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Putin's Remark To Scholz 'What Is Happening In Donbass A Genocide'

What is happening in the Donbass is genocide, Vladimir Putin replied to Olaf Scholz's remark to justify the NATO bombing of Belgrade in 1999.

Scholz's Remarks Following Talks With Putin

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has positively assessed his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

"We had a very intense and very frank conversation," he told journalists, adding that the talks were held in a "friendly atmosphere."

According to the German chancellor, the sides raised disputable issues.

"We have a clear strategy - if military aggression is staged against Ukraine, it will have serious consequences," he stressed. The West, in his words, has drafted sanctions and will be ready to react to the changing situation. "It is necessary to spare no effort to avoid escalation," he added.

Olaf Scholz told reporters that European security is possible only with Russia’s participation.
"It is absolutely clear for us, Germans, and to all Europeans as well, that [a] lasting security [system] cannot be created against Russia, only with Russia. We share this opinion both in NATO and the European Union," Scholz said, calling for a solution that would be acceptable for everyone.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has promised to submit to the Trilateral Contact Group the three political bills envisaged by the Minsk agreements, namely on Donbass’ status, on amendments to the Ukrainian constitution, and on elections in the region, German Chancellor said.

Putin Reminds Scholz Of NATO’s War In Europe Against Yugoslavia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that his memories are still fresh of the war that the North Atlantic Alliance started in Europe against Yugoslavia and of the bombardments of Belgrade. Putin remarked it was a sad example, but at the same time remained a hard fact.

"Mr. Federal Chancellor has just said that the people of his generation - and I certainly belong to that generation myself - find it difficult to imagine some war in Europe," Putin told a news conference following talks with Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz. He added that that was said regarding the situation involving Ukraine.
"But all of us were witnesses to the war in Europe that NATO unleashed against Yugoslavia," Putin said. He recalled that there was a major military operation involving bombing strikes against one of the European capitals: Belgrade.

"It did happen. Without any sanctions by the UN Security Council. It is a very sad example, but it is a hard fact," Putin said.

On March 24, 1999 NATO, without a UN Security Council’s resolution launched an air operation codenamed Allied Force against Yugoslavia. The operation lasted for 78 days. The alliance’s leadership claimed its purpose was to prevent genocide of Kosovo’s Albanians. According to NATO’s sources its aircraft flew 38,000 sorties and carried out 10,000 bombing strikes.

The bombardments killed, according to different estimates 3,500-4,000 and left about 10,000 others (two-thirds of them civilians) injured. The material damage totaled $100 billion. During the three months of bombardments NATO forces dropped on Serbia 15 tonnes of depleted uranium in bombs and shells. After that the country’s cancer rates surged to first place in Europe. In the first ten years following the bombardments about 30,000 developed cancer and an estimated 10,000-18,000 of them died.

Shoigu Inspects Russian Navy’s Massive Mediterranean Drills And Meets Bashar Al-Assad

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu inspected the Russian Navy’s sweeping drills in the eastern Mediterranean, the Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.

"On February 15, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General Sergey Shoigu inspected the Russian Navy’s drills in the eastern Mediterranean running as part of naval maneuvers in operationally important areas of the World Ocean and in the seas adjacent to Russian territory," the ministry said in a statement.
At the Russian Navy’s logistics facility in the port of Tartus in Syria, Shoigu heard a report by Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov on joint combat training exercises by Russian combat ships and aircraft for striking a hypothetical enemy’s naval groups and delivering fire against naval and aerial targets, employing artillery guns and anti-submarine weapons, the statement says.
The Russian Navy’s chief reported to the defense minister that the Mediterranean drills involved over 15 combat ships of the Pacific, Northern and Black Sea Fleets: the missile cruisers Varyag and Marshal Ustinov, the frigates Fleet Admiral Kasatonov, Admiral Grigorovich, the large anti-submarine ships Admiral Tributs and Vice-Admiral Kulakov, support vessels and also more than 30 aircraft of Russia’s Aerospace Force, the ministry said.
"The drills are focused on measures to hunt down foreign submarines, establish control of shipping in the Mediterranean Sea and on flights by aircraft over it," the ministry specified.
The naval maneuvers are focused on measures by the Navy and the Aerospace Force to protect Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean and counter military threats to Russia from the direction of seas and oceans, the ministry specified.
"Overall, the series of the ongoing naval drills, as reported by Admiral Yevmenov, has brought together over 140 warships and support vessels, more than 60 aircraft, 1,000 items of military hardware and about 10,000 troops," the Russian Defense Ministry said.
As part of the active phase of the naval maneuvers, surface ships, submarines and naval aircraft of the Fleets operating under a single concept are practicing combat training tasks in the Okhotsk, Black and Barents Seas, the ministry informed.
Russian Defense Minister Shoigu inspected the naval maneuvers in Tartus jointly with his Syrian counterpart, General Ali Ayyoub, it said.
"At the Russian Navy’s Tartus logistics facility, Shoigu also inspected the Black Sea Fleet’s ship repair center where he set tasks for further improving the infrastructure of the base of Russian ships in Syria and also laid flowers at the monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov," the Defense Ministry informed. On behalf of Russian President Putin, General Shoigu made a working trip to Damascus, where he was received by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The head of the Russian military department informed the Syrian president about the exercise of the Russian Navy in the eastern Mediterranean.

Vladimir Putin's Remarks Following Talks With Olaf Scholz

Moscow will do its best not to protract talks on European security and to prevent possible worsening of its position during this process, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday after talks with visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

"We have fears that the negotiating process on our security proposals and security issues that are important for us can be protracted by our partners without due reasons and that during this negotiating process certain decisions worsening, in the most serious way, our positions because it has been happening for years," he said.
"Naturally, it is what in focus for us, what we understand and what we will discuss with our partners and what we will not allow to happen," he stressed.

On January 26, the US and NATO handed over written responses to Russia on Moscow’s security guarantees that it was demanding from Washington and Brussels. The American side requested that the documents not be made public, although US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg enumerated their basic provisions. According to these statements, the West did not make concessions to Russia considered to be critical, but did indicate directions for further negotiations.

On Monday, Putin discussed with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov the United States’ and NATO’s responses to Russia’s proposals on long-term legally binding guarantees of its security. Lavrov informed the president about these responses, noting that NATO and the US gave a negative answer on Russia’s key concerns. He stressed that Moscow cannot be satisfied with these responses. However, in his words, some of the responses are quite constructive. These are concrete measures concerning shorter-and medium-range missiles and a series of proposals on reducing military risks, building up trust and military transparency.

Brazil's Bolsonaro Arrives To Moscow For Talks With Putin

President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro arrived in Moscow ahead of talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

On February 16, the President of Russia will hold talks with President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, who will be in Russia on an official visit.

The agenda includes various aspects of strengthening the Russian-Brazilian strategic partnership, expanding cooperation in trade, the economy, science, technology, culture and humanitarian sphere. The leaders will also exchange opinions on key international issues.

State Duma Sends Appeal To Putin On Recognizing Donetsk, Lugansk Republics

The State Duma approved a resolution at its session on Tuesday to forward to the Russian president a draft appeal by the lower house of Russia’s parliament as proposed by the Communist faction on recognizing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR).

The decision was supported by 351 lawmakers, with 16 votes against it and one abstention. The State Duma rejected a competing draft resolution on forwarding the appeal to the Foreign Ministry for consultations. This motion gained only 310 votes during the ranked voting.
As Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin pointed out, the resolution "will be signed immediately and forwarded to the head of state." The politician wrote on his Telegram channel that the motion would be forwarded to the Russian leader "to consider the issue of recognizing the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic as self-sustained, sovereign and independent states." "Kiev is not fulfilling the Minsk Agreements. Our citizens and compatriots living in Donbass need assistance and support," the State Duma speaker insisted.
As Volodin pointed out, the lawmakers are certain that "the recognition of the DPR and the LPR will create grounds for ensuring security guarantees and protecting residents of the republics from external threats, and also for bolstering international peace and regional stability in compliance with the goals and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations Organization and will pave the way for the process of recognizing both states internationally."
The draft appeal was submitted to the State Duma on January 19 by the faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF). Under the document, the State Duma turns to the head of state with a request to consider recognizing the self-proclaimed republics "as self-sustained, sovereign and independent states."
It follows from the text of the document that the lawmakers "deem as substantiated and morally justified the recognition" of the DPR and the LPR.
"Over recent years, democratic bodies and states with all the attributes of legitimate power have been built in the republics based on the people’s free will," the document says.
The lawmakers deem it necessary to propose that the Russian president consider the issue of holding negotiations with the leaderships of the DPR and the LPR as soon as possible "for the purpose of creating a legal framework of inter-state relations to provide for the regulation of all the aspects of cooperation and mutual assistance, including security issues."
The competing draft resolution worked out by the ruling United Russia party and rejected by the State Duma did not stipulate that the appeal would be forwarded to the head of state immediately after the completion of consultations with the Russian Foreign Ministry. This nuance caused disagreement among members of the KPRF faction. In particular, Faction First Deputy Head Nikolai Kolomeitsev argued that in this case the State Duma would have not given "the president additional trump cards." He further argued that such a resolution could have delayed the process of examining the appeal.
For his part, Head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Ties with Compatriots and one of the authors of the document Leonid Kalashnikov (KPRF) pointed out that the appeal itself did not mean recognizing the republics. "Recognition or non-recognition is implemented by the president and this is solely his competence," the lawmaker stressed. He also said that "the possibility of the DPR and LPR leaders themselves turning to the president is also not ruled out." "With regard to the issue of recognizing the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, the parliamentarians of all the factions demonstrated their unanimity," Deputy Head of the United Russia faction Yevgeny Revenko was quoted by the faction’s press office as saying. He pointed out that today’s resolution "is an open position of the country’s parliament and people on what is taking place in the southeast of Ukraine."

Putin-Scholz Talks: European Security, Situation Around Ukraine

Vladimir Putin said that a significant part of his talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz would cover security issues in Europe and the situation around Ukraine.

"We will devote a significant part of our time to discussing the situation in Europe, which is related to security and those discussions that are now so relevant on this issue, in particular in connection with the events around Ukraine," Putin said, opening the talks.

The Russian leader recalled that last week he had received French President Emmanuel Macron in the Kremlin and discussed the same topics with him.

"I know that he informed you about the essence of the issues that were raised during our discussion. Of course, it would be very interesting for me in this regard, it would be useful to hear your own assessments of what is happening," Putin said to Scholz.

Kamila Valieva's Emotions After CAS Decision On Admission To Individual Tournament At Beijing Games

Kamila Valieva is now allowed to skate in ladies’ singles competitions at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China. The Court of Arbitration for Sport made such a decision. Now you have a unique opportunity to see these exclusive shots.

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva said on Monday she has got very tired emotionally in recent days but is happy to continue to compete at the Olympic Games in Beijing.
"These days have been very difficult for me, emotionally. I am happy but emotionally fatigued. That is why these tears of joy and a little bit of sadness. But, of course, I am happy to take part in the Olympic Games. I will do mu utmost to represent our country. Apparently, this is a stage I have to live through," she said in an interview with Russia’s TV Channel One.
"I hear so many good wishes. I have seen outdoor banners in Moscow. It is very pleasing, this support is very important for me in this difficult time. I thought I was alone but my closest friends and family will never abandon me," she added.
Earlier in the day, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) turned down an appeal filed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Skating Union (ISU) against the decision of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) to lift a temporary suspension of Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva.
Valieva is now allowed to skate in ladies’ singles competitions at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China. The short program is scheduled for February 15 and the free skate program will take place on February 17.
The International Testing Agency announced on February 11 that Valieva’s doping sample, collected on December 25, 2022 during the Russian Figure Skating Championships in St. Petersburg, returned a positive result for a banned substance. This triggered the postponement of the awarding ceremony of the 2022 Olympic team competition, won by Russia.
RUSADA imposed a provisional suspension on Valieva on February 8, but the Russian athlete submitted an appeal and it was satisfied the following day. The previous decision on the provisional suspension was cancelled by the RUSADA Disciplinary Committee.
However, the ISU, IOC and WADA filed their appeals later with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in order to overturn the previous decision of the RUSADA Disciplinary Committee.
Valieva is the youngest participant of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games at the age of 15. The figure skater is trained by Russia’s merited coach Eteri Tutberidze and is the reigning champion of Europe and Russia. She holds the World Records in ladies singles short program (90.45 points), in ladies’ free skate program (185.29 points) and in the combined result of two programs in ladies’ competitions (272.71 points).

Putin, Lavrov Discuss US, NATO Response To Russia's Security Proposals

Russia still has a chance to reach a consensus with its Western partners on issues of security guarantees, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday a a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.

When asked by the president whether there is a change to reach an agreement with the Western partners on the key security issues of concerns of the Russian side, the minister answered in the affirmative. "After all, as a foreign minister, I should say that there always is a chance," he said.

Lavrov stressed the importance of "consistent explanatory work" on corresponding matters. Apart from that, in his words, Moscow is ready "to listen to serious counterarguments." "We - both you and other Russian representatives - have repeatedly said that we warn about the inadmissibility of endless talk on issues that need to be settled today," he noted. "I don’t think our possibilities have been exhausted, but, naturally, they should not last endlessly. However, I would suggest we continue these efforts at this stage."

On December 17, 2021, the Russian foreign ministry released a draft agreement on security guarantees between Russia and the United States, and a draft agreement on ensuring the security of Russia and NATO member states. The proposed measures include guarantees that NATO will not advance eastward, including the accession of Ukraine and other countries into the alliance, as well as non-deployment of serious offensive weapons, including nuclear ones. The sides have had several rounds of consultations in various formats but no agreements have yet been announced.

Shoigu Reports To Putin On US Submarine Incident, Russian Military Exercises

A US submarine went more than 4 km into Russian waters and efforts to drive it away took about three hours, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at a meeting with the country’s President Vladimir Putin.

"A Pacific Fleet group discovered during exercises near the Kuril Islands a submarine, most likely from the US," Shoigu said. "As a result of efforts that took almost three hours the sub was driven away from the Russian waters where it was more than 4 km inside, quite a lot for the islands."

A US Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarine was spotted by Russia’s anti-submarine forces in the Russian territorial waters near Urup, an uninhabited island in the Kuril Islands chain at 10:40 am Moscow time on February 12. The submarine ignored the orders to the surface immediately and the Russian side used special means, after which the submarine left Russia’s territorial waters at the maximum speed.

Following the incident, a note was delivered to the US military attache in Moscow, saying that the Russian defense ministry reserves the right to take all appropriate measures security in Russia’s territorial waters to ensure Russia’s security.

Some of Russia’s military exercises are ending and others will be over in the near future, Sergey Shoigu said.

"Some exercises are ending and others will be over in the near future. Countermeasures against various enemy actions are being practiced on all tracks," he said.

The joint exercise with Belarus codenamed Union Resolve 2022 is being held on February 10-20 to practice measures to prevent and repel foreign aggression, as well as to resist terrorism and protect the interests of the Union State. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the forces involved will take measures to enhance the protection of the state border against penetration of groups of armed militants, plug loopholes and routes that might be used for the delivery of weapons and ammunition, and also to search for, seal off and eliminate illegal armed groups and enemy saboteurs.

The drills are being conducted at the Domanovsky, Gozhsky, Obuz-Lesnovsky, Brestsky and Osipovichsky proving grounds and the Baranovichi, Luninets, Lida and Machulishchi airdromes.

In accordance with the Russian armed forces’ January-February training schedule a series of naval exercises is being held under the general guidance of the Navy’s commander-in-chief, Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov. The main task is to test cooperation by the Navy and Aerospace Force in protecting Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean and countering military threats to Russia on the sea.

Did Putin, Biden Discuss US Submarine Incident Russia’s Territorial Waters Near Kuril Islands?

The Russian and US presidents, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, did not discuss the incident with detecting a US submarine in Russia’s territorial waters near the Kuril Islands, Kremlin Aide Yury Ushakov told reporters.

"The issue was not touched upon in the presidents’ conversation," Ushakov said.

The Kremlin is aware about the incident and the Russian Defense Ministry "is taking the respective demarches."
According to the Defense Ministry, the US Navy’s Virginia-class submarine was detected on February 12, 2022 at 10.40 (Moscow Time) in the area of the Pacific Fleet’s drills near Urup Island of the Kuril Chain. The submarine ignored the demand to leave Russia’s territorial waters and left only after the appropriate means were used.

The Pacific Fleet’s ships continue the scheduled drills, including to ensure control in the underwater environment and thwart violations of Russia’s state border.

Kremlin Reveals Details Of Last Putin-Biden Phone Talks

Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Joe Biden had a balanced and business-like phone call on Saturday, Kremlin Aide Yury Ushakov told reporters.

"We can state that the conversation was rather balanced and business-like," Ushakov said. According to the Kremlin aide, the conversation lasted slightly more than an hour and came as a follow-up to the Russian-US talks held on December 7, 2021 via a video link-up as well as the presidents’ phone call on December 30.
"It was then that the leaders of the two countries began discussing the most important topic for today, namely the issues of ensuring long-term, legally binding security guarantees for Russia," he recalled. "Joe Biden predictably mentioned potential severe anti-Russian sanctions in the context of the thorny situation around Ukraine, but the emphasis was not placed on that issue during a quite lengthy conversation with the Russian leader," Ushakov said.
According to Ushakov, Putin "laid out in detail Russia’s approaches and explained why it is now high time to address the issues on which Russia’s national security really depends."
Putin and Biden had spoken over the phone at the end of 2021. On December 7, they also held talks via videoconference. The first face-to-face meeting between Putin and Biden as heads of state took place in Geneva in June 2021.
The West and Kiev have recently been spreading allegations about Russia’s potential ‘invasion’ of Ukraine. Moscow castigated these claims. However, the Kremlin did not rule out the possibility of provocations aimed at justifying such allegations and warned that attempts to use military force to resolve the crisis in southeastern Ukraine would have serious consequences.
Simultaneously, talks on pan-European security are underway. In December 2021, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a draft agreement on security guarantees between Russia and the United States, and a draft agreement on ensuring the security of Russia and NATO member states. On January 26, the US and NATO handed over their written responses to Moscow’s proposals. Putin said that in those responses Washington and Brussels disregarded Russia’s basic concerns. However, the Kremlin pointed out that there were some rational aspects in the Western proposals, but they were minor ones.
"The facts are that Americans are artificially whipping up hysteria around an alleged Russian plans for the invasion, even providing the dates of such an invasion, but simultaneously boosts Ukraine’s military muscle, earmarking huge financial resources to modernize the Ukrainian army and increasing the number of military instructors being deployed there," he said.
"Conditions are being created for the Ukrainian armed forces to take provocative actions amid allegations about an ‘invasion.’ This is how we view the situation," he pointed out.
"Attempts have been going on for months to raise tensions around the movement of our troops on our territory. The situation reached the point of absurdity in the past several days," he noted.
"He [Biden] said he is committed to the diplomatic path and in this regard he outlined a number of considerations that, in his view, take into account many of Russia’s concerns and initiatives, which were outlined and conveyed to the Americans and NATO," Ushakov said.
"I will note right away that the Russian president reacted in the spirit that the Russian side will of course analyze the considerations expressed by Biden and we will certainly take them into account. But unfortunately, and this was said, these considerations do not address the central, key elements of the Russian initiatives," the Kremlin aide said.
These concerns include issues of NATO’s non-expansion, non-deployment of strike forces on Ukrainian soil, return to NATO force posture back to 1997, when the NATO-Russia Founding Act was signed.
"[On these issues] we have not received any substantive answer," Ushakov stressed. He noted that many of steps outlined by Biden in the phone call had been included in the responses to Russian proposals by Washington and NATO in January.

Putin, Lukashenko Discuss Situation Around West’s Response To Russia’s Proposals

Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus have held a telephone conversation discussing the situation around the US and NATO’s response to Moscow’s proposals on security guarantees, the Kremlin press service said in a statement on Saturday.

According to the statement, the parties discussed "the situation around the United States’ and NATO’s reaction to Moscow's proposals to develop long-term international legal security guarantees for Russia." Putin and Lukashenko also touched upon "some issues related to future bilateral cooperation." They "agreed to maintain personal contact," the Kremlin press service added.

Putin Tells Macron There Is No Substantive Response To Russian Security Guarantees

Russian President Vladimir Putin told his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron there is no substantive response of the United States and NATO to Moscow’s initiatives on security issues, the Kremlin press service said.

"Vladimir Putin again drew attention to the lack of a substantive US and NATO response to the well-known Russian initiatives," according to the statement.
Putin in a telephone conversation with Macron held an in-depth exchange of views on ensuring long-term legal security guarantees for Russia, the Kremlin said.
"To continue the discussions held during the French president’s recent visit to Moscow, they held an in-depth exchange of views on the issues related to ensuring long-term legal guarantees for security of the Russian Federation and to breaking the impasse in resolving the intra-Ukrainian conflict, also taking into account Emmanuel Macron’s talks with the leadership of Ukraine, the United States and some European countries," the statement says.
Provocative speculations about alleged Russian plans to invade Ukraine were in the focus of a telephone conversation between Putin and Macron, the Kremlin said.
The two presidents continued to exchange views on security guarantees for Russia and on how to break the deadlock in resolving the intra-Ukrainian crisis.
"Additionally, Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron discussed the situation linked to provocative speculations about an alleged Russian plans for the ‘invasion’ of Ukraine to the accompaniment of a large-scale pumping of cutting-edge weapons into that country and the creation of conditions for potential aggressive actions by Ukrainian military in Donbass," the statement says.
Putin and Macron discussed, in addition to Ukraine, in their telephone conversation how to preserve and implement the Iran nuclear deal, the Kremlin said.
"They touched upon the issue of the preservation and full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) on the Iranian nuclear program," the Russian president’s press service said.

US Submarine Detected In Russian Waters, Retreats After 'Special Means' Used

A Virginia-class submarine belonging to the US Navy was spotted on Saturday morning in the area where the Russian Pacific Fleet was holding drills off Urup Island of the Kuril range, the submarine defied the warnings to leave Russia’s territorial waters and departed after "appropriate means" had been applied, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"On February 12, 2022 at 10.40 (Moscow Time), a Virginia-class submarine belonging to the US Navy was detected. Under the guiding documents on protection of the state border of the Russian Federation in the underwater environment, the crew of the Pacific Fleet’s frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov used appropriate means. The US submarine started a self-propelled simulator to split the target image on radar and acoustic control means into two parts and retreated from Russian territorial waters at a maximum speed," the ministry said.

Lavrov-Blinken Phone Talks "US Provocative Сampaign On ‘Russian Aggression’ Against Ukraine"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a telephone talk with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday that the US propaganda campaign on Russia’s alleged aggression against Ukraine pursued provocative goals, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

"The minister stressed that the propaganda crusade on ‘Russia’s aggression’ against Ukraine unleashed by the United States and its allies pursued provocative goals, encouraging the Kiev regime to sabotage the Minsk agreements and undertake harmful attempts of resolving the ‘Donbass problem’ with the use of force," the ministry said.

Also, Lavrov told Blinken that the response by the US and NATO to Russia’s proposals on security guarantees ignored provisions fundamental for Moscow, first and foremost, the provisions that the alliance will not expand further and strike weapons will not be deployed near the Russian borders, the statement says.

"It was emphasized that these issues would be central in our assessment of the documents received from the US and NATO, which would be brought to the notice of our colleagues," the ministry said.

Lavrov also reminded Blinken that the actions violating the commitments of indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic region undertaken at the highest level were inadmissible, the statement says.

The talk was held at the initiative of the US side, the ministry said.

The West and Kiev have recently been spreading allegations about Russia’s potential ‘invasion’ of Ukraine. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov castigated these claims as "empty and unfounded," serving as a ploy to escalate tensions, pointing out that Russia did not pose any threat whatsoever to anyone. However, Peskov did not rule out the possibility of provocations aimed at justifying such allegations and warned that attempts to use military force to resolve the crisis in southeastern Ukraine would have very serious consequences.

Kremlin Reveals Secret Of Putin's 6-Meter Table

The negotiation aspects between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his foreign guests in the Kremlin are related to different COVID-19 regulations in various countries, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Friday.

"In some situations, Putin communicates with his guests directly, very close, seated in front of his office’s fireplace and they shake hands. With others, he negotiates at a table six meters in length," the press secretary said. According to him, "it is actually related to the fact that some leaders follow their rules, and do not intend to interact with the host in exchanging [coronavirus] tests." "We understand that this is customary global practice," Peskov assured.

"In this case, the protocol of additional measures to protect the health of our president and our guests comes into force, and then we use distancing," the presidential spokesman explained. "If medics, infection disease specialists cooperate and carry out tests [of both sides], then there is a chance to avoid restrictions as such and make direct contact," he specified.

Shoigu Wallace Talks 'There Was No Deafness Or Blindness' But 'Russia-UK Relations Close To Zero'

The level of Russian-British relations is coming close to zero, and it is time to stop exacerbating relations between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at a meeting with his British counterpart Ben Wallace on Friday.

It is our first meeting in recent years. Regrettably, the level of our cooperation is close to zero and is about to cross the zero meridian and go into the red, which we do not want. Therefore, I do hope for the opportunity to discuss the most pressing issues with you, without ratcheting or rising even higher the temperature in relations between Russia and the countries of the NATO bloc. And especially with the UK, taking into consideration the historical experience of our cooperation and military interaction," Shoigu said.
"Because nowadays, we see that attention is getting more and more concentrated, excessively concentrated, on the issues which, in our view, could have been resolved quite calmly, in the dialogue between all the countries, without threats of any sorts of sanctions," the Russian minister said.
"I believe there are already no words left in both English and Russian dictionaries that can define these sanctions. Among them are ‘catastrophic’, ‘shocking’ and ‘destructive’. A lot of different words," Shoigu stated.
The Russian defense minister pointed out that before the meeting he had carefully studied the speeches of his British counterpart along with the speeches of his colleagues.
"Sadly, we still see the threat of sanctions across the line in every speech. I would not like our conversation today to be a continuation of such interviews," Shoigu said.
There was ‘no deafness or blindness’ at a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu held in a constructive atmosphere, UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said at a press conference after the talks broadcast live by Sky News from the British embassy in Moscow.
"Mr. Lavrov is a master at these types of engagements and making those type of comments," the UK defense chief said, responding to a request to comment on a statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who described his negotiations with his British counterpart, Liz Truss, on Thursday as "a conversation between deaf and dumb."
As the UK defense chief emphasized, in his discussion with Shoigu "there was absolutely no deafness or blindness." He also said that both of them were aware that they were responsible for their troops and "should anything go wrong, it is they who ultimately pay, sometimes the ultimate price."
"We deal with the facts and we deal with the issues we have because it is in both our interests to resolve that," Wallace pointed out, adding that the meeting was constructive and sincere.
The UK defense chief said he hoped that the discussion had "contributed to a better atmosphere and to de-escalation", although he said that there was "still a considerable way to go between the two of us". The military and political situation on the European continent has deteriorated significantly over tension fueled around Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergey Shoigu said at a meeting with his UK counterpart Ben Wallace in Moscow, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Friday.
"The agenda included the most pressing issues of European security and interaction between the defense ministries of both countries. Army General S. K. Shoigu pointed out that the military and political situation in Europe had worsened considerably due to tension whipped up around Ukraine and NATO’s military presence near the Russian borders, which requires taking urgent measures to ensure security guarantees for the Russian Federation," Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement released after the meeting.
The West and Kiev have recently been spreading allegations about Russia’s potential ‘invasion’ of Ukraine. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov castigated these claims as "empty and unfounded," serving as a ploy to escalate tensions, pointing out that Russia did not pose any threat whatsoever to anyone. However, Peskov did not rule out the possibility of provocations aimed at justifying such allegations and warned that attempts to use military force to resolve the crisis in southeastern Ukraine would have very serious consequences.

What Did Putin Mean By Calling Zelensky 'My Beauty'

Vladimir Putin answered a journalist's question on his recent expression "like it or don't like it - be patient, my beauty" in relation to President Zelensky.

"When we hear these comments from the head of state that he likes and doesn’t like something in the fundamental treaties that regulate very important relations between countries in terms of security,
including Ukraine itself, it seems to me that this is not the right format. If a state has undertaken certain commitments, especially those enshrined in the norms of international law, in the UN Security Council resolution, then everything should be fulfilled and agreements should be reached on how to do it," Putin explained.
At the news conference after the talks in Moscow with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Monday, Putin drew attention to Zelensky’s recent statement that he did not like any points of the Minsk peace deal. Putin emphasized that the Minsk accords should be implemented since there is no alternative to these agreements. Then, he said: 'Like it or not, my beauty, you have to put up with it', using an expression that rhymes in Russian.
The Minsk agreements are the cornerstone of peaceful settlement in Donbass. The deal outlines such measures as a ceasefire, the withdrawal of weapons, amnesty, and the restoration of economic ties. It also envisages carrying out a constitutional reform in Ukraine aimed at decentralization, taking into account the special status of certain areas in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. This plan has not been fulfilled so far as Ukraine refuses to implement political points until security issues are settled.

Putin’s Munich Speech 15 Years Later 'What Prophecies Have Come True?'

Fifteen years ago today, on February 10, 2007 Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Munich Security Conference with a speech that was instantly interpreted as the harshest-ever manifesto since the Cold War era, but Putin himself does not believe that he went too far back then in any respect.

NATO’s expansion, a unipolar world, disarmament problems, the erosion of the OSCE as an institution, the Iranian nuclear problem and Europe’s energy security - TASS has summarized Putin’s warnings and prophecies from his Munich speech that have come true simply because nobody turned an attentive ear to them.

NATO’s eastward expansion foments tension

Putin’s Munich speech: "NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernization of the Alliance itself, or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust."

Democracy by diktat won’t work

Putin stressed in his Munch speech: "[The observance of human rights] is an important task. We support this. But this does not mean interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and especially not imposing a regime that determines how these states should live and develop. It is obvious that such interference does not promote the development of democratic states at all. On the contrary, it makes them dependent and, as a consequence, politically and economically unstable."

An arms race will follow

Putin stated in his historic Munich speech: "No one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course, such a policy stimulates an arms race… The potential danger of the destabilization of international relations is connected with obvious stagnation in the disarmament issue."

Unresolved Iranian nuclear problem

Putin noted in his historic Munich speech: "If the international community does not find a reasonable solution for resolving this conflict of interests, the world will continue to suffer similar, destabilizing crises… We are going to constantly fight against the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."

Long-term contracts and energy security

Putin stated in his Munich speech: "And now about whether our government cabinet is able to operate responsibly in resolving issues linked to energy deliveries and ensuring energy security. Of course, it can! Moreover, all that we have done and are doing is designed to achieve only one goal, namely to transfer our relations with consumers and countries that transport our energy to market-based, transparent principles and long-term contracts."

Unipolar world’s fall

Putin said in his Munich speech: "I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world. The model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilization. There is no reason to doubt that the economic potential of the new centers of global economic growth will inevitably be converted into political influence and will strengthen multipolarity."

From friends to foes

Putin said in his Munich speech: "He (U.S. President George W. Bush) says, 'I proceed from the fact that Russia and the USA will never be opponents and enemies again. I agree with him."

This Bush-Putin prediction, unfortunately, now seems overly optimistic.

Another world

Putin said in his Munich speech: "Russia is a country with a history that spans more than a thousand years and has practically always used the privilege to carry out an independent foreign policy."

Fifteen years have passed. There is no more G8, there are no regular Russia-EU summits, there are no illusions, and no mutual trust. There are only numerous sanctions. But Russia's independent foreign policy has remained constant.

The next Munich Security Conference starts on February 18, but Putin will not be there. Everything was said 15 years ago.

Lavrov's Remarks Following Talks With Truss 'A Conversation Of Dumb With Deaf'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has pointed to the lack of understanding during the talks with UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Liz Truss on Ukraine. "I confess that I am disenchanted by the fact that a conversation the 'dumb with deaf' turns out," he said.

"You know, we thoroughly discussed this today. Honestly, I’m disappointed, since there was no understanding, we were listening to each other but [didn’t manage to find common ground], the Russian top diplomat noted at a press conference following the talks.
At the same time, Lavrov pointed out that not only Moscow denied plotting an alleged invasion of Ukraine. "Such statements were made not only by the Russian leadership but also by the Pentagon, I’ve read about this recently. Ukrainian Defense Minister [Aleksey Reznikov] and President [Vladimir] Zelensky also urged people not to panic," the foreign minister noted.
Furthermore, Lavrov assumed that the West was using Zelensky to destabilize the situation in Russia. "Apparently, our Western colleagues need President Zelensky only as a mean to bring Russia out of balance. No one cares what he thinks, what negative consequences the Ukrainian economy can face," the top diplomat stated.
Concerns over Moscow's alleged preparations for an invasion of Ukraine have been increasingly expressed in the West and in Kiev recently. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov castigated these statements as an empty and groundless escalation of tension, emphasizing that Russia posed no threat to anyone.

Putin-Tokayev Talks 'January Tragedy In Kazakhstan Were An Attempted Coup D'état

Kazakhstan fell victim to international gangs in January, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, opening the talks with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Thursday.

"This is our first meeting since the January events, when Kazakhstan, without exaggeration, became a victim of some international gangs, who took advantage of the complicated situation inside the country," the Russian leader said.
"We met before the New Year, you and I, and nothing suggested such development of events," Putin noted.
He noted that the situation in republic has been restored, adding that Russia "as one of CSTO member states lent Kazakshtan a hand in accordance with Article Four of the Collective Security Treaty."
"But, of course, the main role was played by Kazakh authorities themselves, dedicated to their cause, their oath, the people of Kazakhstan, as well as by law enforcement and the armed forces," the Russian president underscored.
"I know that a lot of effort must be exerted now in order to restore all that was lost amid those events; yet, Kazakhstan stands firmly, with confidence thanks to your efforts, it is developing under your leadership," Putin said to Tokayev.
President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev admitted that he was distressed over the high number of victims caused by the nationwide January riots, and reassured the public that all the insurrectionists would be brought to justice.
"This is the first visit after the New Year and, unfortunately, after the tragic events that took place in our country. Indeed, there was a meticulously planned operation by international terrorists and gangsters, who attacked Kazakhstan in order to undermine the constitutional order and carry out a coup d’etat," Tokayev stated.
Tokayev noted that "an investigation is currently underway, and the initial results are emerging." "Unfortunately, many casualties were sustained and I am greatly distressed by this, I expressed my condolences to the relatives and those close to the victims," the Kazakh leader noted. "An investigation into each individual case is underway and those guilty will be of course found, punished, and most importantly, brought to justice."
He reiterated his gratitude "for a warm, business-like attitude to Kazakhstan’s request for peacekeeping contingent."
"The peacekeeping contingent played a very important role from the standpoint of active, if I can say so, protection of strategic sites and, of course, from the standpoint of psychological intimidation of terrorists and bandits who picked Kazakhstan as their victim this time," Tokayev said.

Zakharova Notes 7th Anniversary Of Minsk Agreements' Sabotage By Ukraine and West

February 12 will mark seven years since Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk, with the Russian and OSCE mediation and the assistance of the Normandy format, signed the Package of Measures, which has become the only basis, one that has no alternative, for the settlement of the internal Ukrainian crisis, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

"I would like to remind you that seven years ago, the parties to the conflict agreed to observe a ceasefire, withdraw their forces from the line of contact, grant Donbass a special status within Ukraine and an amnesty for its residents, carry out a constitutional reform with a focus on decentralisation, restoration of socioeconomic ties, and exchange of detained persons. Regrettably, none of this has been implemented. Kiev continues to sabotage its commitments, often demonstrating this in public with the tacit consent of its Western patrons," she added.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has made a number of notorious statements recently, declaring that “there will be no special status, as visualised by Russia, no veto right.” He has also alleged that the Minsk accords do not envisage a dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk.

"I would like to inquire whether he can read. The Minsk accords are not some oral commitments; they exist as a text, this text is available, and it can be perused. Instead of claiming anything of the sort, Ukraine had better reread the Package of Measures," Zakharova stressed.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the other day that it was possible to implement the provisions of the Minsk agreements only if their due order of priority was selected.

"It is strange that the United States is trying to find an order of priority in a document that clearly sets forth the entire sequence of all the parties’ steps. What is the point of looking for this order of priority? It is necessary to read the document that stipulates everything. These statements, especially their synchronised nature, show one thing: the United States is in favour of revising the Package of Measures, and this may wreck the peace process," she noted.

All this inspires the Kiev regime to continue treating its own population in a negative manner in the first place, and to continue disregarding international law and common sense.

All these double standards of Europeans were confirmed this week. European colleagues voice their readiness to facilitate a peace settlement and speak about a certain de-escalation. They are urging everyone to do anything, but, in reality, they are providing Kiev with weapons and ignoring the sufferings of Donbass residents.
"Please don’t be afraid. Donbass' line of contact is not a red line for you, and you should cross it, you should pay attention to local residents and show respect for these people who have been suffering for many years because you once inspired Ukrainian politicians to stage an unconstitutional coup," Diplomat sums up.

Lavrov Truss Talks Begin In Rather Reserved Atmosphere

Sergey Lavrov commenced his talks with UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who is currently in Moscow with a two-day working visit. The two top diplomats exchanged their greetings, in which they pointed to the complications in the bilateral relations and the tense situation around European security.

The meeting takes place in the Foreign Ministry’s historic building on Spiridonovka Street without the attendance of the press due to the difficult epidemiological situation. The infection also jeopardized Truss’ visit to Moscow itself: a week and a half ago, it became known that the Foreign Secretary contracted COVID.

However, the two ministers are talking without face masks, while all members of both delegations are wearing them. Journalists will be able to watch the press conference after the talks online.

Earlier, Liz Truss laid flowers to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin. She also visited the Moscow State University where she had a meeting with Rector Viktor Sadovnichiy.

Lavrov Сongratulates Russia's Diplomats On Their Professional Holiday

On Diplomatic Worker's Day, Wednesday, Sergey Lavrov congratulated all Russian diplomats.

Diplomatic Worker’s Day was established by President Putin’s executive order 20 years ago on October 31, 2002.
"It helps preserve and enhance the Foreign Ministry’s best traditions, spreads knowledge about our profession, and strengthens respect for diplomatic work," Lavrov said.
Russia are marking another milestone – the 220th anniversary of the Foreign Ministry (September 8 (20), 1802) – this year as well. Notably, the history of the foreign policy service goes well back in time, largely in lockstep with the stages of the development of Russian statehood. Specifically, the date of this holiday goes back to the earliest documented mention of the Ambassadorial Prikaz – Russia’s first department in charge of external relations - in February 1549.

Putin Says Russians Must Be Sure In Fairness Of Court

Russians must be sure that the courts make fair and honest decisions, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of judges of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts on Wednesday.

Every day, the Supreme Court, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, faces a colossal burden - reviewing cases, analyzing and developing measures to improve the entire judicial system.

Serious work is also carried out by judges of general jurisdiction. In the last year alone, more than 30 million cases have been considered.

Vladimir Putin Greets Russia's Scientists

On Russian Science Day, Tuesday, Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education, via videoconference.

The main item on the agenda was the implementation of major innovative projects of national importance.

Putin Believes Development Of Low-Carbon Energy Is Answer To Climate Change

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Council for Science and Education on Tuesday.

The focus is on innovative projects in those areas that are of national importance. Among these are the development of low-carbon energy and the response to the challenges associated with climate change.
Russia celebrates Science Day today. The professional holiday is celebrated by those whose vocation is to explore the world, and thanks to whom more and more new technologies appear that change the lives of millions of people. Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that technological sovereignty is one of the main factors of Russia's national security.

Vladimir Putin 'NATO Want To Fight Against Russia?'

Russia are categorically opposed to NATO’s eastward expansion through the admission of new members because we see this as an overall threat of NATO’s continued expansion towards our border, Vladimir Putin said during press conference following the talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Monday.

"It is not us moving towards NATO but NATO moving towards us. Therefore, saying that Russia is behaving aggressively is at odds with logic. Have we approached anyone’s border? No, it is NATO’s infrastructure that has come close to us," he noted.
Putin explained the danger associated with potential admission of Ukraine to NATO.
"Just imagine what could happen if Ukraine were a NATO member. Article 5 has not been cancelled. I asked during the above-mentioned news conference, “What are we supposed to do? Fight against the NATO bloc?” But this question has a second part: “Do you want to fight against Russia?” Ask your readers, your audiences and the users of online resources, “Do you want France to fight against Russia?” Because this is how it will be," he said.
Putin believe that these security matters concern not only Russia but also Europe and the world as a whole.
"If everyone wants peace, tranquillity, well-being and confidence, what is bad about not deploying offensive weapons near our borders? Can anyone tell me what is bad about this?"
"If NATO is a peaceful organisation, what is bad about returning its infrastructure to the level of 1997, when the NATO-Russia Act was signed? This would create conditions for building up confidence and security. Is this bad?" Putin asks.

Putin's Response To Zelensky 'Like It, Don't Like It Be Patient, My Beauty'

Vladimir Putin responded with the Russian proverb “Like it, don’t like it, be patient, my beauty” to Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent statement that he did not like a single point of the Minsk agreements.

The meaning of the proverb: if you promised, then be kind enough to fulfill the promise, and not complain about the vicissitudes of fate.
In other words, the President reminded the current Ukrainian leader, and at the same time the entire Western one, of the need to fulfill the obligations assumed.

Putin's Remarks Following Talks With Macron In Moscow

During press conference following the talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, on Monday, Vladimir Putin called NATO’s "open-door" policy a free interpretation of security principles by the US and a number of other countries.

"This open-door policy - we’ve discussed it with many partners - is quite free, and in our view, the interpretation of the provision embedded in many all-European documents is necessary exclusively for the US and individual NATO members," the Russian head of state said.

Putin said that he is concerned about discrimination of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, which is enshrined in legislation.

"What concerns me greatly is that the discrimination of the Russian-speaking population [in Ukraine] is enshrined in law. Their recognition as an indigenous people, as a matter of fact, in their homeland, and the use of their native language are being rejected," he said

Putin claimed that he promised political shelter to Ukrainian ex-President Poroshenko, should he face difficulties.

"Back in the day, when Mr. Poroshenko was a President of Ukraine, I told him that, should he face any difficulties in the future, Russia is ready to provide him with political shelter," Putin said.

Macron Hopes Meeting With Putin To Give Answers To Security Questions

French President Emmanuel Macron hopes to find answers to security questions for both Europe and Russia at a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

I am glad I will be able to discuss all questions in detail," Macron said before the beginning of negotiations. "We will be able to begin the search for collective answers useful for both Russia and the whole of Europe. A detailed answer will make it possible to prevent war and build stability, transparency, and trust for all."
He added that the dialogue with the Russian president would allow for taking a step forward towards de-escalation in Ukraine.

"The discussion may pave the way for what we should seek, for de-escalation," Macron said, adding that he would like to "prevent war."

He specified that on the agenda of his negotiations with Putin would be the Normandy Quartet, security in Belarus and the region, and "important collective security matters."

He thanked the Russian leader for the meeting.

"Thank you very much for the reception and for the time you spend on this," Macron concluded.

Putin's Opening Remarks At The Talks With Macron

On Monday, Vladimir Putin is receiving a visit from his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron at the Kremlin.

The talks began with the observance of anti-coronavirus measures.

Putin and Macron did not shake hands as they met. They took their seats at a distance from each other - on the opposite sides of the oval table. The same option for the talks was chosen last week when the Russian leader met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov expects a rather substantive, long discussion, extensive in terms of time and content. According to him, tensions in Europe due to the situation around Ukraine and security guarantees to Russia dominate the talks. Peskov stressed that the situation is too difficult to expect a breakthrough during just one meeting. On February 15, one more partner in the Normandy Four dialogue, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, is expected in Moscow.

Macron Arrives In Moscow For Talks With Putin

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Moscow on Monday for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"I’m looking forward to the meeting with moderate optimism, but I don’t believe in immediate miracles," the French president said, quoted by BFM TV channel.

The two presidents have had three telephone calls in the past ten days. According to the Elysee Palace, one of the topics of Macron’s talks with Putin will be the situation around Ukraine.

Recently, Western and Ukrainian media outlets have been echoing claims about a possible Russian aggression against Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier slammed such statements as "empty and groundless" and their goal is to whip up tensions. He stressed that Russia doesn’t pose any threat to anyone, but did not rule out possible provocations to justify the remarks in question and warned that attempts at using force to settle the crisis in southeastern Ukraine would have the most severe consequences.

Moscow Says Western Media Are Crossed All Possible Lines Of Human Morality

The Bild newspaper has crossed all moral boundaries by publishing an article about Russia’s alleged plan to invade Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday in an interview with the Soloviev Live YouTube channel.

"It’s been a while since we’ve been meticulous with words and phrases in order to be delicate in some way, not to take offence and proceed from the best intentions of partners. Currently, they have crossed all possible lines of human, genuine morality and ethics. Today, [the German newspaper] Bild published an article of an allegedly detailed plan of attack," she said. "From its point of view, the Russian President [Vladimir Putin] drew helmets himself, muzzles ... some cartridges, calibers, and so on."

Concerns over Moscow’s alleged preparations for an invasion into Ukraine have been increasingly announced in the west and in Kiev recently. Moscow has repeatedly rejected such speculation.

Zakharova added that Moscow took retaliatory measures towards German broadcaster Deutsche Welle following Berlin’s decision to ban RT DE in Germany to demonstrate that further steps in this direction will not go unanswered.

"We respond, we’ve been taught, we are doing this to demonstrate that further steps in this direction will come at a cost," the diplomat stressed.

On February 2, the Commission on Licensing and Supervision banned the broadcasting of the RT DE TV channel in Germany since there was no required license under the media law.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced earlier that Moscow was shutting down Deutsche Welle’s news bureau in Russia as the first stage of retaliatory measures following the German regulator’s move to ban RT DE in Germany. Other measures will include the withdrawal of credentials from all staff members at Deutsche Welle’s Russian bureau and the launch of a process aimed at identifying Germany’s government and public agencies involved in banning RT DE from broadcasting and putting other kinds of pressure on the Russian media outlet, who will eventually be barred from entering Russia.

 Journalists of the Deutsche Welle (DW) broadcaster have been invited to accompany German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his visit to Moscow on February 15, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

"To prevent any misunderstandings: Deutsche Welle is invited to the Chancellor’s trip to Moscow," he wrote, commenting on the publication in Der Tagesspiegel daily that his agency had allegedly refused DW reporters to accompany the chancellor on his trip to Russia.

Kremlin Calls 'Bloomberg News' Synonymous with 'Fake News'

On Saturday, Representatives of the Kremlin and the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on Bloomberg's erroneous headline "Russia invades Ukraine."

The Bloomberg news agency’s publishing error about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine makes it clear how dangerous West-triggered tensions are, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday.

"This shows how dangerous the atmosphere of extreme tension that has now developed due to the aggressive actions of our counterparties in Europe. And any spark is dangerous amid tensions.

In general, such a serious publication as Bloomberg ... probably, now we will not say "fake news," but "bloomberg news." It will be righ," Peskov pointed out.

On Friday, Bloomberg news site posted a headline reading: "Russia invades Ukraine" but later admitted the mistake and removed the headline. According to the agency, headlines are usually prepared for many scenarios and this one was published inadvertently. "The headline has been removed and we are investigating the cause," Bloomberg said.

The West and Kiev have recently been echoing allegations about Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine. Russia has repeatedly rejected these allegations.

In turn, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova drew attention to the silence of the US State Department regarding fake publications by the US news agency Bloomberg.

"When will the US State Department release a report over Bloomberg’s fakes? They released it about RT, although there were no facts. However, there are plenty of facts about Bloomberg, and the State Department keeps mum," Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel.

Opening Of Beijing Winter Olympics, Zakharova's Message In Chinese

Congratulatory message by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the occasion of the Chinese New Year and the opening of 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.

"I would like to wish the friendly Chinese people a happy New Year according to their traditional calendar. May you have a happy holiday, well-being and prosperity, and may all your wishes come true. I would like to wish success to the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. All the best!" she said.
President of China Xi Jinping officially announced the opening of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing during the opening ceremony of the event at the Bird’s Nest Stadium on Friday.
Vladimir Putin greeted the Russian Olympic team during the opening ceremony of the Games.
In addition to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the dignitaries included Argentine President Alberto Fernandez, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Singaporean President Halima Yakob, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrein Oyuun-Erdene, Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Pak Byung-suk, Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri.
Also in the stands were UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus and SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming.
The VIP box was above the press area, which meant reporters were unable to see all the dignitaries that were in attendance.

Lavrov's Remarks Following Putin-Xi Talks In Beijing

The primary focus was the tensions that the West has been deliberately escalating around Russia and China, Sergey Lavrov said following talks between Vlsdimir Putin and Xi Jinping, which took place on Friday in Beijing.

"The President of Russia described once again our position at the talks with the United States and NATO on the need to work out clear security guarantees in Europe. The PRC President reaffirmed support for Russia’s stand on this problem. He emphasised that it reflected the fair aspirations of the Russian state and people," he added.

Zakharova Says UK, US Officials Squeal On 'Russian Aggression' Provoke Only Acrid Laughter

The statements on "Russian aggression" by the US and British official structures, they provoke acrid laughter and jokes not only in Russia but across the globe because it is impossible to take these statements, these sets of mythical cliches, these phobias seriously," Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova stressed. 

"But it is necessary to be serious and responsible about the reality: the Kiev regime’s requests to play down the zeal are heeded neither in Washington nor in London. I wouldn’t say that they don’t care, they simply have their own goals. They have a political crisis both in the United States and in Great Britain. So, they urgently need to find a possibility to do some virtual fighting anywhere and they are doing it to divert the attention of the people in their countries from the current political developments at home."

 Maria Zakharova has called on the UK prime minister to stop disseminating fabricated ideas about the alleged threat of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

"UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson posted a video on the government’s official account in social networks, where he tells viewers about Russian troops near the border with Ukraine and threatens with ‘very real’ perspectives of an imminent Russian aggression," she said. "Stop intimidating people, stop spreading fake news and threats."

She noted that the suspenseful music that accompanies Johnson’s words deadens the voice of the Kiev regime, which has begun to "shout out loud opposite things to what the Britons and the Americans are saying." "The Ukrainian authorities have suddenly understood that that the West is simply using their country in its geopolitical interests and are trying to backpedal," she said, citing as an example the statements by Ukraine’s security chief, as well as defense and foreign ministers.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...