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Putin's G20 Speech On Climate Change & Environment

Russia is among global de-carbonization leaders in expert estimates and the low-carbon energy sector is developing in the country at a good pace, Vladimir Putin said at a G20 summit via a videoconference on Sunday.

"In the estimate of international experts, Russia is among global de-carbonization leaders. Over the past 20 years, our economy’s carbon intensity has been falling by an average of 2.7% annually, which is higher than in the world as a whole and even higher than in the G7 countries," the Russian leader pointed out.
As Putin said, today in Russia "the share of energy from practically carbon-free sources and, as we know, these are nuclear power plants, hydropower plants, wind and solar electric power plants, exceeds 40% and this figure rises to 86%, taking into account natural gas, the lowest carbon-content fuel among hydrocarbons." This is one of the best indicators in the world, the Russian leader stressed. Recently, the Russian authorities have made a decision to implement a new program of raising the economy’s energy efficiency for a period through 2035, which will be a key element for the country to become carbon-neutral no later than 2060, Putin said.
"And we have publicly stated that we are undertaking this commitment. Moreover, we do not simply want to become carbon neutral but want to ensure that in the next three decades the accumulated amount of net greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is less than, for example, in our neighbors and colleagues in the European Union. And this is a task that we can quote cope with," the Russian leader said.
Russia also expects "to build long-term plans with all partners, implement them as priorities in the energy sector on the principles of technological neutrality, objectively taking into account the carbon footprint of various types of power generation," he pointed out. "Let me mention, in particular, that the solar energy carbon footprint is four times higher than in nuclear power engineering, according to scientific data," the Russian president said.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions is not enough and it is necessary to build up the practices of absorbing them and Russia has big potential for that, Vladimir Putin said.
"Let me also stress that it is not sufficient, in our view, simply to reduce emissions to cope with the problem of global warming. It is necessary to build up the practices of absorbing greenhouse gases and in this regard Russia, like some other countries, has huge potential," the Russian leader stressed. As Putin specified, he meant the absorbing potential of forests, tundra, agricultural lands, seas and swamps. "In order to tap the available potential in full, we are planning to considerably raise the quality of forest management, increase forest recovery areas, expand the territories of pristine nature and introduce new agricultural agro-technologies," the Russian president specified.
Russia recently made a decision to implement a new program of raising the economy’s energy efficiency through 2035 to become a key element for the country to turn carbon neutral no later than 2060, he pointed out.
At the same time, Russia has publicly announced that it is undertaking this commitment. Moreover, it seeks not simply to achieve its carbon neutrality but to ensure that in the next three decades the accumulated amount of net greenhouse gas emissions in the country is less than, for example, in some EU states, Putin said.
"This is a task that we can quite cope with," the Russian leader said.
‘We also expect to build long-term plans with all partners and implement them as priorities in the energy sector on the principles of technological neutrality, objectively taking into account the carbon footprint of various types of power generation," Putin said, adding that the solar energy carbon footprint was four times greater than in nuclear power engineering, according to scientific data.
"It is important to focus the international community’s efforts primarily on the most efficient environmental projects. In our view, experts could draw up a rating of such projects in terms of the efficiency of greenhouse gas cuts per each invested dollar," the Russian leader suggested.
The Russian president did not rule out that the initiatives included in this rating that stipulated, in particular, measures to preserve forests in Russia and in Latin America would turn out to be more efficient than investments in renewable energy in some countries.
Global warming is unfolding in Russia faster than in the world and the average air temperature in the country has grown by a half-degree in the past decade, Vladimir Putin said.
"Let me note that the average annual air temperature in Russia is growing faster than in the world by more than 2.5 times. Over ten years, it has grown by more than a half-degree," the Russian leader said.

Lavrov's Bilateral Meetings With World Food Program's Chif, Turkish And French Counterparts

On the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Rome, on Saturday, Sergey Lavrov continued a series of bilateral meetings.

Russian Foreign Minister met with World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley. Further, he negotiates with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. And, Lavrov ends his working day with a bilateral meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.
He also previously met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi and World Health Organization Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Lavrov Arrives In Rome: Meeting With Chinese Counterpart, WHO Chief On The Sidelines Of G20

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrives in Rome to attend the G20 Summit on Saturday.

Sergey Lavrov participates in a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Wang Yi on the sidelines of the G20 summit.
Later, the Russian Minister also met with WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Putin's G20 Remarks On The Global Economy & Global Health

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks on The Global Economy and Global Health, at the first working session of the heads of delegations of the G20 member countries, invited states and international organisations, via videoconference on Saturday.

Last year the economic authorities of the G20 member countries and many other countries decided to significantly increase their budget deficits against the backdrop of the deep crisis caused by the pandemic, which allowed for launching global economic recovery. "However, such extraordinary measure accompanied by securities buyouts by central banks should be limited in time," Putin said.
In Russia, the budget deficit rose to four percent of the GDP in 2020 against the background of large-scale support measures for the population, small and medium-sized businesses, and the healthcare system.
"This allowed us to achieve a recovery of the labour market. In the current year we have normalised our macroeconomic policy to the point that the budget will be in the surplus. We have not only achieved that, but we have also tightened out monetary policy," he added.
"I would like to point out that it is the United States that accounted for 40% of the G20's overall budget deficit in 2020-2021," the Russian leader stressed, adding that the entire global economy depended on the United States' economic situation.
Putin noted that Russia supports the G20's efforts to support the poorest countries. Some countries are still unable to get access to vaccines and other resources because of unfair competition, Vladimir Putin said.
I would like to point out that despite the decisions made by the G20, not all countries in need have been able to get access to vaccines and other vital resources. I believe that it is happening because of unfair competition, protectionism and the fact that a number of nations, including G20 members, are unwilling to mutually recognize vaccines and vaccination certificates," Putin noted.
"Given the current situation, the role of the World Health Organization is becoming more and more important and its activities deserve global support," the head of state pointed out. According to Putin, "steps that would infringe on the prerogatives of the WHO, which works under the auspices of the United Nations, are unacceptable."
Both suppliers and consumers need to act in a responsible manner to ensure stability on the energy market, Putin said.
"Stability on global energy markets depends directly on the responsible actions of all participants, including suppliers and consumers, based on respect for the long-term interests of each party," he noted.
Russia supports having an in-depth pragmatic discussion of this matter, based on purely economic considerations.

Zakharova, IERES, FSWC Exposes Western Instructors Training Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

Western instructors have been actively training Ukrainian neo-Nazis for many years, Maria Zakharova said, citing investigations of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at the George Washington University (USA), and Canada's Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (FSWC) that could not be suspected of sympathizing with Russia.

"We tried to attract our partners’ attention to this subject for several years, in 2013, 2014, 2015 and subsequent years. They did not hear us. This subject is now gaining momentum, including at various human rights NGOs. Maybe these activities will make the international community see that this subject deserves direct attention here and now," she said.
The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at the George Washington University (USA) has published a report about Western countries helping train far-right extremists in Ukraine.
"We can hardly suspect the George Washington University of sympathising with or having special affection for Russia. It is an American institution and whatever leanings it may have definitely do not include Russia," Zakharova added.
What attracts special attention in this case is the role of Western instructors. The authors of the report are aware of cooperation between NATO experts and the NAA and have also concluded that NAA cadets, including those with far-right views, had access to military instructors from France, the United States and Canada.
Moreover, Kiev sent neo-Nazis to be trained at European military schools. At least two such cases are known for a fact: NAA cadet Kyrylo Dubrovskyi attended an 11-month Officer Training Course at the United Kingdom’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and another apparent member of Centuria, Vladyslav Vintergoller, attended events held by the German Army Officers’ Academy (Die Offizierschule des Heeres, OSH).
In other words, the Europeans and Americans, contrary to their governments’ statements, are using the taxpayers’ money to finance the training of neo-Nazis in Ukraine. In fact, these young people never made secret of their political affiliations, posted many pictures taken at their military training courses, and boasted about their promotion and new ranks.
Some public figures in the West expressed their outrage at these facts, which should have happened long before. The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (FSWC) has called for an investigation by Canada’s Department of National Defence in response to the report, saying that the training of Ukrainian neo-Nazis by Canadian instructors insulted the memory of the veterans, who had fought to defeat Nazism during WWII.
The matter would not have attracted any attention if not for the IERES study. hundreds of photographs of the training of neo-Nazis, nationalists and extremists in Ukraine, including with NATO funding and instructors, have been posted on these people’s personal pages and accounts. far from keeping their views secret, they are proudly showing them off and are trying to force the public and even the whole of civil society in Ukraine to accept this new normal.

Putin, Niinistö Discuss Bilateral Relations In The Kremlin

On Friday, Vladimir Putin received in the Kremlin President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö, who is in Russia on a working visit.

Moscow and Helsinki see eye to eye on combating climate change, Putin said at the beginning of a meeting with his Finnish counterpart.

"As I was informed by Russian specialists, our approaches are similar to [our] Finnish colleagues," Putin said. He noted the significant importance of the fact that Russia and Finland are neighbors, since the joint actions of the two countries to a large extent depend on "the fulfillment of those requirements articulated by the international community to combat climate change."

Putin also recalled that Moscow is presiding over the Arctic Council until 2023. "I’m aware that Finland always pays a lot of attention to Arctic cooperation. I hope that we will be able to discuss this matter today," the Russian leader said.

Damage inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic to economic relations between Russia and Finland can be overcome this year, Putin said.

"Certainly, we will talk today across the whole complex of relations but I would like to note in the beginning that despite all the difficulties related to the pandemic, we will be able to overcome to a significant extent the damage inflicted by [the coronavirus] to our relations in the economic sphere in this year," Putin said.

"Trade turnover surged by 21% against the like period of last year," the Russian leader said. Exports and imports are balanced "and major projects continue also," he added.

"I am delighted to note that Russia continues to be in one of the first places among the most significant trade and economic partners of Finland, Putin said.

Zakharova: Kiev Deliberately Aggravates The Situation In Donbass

Moscow is concerned about tragic developments in southeastern Ukraine and does not rule out that the situation will deteriorate further, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday, commenting on reports about the Ukrainian military's offensive operations and attempt to seize the Staromaryevka settlement located on the line of contact with the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

"In recent days, we have seen alarming - although it's not the right word - developments in southeastern Ukraine, which border on tragedy. All this points to a rise in tensions in the conflict zone," Zakharova emphasized. "Given the circumstances, we don't rule out that the situation will deteriorate further," she added.
Zakharova stressed that the Ukrainian military was deliberately violating the additional measures to ensure the current ceasefire in the region that had been adopted in July 2020. "It should be clearly understood that they deliberately opt for raising tensions though the situation is already difficult enough and ignore requests to ensure the ceasefire that Donbass representatives file through the Joint Center for Control and Coordination," the Russian diplomat noted.

On October 27, DPR head Denis Pushilin said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had seized the Staromaryevka settlement located in the buffer zone along the southern part of the disengagement line between the Kiev-controlled areas and the DPR. The day before, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced that a Bayraktar unmanned aerial vehicle had for the first time been employed in Donbass. Notably, according to the additional measures to control the ceasefire, the use of drones is expressly prohibited along the line of contact.

Putin And Russian Security Council Address Protection Of Environment

Vladimir Putin and the Security Council members have discussed on Thursday the protection of the environment ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which will take place in November in Glasgow.

"As you know, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is going to take place in the UK in November. There are a plethora of questions on the agenda. Today, we will also address the issues [related to the protection of the environment]," the Russian president noted.
The report was presented by Sergei Ivanov, Special Representative of the Russian President on the Issues of Environmental Activities, Environment and Transport.
The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Speaker of the Federation Council (upper house) Valentina Matviyenko, Chairman of the State Duma (lower house) Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, Kremlin Chief of Staff Anton Vaino, Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov and Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin.

Lukashenko Vows Tough Response Poland

Alexander Lukashenko has stated that Minsk and Moscow would take a far harder line in light of the military build-up along Belarus' western borders.

"The Poles will use Leopard tanks to combat illegal migration on the border with Belarus. Perhaps you are surprised to hear this. I can't imagine how tanks will combat civilians. they are just looking for excuses to move their armed forces closer to our borders, that is, to the borders of the Union State [of Belarus and Russia]," Lukashenko said at a meeting with Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov. According to the Belarusian president, the authorities see it all clearly. "naturally, we will provide a very tough response to all that. we will wait for a little longer and issue a warning to them. and then, we also have things to move closer to the border. we have them, to say nothing of Russia. we will act tough here, and shrug off their criticism," Lukashenko stressed.
The Belarusian leader raised concerns over the deployment of Leopard tanks near the country's western border during a working trip to the Grodno Region on October 26. According to earlier reports, the Polish authorities plan to send 2,500 troops to help border guards protect the country's boundary areas from illegal migrants. Poland will also deploy units of the 10th Light Armored Brigade, equipped with Leopard tanks, to the city of Biala Podlaska on the border with Belarus. Meanwhile, a military exercise in Lithuania involving US Abrams tanks and German Leopard tanks was conducted.

Putin's Remarks At The ASEAN Russia Summit

Vladimir Putin participates in the ASEAN-Russia summit via videoconferenc, on Thursday.

Russia and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to actively support regional economic recovery, according to a joint statement adopted at the fourth Russia-ASEAN summit.

"We, the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Russian Federation, met via video conference on 28 October 2021 for the 4th ASEAN-Russia Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-Russia Relations," the statement reads.

According to the document, the parties will "actively support sustainable economic recovery in the region and explore practical cooperation to facilitate the promotion of people-to-people connectivity between ASEAN and Eurasia." In this regard, they pointed to the ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement Framework (ATCAF) and the EAEU Ecosystem of Digital Transport Corridors.

Lavrov: Russia Concerned By US Aspiration To Deploy Missiles In Asia Pacific

Russia is concerned over US’ aspiration to deploy short-and intermediate-range missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific, Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference following talks with his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui-yong on Wednesday.

According to him, the subject of the potential deployment of the US’ land-based short-and intermediate-range missiles in the Republic of Korea was not discussed during the talks today. "For a very simple reason that we are very well aware of the principled position of the president and the government of the Republic of Korea against such a deployment," the Russian top diplomat noted.
"If one talks about other countries and regions, we are certainly concerned over the aspiration declared by the Americans to deploy those missile systems banned by the INF Treaty in a land-based variant not only in Europe but also in the Asia-Pacific region," the foreign minister said.
The Russian diplomat noted that Russia confirms the offer made by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Americans and other NATO members a couple of years ago to declare a reciprocal moratorium on the deployment of such missiles in all regions worldwide. "Our Western colleagues reject this moratorium, don’t want to hold talks on this subject, this is sad," he pointed out.

Putin Orders Gazprom's Miller To Start Pumping Gas Into European UGS's

The situation on the global energy resources market is still extremely unstable, Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

"We are regularly holding such discussions and this is very important, especially on the back of the current situation on the global energy resources market. As you know, it remains highly unstable," the head of state said in an opening statement at the meeting on Yamal gas fields’ resource potential development.

The dramatic energy price growth leads to problems in associated sectors, the head of state added. "European metallurgical plants are affected; many fertilizer plants already have to suspend their operations, which will later become highly challenging for agriculture, for the agro-industrial sector at large," Putin noted.

Gazprom is ready to continue natural gas injection to European underground gas storages (UGS) after completion of UGS filling in Russia, CEO Alexei Miller said.

"As soon as we complete gas injection to UGS of the Russian Federation, will start injecting our Gazprom’s gas to European UGS. Certainly, there are no doubt this will improve reliability and stability of supplies during the forthcoming winter season," the top manager said.

According to Alexei Miller, Gazprom plans to reach the target gas volume injected into Russian underground gas storages (UGS) by November 1 and complete gas injection on November 8.

"We plan to complete gas injection to Russian underground storages by November 1; the target figure is 72 billion and 600 million cubic meters of gas, Miller said. Gas injection to Russian UGS will be fully completed on November 8, he added.

Gazprom has UGS in Europe, including Austria and Germany, Miller noted. "The gas volume in these underground storages is insignificant, very small, slightly below 190 mln cubic meters of gas," he added.

Lavrov’s Remarks After Talks With Chung Eui-Yong In Moscow

Moscow appreciates Seoul’s determination to develop a close partnership with Russia, Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday when opening talks with his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui-yong.

"Strengthening our ties with the Republic of Korea is one of our top priorities in the Asia-Pacific region. We greatly appreciate our Korean neighbors’ reciprocal determination to foster a close partnership with the Russian Federation," Lavrov said.

"We have a very ambitious agenda ahead of us, and we’re going to go through all the issues that require our attention today in line with the arrangements made by our presidents," Lavrov added. "We will exchange views on key international problems, most notably the situation on the Korean peninsula."

According to Chung Eui-yong, his current visit to Moscow is of particular importance since the two parties were able to exchange ministerial-level visits despite the pandemic. "We are especially happy since today we’re successfully closing the Year of Mutual Exchanges that you, Sergey Viktorovich, launched back in March of this year, and since we both bore witness to the beginning and the end of the important event that was the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries," he said. The South Korean top diplomat also noted that these relations have been consistently developing in the spirit of mutual understanding "for the sake of peace and prosperity in the Korean peninsula and more broadly in Eurasia."

"Russia is a key partner in South Korea’s effort to pursue its New Northern Policy," Chung Eui-yong noted.

Seoul’s foreign minister emphasized that Russian-South Korean bilateral trade in the third quarter this year rose 47% higher than the same period last year. "Our practical cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, medicine, and healthcare, as well as other sectors that are outlined in our ‘Nine Bridges’ concept, has been advancing steadily," the top diplomat concluded.

Putin's Video Address To East Asia Summit

Vladimir Putin addressed, via videoconference, the 16th East Asia Summit, on Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin has suggested setting up a regional mechanism for cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic under the aegis of the East Asia Summit.

"We suggest establishing a regional mechanism for cooperation in the fight against the pandemic under the aegis of the East Asia Summit," he said, addressing the summit via video link on Wednesday. Putin added that Russia would present "specific proposals on the matter through expert channels in the near future."

According to the Russian president, "the need to provide people with mental healthcare services and psychological support is crucial amid the pandemic and related severe restrictions, including quarantines and self-isolation." "This is why we undoubtedly support an initiative to adopt a separate statement on the matter at today's meeting, presented by Brunei's Chairmanship," Putin added.

Russia is interested in cooperation on digitalization with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Putin said.
"We are interested in the closest cooperation on digitalization with the states represented at the East Asia Summit," he said.

Putin noted that digital technologies offer exceptional help in solving the complicated task of strengthening connectivity in the region, developing infrastructure and trade, as well as transport and logistics corridors.
"We count on a high return from the Innovations for Smart and Sustainable Cities in Russia and ASEAN project, which is being launched through our dialogue partnership with the Association. Our capital Moscow, which is in the world’s top seven smart cities, will take an active part in it," the head of state said.
Russia’s proposal regarding a moratorium on the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles remains on the table and is becoming increasingly relevant, Putin said.

"As you know, Russia declared a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles in the Asia Pacific Region and other regions of the world, and called for a serious conversation on this issue with all interested states," Putin said.

The head of state underscored that "this Russian proposal remains on the table, and it is only becoming more relevant."

The Russian leader stated that it is important to maintain joint efforts on regional stability and security while sorting out pressing socio-economic problems. According to Putin, this is even more relevant, because the number of threats and challenges in the Asia Pacific Region keeps growing instead of decreasing, with old conflicts escalating as new conflicts pop up.

"In particular, we have repeatedly noted that, after the INF Treaty ceased to exist, the region faced the probability of these strike weapons appearing on its vast territory, and, accordingly, the prospect of a new round of the arms race," the Russian leader said.

Putin emphasized that Russia has consistently advocated the establishment of an atmosphere of equal and indivisible security in the Asia Pacific Region, the strengthening of a constructive cooperation atmosphere based on the principles of international law, including respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual consideration of interests.

"In our opinion, this is the only way to curb existing and emerging threats, solve problems that are highly relevant for our region and the entire global community, and to efficiently cooperate in the interest of sustainable development and the improvement of people’s welfare," he concluded, assuring that Russia would continue to contribute to such joint work.

Putin Hosts Sberbank CEO In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank German Gref on Tuesday.

Gref reported to Putin on the revival of the economy and the recovery in demand for credit resources.
"Our initial projections for lending growth were far less optimistic. What we can see now is that lending to legal entities has already increased by about 3 percent. At the same time, SME lending is up 28 percent, which means a very rapid recovery from the pandemic. Lending to individuals is also doing fine," he said.

Lavrov's Visit To Tromsø: Laying Flowers Ceremony, Press Conference With...

Upon arrival in Tromsø on Monday, Sergey Lavrov, along with his Norwegian counterpart, took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial to Soviet soldiers.

After the talks, Sergey Lavrov and Anniken Huitfeldt held a joint press conference.
Russia-NATO relations cannot be called catastrophic because there are no such relations at all. "Relations between Russia and NATO cannot be called catastrophic because only what really exists can be called catastrophic," Lavrov said. "We have no relations with NATO."
Also, Moscow Sergey Lavrov said that suggests Russian and Norwegian defense ministries launch high-level dialogue.
"We have relations with Norway, including in the sphere of security. And we would like to establish high-level relations between the defense ministries, along with regular security consultations," he said when asked whether Moscow and Oslo plan to invigorate bilateral contacts between the defense ministries amid the severance of Russia-NATO relations.
On October 6, NATO announced the reduction of the Russian mission from 20 to 10 people and revoked the accreditation of eight diplomats. Two more open vacancies were eliminated. The Alliance said the Russian diplomats are to leave Brussels before the end of this month.
On October 18, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia was suspending its permanent mission to NATO from November 1. Apart from that, Russia is suspending the NATO Information Office in Moscow and the NATO Military Liaison Mission Moscow starting on November 1.

EU Risks Freezing Its 'Tail' Trying To Limit Russia's Arctic Activity

Vladimir Putin warned the European Union against attempts to restrict legal Russian activities in the Arctic, expressing his attitude to the new EU Arctic Strategy proposed by the well-known "strategist" Joseph Borel at the Valdai Club Forum in Sochi.

Putin's Congratulatory Message To Russia's Customs Officers

On the Customs Officer Day, Vladimir Putin congratulated by video link all the current and former officers of the customs service on their professional holiday and on the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Customs Service.

Russia’s Customs Service is intertwined with the history of the Russian state. Over the centuries some of the leading figures of the country have protected its economic interests. Institutions which have benefited from the revenue generated by customs duties were: the Army, the Economy, the Health Service, Education and other improvements to the State. It is well known that many great architectural monuments were financed from money derived from taxes levied by the Customs.

The Russian Customs Service has always targeted Smuggling. The trafficking of contraband was not the only thing to be prevented by the Customs. Among other things which were targeted by the Moscow Customs Department were the following: heretical books, other items of a religious nature and playing cards, all of which could be harmful to the people of Russia. In the XVth and XVIIth centuries visiting foreigners were often found to be smuggling out of Russia secret maps of its territories and its fortresses. Even Russian Tsars and Emperors were subject to the rules of the Customs Authorities. The very colours of the Russian Customs flag symbolize honour, dignity, and the honesty and fairness of Russian Customs officers.  
A Brief History of the Russian Customs is excellently displayed by the  exhibits to be seen in the Central Customs Museum, founded in 1996.The museum is housed in the former Main Warehouse of Moscow, built by the distinguished Russian architect Konstantin Ton from 1847 to 1853.      
The museum shows a history of the Russian Customs Service over the  centuries. It shows various aspects of the activities of the Customs laying particular emphasis on its part in the State’s economic, political and socio- cultural development.        

There are examples of dutiable goods, prints showing the main trading  centres of  Russia, Charters granted by the Grand Princes, mannequins of tradespeople [the old name for customs officers]. All of these exhibits give a very vivid picture of daily life in the Xth and XIIth centuries when the Customs began as a revenue collected by the so – called Mytnic Brigades, who were responsible for the trading and transit of Myto Duties. At the end of the XIIIth century and at the beginning of the XIVth century the Mytnic Brigades were superseded by Tamgachey collectors of the Mongolian Khan Horde who collected the so-called Tamgha Duty.    
The Tamgha Duty proved to be one of the most profitable fees collected and was calculated according to a commodity’s value. Ever since that time, this fee has come to be known as a customs duty and its place of collection – a customs office.     
Revenue collection was entrusted to the Russian Principalities and by the XIVth century the right to collect the duties and be customs officials could be inherited in some towns, villages and small administrative settlements, the volosty.      
The names of these towns can clearly be seen on the old Charters which are on display. From the XVIth to the XVIIth century customs officers and their aids, the tselovalniky had to swear an oath to the Tsar and kiss an icon on taking up office. An icon “The Crucifixion” dating from that time is on display.

Some of the rarest artifacts to be seen in the museum are: the Customs Charter of Tsar Ivan the Terrible (1571) and the Law Code of Tsar Aleksey Michailovich (1649). The Trading Charter adopted on the 25th October 1653 and the Novotorgovy (New Package) Trading Act, dating  back to 1667 seem to be the basic customs legislative documents ever to have been agreed upon in Russia. The Prikas (the Central State Department) was in charge of the collection of revenue in the XVIIth century. Local authorities known as golovi and voevodi used to be responsible for the collection of customs duties and fees. Part time members of staff were called diyaki and podiyachie. Customs officials who collected a very larger number of fees were given a variety of rewards: bonus cups, ladles or dippers, goblets, bolts of expensive cloth and bundles of valuable furs (forty sables).       

A particular honour was an invitation to the Tsar’s festive dinner. One of the exhibits in the museum is a ladle, granted as a reward (1684), which was given to one of the tradespeople from Kasan (is it not Kazan) a certain Yakov Ivanov for his service in the Astrakhan Customs.

Of special interest are examples of the XVIIth century monetary system.

They are closely linked to monetary reforms introduced by Tsar Aleksey Michailovich who instigated the campaign  against the illegal importation of counterfeit money from Europe. There are examples of different annual and monthly customs seals – an integral part of the Russian customs service since the XVIIth century.       
Peter the Great pioneered the modernization of the Russian Customs Service, especially, in the organization of its personnel. In 1699, the post of Burmistr (The Head of the Customs Service) was adopted.

Since 1720 the major customs houses were called Senior Customs Observers or Inspectors. New appointments were made such as: comptrollers, collectors and a variety of customs dealers. The Russian State took over customs stations in August 1762. The control of the customs offices was entrusted to the Customs Collection Office in 1763. Since 1781, the management of the customs has been under the jurisdiction of the Customs Expeditions (State Bodies) and the General Governors.

The Customs system was increasingly developing its infrastructure. One of the most fascinating exhibits in the museum is the engraving by Machaev “Vue de la Bourse et du Magasin des Marchandises”. It depicts one of Russia’s largest Customs Houses, that of St Petersburg built in 1722 by Domenico Trezzini [or just Trezzini].

The reforms adopted between 1753 and 1757 greatly contributed to the core restructuring of the Russian Customs Service. In November 1796 the Kommerts-Kollegia (the Major Russian Customs Office) was given absolute power to control the collection of revenues. Since 1880, the minister of Kommerts – Kollegia gained complete control of and became the head of all the Customs houses in Russia.

In accordance with the Manifesto the Russian Empress Elizabeth, signed on the 20th December 1753, domestic customs houses were abolished along with 17 internal trade and transit duties. Inward and outward commodity transactions were levied with an additional 13% duty in Russian currency. There are some Russian coins on Display.       

Since 1811, the Customs Division in the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance has been responsible for the management of all customs stations. In 1864 the Customs Division was renamed the Customs Revenue Collection Department of the Ministry of Finance.      
In April 1918 the basic organization of the customs was fixed by the Sovnarkom Decree of the Government Regulation of Foreign Trade. The main focus was on the Governmental control of foreign trade and smuggling. In December 1921 a Customs Department which was responsible for state  control over the customs stations was established as part of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade. From 1946 to 1986 it was under the control  of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of theUSSR. Later the Main Customs  Department became the State Customs Directorate under the auspices of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.    
The New benchmark is dated 1991, when the State Customs committee was founded. 

Putin Explains The Causes And Consequences Of Europe's Energy Crisis

At a meeting in the Valdai Club on Thursday, Vladimir Putin again explains the causes and consequences of the energy crisis in Europe.

This is, first of all, the flawed, absolutely mediocre energy policy of the European Commission in recent years (pegging to the spot market and abandoning long-term contracts; ill-considered transition to green energy and reduced hydrocarbon production).
Also, short supply of American liquefied gas, which "sailed" to Asia towards a more attractive price. True, since his last speech at Russian Energy Week, a macroeconomic factor has also been added, namely the decision to increase the US national debt, which will invariably negatively affect energy prices.
According to Putin, the gas deficit in Europe is 70 billion cubic meters. And even the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, with a throughput capacity of 55 billion cubic meters, will not completely solve this problem.

RT's Simonyan Thanks Putin For Protecting Her Children From 'Liberal Fascism'

Mr President [Vladimir Putin], as a mother of three young children, I would like to thank you very much for your healthy conservatism. I am terrified by the thought of my 7-year-old son being asked to choose a gender, or my 2-year-old daughter being told from all mobile devices, and even at school, as is now happening in many Western countries, that her future is that of a “person with human milk who gave birth to a baby,” Margarita Simonyan said on Thursday, at the meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

"And the thought that these tentacles of liberal fascism, so-called liberal, will reach us and our children. I really hope that this will never be allowed in our country, despite its great openness," Editor-in-Chief Russia Today (RT) added.

Putin, Nobel's Muratov, RT's Simonyan, Valdai's Lukyanov Disscuss Russian Foreign Agent Law

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dmitry Muratov, Editor-in-Chief Russia Today Margarita Simonyan and Valdai Club moderator Fyodor Lukyanov discuss the Russian Foreign Agent Law, on Thursday, during the 18th annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

Putin Congratulates Muratov With Awarding Of Nobel Peace Prize

Vladimir Putin congratulated Novaya Gazeta editor-in-chief Dmitry Muratov with awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you with the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize," the Russian leader said, answering the journalist’s question at the Valdai discussion forum.
The president noted the journalist’s remark that he donated his prize to charity, including a hospice for children.
"You said about the hospice; I would give you [an award] for doing such noble work, it is true," Putin said.

Putin Believes Only Universal Human Values Can Save World

After all, we are all people, and we all want to live. Life is of absolute value. In my opinion, the same applies to family as a value, because what can be more important than procreation? Do we want to be or not to be? Vladimir Putin said, speaking on Thursday at a meeting of the Valdai International Club.

Putin, Bennett Discuss Bilateral Relations In Sochi

Vladimir Putin, opening his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Friday, highlighted that a unique bond has developed between the two countries.

"It is possible to say that your visit marks the 30th anniversary of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations. During this time, relations between Russia and Israel, almost unique to a certain degree, have formed," the head of state stressed.

According to Putin, there are all grounds to view the relations of the two countries precisely this way. "First of all, the Soviet Union and our country as the successor state of the USSR essentially stood at the origins of the creation of the State of Israel. Second, perhaps, is that the largest Russian-speaking community abroad resides in Israel," the president pointed out, adding that Russia has particular warm feelings towards the veterans of the Great Patriotic War residing in Israel.

Putin devoted special attention to the development of trade and economic links between the two countries. "Volume-wise, they are still modest but nevertheless they are successfully developing," he noted. The Russian president cited statistical data that over a period of seven months this year, the trade turnover between Russia and Israel has increased by 50% despite all the pandemic restrictions. According to him, the development of economic relations is taking place, among other things, due to special attention to projects in the hi-tech spheres of the economy.

The first talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett were long and constructive, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov told  Friday.

"The talks are over. They had a long, constructive and trust-based conversation," he said.

The talks were held in Russia’s Black Sea city of Sochi, where the Israeli prime minister had arrived on an official visit at the invitation of the Russian president.

The talks were held in "an atmosphere of warm relations," Peskov said earlier in the day. The agenda included issues of bilateral cooperation, regional security, the situation around Syria, Afghanistan, and Iran.

"Not long ago a meeting between Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which lasted five hours, ended in Sochi. The meeting was warm and positive. It addressed a range of significant issues in bilateral relations," the Israeli prime minister’s office reported. 

The Israeli prime minister’s office added that "after the meeting, the leaders came onto the terrace of the residence and took a stroll along the residence’s alleys toward the beach."

"As the meeting was lengthy, the prime minister and the Israeli delegation will stay longer in Russia and leave for Israel after the Shabbat," the office said.

In accordance with the Jewish tradition, it is forbidden to work on Shabbat from Friday sundown till Saturday evening, so Jews cannot use transport, including planes.

Bennett took the office of Israeli Prime Minister on June 13, succeeding Benjamin Netanyahu who had been in office since 2009. Putin and Netanyahu maintained regular dialogue, both in person and over the phone. The Russian president’s latest visit to Israel took place in January 2020.

Putin Contrasts Russia's Conservatism With West's Neoliberal 'Social Progress'

Moderate conservatism, defending traditional moral, cultural and spiritual values, according to Vladimir Putin, will not allow Russian society to slide back into chaos. In contrast to the imposition of neoliberal values by the adherents of so-called "social progress" in Western countries, which resembles the "futile efforts" of the Bolshevik "cultural reformers" in the 1920s, Putin said, speaking on Thursday at a meeting of the Valdai International Club.

Putin Declares Capitalism Has Run Its Course

The existing model of capitalism has reached its limits, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Everyone says that the existing model of capitalism, which the basis of social structure in the overwhelming majority of countries, has run its course," the head of state said, speaking on Thursday at a meeting of the Valdai International Club.
According to him, this model can no longer offer a way out of the "snarl of increasingly tangled contradictions."
"Everywhere, even in the richest countries and regions, the uneven distribution of material wealth leads to aggravating inequality," the head of state added.

Putin: Impossible To Deny Climate Change When Disasters Became ‘Almost A...

Natural cataclysms have become "almost a norm" in the modern world and it is impossible to deny climate deformations and the degradation of the environment today, Vladimir Putin said Thursday.

"Climate deformation and degradation of the environment have become so apparent that even the most careless bystanders cannot brush them aside. We can keep having scientific discussions about the mechanisms of the ongoing processes, but it is impossible to deny that these processes worsen and that something must be done about it. Natural disasters - droughts, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis - have become almost a norm," he said.
He noted the devastating floods in Europe and wildfires in Siberia this year.

"Examples are quite numerous. Not in Siberia alone - our neighbors in Turkey had serious wildfires, and the US and the American continent in general," he added.

"Any geopolitical, scientific, technological, ideological competition - in such circumstances it sometimes appears pointless, if its winners will have no air to breathe or nothing to quench their thirst with," the head of state said.

Putin Believes World Is Living Through Era of Grandiose Changes

Vladimir Putin is certain that over the past decades the world was living through an era of changes.

"Indeed, ours is an era of grandiose changes," Putin said at the plenary session of the Valdai Discussion Club on Thursday. He remarked that this phrase, "an era of change", might seem a hackneyed cliche, for it had been used too often.

"Besides, the era of change began a long time ago, and the situation of change has become customary," Putin said.

"Over the past few decades many have developed a habit of recalling a Chinese proverbial phrase about ‘living in interesting times’. The Chinese people have had many thinkers and many valuable thoughts that we can use today. One of them can be rendered as a wish to everybody to escape the plight of living in an era of change. But we have to live through this era despite our own will. The changes get ever deeper and ever more fundamental," Putin said.

The Russian leader stressed the theme of the club’s session this year: Global Shake-Up in the 21st Century: The Individual, Values, and the State.

In his opinion, the topic was formulated very "straightforwardly and even sternly."

The Russian leader invited everybody to recall some other wise Chinese sayings as well.

"The word ‘crisis’ consists of two hieroglyphs: danger and opportunity. In Russia, many say that it takes brains to struggle with challenges and experience to cope with dangers," he said. "Of course, we must stay aware of the dangers and be prepared to resist the diverse threats that emerge during the era of change."

At the same time, he believes that it is no less important to keep in mind "the second component of the notion crisis - the opportunities not to be missed."

"The more so, since the crisis that we have to deal with is a conceptual and even civilizational. As a matter of fact, it is a crisis of approaches and principles that determine the very existence of human beings on Earth," Putin said. "We will have to delve into them again. The question is where we should move, what is to be abandoned and what is to be revised and corrected," he explained. "I am certain that genuine values are worth struggling for. They should be protected at any cost".

Lavrov’s Remarks On Cyprus Settlement After Talks With Christodoulides

Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks on Cyprus settlement at news conference following talks with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides on Thursday in Moscow.

Lavrov have reaffirmed Russia’s position of principle in favour of achieving a just, viable and comprehensive settlement of the Cypriot problem within the existing international legal framework. "We see no alternative to an early restart of the inter-communal negotiating process, which would make it possible to restore the atmosphere of trust between the Cypriot Greek and Turkish communities," Lavrov said.
Also, Moscow regard unilateral steps in relation to the abandoned Varosha quarter in the city of Famagusta as inadmissible and counterproductive. Both at the UN and in bilateral contacts with all parties concerned, Russia advocate the creation of favourable external conditions that can help to achieve progress in Cypriot affairs.
"We have stressed once again that it would be important to have permanent members of the UN Security Council join the discussion of the external aspects of settlement and reaffirmed our position in favour of replacing the current outdated Cyprus security guarantees with new UN Security Council guarantees," Lavrov added.

Lavrov's Remarks At The Moscow Format Consultations On Afghanistan

Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks at the third meeting of the Moscow format consultations on Afghanistan on Thursday.

Participants in the Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan have called for urgent humanitarian and economic assistance to Afghanistan in its reconstruction, according to the joint statement adopted at the Wednesday meeting.
"Expressing deep concern over the deteriorating economic and humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the sides expressed confidence in the need for the international community to mobilize consolidated efforts to provide urgent humanitarian and economic assistance to the Afghan people in the post-conflict reconstruction of the country," the joint statement says.
The sides suggested that a collective initiative should be launched to convene a representative international donor conference under the auspices of the United Nations at the soonest possible time. "Certainly with the understanding that the core burden of post-conflict economic and financial reconstruction and development of Afghanistan must be shouldered by troop-based actors which were in the country for the past 20 years," the statement noted.
Participants in the meeting also called for the need of establishing relations with that country’s authorities "irrespective of the official recognition of the new Afghan government by the international community."
Additionally, the sides reiterated their respect to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan and reaffirmed their commitment to Afghanistan "as a peaceful, indivisible, independent, economically developing State, free of terrorism and drug-related crime and respecting the basic norms in the human rights area."
"Being concerned about the activities of proscribed terrorist organizations in Afghanistan, the sides reaffirmed their willingness to continue to promote security in Afghanistan to contribute to regional stability," the statement says.
The participating countries urged the current Afghan government to adopt additional measures aimed at improving governance and forming a truly inclusive government, which will properly reflect "the interests of all major ethno-political forces in the country."
"This will be a fundamental prerequisite for the completion of the national reconciliation process in Afghanistan," the statement said.
"The participating countries were pleased to note the reaffirmation by the interim Afghan government of its previous commitments to prevent use of the Afghan territory against its neighbors, other States in the region and the rest of the world," it reads.
Additionally, the countries participating in the Moscow Format Consultations called on the new Afghan leadership "to practice moderate and sound internal and external policies, adopt friendly policies towards neighbors of Afghanistan, achieve the shared goals of durable peace, security, safety, and long-term prosperity, and respect the rights of ethnic groups, women and children."

Putin Worried About Possible Aftermath Of European Energy Crisis

Russia is not interested in the endless growth of energy prices, including gas, but this takes place beyond Moscow’s control, Vladimir Putin said at the meeting with Cabinet members on Wednesday.

"If there is a decline in consumption - and such situation eventually leads to reduced consumption, it will also affect our producing companies, including Gazprom," Putin said. "That is why we are not interested in the endless increase of prices for energy resources, including gas. nevertheless, developments are taking place, beyond our control," Putin said.

"These are largely artificial things made by our colleagues, including in Europe, but certain consequences can also be for us," Putin noted.

"As soon as prices for mineral fertilizers produced using gas start growing - and they are rising already, since plants are shutting down - our producers will be tempted to sell everything at high prices," the head of state said. "We know this from recent developments in certain branches. therefore, it will not be merely needed to analyze developments to occur in the near future but also present a package of measures that will support the interests of our agricultural producers and limit the food price hike," Putin said.

Such a package of measures should mitigate adverse consequences that may occur on global markets and affect the Russian economy in one way or another," he added.

"What I am worried about and, as far as I understand the Russian government is worried about, is the potential consequences [of the crisis on the energy market], including the measures to support the population proposed by some of our colleagues in Europe," he said, adding that such measures might lead to many problems in various areas.

"Right, people should be supported, of course," Putin contended. meanwhile, he noted that "some European countries are now planning to make decisions on supporting households." "Where will this lead to in real terms ? It won’t lead to people cutting back [energy resources] volumes of consumption, meanwhile there will be a further reduction of industrial consumption, mainly in energy-intensive sectors," the president explained, mentioning the metals industry and the production of ammonia fertilizers among them.

"But this will have its own further consequences that will affect people, and prices for other goods will eventually increase," he noted. "This way of supporting citizens, which is projected (in European countries), is plain to see, but ultimately, we will witness that those are most likely decisions prompted by the current domestic political environment, meaning particularly the pre-election situations in certain European countries," Putin explained.

"But it will eventually affect the people anyways. if the metal industry consumes less [energy resources] prices for those goods will rise, pushing prices in the whole chain further up," the Russian head of state said. "just like [prices] on the food markets will climb, food [prices] will rise in the event of a deficit and underinvestment in appropriate fertilizers that are produced using natural gas," he concluded.

Putin Worries About Complication Of Coronavirus Situation In Russia

The coronavirus situation in Russia is getting complicated, vaccination rates in the country remain low, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the Cabinet on Wednesday.

"Really, the situation with coronavirus is getting complicated nationwide, recently vaccination rates increased significantly in many regions," Putin said on Wednesday at a meeting with members of the government. He added that unfortunately, the citizens’ vaccination rate remains low.
According to Putin, the low vaccination rate "predetermines the rapid spread of infection in many ways."

Lavrov: Russia Is Not Against US Participation In Donbass Talks, If It Supports Minsk-2

Russia will not object to the United States’ participation in talks on Donbass, if Washington supports the Minsk agreements, Sergey Lavrov said after a meeting with participants in the 18th annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club on Tuesday.

"If the Americans wish this, if they are really prepared to support the implementation of the Minsk agreements, then this business can be settled very quickly," he said.
Lavrov explained that it was unnecessary to be a member of a "quartet" or turn it into a group of five or seven to help achieve a settlement somehow.
"The Americans have a dominating influence on [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky and his team. For this reason, a dialogue with them should be maintained and such a dialogue has resumed: [US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria] Nuland has met with [Deputy Chief of the Russian Presidential Staff Dmitry] Kozak, who is in charge of the Ukrainian track and other issues concerning our near neighbors. They agreed to be in touch," Lavrov said.

Lavrov Dispels Zelensky's Dream About Putin Meeting

The statements by Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky and his inner circle about a possible meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin mirror the Ukrainian leadership’s ‘daydreaming’ that can hardly be commented on, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

Both Zelensky and his inner circle have made a lot of statements lately about a possible encounter between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders, Russia’s top diplomat told reporters after a meeting with participants in the 18th annual session of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

"Someone from his [Zelensky’s] office has said that Putin seems to be ready for the meeting but his associates are allegedly not advising him to meet with Zelensky in a one-on-one encounter because the result of such a tete-a-tete meeting may be unexpected," Lavrov specified.

"I won’t even comment on this stream of consciousness," the Russian foreign minister said.

"Creativity won’t even suffice to cover all these things somehow, if you have to respond to all these public statements made from Kiev both on possible contacts at whatever level and generally on what is happening in Donbass and around Ukraine. they are daydreaming all the time, here, there and everywhere," Russia’s top diplomat said.

Lavrov: NATO’s Reaction To Russia’s Response Steps Reveals Lack Of Diplo...

NATO’s reaction to Russia’s decision to suspend the work of diplomatic missions in Brussels and in Moscow demonstrates that the Alliance understands its losing position and reveals the lack of diplomatic culture, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu told TASS earlier that NATO regrets Russia’s decision to suspend diplomatic missions in Brussels and in Moscow but remains open for dialogue, including through the Russian-NATO Council, at the same time continuing its policy of containing Russia.

"I think that such pronouncements and assessments by Western representatives reveal an understanding of their losing position, and on the other hand, their inclination to shift the blame onto someone else, as well as the lack of a diplomatic culture," he told journalists after a meeting with the participants in the 18th annual session of the Valdai international discussion club.

According to Lavrov, they "simply buried the basic principle" of the Russia-NATO Council that urgent consultations must be called in crisis situations.

"And as concerns the attitudes to our forces response step that are voiced in NATO capitals: it was a response to three of NATO’s steps because they reduced our mission three times. And, what is more important, they don’t let us work," he said, adding that unlike all other NATO partners, Russian representatives need to apply for a permit to enter the NATO headquarters building.

"They have to walk only along those corridors that are indicated. And, in principle, we have had no information exchanges for a long time," he said.

And most importantly, in his words, all contacts between the military have been cut off. "So, what kind of a loss of a possibility for dialogue are we talking about? Two years ago, our Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov suggested drills be moved to a certain distance from the contact line between Russia and NATO and an agreement be reached on minimal distances not to be violated by warplanes and warships. We suggested many other things. And there was a wall of silence [in response]," the Russian top diplomat noted.

"And when the German foreign minister says that this way Russia is demonstrating its unpreparedness for talks - I have just said how we were ready and how NATO keeps on ignoring us for years," he stressed.

Lavrov said on Monday that Russia is suspending its permanent mission to NATO from November 1 in response to NATO’s decision to revoke the accreditation of eight staffers of the Russian mission. Apart from that, Russia is suspending the NATO Information Office in Moscow and the NATO Military Liaison Mission Moscow starting on November 1 because Russia sees "no reason to continue to pretend that any changes [in relations with NATO] are possible in the foreseeable future," Lavrov said.

On October 6, NATO announced the reduction of the Russian mission from 20 to 10 people and revoked the accreditation of eight diplomats. Two more open vacancies were eliminated. The Alliance said the Russian diplomats are to leave Brussels before the end of this month.

Lavrov Notes Erdogan's Eloquence & The Need To Adapt UNSC

Commenting on a statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said that the fate of humanity must not be left to the whim of a "bunch" of countries who won World War II, Lavrov noted:
"President Erdogan’s eloquence is well known; he speaks freely on various topics. I agree with him that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have no right to dictate the fate of the world, but they do not aspire to. They only claim the powers stipulated in the UN Charter. The Charter reflects the collective will of all members of the international community, and the Five is particularly responsible for the situation in the world - most importantly, for avoiding a global conflict."

"We have been able to do that for over 75 years, and I hope that this situation will remain," the top diplomat said.

Developing states of Africa, Asia and Latin America should have a wider representation in the UN Security Council in order to make this body’s policy less West-centric, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

"Yes, there is a need to adapt the UN, the UN Security Council to the new reality, because there are not 50 states now, as it was at the moment of the establishment of the UN, and not 70 states, as it was during the extension of the UN Security Council from 12 to 15 members, but many more: there are 193 UN member states now. Naturally, developing countries are completely justified in their demands to increase their representation in this important UN agency," he noted.

According to Lavrov, Western policy is currently represented by six Security Council members out of 15.
"And when Japan is elected, it becomes the seventh voice in support of Western policy, promoted via the UN Security Council. Of course, the West should not be given more seats in this body, while African, Asian and Latin American countries definitely should," he noted.

Lavrov: Russia, NATO Relations Began To Deteriorate Ahead Battle of Tskhinvali

According to Sergey Lavrov, relations between Russia and NATO began to deteriorate even on the eve of the bombardment of the Abkhazian Tskhinvali and the positions of Russian peacekeepers in August 2008, by order of the then Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

The then Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, categorically refused to convene the NATO-Russia Council to address the situation, despite the fact that when the Russia-NATO Council was created, the Founding Act emphasized that it must act in any “weather”, especially when crisis situations occur.

Peskov On Russia NATO Divorce: 'It Takes Two To Tango'

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's actions against Russia have inevitably made Moscow formalize the de facto situation in relations de jure, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday.

"On the whole, as far as the situation is concerned, the de facto situation has been formalized de jure. This is how it can be described. There in fact were no relations and no dialogue, on the contrary, NATO declared its intention to contain Russia in every possible way, backing up its words with action. The expulsion of our diplomats who worked in Brussels was the last straw, all this made it necessary and inevitable to formalize the de facto situation de jure," the press secretary pointed out.

At the same time, the Kremlin spokesman emphasized that the move would not harm Russia. "We won't be affected because we did not in fact have any dialogue with NATO. As our foreign minister explained, if the need arises, our ambassador to Brussels will be able to answer all the related questions. Actually, let's not forget that this is the way it used to be as our ambassador to Brussels used to do the job," Peskov noted. "We have repeatedly said that it's impossible to tango alone and we have no plans to do it," the presidential spokesman stressed.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced on Monday that Moscow would suspend its permanent mission to NATO in early November following the alliance's decision to yank the credentials of eight members of the Russian permanent mission. Besides, the activities of NATO's military liaison mission and information bureau in Moscow will also be suspended.

Putin's Сongratulatory Address To RGO Prize Winners

Vladimir Putin sent a video address to the participants and guests of the award ceremony at the Russian Geographical Society.

The names of the winners were announced and the award ceremony was held in Moscow.
The Russian Geographical Society (RGO) confers its awards on the initiators of implemented projects in national geography, environmental protection, as well as the preservation and promotion of natural, historical and cultural heritage.

Lavrov Calls To End All External Interference In Sudanese Internal Affairs

Russia believes that all foreign intervention in Sudan’s internal affairs must be stopped, Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference in the wake of the talks with his Guinea-Bissau counterpart Suzi Carla Barbosa.

"We believe that any interference in this country’s internal affairs must be stopped," he said. "The Sudanese people must define their own fate; we expect that everyone who is trying to counter this principle now realize their responsibility not to allow another hotbed of destabilization on the long-suffering continent of Africa."
The Minister reminded that Russia initially sought to preserve the territorial integrity and unity of Sudan by all means necessary, but a number of actors, led by the US, decided that the Sudanese people should live in separate states.
"Russia did a lot to make this ‘divorce’ peaceful, but interference has begun after it: the imposition of approaches to the building of democracy in its Western understanding, of shock reforms, which caused a reverse reaction. The social and economic state of the people and unemployment has worsened abruptly, and the traditional structure of the Sudanese society is currently under serious tension," Lavrov underscored.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...