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Putin's Remarks On COVID-19 At SCO 2020 Summit

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks on countering the coronavirus pandemic in the SCO member states on Tuesday in Sochi SCO 2020 Video Summit.

Putin Chairs SCO 2020 VideoSummit

Vladimir Putin chair a videoconference meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Heads of State Council on Tuesday in Sochi.

Putin Greets RUCops

Vladimir Putin congratulated the Russian police officers on their professional holiday Interior Ministry Personnel Day on Tuesday.

Putin Declares End Of Nagorno Karabakh War

Finally Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on complete cessation of military actions in Nagorno-Karabakh from 00:00 MSK on November 10, 2020.

Videoconference Between Putin & Assad Run-Up To International Conference...

Ahead International Conference on Refugees in DamascusVladimir Putin had a meeting, via videoconference, with President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad on Monday.

Lukashenko's Remarks On New Belarus Constitution

Alexandr Lukashenko told reporters about the process of forming the New Belarus Constitution during his visit to the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets on Saturday.

Putin had a telephone conversation with Erdogan

The two presidents had a detailed discussion on the developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. Vladimir Putin informed his Turkish counterpart about a series of telephone conversations he had with the leaders Azerbaijan and Armenia. These contacts were focused on finding options for a quick cessation of hostilities and paving the way to a political and diplomatic settlement. Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed their mutual commitment to working together to achieve a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Putin had a telephone conversation with the Macron

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in France, the two leaders underscored their determination to fight terrorism in all of its forms.

When discussing the situation with Nagorno-Karabakh, they expressed serious concern regarding the ongoing large-scale hostilities in the conflict area and a more active involvement of extremists from Syria and Libya. Vladimir Putin informed Emmanuel Macron of the steps taken by Russia to ensure a ceasefire and a resumption of talks to reach a political and diplomatic solution. The presidents confirmed their mutual commitment to continued coordinated mediation efforts by Russia and France, including as part of the OSCE Minsk Group.

When exchanging opinions on the internal Ukrainian settlement, the leaders highlighted the need to fully comply with the Minsk Package of Measures and all agreements reached in the Normandy Format, including at the Paris Summit of 2019.

It was noted that Russia’s and France’s positions and assessments on the situation in Libya were close. Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron spoke for activating efforts to normalise the situation in the country as soon as possible.

The two presidents examined pressing issues of bilateral cooperation in various fields. Interest was expressed in deepening cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus, including building ties between the relevant Russian organisations and the Pasteur Institute in developing and producing vaccines.

Lukashenko Called US Elections A Mockery Of Democracy

Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the U.S. presidential election, the results of which have not been announced yet: "The bastion of democracy... Look at what's going on with this election. It is a shame, a mockery of the democracy," Mr Lukashenko told the media after visiting the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets on Saturday.

Zakharova Comments On Long Awaited German Reply Regarding Navalny

Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on a letter from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection of Germany to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia regarding the “Navalny case.”

Lavrov's Interview For Movie About Shoigu

Sergey Lavrov’s interview for the documentary “Sergey Shoigu. In a Hurry to Live.”

Amazing Sequence Of Events In Navalny Case

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova presents a sequence of events in the story of the alleged poisoning of Russia's blogger Alexey Navalny, which is replete with interesting facts.

Putin Will Do Everything To End Karabakh Conflict

Responding to the Archbishop Ezras appeal, Vladimir Putin confirmed his position on the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at a meeting with religious representatives of Russia on the occasion of the National Unity Day on Wednesday.

Putin's Address To Russia's Spiritual Leaders On National Unity Day

By tradition, Vladimir Putin, via videoconference, meets with representatives of religious confessions: Orthodox Christianity, other Christian confessions, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism on National Unity Day.

The meeting was attended by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, Chairman of the North Caucasus Muslim Coordinating Centre Ismail Berdiyev, Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia Dietrich Brauer, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Chairman of Religious Board of Muslims of Russia Ravil Gaynutdin, First Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asian Division of the General Conference of the Church of Christians of Seventh Day Adventists Oleg Goncharov, Head of the Russian and Novo-Nakhichevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Ezras, Metropolitan Kornily of Moscow and All Russia of the Old-Rite Russian Orthodox Church, Chief Rabbi of Russia, Chairman of the Centralised Religious Organisation of the Orthodox Judaism Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Berel Lazar, Chief Bishop of Russia's Union of Evangelical Faith Christians (Pentecostals) Sergei Ryakhovsky, and Chairman of the Central Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Russia Talgat Tadzhuddin.

Putin Lays Flowers At Monument to Minin & Pozharsky

Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky on Red Square in a traditional ceremony to celebrate National Unity Day marked on November 4.

During the ceremony, the President had a brief conversation with young members of the Vympel military and patriotic centre and Russia’s Search Movement, who also attended the event.

Following the ceremony, Vladimir Putin was shown the new bell-tier of the Spasskaya Tower. Works on equipping it with a number of new bells have been taking place since 2017. The Spasskaya Tower clock and chimes were stopped in October 2020 to install and finetune the new bells. The Kremlin Chimes have now resumed work on National Unity Day. The bells will continue to ring out the Anthem of Russia and Glory, but using a new full-octave.

Putin Attends Flag-Raising Ceremony On Viktor Chernomyrdin Icebreaker

Vladimir Putin partipates in the flag raising ceremony on the open sea diesel-electric icebreaker Viktor Chernomyrdin in St. Petersburg on Tuesday.
The Viktor Chernomyrdin, of the Icebreaker8 ice class, is the world’s largest diesel-electric icebreaker and is capable of operating in open seas through ice up to two metres thick. It has two helipads and is equipped not only to lead vessels through ice but can also be used for research expeditions and can transport containers and hazardous cargo.

Putin Greets Bolshaya Peremena Contest Finalists

Vladimir Putin greeted via videoconference on Monday the finalists of the Bolshaya Peremena nationwide contest for school students that is taking place at Artek.

Another Show Of Senator Zhirinovsky: 'Take Biden & Trump Down!'

The leader of the Russian Liberal Democrats, Senator Vladimir Zhirinovsky, once again surprised everyone with a statement on candidates for the US presidency, which was announced by a young representative of the Liberal Democratic Party in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Wednesday.

The Russian senator doubts the sanity of both candidates. He proposes to hold a protest in front of the US Embassy in Moscow under the slogan "Take Biden and Trump down!"

This news was presented by Reuters, but the video was presented only by our channel - an exclusive, so to speak.

On Saturday, fortunately or not, the rally was canceled due to restrictions on the coronavirus threat.
Friends, in Russia everyone is already accustomed to the data of Mr. Zhirinovsky's show and considers his performances only as a spectacle. However, as practice shows, in many cases he turns out to be right.

Putin Holds Security Council Meeting

Vladimir Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, with permanent members of the Security Council on Thursday.

The main topic of discussion was building the state material reserve.

The Security Council members discussed the situation in the Transcaucasia, with a focus on the developments in Karabakh

They also exchanged views on the tragic events in Europe that occurred the day before. The meeting participants once again strongly condemned terrorism in any manifestation.

Putin Lists Pros & Cons Of Winning Biden Or Trump

Vladimir Putin spoke on Thursday about the positive and negative aspects for Russian-American relations with the victory of Joe Biden or Donald Trump in the US presidential elections.

Conclusion: Putin seems to like Biden and at the same time he is not opposed to Trump. Something like this.

Zakharova Comments On Current Situation In Nagorno Karabakh Settlement

Russian FM's Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh settlement at a weekly briefing on Thursday.

Putin's Address To Russia Calling! Investment Forum

Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the 12th VTB Capital Russia Calling! Investment Forum on Thursday.

Zhirinovsky: Ukraine, Belarus, Nagorno Karabakh Must Return To Russia

Russian Senator Vladimir Zhirinovsky once again discouraged everyone with his statement from the rostrum of the State Duma on Thursday.

The head of the Liberal Democratic Party said that Ukraine, Belarus and Nagorno-Karabakh should return to Russia.

In fact, Mr. Zhirinovsky spoke for the restoration of the Russian Empire, and if he had not been stopped, I think he would have told a lot more.

Putin's Remarks On Climate Change

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks on global climate change at the Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

Statement by Vladimir Putin on additional steps to de-escalate the situation in Europe in the wake of the termination of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty)

 The Russian Federation continues to believe that the INF Treaty was an important part of the architecture to ensure international security and strategic stability. The Treaty was essential to maintaining predictability and restraint in the missile sphere in Europe.

We consider the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty, as a result of which it was terminated, a serious mistake, which increases the risks of unleashing a missile arms race, stepping up confrontational potential and sliding into uncontrollable escalation. Given the unrelenting tension between Russia and NATO, new threats to European security are becoming evident.

Under these circumstances, active efforts are required to reduce the deficit of trust and to strengthen regional and global stability, as well as to reduce the risks arising from misunderstandings and disagreements in the sphere of missile weapons.

In this context, we reiterate our adherence to the moratorium on the deployment of ground-based INF missiles earlier declared by the Russian Federation until US-made missiles of similar classes are deployed in the corresponding regions.

We also believe that our call to NATO countries to consider the possibility of declaring a counter-moratorium remains relevant.

In order to facilitate the search for compromise political and diplomatic solutions, we are ready to take further steps to minimise the negative consequences of the collapse of the INF Treaty based on the principles of equal and indivisible security and balanced consideration of the parties’ interests.

Based on our earlier proposal to develop monitoring tools to support Russia’s initiative on counter-moratoriums, we invite all interested parties to consider specific options for adopting mutual verification measures in order to address existing concerns.

In particular, we could focus on the verification measures with regard to the Aegis Ashore complexes with Mk-41 launchers that are deployed at US and NATO bases in Europe, as well as 9M729 missiles at the facilities operated by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kaliningrad Region. The verification measures would confirm the absence of ground-based INF missiles on the facilities covered by the agreements, as well as the weapons, on the specifications and classification of which the parties were unable to reach an agreement (Russian 9M729 missile).

Remaining committed to the consistent position on the full compliance of the 9M729 missile with the provisions of the previously existing INF Treaty, the Russian Federation, nevertheless, is ready, in the spirit of good will, to continue not to deploy 9M729 missiles in European Russia, but do so only provided NATO countries take reciprocal steps that preclude the deployment of the weapons earlier prohibited under the INF Treaty in Europe.

We also call on all the stakeholders to search for ways to maintain stability and prevent missile crises “in a world without the INF Treaty” as it applies to the Asia-Pacific region. We are open to pursue joint work in this area.


Putin Signs Indefinite Treaty on Friendship with Mongolia

The Russian and Mongolian Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Khaltmaagiin Battulga, have signed a new Treaty on Friendship and Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Russia and Mongolia.

The ceremony was held after talks between the two leaders at the Government Palace in Ulan Bator, where the Russian president arrived for an official visit.

Putin said earlier in an interview with Mongolia’s Udriin Sonin newspaper ahead of his visit to the capital Ulan Bator that this document, drafted on the basis of the 1993 Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation, would be indefinite. According to the president, the new deal would bring bilateral ties to an absolutely new level.

After talks, Russia and Mongolia signed 10 agreements on developing cooperation in different areas. The governments of the two countries inked deals on cooperation in the war on terror and assistance in trans-regional and border cooperation. Besides, protocols were signed between the two cabinets of ministers on restoring a 2004 deal on cooperation between the Russian and Mongolian governments on providing free-of-charge military and technical assistance to Mongolia.

Putin Will Meet at MAKS-2019 with Erdogan on August 27

On August 27, Vladimir Putin will meet in Zhukovsky with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who will be in Russia on a short working visit and will attend the 14th International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2019.

During the talks, the leaders are expected to discuss issues related to the further development of Russian-Turkish cooperation in the political, trade, economic, military, technical and cultural spheres, as well as topical aspects of the international and regional agenda.

Putin Demands a Response from the Cabinet

Vladimir Putin is not happy with the economic growth rate in Russia. In connection with this, the Russian President demanded clarifications from the Cabinet at a meeting in the Kremlin.

The last time ordinary Russians saw their real incomes grow was in 2013. Russia is in year six of a slow impoverishment, a stretch we have not seen since the 1990s. President Putin’s approval rating, a measure that the Kremlin itself pays close attention to, today is not at its lowest, but, at 68 percent, it is far from its post-Crimea highs.

I apologize to the respected old-timers of this channel (from friends of my country), but I repeat once again: Mr. Putin pursues an effective foreign policy, which, of course, is approved by all of us (Russians) and our foreign friends - Russia should look strong, but strong it looks only from the outside, most of the country is trying to survive ECONOMICALLY.

Putin Opens the Sirius Ice Hockey World Cup 2019

President Putin gave a speech at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Sirius Junior Club World Cup.

Eight teams from Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Canada and the US are playing in these competitions here in the Shaiba Ice Arena in Sochi.

The opening ceremony was attended by President of the International Ice Hockey Federation and member of the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee René Fasel, President of the Kontinental Hockey League Dmitry Chernyshenko and Managing Director of the Junior Hockey League Alexei Morozov.

The President performed a ceremonial face-off in the first match between Yaroslavl’s Loko team and Alberta from Canada.

President Putin Will Visit France on August 19

On August 19, Vladimir Putin will pay a working visit to France at the invitation of President of France Emmanuel Macron.

During the upcoming meeting that will be held at Fort de Bregancon, the official presidential residence in southern France, the two leaders are expected to discuss the current situation and prospects of Russian-French relations in the political, trade, economic and cultural spheres, as well as topical international and regional matters.

Putin Chairs Security Council in Anapa

Vladimir Putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the Security Council in Anapa. The President announced the Decree on the rewarding of the crew of the aircraft, which landed with a hard landing at Zhukovsky Airport.

The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to co-pilot Georgy Murzin and aircraft Captain Damir Yusupov for courage and heroism displayed while performing their duty in extreme conditions.

The Order of Courage was awarded to senior flight attendant Dmitry Ivlitsky and flight attendants Nadezhda Vershinina, Dmitry Goncharenko, Aliya Slyakayeva and Yana Yagodina for courage and selflessness displayed while performing their duty in extreme conditions.

Also, the Russian leader spoke about his visit to the Volley Grad sports and fitness complex, which he visited with Prime Minister Medvedev and Security Council Secretary Patrushev.
The President once again emphasized the importance of developing sports infrastructure for the Russian people.

Future Stars of Russian Ballet are Presented to Putin

During his visit to Sevastopol, President Putin talked to young ballet dancers selected for enrollment to the Sevastopol Academy of Choreography and the Academy’s rector, ballet dancer Sergei Polunin.

Classes will begin in September and will take place temporarily at a sports complex until the construction of a new building is completed near the theatre. The new students will stage a ballet performance at the end of upcoming school year.

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and Acting Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev were also present at the meeting. She briefed the President on progress in creating a cultural, educational and museum centre in Sevastopol. The cultural cluster is scheduled to be launched in 2021.

Night Wolf Putin at the Shadow of Babylon

President Putin visited Shadow of Babylon international bike show, organised by Night Wolves Motorclub. The President was accompanied by Head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov and Acting Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev.

This was the 11th Shadow of Babylon bike show, organised by Night Wolves Motorclub in Crimea. The first biker convention took place near Mount Gasfort in 2009.

Shows staged by the Night Wolves are always devoted to patriotic topics. When preparing their events, the bikers find inspiration in episodes from Soviet and Russian history, mostly related to important military victories.

This year’s Shadow of Babylon show offers a large-scale performance featuring special effects and stunts, fireworks and music with popular Russian artists as headliners.

Putin Greets 2019 International Army Games

President Putin greeted participants and guests of Fifth International Army Games.

International Army Games are annual competitions that define the strongest military specialists from Russia and foreign countries in 32 military contests.

International Army Games will be held in ten countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Uzbekistan. More 6,000 participants are expected.
The final stages of the International Army Games 2019 will be held from 3 to 17 August.

The International Army Games is a Russian military sports event organized by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The annual International Army Games, which have taken place since August 2015, involve close to 30 countries battling it out in dozens of competitions over two weeks to prove which nation has the most military might. The games have been referred to as the War Olympics. In addition to the competition, the International Army Games includes a military theme park, a recruitment station, and souvenir shops.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...