, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova Responds To British Truss's Anti-Russia 'Awkward' Statements

Zakharova Responds To British Truss's Anti-Russia 'Awkward' Statements

Moscow noted the anti-Russia statements by British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss, which were published by The Sunday Telegraph. she tried to pin the migration crisis on the Belarus-Poland border on Russia and urged European countries to oppose the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project in a united front, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing on Wednesday.

"It would have been better if she had explained in this article how people are suffering from cold in her kingdom, what the statistics say about it and what warming-up measures are recommended to Her Majesty’s subjects, instead of verbally attacking Russia," she said.
London is deliberately ignoring the humanitarian backstory of the crisis that is taking shape at the Belarus-Poland border. nothing at all is said about the direct connection between the current events and the UK’s massive involvement in the armed interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and events in Syria. these interventions not only killed people and destroyed the statehood of these countries, but also ruined their economies, forcing a substantial part of their population to go to other parts of the world, less in search of a better life than a chance of survival.
"London’s bellicose rhetoric on Nord Stream 2 is perplexing as well. How do the appeals of Elizabeth Truss tally with the persistent crises in the British fuel market and the plans to de-carbonise the economy? This is an interesting question. Maybe it is worth discussing this in the British press as well? It is nothing but double standards and unfair competition,"Zakharova noted.
It would be better if the British Foreign Office and its head tried to normalise relations with Russia rather than repeat the sad experience of their predecessors who stubbornly sought to dismantle them.

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