, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Shaping A Roadmap For Russia's MFA

Putin Shaping A Roadmap For Russia's MFA

Russia's agenda is focused on the implementation of RF’s foreign policy and priority tasks for the future, taking into account the adopted amendments to the Constitution, which also concern foreign policy, Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, at a Foreign Ministry enlarged board meeting.

"Importantly, our Fundamental Law has now sealed such basic ideas and values as loyalty to the homeland, respect for our native tongue, history, culture and traditions of our predecessors. This is everything that unites our people around common ideals and determines the vector for the development of the sovereign, independent and peace-loving Russian state, an active member of the international community," he said.
"We will also fix the specific areas of foreign policy, of our diplomatic work in today’s difficult international conditions in the new version of the Foreign Policy Concept that is now being drafted. This document, along with the National Security Strategy endorsed this summer, will, actually, become a roadmap for the Foreign Ministry and other ministries and departments,"Putin added.
Russia is committed to developing partnership and mutually beneficial constructive relations with all countries and regional associations. "We will proactively participate in international efforts to counter common challenges and threats which, unfortunately, still include terrorism and cross-border crime, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, poverty, inequality, climate change and environmental degradation,"President noted.
As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia is set to continue to firmly uphold the fundamental principles enshrined in the UN Charter such as sovereignty and equality of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, fair settlement of disputes and of course, the key role of the UN in addressing international problems.

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