, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Says Risk Of New Pandemic Waves Exists

Putin Says Risk Of New Pandemic Waves Exists

The coronavirus pandemic is far from being defeated and there is a risk of new waves, Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

It’s impossible for any country to shield itself from these waves, he said at a meeting of the senior staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
"The coronavirus pandemic, it has to be mentioned, there’s no way around it these days, has seriously disrupted the familiar way of life around the world,’’ Putin said. "What I would like to stress is that despite the measures that have been taken, the pandemic is far from being defeated.’’
‘’There are possible risks that new waves of the disease will spread, and not a single country will be able to shield itself from them,’’ he said.
Moscow is calling for other countries to seek closer cooperation in fighting the coronavirus on an equitable basis, he said. Putin mentioned that he proposed at the Group of 20 summit in October that countries move fast to mutually recognize their national vaccination certificates, as that would help the return to normal life and boost business and tourism.
The World Health Organization needs support as it could do more for mass immunization, he said. The WHO could accelerate prequalification - or the endorsement of the quality, safety and efficacy - of new vaccines and medicines, Putin said.

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