many years now, they have been focusing and investing enormous resources in ensuring that their audiences - the citizens of their countries - remain aware of what is supposedly the only threat - Russia. in this situation, it is not surprising that they lost sight of the realities and real threats.
Russia calls on NATO members to renew their observance of the principle of military restraint. Concrete constructive proposals to de-escalate tensions in Europe, which Russia had previously submitted to the NATO leadership, remain in place.

Zakharova's Reaction To The Times Article On Russian Submarines Spotted ...

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on a recent The Times article about Russian submarines spotted off the coast of Ireland, allegedly trying to access underwater internet cables for reconnaissance purposes.

Putin, Tokayev Discuss Afghan Crisis In The Kremlin

On Saturday, before his trip to Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the Kremlin.

Naturally, the main topic of the meeting was the development of the situation in Afghanistan, but I hope that Putin also touched on the topic of manifestation of facts of Russophobia in the country of our Central Asian ally.

Putin Marks Nizhny Novgorod’s 800th Anniversary

Vladimir Putin attended The Beginning of the New gala show celebrating the 800th anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod, on Saturday.

Zakharova's Remarks On Situation Around BBC's Rainsford

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, responded to numerous requests, appeals and calls to reconsider the allegedly unfounded decision to revoke media accreditation and the visa of Sarah Rainsford, the BBC's correspondent in Moscow, at her weekly briefing.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...