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Putin's Night Hockey League Message

Vladimir Putin congratulated the participants and all hockey fans on the opening of the final stage of the 10th All-Russian Night Hockey League Festival in Sochi. 

Putin Attends Easter Service At Cathedral Of Christ The Savior

The main Easter Service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was conducted by Patriarch Kirill. Among the thousands of parishioners were President Vladimir Putin and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The believers were holding candles in their hands, lit from a particle of the blessed fire. The night before, he was taken by special plane to Vnukovo airport. And from there the fire was transferred to 25 cities of Russia. One of the lamps was brought to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior just in time for the beginning of the service.
Traditionally, during the night liturgy, priests change their white robes for red ones. Icons are also decorated with red flowers. It is both the color of the blood shed by Jesus and of life triumphant over death. With the onset of the bright holiday of Easter, the Patriarch congratulated the Orthodox. He wished all Orthodox Christians physical and spiritual health. And also getting rid of COVID-19, which has become a global threat.
Vladimir Putin, also congratulated everyone who celebrates the Bright Resurrection of Christ on Easter. The text was distributed today by the Kremlin press service.
The President, in particular, spoke about the enormous moral significance of the Easter holiday. He, according to the head of state, awakens faith, hope and the desire to help others. Vladimir Putin also noted the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in promoting high ideals in society and solving social problems.
The Great Lent, which the Orthodox Christians held for seven weeks, ended today. And according to church canons, you can gather for a festive meal even at night, right after the service.
Easter Sunday is just the beginning of the celebrations. They will last a whole week. This is the time when the royal gates in church altars are opened and all the bells are rung, spreading the endless joy of the Resurrection of Christ throughout the world.

Orthodox Great Friday In Cathedral Of Christ The Saviour

For the Orthodox today, Great Friday or Good Friday, is the most mournful day of the church calendar.

On this day, believers remember the suffering and death of the Savior on the cross. Fasting today is especially strict. The priests today are clothed in dark robes. The ceremony with the Shroud, which symbolizes the canvas that covered the body of Jesus, has been completed. According to tradition, this is an icon-painting or embroidered image, it is placed in the center of the temple, surrounded by white flowers.

In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the service was performed by Patriarch Kirill.

Putin's Remarks On Protecting Russia's Interests In Caspian Region

Protecting Russia's interests in the Caspian region is the topic of the meeting of the Russian Security Council on April 30, which was chaired by videoconference by Vladimir Putin. The Caspian Five are Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Iran. The future of the Iranian nuclear deal and large promising projects in the Caspian, the President spoke about this today.

Victory Day Military Parade 2021 Night Rehearsal On Moscow's Red Square

At 10 pm Thursday, on Red Square, the first night rehearsal of the parade crews and the mechanized column of the military parade, timed to coincide with the 76th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The foot column is formed of 37 parade crews, which include officers, sergeants and soldiers of formations and military units, students and cadets of military educational institutions, graduates of the Suvorov military and Nakhimov schools.
The number of the foot column will be more than 12 thousand servicemen.
The mechanized column includes more than 190 samples of military equipment.
Five types of tanks took part in the training: historical, modern and advanced models. The crews of the legendary T-34 tanks will traditionally lead a mechanized column. The modern line of tanks is represented by combat vehicles: T-72B3M, T-80 BVM and T-90M Breakthrough, promising the T-14 tank.
The mechanized column also includes armored vehicles of increased security of the Typhoon family, and the Typhoon-Air Defense model will be held across Red Square for the first time.
Combat vehicles for motorized rifle units are represented by modern BMP-3 and BMP-2 with a Berezhok fighting compartment and the promising Kurganets-25 BMP.
The mechanized column also includes armored vehicles of increased security of the Typhoon family, and the Typhoon-Air Defense model will be held across Red Square for the first time.
Combat vehicles for motorized rifle units are represented by modern BMP-3 and BMP-2 with a Berezhok fighting compartment and the promising Kurganets-25 BMP.
The Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system, the Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system, the MSTA-S self-propelled howitzer and the Koalitsiya-SV inter-service artillery complex will present weapons for the missile forces and artillery.
Modern anti-aircraft missile systems of medium and short-range Buk-M3 and Tor-M2 will present the armament of the military air defense of the Ground Forces.
The Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and cannon system and the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system will present the defensive anti-aircraft systems of the Aerospace Forces.
The armament of the Airborne Forces is represented by BMD-4M and BTR-MDM "Shell" combat vehicles.
Also, the mechanized column includes calculations of the modernized heavy flamethrower system of multiple launch rocket launchers TOS-1A, combat vehicles of the engineering system of remote mining, launchers of the Yars missile system, armored personnel carriers BTR-82A, including a promising wheeled armored personnel carrier on the Boomerang platform, armored vehicles military police and National Guard vehicles.
Before the night training, parade crews and crews of the mechanized column held 11 joint trainings in Alabino near Moscow on a special site, which is a model of the main square of the country. All military personnel participating in the training and support of the military parade voluntarily underwent a full course of vaccination against the new coronavirus infection Covid-19.
The second night training session on Red Square will take place on May 4, with a dress rehearsal on May 7.

Zakharova Comments On Biden's Address to Congress

Maria Zakharova commented on part of Biden's Address to Congress relating to Russia at a Foreign Ministry briefing on Thursday.

Putin Sneers At NS2 Opponents From EU

Vladimir Putin is ironic about the representations of those European politicians who oppose Nord Stream 2 in an online meeting with representatives of French business.

Lavrov: Bulgaria Decided To Surpass Czechia In Anti Russian Accusations

Bulgaria, it seems, has decided to surpass the Czech Republic in its anti-Russian campaign. In Sofia, they announced the involvement of Russian special services in the explosions in Bulgarian military warehouses from 2011 to 2020.

As usual, there is no evidence - there are accusations.
The script seems to have been copied from the Czech, but instead of one warehouse there are already several.
And nothing that the vaults belonged to a well-known arms dealer who sent him to countries such as Georgia and Ukraine. And the fact that the warehouses were stored prohibited anti-personnel mines.
Sergey Lavrov, commenting on the news from Sofia, did not hide his bewilderment.

Putin Visits Pushkin Paramedics

On Paramedic day, celebrated for the first time this year, Vladimir Putin visited ambulance station No. 4 in Pushkin near St Petersburg.

The ambulance station in Pushkin was founded in 1955, and its new building opened in 2019. Today it has 19 ambulance teams.
Putin congratulated the ambulance station workers on their professional day, Paramedic day, which was established a year ago on the initiative of the President. He also inspected the facility’s equipment and was given a tour around the control room, the PPE storage point, the training area and also the assembly room.
The facility also trains medical students: trainee doctors acquire their practical skills using dummy simulators and attend lectures on tactical medicine and methods for various emergency situations as well as training and exercises with simulation of emergencies; a mentoring system was also introduced.

Lavrov Analyzes Outlook For Russian-US Relations

Sergey Lavrov spoke about the options for the development of relations between Russia and the United States, which many compare with the times of the Cold War, and about the background of their sad situation.

Putin Presents Unique Church Utensils To Hermitage

As part of his visit to St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin also visited the Hermitage to personally donate to the museum a church utensils given to the daughter of Emperor Alexander II.

Church utensils, part of a set to perform the mystery of the Eucharist, was made in 1877 in St Petersburg at the request of the imperial court to be used in the family chapel at Clarence House in London by Great Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, later Duchess of Edinburgh.
After her death a set of church utensils ended up in the hands of collectors.
And now the silver set was redeemed and, finally, returned to the homeland.
Visitors will soon be able to see it, but so far only in the Hermitage.
The President also discussed the State Hermitage development plans with its Director Mikhail Piotrovsky.

Putin Urges Parliamentarians To Avoid Populism

On Day of Russian Parliamentarism, Vladimir Putin called on Russian parliamentarians to be responsible and honest towards people, and not to make empty promises at a meeting of the Council of Legislators, which traditionally takes place in the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg.

By the way, it was in this place, the Tauride Palace, that the Russian parliament was born 115 years ago. Then, on April 27, 1906, the deputies of the very first State Duma, of course, did not think about any virus and social distance. The palace, as a witness to many eras, will now also remember the masks and the coronavirus test.

Moscow Hosts Over 300 Weapons Systems For Victory Parade 2021

Military equipment of the mechanized column, which takes part in the military parade on Red Square on May 9 this year, began redeployment from a training site in Alabino near Moscow to a temporary site in Moscow, located on Nizhniye Mnevniki Street in the Capital's Northwestern District.

The column of wheeled military equipment includes Tiger vehicles, armored personnel carriers BTR-82A and Boomerang, Iskander-M, Yars missile systems, Pantsir-S, S-400 anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems ", Armored vehicles" Typhoon ", as well as the equipment of the service group. Tanks T-34-85, T-90M and "Armata", infantry fighting vehicles Kurganets will be delivered to Moscow on special equipment. The total number of wheeled vehicles in the convoy will be more than 200 units.
Tracked vehicles from the mechanized column - T-72B3, T-80BVM, BMD-4M, BMD-MDM tanks, TOS-1 heavy flamethrower systems, Msta-S and Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled artillery mounts, BMP-2 s combat compartment "Berezhok", BMP-3 and anti-aircraft missile systems "Buk-M3", "Tor-M2" - will be delivered by rail to the station "Presnya", after which they will march on their own to a temporary site on the Nizhniye Mnevniki street.

Putin's Decree On Counteraction To Unfriendly Countries

Vladimir Putin signs decree on countermeasures to other states’ unfriendly actions.

The government is tasked to define number of individuals that can be employed by foreign missions.
The diplomatic missions of the United States and the Czech Republic are already deprived of the opportunity to hire workers who are in Russia.
For clarity, for example, at the Czech embassy (Prague announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats twice a week), there were 110 employees hired on the spot. It was announced yesterday that 19 will remain.

Crimean Military Exercises Completed

In accordance with the instructions of the Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu, the troops of the Southern Military District and the Airborne troops involved in the events of the sudden check and interspecific exercises at the Opuk training ground have begun to return to their permanent locations.

The missile cruiser Moskva (Moscow), the landing ship Caesar Kunikov and the frigate Admiral Makarov took part in major Crimean exercises. In total, more than 10 thousand servicemen are returning to their places of permanent deployment.
Sergei Shoigu noted that monitoring of the NATO exercises in the Black Sea region will continue, and our military, if necessary, are ready to respond immediately.

DPR & LPR Leaders Message To Zelensky

The leader of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin and the head of the Lugansk People's Republic Leonid Pasechnik invited Volodymyr Zelensky to come to Donbass. Kiev is still silent.

Putin Responds To Zelensky's Offer To Meet

In Moscow on Thursday, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko talked about strengthening the Union State of Russia and Belarus. But not only.

The presidents discussed Ukraine. As you know, Minsk is a platform for negotiations on Donbass, where the settlement would go properly if President Zelensky decided certain issues with whom he follows, and not with whom he is comfortable. Putin also responded to the Ukrainian leader's offer to meet.

Putin's Speech At Climate Summit 2021

Vladimir Putin, via videoconference, participates in the Leaders Summit on Climate.

A global theme that concerns everyone, because we all live on the same land and breathe the same air.

Climate change, threatening hunger and epidemics, was discussed today by the heads of nearly four dozen states and governments. The summit organised by the United States, the event is being held on April 22–23.
President of put forth Russia’s position regarding the development of broad international cooperation aimed at mitigating the negative consequences of global climate change.

Shoigu Arrives In Crimea To Observe Exercises

Sergei Shoigu arrived in Crimea, where the main stage of the mixed exercise of the troops of the Southern Military District and the Airborne Troops, which is being conducted as part of a surprise check of combat readiness, will take place today.

Upon arrival in Crimea, Defenсe Minister flew around the areas where troops and military equipment were deployed, checked the readiness of the naval and ground groupings.
Shoigu also heard a report by the Commander of the Southern Military District, General of the Army Alexander Dvornikov, on the forthcoming actions of the troops during the exercise.
In practical actions of troops at the Opuk training ground, units of the combined arms army, air force and air defenсe formations, warships and ships, military units of the coastal forces of the Black Sea Fleet, part of the forces of the Caspian Flotilla of the Southern Military District, as well as airborne units will take part.
On the eve, troops (forces) involved in the exercise were transferred to the concentration areas. The grouping of ships of the Black Sea Fleet and part of the forces of the Caspian Flotilla entered the area of the event. The personnel and military equipment of the Airborne Troops division were loaded onto the planes of the military transport aviation, they departed to the designated area. The loading of the Marine Corps units on large landing ships and landing boats was carried out. The forces and assets of coastal troops, air defence and anti-ship missile systems are deployed in designated areas.
The Opuk training ground is located at a distance of 60 km from Feodosia and 40 km from Kerch. Its dimensions: along the front - 30 km, in depth - 15 km. The capabilities of the training ground allow you to practice the tasks of landing troops and overcoming the anti-amphibious defence of a mock enemy, to carry out amphibious assault landing - up to two battalions of marines at the same time, to fire at coastal targets from naval artillery complexes, and also to use operational-tactical and army aviation.

Putin's Parliament Message On Russia's Foreign Policy

In the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly 2021, Vladimir Putin called unacceptable attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of states on the example of an attempt to assassinate Alexander Lukashenko and a coup d'etat in Ukraine.

He also explained the principles of Russia's behavior in the international arena and assured in this regard that the organizers of any provocations against Russia will regret it as they have not regretted anything for a long time.
The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.
The ceremony was attended by members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, members of the Government, the heads of the Constitutional and Supreme courts, regional governors, speakers of regional legislatures, the heads of traditional religious denominations and public activists.

Karabakh Peacekeepers Prepares For Victory Parade 2021

The Russian peacekeeping contingent servicemen located in Nagorno-Karabakh started the training of the solemn passing dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

About 400 Russian servicemen are involved in the training at the Stepanakert airfield. The personnell of the 15 separate motorized rifle brigade (peacekeeping) of the Central Military District, which form the basis of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh, are involved in the rehearsals of the solemn march. In addition, the personnel of the Humanitarian Response Center, the military police, the special medical unit, the command group of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, as well as the CSS units are involved in the rehearsals.
For the 76th anniversary of the Victory on May 9, 2021 the solemn passing of the troops is planned amounting 10 parade crews 45 people each.
Currently, the training of the parade crews of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh is carried out on a regular basis at a specially designated time, so as not to interfere with the fulfillment of the tasks of the peacekeeping contingent for its intended purpose.

Putin Works On Future Parlament Address

Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the Cabinet and the Kremlin administration, focusing on preparations for the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly scheduled for Wednesday.

The President considers the social sphere and the development of infrastructure projects to be the main directions.
Putin said back in the first half of March that preparations for the Presidential Address to the Russian Parlament had already started. Since then, he held a separate session with the Cabinet leadership, focusing on the results of the implementation of his last year’s messages. At other recent meetings, Putin repeatedly noted that the topics discussed and comments of participants in the discussion were important for him in terms of work on the 2021 state-of-the-nation address.

Lavrov's 'Tit For Tat' Response To Hostile US Actions

Russia will give a tit-for-tat response to the expulsion of ten Russian diplomats from the United States, Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

As well as, in response to the sanctions against Russian officials imposed by the US administration on March 2 of this year, the following incumbent and former US high-ranking officials and figures complicit in pursuing the anti-Russia policy, are denied entry to the Russian Federation: Merrick Brian Garland, United States Attorney General; Michael D. Carvajal, Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons; Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Susan Elizabeth Rice, Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council, former US Permanent Representative to the United Nations and National Security Advisor; Christopher Asher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Avril Danica Haines, Director of US National Intelligence.
In addition, entry is denied to John Robert Bolton, former National Security Advisor to the United States President, former US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and Robert James Woolsey Jr., former director of the US Central Intelligence Agency.
The minister also promised Poland a mirror response to the expulsion of three Russian diplomats. Perhaps everything was 'avenged' with the exception of sanctions against the Russian national debt. But here, too, Lavrov threatened with the 'hidden' sanctions against American business.
In conclusion, the top diplomat promised to restrict and terminate the activities on Russian territory of American funds and NGO's that interfere in the internal political life of the Russian Federation.

Zakharova Comments On New US Sanctions

Maria Zakharova commented on the new US sanctions against Russia at her weekly briefing.

The diplomat promised an adequate response from the Russian side and blamed the United States for the deplorable state of Russian-American relations.

Putin's Remarks On National Social Initiative

Vladimir Putin is holding a joint meeting of the Presidium of the State Council and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) in Novo-Ogarevo via video link.

The mechanisms of the National Social Initiative (NSI) are discussed. The issues that concern millions of people in Russia are in the center of attention at a large meeting with the President. How to enroll a child in school, quickly get to the doctor and get help with finding a job?
According to Vladimir Putin, today's ideas will be taken into account when preparing a Address to the Federal Assembly on April 21.
The president named the improvement of the quality of life of Russians as the main ultimate goal.

Putin Talks About His Health After Vaccination

Vladimir Putin told how he feels after being shot by the second component of the coronavirus vaccine.

Putin Gets His Second COVID 19 Shot

During Russian Geographical Society meeting on Wednesday, Vladimir Putin announced that he has received his second COVID-19 vaccine dose.

President hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic will recede soon, in particular due to the vaccination drive.
Putin received the first vaccine dose on March 23. Details of the jab were not revealed. The president and his representatives explained that all three Russian vaccines were effective and safe.
The head of state said after the first jab he felt fine and only felt a little discomfort in his left shoulder for a couple of days.
Putin urged everyone to get vaccinated, for the sake of his own and loved ones health.

Putin Visits New Government Coordination Centre

Accompanied by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Vladimir Putin visited the Coordination Centre of the Russian Federation Government.

The meeting rooms are named after the Russian peninsulas "Crimea" and "Kamchatka", etc. And the workplaces are named after the Russian rivers. Government offices these days should look like this - a modern office with fast digital access to all the data that the authorities have at their disposal.
The Government Coordination Center was conceived as a unit capable of increasing the efficiency of government agencies by optimizing the work of officials. The emergence of such a structure in the government is called an example of the digital transformation of the state apparatus. Its heart will be a situational center created to help coordinate the actions of individual authorities.
One of the tasks that the focal point will be engaged in is monitoring the implementation of national projects. But there are other directions as well. The President was satisfied with the work of the new structure.
The Coordination Centre’s activities rely on modern digital technologies, including a special project management system, a risk management system for the socioeconomic advancement in Russia, a multimodal system for collecting feedback from the citizens, a data analysis system and other systems. Big data is coming in real time, including from the government information systems of various levels and other sources.

What Were Putin & Biden Talking About?

On Tuesday, telephone conversation initiated by the United States took place between Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden.

The current state of Russia-US relations and certain pressing items on the international agenda were discussed in detail. Joseph Biden confirmed the previously transmitted invitation to the President of Russia to take part in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, which will be held on April 22–23.
Both presidents expressed their willingness to continue the dialogue on the critical areas of ensuring global security, which would meet the interests not only of Russia and the United States, but the entire international community. In addition, Joseph Biden expressed interest in normalising the state of affairs on the bilateral track and establishing stable and predictable interaction on pressing matters such as ensuring strategic stability and arms control, Iran’s nuclear programme, the situation in Afghanistan, and global climate change.
In this context, the US President suggested considering the possibility of holding a personal summit meeting in the foreseeable future.
When exchanging views on the internal Ukrainian crisis, Vladimir Putin outlined approaches to a political settlement based on the Minsk Package of Measures.
It was agreed to instruct the relevant departments to work through the issues raised during the telephone conversation.

Lavrov Warns Turkey Against Providing Weapons To Ukraine

During a press conference in Cairo on Monday, Sergey Lavrov commented on the recent visit of Vladimir Zelensky to Turkey, which media and experts associate with the sale of combat drones to Kiev.

Putin Visits Gagarin's Landing Site & Held Meeting On Space Industry Future

On the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, Vladimir Putin visited the memorial and educational complex at Yury Gagarin's landing site in the Engels District, Saratov Region.

The main theme zone of ​​the park - the landing site of Yury Gagarin - is a composition consisting of a stele and a monument to the first cosmonaut. It is surrounded by a walking path featuring pavers engraved with quotes from the pilot's communications with Earth.
Nearby is Cosmonauts Square with the marble Wall of Glory, which contains information about the planets of the solar system and the stages of development of the Soviet and Russian space programmes, including data about scientists, designers and other participants in the Vostok-1 mission. The park’s trees and bushes include a cedar alley in memory of the call sign “Kedr” (Cedar) assigned to Yury Gagarin when preparing for his orbital flight.
Vladimir Putin examined the park's display, laid flowers at the monument to Yury Gagarin, and signed the distinguished visitors’ book.
Later, President held a meeting, via videoconference, on the long-term priorities of space exploration in the Russian Federation.
In the new, 21st century, Russia must maintain its status as a leading nuclear and space power because the space industry is directly linked with defence.

Lavrov's Address On 60th Anniversary of Gagarin's Flight Into Space

Video address by Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space.

On April 12, 1961, a citizen of Russia, Yuri Gagarin, for the first time in human history, orbited the Earth in a manned spacecraft.
The significance of this breakthrough into near-earth space cannot be overestimated. The launch of the Vostok spacecraft ushered in a new era in the centuries-long chronicle of civilisation.

Zakharova Condemns US Prisoner Abuse

Maria Zakharova responds to the attacks by the United States and other Western countries on human rights abuses in Russia by providing real-life examples of inhuman conditions in US prisons for both United States and foreign citizens.

Literally every day, politicians, ministries and departments at different levels, and the US administration show their concern about human rights around the world. A noble cause, but first you need to take care of your own problems, and they do need your attention.
Zakharova cite one example that clearly illustrates how defenceless inmates in US prisons are against the sadists working there.
Where is the State Department? Where is the presidential administration? Briefings are held daily. Why isn’t a word ever said about the inhuman conditions in American prisons for US citizens and foreign nationals?
Naturally, the diplomat reminds of Russian prisoners, whose conditions of detention in US prisons do not differ from those indicated above.
Washington, always concerned with human rights around the world, but not at home, has ignored Russian calls for the release of all unjustly convicted or detained Russian citizens and for permission to return home on humanitarian grounds.

Zakharova's Remarks On Zelensky's Dombas Trip

Maria Zakharova delivers remarks on Vladimir Zelenskiy's bellicose statements when visiting Dombas at the Russian Foreign Ministry's weekly briefing on Friday.

The Russian diplomat claims that hypothetical membership in the NATO would, contrary to Kiev’s expectations, not bring peace to Ukraine but would result in a large-scale escalation in its southeast and may lead to irreversible consequences for Ukrainian statehood.
Moscow are calling on the Kiev authorities yet again to act responsibly and start implementing their obligations under the Minsk Package of Measures. This package is the programme approved by the international community which should bring peace to Ukraine as a whole and to its Donbass region. No illusions, fantasies or provocations are needed. If Kiev declares its wish and desire to establish peaceful life, this should be done. The plan is on the table for a long time now.

Putin Discusses Global Information Exchange With Security Council

Vladimir Putin chairs Security Council on Friday.

The meeting, however, as usual took place behind closed doors, but before the start, the President said that it was devoted to issues related to the exchange of information, problems with the dissemination of information, including contacts with our foreign partners in this area.

Of course, information is an extremely important part of modern reality. In this regard, issues of safety, environment and response to epidemics were discussed.

Putin Prepares New Address To The Federal Assembly

Two weeks before the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly, which traditionally sets out strategic guidelines for Russia's socio-economic development, Vladimir Putin holds the Cabinet meeting.

The President proposed to discuss the practical results of the implementation of the President's Address to the Federal Assembly over the past two years and to analyze how the instructions given on the basis of these Messages are being carried out.
Putin is referring to the initiated reform of control and supervision activities and the initiative to cleanse Russian legislation of outdated norms and requirements in many areas.
The President believes that if the initiative enjoys the support of the population and yields tangible results, then it is necessary to think about its expansion.
Putin (apparently not unreasonably) calls on ministers to admit the failures in the implementation of some projects in order to timely correct their implementation (or the executor?)

Putin Receives Pashinyan In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin and Nikol Pashinyan held a bilateral meeting in the Moscow Kremlin.

The presidents discussed the situation in Karabakh, in particular, issues related to Armenian prisoners of war and Russian peacekeepers.
In terms of economic cooperation, Pashinyan suggested that the Russian leader build a new nuclear power plant in Armenia.
Putin promised the Armenian prime minister to solve the problem with the coronavirus vaccine, the first batch of which will be sent to the republic tomorrow.

Lavrov & Qureshi Plants Tree Of Friendship In Karachi

Sergey Lavrov held talks with his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi in Islamabad.

Before that, Lavrov planted a Himalayan cedar in the garden of the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, which is one of the national symbols of this country.

Following meeting, the Russian Minister made a statement at a joint conference with his Pakistani counterpart.

Lavrov Sums Up Results Of New Delhi Talks

Sergey Lavrov summed up the results of talks with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar during their joint press conference in New Delhi on Wednesday.

Lavrov Believes US Political Correctness Brought To Absurdity

Sergey Lavrov commented on the birth of a new revolutionary ideology in the United States, demanding the spread of American values ​​in the world, despite the resistance of Russia and China, during an interview with Dimitri Simes and Vyacheslav Nikonov. The Minister believes that US political correctness brought to the point of absurdity will not end well.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...