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Putin Greets Russians On National Unity Day In Sevastopol

On National Unity Day, Vladimir Putin visited a memorial complex dedicated to the end of the Russian Civil War in Sevastopol. The President laid flowers at the eternal flame near the monument and congratulated the people of Crimea and all citizens of Russia on the national holiday.

The ceremony is timed to coincide with National Unity Day marked in Russia on November 4. Built on the instruction of the President, the memorial was unveiled on April 22, 2021, on the banks of the Karantinnaya Bay. The Russian Military Historical Society, with support from the International Council of Russian Compatriots, carried out this project; it was designed by Chairman of the Artists’ Union of Russia Andrei Kovalchuk.
The monument presents a sculptural composition with two male figures at the centre symbolising the two opposing sides in the Civil War. Above them rises a statue on a pedestal representing Mother Russia that calls on its sons to be reconciled. The bottom of the monument carries the inscription: “We are a single people, and we have only one Russia.” This is where the eternal flame is burning.
In the autumn of 1920, after the Red Army swept into Crimea, 126 ships and vessels carrying about 150,000 refugees, who were officers of General Pyotr Wrangel’s army, members of their families and the White Army supporters, fled from the peninsula’s ports, with Sevastopol among them. That marked the end of the Civil War battles and its end for the south of Russia. However, the end of confrontation across the country is generally dated by 1922.

Zakharova Slams US Fake News Articles Claiming Russian Troops Amassing At Ukrainian Border

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has taken a swipe at articles published in US media outlets that claim Russia was allegedly amassing troops at the Ukrainian border, branding them to be part of a fake news campaign.

She noted that at least three US media outlets - Politico, the Washington Post and Foreign Policy published "as if on cue in a real panic attack" materials that Russia was allegedly moving its troops to the Ukrainian border. "This wasn’t one fake news item, this is an entire fresh fake news campaign in American media outlets," the diplomat said at a briefing on Wednesday.
"Nobody contacted us, we are confident that nobody at all from the Russian side was contacted who could have represented our country. This is classic, when such articles are being put together, with fake information, then the side’s official position is not requested," the spokeswoman added.
On Tuesday, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov branded the reports of Russian military equipment "near the borders with Ukraine" as "cheap fake news." The press secretary emphasized that the movement of Russian military equipment and troops inside the country is solely Moscow’s internal affair.
The US-based Politico magazine earlier reported that commercial satellite images showed military hardware and ground troops allegedly amassing near the town of Yelnya in the Smolensk Region. The units included the elite 1st Guards Tank Army. As the media outlet claimed, the deployment marked "a clear deviation from this unit’s standard training pattern." The outlet also emphasized the alleged heightened activity of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

Russia Complies With International Climate Obligations, Unlike US

Russia, unlike the United States, fulfills its international obligations to combat climate change, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Wednesday, commenting on US President Joe Biden’s criticism of Russia and China for missing the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow.

"Unlike our American counterparts, the Russian Federation vigorously and, I emphasize, consistently fulfills its obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. It is strange to hear such things from the US, taking into consideration the utterly unsystematic and chaotic policy that Washington pursues in this field," she said.

Zakharova recalled that the United States had both insisted on striking a climate deal as well as withdrawing from it. The number of measures implemented by Russia in this area is comprehensive, the diplomat noted adding that, in particular, steps are being taken to reach carbon neutrality.

According to Russia’s estimates, China has a constructive attitude to the entire range of global climate agenda, Zakharova added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the G20 summit that over the past 20 years, the carbon intensity of Russia’s economy had been decreasing by an average of 2.7% year-over-year, which is higher than in the entire world. Putin emphasized that the share of energy from carbon-free sources exceeds 40%, and if natural gas is taken into account, the figure rises to 86%. The government also approved the strategy of Russia’s socio-economic development with low greenhouse gas emissions until 2050.

"In fact, we are one of the leaders in the global de-carbonization process, and we have set a concrete target of achieving our economy’s carbon neutrality no later than 2060," she explained. "We have an interest in reducing the dangerous implications of climate change collectively, but with regard to socio-economic distinctions between the countries."

Zakharova urged to use international platforms for joint work in combatting climate change, but not for mutual accusations.

"Can anyone doubt that Russia is consistently for such a joint approach? I do not think so. We have given no such reason," she concluded.

Putin Says Breakthrough Weapons Ensure High Level Of Russia’s Security

Advanced weapons developed by Russia have ensured a high level of the country’s military security, Vladimir Putin said at a defense industry meeting on Wednesday.

"Today we will discuss the pace of rearming the Army and the Navy with the systems based on new physical principles," the Russian leader said, opening the defense industry meeting.
"The creation of laser, hypersonic, kinetic and other weapons in our country that are unrivaled in the world has become a real breakthrough in the field of military technologies and has boosted substantially the capabilities of the Armed Forces for many years and even for decades to come and ensured a high level of Russia’s military security," Putin pointed out.
The creation of such weapon systems also helped strengthen strategic parity, the Russian president said.
"Today the creation and serial production of such effective, hi-tech and innovative weapons is a key area of developing the Armed Forces," Putin stressed.
The work on developing such weapons requires time, additional efforts and funding, the head of state pointed out.
"Each of weapon types reveals lengthy work of thousands of our scientists, engineers, programmers and other specialists. I repeatedly pointed out that substantial potential has been created in this area thanks to the Russian defense industry, our fundamental and applied science," Putin said.
The trials of the Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile are nearing completion and they will start arriving for the Russian Navy from next year, Vladimir Putin said.
"The trials of the Tsirkon seaborne hypersonic cruise missile are coming to a close. In the course of the trials, it struck both ground and sea targets from the submerged position and from surface ships accurately and in full compliance with the assigned task. Already from next year, these missiles will start arriving for service in the Russian Navy," Putin said.
The trials perfectly confirmed the unique properties of Peresvet laser weapons, Avangard and Kinzhal hypersonic systems, the Russian president added.
Today it is especially important to develop and introduce technologies required for creating new hypersonic weapon systems, enhanced power lasers and robotic platforms that will be capable of effecting fending off potential military threats, Putin stressed.
"And this means that they will further bolster our country’s security," the Russian president said.
The use of artificial intelligence in the armed forces is acquiring top priority, because such technologies can bring about a breakthrough in improving weapons' combat parameters, Vladimir Putin said. "Let me stress one fundamental aspect. The use of artificial intelligence technologies has top priority in creating these and other weapon systems of the future," Putin said while speaking about hypersonic systems.
He stressed that AI technologies "must bring about a qualitative breakthrough in enhancing weapons' combat capabilities."
"Such technologies should be used more actively in personnel and weapons command systems, communication and data transmission means and also high accuracy missiles," Putin believes. Of no less importance, he said, is the introduction of AI technologies in creating new highly autonomous robots and in the remote control of drones and deep submergence vehicles.
"All these priorities and tasks must be reflected to the full extent in the new state program for armaments extending till 2033," he said.
Putin stressed that the work on a unified system of reference data for shaping the program was already underway at the Defense Ministry.
"The key task here is to ensure the weapon systems and equipment that will be manufactured and supplied to the armed forces under this program should reliably protect Russia from potential threats," he concluded.

Kremlin Hits Back At Biden’s ‘Burning Tundra’ Remark JOE' CARBON FOOTPRINT

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov pointed to wildfires raging in America, hitting back at US President Joe Biden’s remarks on Russia’s ‘burning tundra’.

"The tundra is, indeed, burning, but let’s not forget that forests are ablaze in California, Turkey and elsewhere across the world. This is precisely one of the consequences of climate change that we are confronted with," Peskov specified.

He noted that in some respects, Russia has to cope with even more serious climate challenges than other countries. In particular, this refers to the pace of warming in the Arctic and not only in that region, the Kremlin spokesman said.

"We do not agree with the issue formulated in this way," the Russian presidential spokesman said, commenting on Biden’s remarks.

"It is Russia that displays quite a responsible approach and we have formulated forward-looking and concrete work plans in this area [climate change]. Here, it is very likely that the US president was not informed of all this work when he spoke about Russia’s non-attendance at the forum [the Glasgow Climate Change Conference]," the Kremlin press secretary said.

US President Biden earlier said at a press conference following a two-day summit of the heads of state and governments within the framework of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) that the Russian and Chinese leaders had made a big mistake by not attending the forum and the G20 summit in Rome.

The US president also accused Moscow of being "mum on willingness to do anything" on climate change.

"His tundra is burning," Biden said, referring to the Russian president. As Biden further claimed, President Putin "has serious, serious climate problems".

Peskov Castigates POLITICO's Claims Of Russian ‘Military Buildup Near Ukraine’

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov advised journalists on Tuesday not to waste any time on reading such fake news as reports about Russian military hardware allegedly amassing "near the borders with Ukraine."

It is not even worth commenting on the quality of these reports and generally such news should be ignored. The reports talk about the border with Ukraine, yet they show the border with Belarus. The quality itself serves as perfect proof that time should not be wasted on getting acquainted with such cheap fake news," the Russian presidential spokesman said, commenting on an article published in the US-based Politico media outlet.
The movements of Russian military equipment and troops inside the country is solely Moscow’s internal affair, Peskov stressed.
"Russia has never threatened anyone, nor is it threatening anyone, and what’s more it poses no danger to anyone. Rather, Russia is a country that has always taken and will continue taking measures to ensure its own security given the quite aggressive expansionist tendencies, especially from NATO and some other countries," the Kremlin press secretary pointed out.
The US-based Politico magazine earlier reported that commercial satellite images showed military hardware and ground troops allegedly amassing near the town of Yelnya in the Smolensk Region. The units included the elite 1st Guards Tank Army. As the media outlet claimed, the deployment marked a "clear deviation from the 1st Guards Tank Army’s standard training pattern." Politico also alleged that Russia was once again massing troops and military equipment on the border with Ukraine.

Putin Stresses Need To Introduce AI In Developing Unmanned Combat Aviation

Russia must introduce advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, in developing unmanned combat aviation, Vladimir Putin said at a defense industry meeting on Tuesday.

"We need to continue work on them [unmanned aerial vehicles], keep working as intensively as we have been doing lately. I also mean using artificial intelligence, state-of-the-art achievements of technology and science," the Russian president said.
The Russian leader recommended the domestic defense industry to use more broadly its own experience gained in the course of the combat employment of drones and also analytical data. The Russian president said that over 2,000 drones were operational in the Russian Army at present. Russian Aerospace Force Commander-in-Chief Sergei Surovikin delivered a report on this issue at the defense industry meeting.

Lavrov Says Ukraine Seeks To Goad Russia Into Using Force: 'Mysterious Story' With Bayraktar In Donbass

Moscow is witnessing attempts by Ukrainian officials to stir up incitement and goad Russia into using force, Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Russia-24 TV channel.

"Getting back to Ukraine, to the Normandy Format, yes, there is an obvious exacerbation. Attempts are being observed to whip up a provocative situation, to elicit some response from the militia and goad Russia into some sort of use of force," he said.

The Russian top diplomat also noted the "mysterious story" with the Bayraktar drone in Donbass. "The commander of Ukraine’s armed forces claims that this weapon was used, yet the defense minister says that nothing of the kind had happened," Lavrov pointed out.

"I think, right now they are debating, what is more advantageous for them: to demonstrate their ‘toughness’ that they’ve already begun bombing in flagrant violation of the Minsk Accords or to say that they are still implementing the Minsk Accords and offer to meet in the Normandy Format," the diplomat said.
"We don’t need a meeting for a meeting’s sake," he emphasized.

Putin's COP26 Message On Forest Protection

In its pursuit to build a carbon-neutral economy by 2060 Russia relies, among other things, on the unique resource of its forests, according to a video message from Vladimir Putin to the participants of the World Leaders Summit on Action on Forests and Land Use held within the framework of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow.

"By aiming to build a carbon-neutral economy by no later than 2060, Russia is relying, among other things, on the unique resource of forest ecosystems available to us, and their significant capacity to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. After all, our country accounts for around 20% of the world’s forestland," Putin said.

"The conservation of forests and other natural ecosystems is a key component of international efforts to address global warming and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases," he noted. This topic fits organically into the multidimensional agenda of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference, according to the Russian leader.
Moscow takes the strongest and most vigorous measures to conserve forests, improves forest management, fights illegal logging and forest fires, expands reforestation areas, consistently increases funding for these purposes, Putin said.

"Russia supports the draft joint declaration on forests and land-use proposed for approval at today’s meeting. We expect its implementation to facilitate closer partnerships between all interested states in forest conservation," he said.

"This will undoubtedly serve to fulfill the objectives of reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere set out in the Paris Agreement," he added.

Lavrov: West Prefers To Make Deals Within Narrow Circle, Where It Is Unchallenged

The Western countries find it more preferable to clinch deals within a narrow circle, where they remain unchallenged, and to conduct discussions on crucial issues outside universal organizations, Sergey Lavrov told the Rossiya-24 round-the-clock television news channel in interview.

"The collective West, aware that its arguments get ever more vulnerable, because its policies are geared to slowing down objective processes of the emergence of a polycentric world in full compliance with the UN Charter, finds it more preferable to conduct discussions on crucial issues outside the universal organizations and to clinch deals within a narrow circle, where it remains unchallenged. I am referring to the collective West, which once in a while invites some "obedient countries" to join in. their role is that of backstage extras, of creating an impression the process is somewhat larger than a purely Western one," he said.
Lavrov remarked that with the emergence of a multipolar world the variety of voices in the United Nations was now heard much better.
As it sends invitations to countries to a "summit for democracy," the United States is keen to demonstrate that this is a mass movement, Sergey Lavrov said.
"The 'summit for democracy' pursues the aim of classifying people and countries into democratic and undemocratic ones. The way I see it, the Americans wish to achieve the maximum loyalty, to create an impression there is a mass Washington-led movement," Lavrov said.
"It would be amusing to see who specifically has been invited and in what capacity," Lavrov said. "I am nearly certain that there will be attempts to lure in some of our strategic partners and allies," he said.

Lavrov hopes that "they will demonstrate commitment to their obligations that exist on other platforms, and not at some artificially and unofficially convened one-time summits."
Lavrov said that both Russia and China were absent from the list of those invited.
"Some of our partners have been whispering into our ears that they had been asked to get ready and that an invitation was due soon. Asked what they will be doing there they reply they will make a statement online. A final statement will be issued afterwards. Is it possible to take a look at it? They reply it will be shown later. It is a sovereign-vassals type of relationship," Lavrov said.
On August 11, the White House said that US President Joe Biden was convening a Summit for Democracy. It is expected that the forthcoming conference will consider three basic issues: protection from authoritarianism, struggle against corruption and human rights.

Putin: US Warship In Black Sea Can Be Seen Through Russian Defense System Sight

The US warship [USS Mount Whitney] that has entered the Black Sea can be clearly seen through a binocular or a sight of Russia’s defense capabilities, President Putin notes.

"As you know, a US warship has now entered the Black Sea. We can look at it through a binocular or through a sight of the corresponding defense systems," Putin said.
Russia sees threats to its security and is ready to provide a proper reaction to them, Vladimir Putin said.
"We know, and we know it very well that some of our foreign partners haven’t abandoned attempts to break this [strategic] parity, including through the deployment of elements of global missile defense in the immediate vicinity of our borders," Putin noted.
"We cannot fail to notice these threats to Russia’s security and we will react to this accordingly, adequately to the situation," he stressed.
According to Putin, the meeting will look into a set of issues related to the strengthening of the aerospace forces. "This is one of the most powerful, hi-tech and maneuverable components of the modern Russian army. Reliable protection of Russia against aerospace attacks and maintaining strategic parity directly depend on their combat readiness and equipment," Putin said.
Putin called the lineup of the meeting traditional. "This format, as we have repeatedly stated, makes it possible to analyze extensively on a regular basis the state of Russia’s defense capability, and if necessary to timely adjust and update plans for modernizing the army and the fleet, the work of enterprises of the military-industrial sector," he added.
The Russian president stressed that the aerospace defense potential of the Russian Armed Forces grew sizably in recent years. "The missile attack warning system, both its components, operates flawlessly and efficiently," he stressed. The orbital group of satellites and ground-based radar stations detect the launches of ballistic missiles without fail, timely determine their parameters and notify the combat control centers, the president explained. He also reiterated that 25 S-400 air defense systems and over 70 modern jets were supplied in the past four years within the framework of a respective government program, and over 20 S-300 systems and 90 aircraft have been modernized.
"As a result, the efficiency of covering the essential military and industrial infrastructure has grown sizably," Putin summed up.
The US warship that has entered the Black Sea can be clearly seen through a binocular or a sight of Russia’s defense capabilities, President Putin notes.
"As you know, a US warship has now entered the Black Sea. We can look at it through a binocular or through a sight of the corresponding defense systems," Putin said.
Russia needs to further improve its aerospace defense system. This need directly stems from the leading countries’ efforts to develop advanced attack weapons with high speed characteristics, the Russian leader stressed.

Lavrov Reacts To US Naval Flag Demonstration In Black Sea

The US naval flag demonstration in the Black Sea does not add to global stability, Sergey Lavrov said on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome on Sunday.

Russia’s top diplomat thus commented on a decision by the US Sixth Fleet to send its flagship, command and control ship USS Mount Whitney to the Black Sea for joint operations with NATO countries.

When asked about whether Moscow was notified beforehand about these maneuvers, Russia’s top diplomat replied "it is not a matter of notifying in advance, this concerns fulfilling the international law norms for ships of non-littoral states to enter the Black Sea."

"These issues are regulated by the Montreux Convention, under which the states of the flag of a particular warship must notify the Turkish authorities. As far as I know, these rules are complied with. At least, we keep a close eye on these rules to be observed," he added.

"As a whole, the US naval flag demonstration in the Black Sea is not the sole case, of course. The United States directly announced on several occasions that the need for its warships to enter these waters was prompted by the tasks of deterring Russia and preventing the creation of alleged risks from Russia in the Black Sea for US allies. This, of course, does not add to stability," the Russian foreign minister said.

The Americans are actively trying to push Black Sea littoral countries that are NATO members towards pursuing such quite confrontational policy, "talk about creating new naval bases on the Black Sea coast of Romania or Bulgaria," Lavrov said.

"I don’t think that this will meet the interests of good neighborly relations in the Black Sea region," Russia’s top diplomat stressed.

Russia is ready to fend off any threats and can reliably ensure its security in the Black Sea, Lavrov said.
"We are ready for any threats. For us, there exist no problems to reliably ensure the security of Russian territory and security in the Black Sea. But we always stand for promoting cooperation projects instead of projects based on confrontation," Russia’s top diplomat said.

The Russian foreign minister mentioned the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization that united not only the littoral countries but also other states from that region and EU states.

"We favor cooperation and not tension escalation to be the basis for relations between states in that part of the region," Lavrov said.

Lavrov: Destabilization Of Russia's Central Asian Allies Due To Kabul Is...

The main task for Moscow is to prevent destabilization of Central Asian allies after the Taliban (outlawed in Russia) seized power in Afghanistan, Sergey Lavrov said in an interview on the Rossiya-24 television channel.

"The main thing for us is their stability, since we do not have borders with our Central Asian allies, [there is] visa-free regime with almost everyone," he said. "First and foremost, this is the necessity to prevent destabilization of neighboring countries and the influx of terrorist and drug threats from Afghanistan, the necessity to nip these threats in the bud inside Afghanistan."

The Taliban movement (outlawed in Russia) launched a large-scale operation for establishing control of Afghanistan after the United States last spring declared its troop pullout. On August 15, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani left the country, while the radicals entered the capital Kabul without encountering any resistance. On September 6, the Taliban said it had put the whole territory of Afghanistan under control and on September 7 unveiled the composition of its interim Cabinet of Ministers, whose legitimacy has not been recognized by any country so far.

Lavrov Points To NATO’s Unwillingness To Hold Dialogue With Moscow

Russia has no information that NATO is going to establish contacts with Moscow and the alliance is unwilling to have any interaction, Sergey Lavrov said after the G20 summit in Rome on Sunday.

"We have no information about what NATO is going to do. We rely on facts and these facts suggest that NATO does not wish any interaction with us," Russia’s top diplomat said, responding to a question from TASS about whether any signals had emerged from NATO about the need to establish a dialogue with Moscow.

NATO announced on October 6 that it had cut the staff of the Russian mission at the alliance from 20 to 10 members, revoking the accreditation of eight diplomats and abolishing two vacant positions. The North Atlantic alliance told the Russian diplomats to leave Brussels by late October.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov announced on October 18 that Russia would suspend its mission to NATO from November, following the military bloc’s decision to withdraw the accreditation of eight Russian diplomats. He also said that the work of the NATO military liaison mission and information office in Moscow would be suspended.

Lavrov Highlights Importance Of Returning To Iran Nuclear Deal In Its Original Form

Russia fully supports the idea of returning to the Iran nuclear deal in the form it was signed, without any additions or exemptions, Sergey Lavrov said on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome on Sunday.

"if the sides are intensifying contacts, they apparently want to come to resuming the deal. it may be resumed solely in the form it was approved by the UN Security Council in 2015," Russia’s top diplomat said.

"any additions and any exemptions are unacceptable for the Iranian side. And we fully support this approach," Lavrov said.

"if the sides agreed on something and if someone subsequently backtracked on the deal, it is necessary to seek returning to its full respect and observance," Lavrov stressed.

The leaders of the European troika (France, Germany and Great Britain) and the United States earlier held negotiations on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome to discuss the Iran nuclear deal.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed between Iran, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Russia, the United Kingdom, China, the United States and France) and Germany in 2015. The deal was aimed at overcoming the crisis regarding Tehran’s nuclear program.

In 2018, then-US President Donald Trump announced Washington’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. After that, the United States unleashed a campaign to exert maximum pressure on Tehran, which was actually aimed at strangling Iran’s economy. Incumbent US President Joe Biden has numerously signaled his readiness to bring the US back to the Iran nuclear deal.

The Five Plus One Group (Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China, the United States and France) has been holding negotiations with Iran on restarting the Iran nuclear deal in its original form since April in Vienna. By now, six rounds of such meetings have been held.

Lavrov: G20 Nations Want Mutual Recognition Of Vaccination Certificates

The Group of Twenty nations want mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates, Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday after the G20 summit.

"Obviously, the leaders want mutual recognition of vaccination certificates," he said.

He said he sees no connection between vaccination promotion and the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet been revaccinated against the coronavirus infection.

"I see no connection," he said. "Many leaders in their speeches supported Russian President Vladimir Putin’s words about the vaccines."

In his video address to the G20 summit, the Russian president called for mutual recognition of vaccines and vaccination certificates. According to Putin, due to unfair competition not all world nations have access to vaccines until now.

In their joint declaration passed on Sunday after a two-day summit, the G20 leaders undertook to take efforts to ensure universal and equal access to vaccines. They also noted that they recognize the importance of common standards in international trips, including vaccination certificates and digital applications.

Lavrov: Russia Has Its Own Vision Of Time Limits For Reaching Carbon Neutrality

Russia will not adhere to the timeframes for reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 that are imposed by Western countries as it thinks that this goal can be attained ten years later, Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday after the Group of Twenty summit in Rome.

"Russia doesn’t think that the year 2050 is a magic date which is not subject to argument," he noted. "If the European Union has set this ambitious goal (to reach carbon neutrality), it doesn’t mean that other countries have no right to their own ambitions. No one can convince us that 2050 is a mandatory benchmark for all. We in Russia do not want to be guided by shallow promises and on the basis of our own calculations we have set the year 2060 as a deadline for reaching carbon neutrality."
The Russian top diplomat said he is convinced that Russia will be able to attain this goal because it is not guided by populist statements, unlike the Western partners, who once pledged to stop using Russian pipeline gas in favor of spot trade. "You know what has become of it," he noted.
He also explained why 2050 was used in the G20 declaration as a deadline for reaching carbon neutrality. "The matter is that the draft declaration was preliminarily agreed by the Group of Seven and only after that submitted for discussion within the Group of Twenty," Lavrov said. "It is disrespectful for other G20 members and the entire international community. It is not polite to use such negotiations tricks and we would like them not to be used later on."

Lavrov: Russia Waiting For Partners Response To Its Proposals On Normandy-Format Meeting

Russia has conveyed to the partners its proposals on the agenda for another Normandy-format meeting and is waiting for their response, Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Moscow.Kremlin.Putin program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

"We think that any meeting has sense not as such but when it has some substantive agenda. We have referred our proposals on how to prepare a contact in the Normandy format substantively, regardless of the level, to our partners and are waiting for their response. because when they say ‘we need to meet as soon as possible’ they have not yet conveyed their vision of the expected results," he said, when asked whether Russia sees any point in organizing another Normandy-format summit.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on October 13 that Moscow would continue its mediatory efforts in the Normandy format and in the Contact Group on settling the conflict in Donbass. She said the issue of a ministerial meeting in the Normandy format was being looked at following a corresponding instruction of the Russian, French and German leaders after their telephone talks on October 11.

On Monday, German Ambassador to Russia Geza Andreas von Geyr told reporters that preparations were underway for a Normandy Four foreign ministers meeting but no date had been agreed yet.

Lavrov Says His Meeting With Biden Was Useful

Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday his meeting with US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the Group of Twenty summit in Rome was quite useful and that the US leader wants further contacts.

"I had a brief but useful conversation with President Biden, who conveyed best greetings to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and stressed his commitment to further contacts. And we also briefly discussed how to build these contacts in the foreseeable future. I have reported it to the president and I think it will be useful for drafting our further schedules," he said in an interview with the Moscow.Kremlin.Putin program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

Lavrov said earlier on Sunday he had spoken with Biden on the sidelines of the G20 summit on Saturday.

Putin's G20 Speech On Climate Change & Environment

Russia is among global de-carbonization leaders in expert estimates and the low-carbon energy sector is developing in the country at a good pace, Vladimir Putin said at a G20 summit via a videoconference on Sunday.

"In the estimate of international experts, Russia is among global de-carbonization leaders. Over the past 20 years, our economy’s carbon intensity has been falling by an average of 2.7% annually, which is higher than in the world as a whole and even higher than in the G7 countries," the Russian leader pointed out.
As Putin said, today in Russia "the share of energy from practically carbon-free sources and, as we know, these are nuclear power plants, hydropower plants, wind and solar electric power plants, exceeds 40% and this figure rises to 86%, taking into account natural gas, the lowest carbon-content fuel among hydrocarbons." This is one of the best indicators in the world, the Russian leader stressed. Recently, the Russian authorities have made a decision to implement a new program of raising the economy’s energy efficiency for a period through 2035, which will be a key element for the country to become carbon-neutral no later than 2060, Putin said.
"And we have publicly stated that we are undertaking this commitment. Moreover, we do not simply want to become carbon neutral but want to ensure that in the next three decades the accumulated amount of net greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is less than, for example, in our neighbors and colleagues in the European Union. And this is a task that we can quote cope with," the Russian leader said.
Russia also expects "to build long-term plans with all partners, implement them as priorities in the energy sector on the principles of technological neutrality, objectively taking into account the carbon footprint of various types of power generation," he pointed out. "Let me mention, in particular, that the solar energy carbon footprint is four times higher than in nuclear power engineering, according to scientific data," the Russian president said.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions is not enough and it is necessary to build up the practices of absorbing them and Russia has big potential for that, Vladimir Putin said.
"Let me also stress that it is not sufficient, in our view, simply to reduce emissions to cope with the problem of global warming. It is necessary to build up the practices of absorbing greenhouse gases and in this regard Russia, like some other countries, has huge potential," the Russian leader stressed. As Putin specified, he meant the absorbing potential of forests, tundra, agricultural lands, seas and swamps. "In order to tap the available potential in full, we are planning to considerably raise the quality of forest management, increase forest recovery areas, expand the territories of pristine nature and introduce new agricultural agro-technologies," the Russian president specified.
Russia recently made a decision to implement a new program of raising the economy’s energy efficiency through 2035 to become a key element for the country to turn carbon neutral no later than 2060, he pointed out.
At the same time, Russia has publicly announced that it is undertaking this commitment. Moreover, it seeks not simply to achieve its carbon neutrality but to ensure that in the next three decades the accumulated amount of net greenhouse gas emissions in the country is less than, for example, in some EU states, Putin said.
"This is a task that we can quite cope with," the Russian leader said.
‘We also expect to build long-term plans with all partners and implement them as priorities in the energy sector on the principles of technological neutrality, objectively taking into account the carbon footprint of various types of power generation," Putin said, adding that the solar energy carbon footprint was four times greater than in nuclear power engineering, according to scientific data.
"It is important to focus the international community’s efforts primarily on the most efficient environmental projects. In our view, experts could draw up a rating of such projects in terms of the efficiency of greenhouse gas cuts per each invested dollar," the Russian leader suggested.
The Russian president did not rule out that the initiatives included in this rating that stipulated, in particular, measures to preserve forests in Russia and in Latin America would turn out to be more efficient than investments in renewable energy in some countries.
Global warming is unfolding in Russia faster than in the world and the average air temperature in the country has grown by a half-degree in the past decade, Vladimir Putin said.
"Let me note that the average annual air temperature in Russia is growing faster than in the world by more than 2.5 times. Over ten years, it has grown by more than a half-degree," the Russian leader said.

Lavrov's Bilateral Meetings With World Food Program's Chif, Turkish And French Counterparts

On the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Rome, on Saturday, Sergey Lavrov continued a series of bilateral meetings.

Russian Foreign Minister met with World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley. Further, he negotiates with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. And, Lavrov ends his working day with a bilateral meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.
He also previously met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi and World Health Organization Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Lavrov Arrives In Rome: Meeting With Chinese Counterpart, WHO Chief On The Sidelines Of G20

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrives in Rome to attend the G20 Summit on Saturday.

Sergey Lavrov participates in a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Wang Yi on the sidelines of the G20 summit.
Later, the Russian Minister also met with WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Putin's G20 Remarks On The Global Economy & Global Health

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks on The Global Economy and Global Health, at the first working session of the heads of delegations of the G20 member countries, invited states and international organisations, via videoconference on Saturday.

Last year the economic authorities of the G20 member countries and many other countries decided to significantly increase their budget deficits against the backdrop of the deep crisis caused by the pandemic, which allowed for launching global economic recovery. "However, such extraordinary measure accompanied by securities buyouts by central banks should be limited in time," Putin said.
In Russia, the budget deficit rose to four percent of the GDP in 2020 against the background of large-scale support measures for the population, small and medium-sized businesses, and the healthcare system.
"This allowed us to achieve a recovery of the labour market. In the current year we have normalised our macroeconomic policy to the point that the budget will be in the surplus. We have not only achieved that, but we have also tightened out monetary policy," he added.
"I would like to point out that it is the United States that accounted for 40% of the G20's overall budget deficit in 2020-2021," the Russian leader stressed, adding that the entire global economy depended on the United States' economic situation.
Putin noted that Russia supports the G20's efforts to support the poorest countries. Some countries are still unable to get access to vaccines and other resources because of unfair competition, Vladimir Putin said.
I would like to point out that despite the decisions made by the G20, not all countries in need have been able to get access to vaccines and other vital resources. I believe that it is happening because of unfair competition, protectionism and the fact that a number of nations, including G20 members, are unwilling to mutually recognize vaccines and vaccination certificates," Putin noted.
"Given the current situation, the role of the World Health Organization is becoming more and more important and its activities deserve global support," the head of state pointed out. According to Putin, "steps that would infringe on the prerogatives of the WHO, which works under the auspices of the United Nations, are unacceptable."
Both suppliers and consumers need to act in a responsible manner to ensure stability on the energy market, Putin said.
"Stability on global energy markets depends directly on the responsible actions of all participants, including suppliers and consumers, based on respect for the long-term interests of each party," he noted.
Russia supports having an in-depth pragmatic discussion of this matter, based on purely economic considerations.

Zakharova, IERES, FSWC Exposes Western Instructors Training Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

Western instructors have been actively training Ukrainian neo-Nazis for many years, Maria Zakharova said, citing investigations of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at the George Washington University (USA), and Canada's Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (FSWC) that could not be suspected of sympathizing with Russia.

"We tried to attract our partners’ attention to this subject for several years, in 2013, 2014, 2015 and subsequent years. They did not hear us. This subject is now gaining momentum, including at various human rights NGOs. Maybe these activities will make the international community see that this subject deserves direct attention here and now," she said.
The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at the George Washington University (USA) has published a report about Western countries helping train far-right extremists in Ukraine.
"We can hardly suspect the George Washington University of sympathising with or having special affection for Russia. It is an American institution and whatever leanings it may have definitely do not include Russia," Zakharova added.
What attracts special attention in this case is the role of Western instructors. The authors of the report are aware of cooperation between NATO experts and the NAA and have also concluded that NAA cadets, including those with far-right views, had access to military instructors from France, the United States and Canada.
Moreover, Kiev sent neo-Nazis to be trained at European military schools. At least two such cases are known for a fact: NAA cadet Kyrylo Dubrovskyi attended an 11-month Officer Training Course at the United Kingdom’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and another apparent member of Centuria, Vladyslav Vintergoller, attended events held by the German Army Officers’ Academy (Die Offizierschule des Heeres, OSH).
In other words, the Europeans and Americans, contrary to their governments’ statements, are using the taxpayers’ money to finance the training of neo-Nazis in Ukraine. In fact, these young people never made secret of their political affiliations, posted many pictures taken at their military training courses, and boasted about their promotion and new ranks.
Some public figures in the West expressed their outrage at these facts, which should have happened long before. The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (FSWC) has called for an investigation by Canada’s Department of National Defence in response to the report, saying that the training of Ukrainian neo-Nazis by Canadian instructors insulted the memory of the veterans, who had fought to defeat Nazism during WWII.
The matter would not have attracted any attention if not for the IERES study. hundreds of photographs of the training of neo-Nazis, nationalists and extremists in Ukraine, including with NATO funding and instructors, have been posted on these people’s personal pages and accounts. far from keeping their views secret, they are proudly showing them off and are trying to force the public and even the whole of civil society in Ukraine to accept this new normal.

Putin, Niinistö Discuss Bilateral Relations In The Kremlin

On Friday, Vladimir Putin received in the Kremlin President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö, who is in Russia on a working visit.

Moscow and Helsinki see eye to eye on combating climate change, Putin said at the beginning of a meeting with his Finnish counterpart.

"As I was informed by Russian specialists, our approaches are similar to [our] Finnish colleagues," Putin said. He noted the significant importance of the fact that Russia and Finland are neighbors, since the joint actions of the two countries to a large extent depend on "the fulfillment of those requirements articulated by the international community to combat climate change."

Putin also recalled that Moscow is presiding over the Arctic Council until 2023. "I’m aware that Finland always pays a lot of attention to Arctic cooperation. I hope that we will be able to discuss this matter today," the Russian leader said.

Damage inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic to economic relations between Russia and Finland can be overcome this year, Putin said.

"Certainly, we will talk today across the whole complex of relations but I would like to note in the beginning that despite all the difficulties related to the pandemic, we will be able to overcome to a significant extent the damage inflicted by [the coronavirus] to our relations in the economic sphere in this year," Putin said.

"Trade turnover surged by 21% against the like period of last year," the Russian leader said. Exports and imports are balanced "and major projects continue also," he added.

"I am delighted to note that Russia continues to be in one of the first places among the most significant trade and economic partners of Finland, Putin said.

Zakharova: Kiev Deliberately Aggravates The Situation In Donbass

Moscow is concerned about tragic developments in southeastern Ukraine and does not rule out that the situation will deteriorate further, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday, commenting on reports about the Ukrainian military's offensive operations and attempt to seize the Staromaryevka settlement located on the line of contact with the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

"In recent days, we have seen alarming - although it's not the right word - developments in southeastern Ukraine, which border on tragedy. All this points to a rise in tensions in the conflict zone," Zakharova emphasized. "Given the circumstances, we don't rule out that the situation will deteriorate further," she added.
Zakharova stressed that the Ukrainian military was deliberately violating the additional measures to ensure the current ceasefire in the region that had been adopted in July 2020. "It should be clearly understood that they deliberately opt for raising tensions though the situation is already difficult enough and ignore requests to ensure the ceasefire that Donbass representatives file through the Joint Center for Control and Coordination," the Russian diplomat noted.

On October 27, DPR head Denis Pushilin said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had seized the Staromaryevka settlement located in the buffer zone along the southern part of the disengagement line between the Kiev-controlled areas and the DPR. The day before, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced that a Bayraktar unmanned aerial vehicle had for the first time been employed in Donbass. Notably, according to the additional measures to control the ceasefire, the use of drones is expressly prohibited along the line of contact.

Putin And Russian Security Council Address Protection Of Environment

Vladimir Putin and the Security Council members have discussed on Thursday the protection of the environment ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which will take place in November in Glasgow.

"As you know, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is going to take place in the UK in November. There are a plethora of questions on the agenda. Today, we will also address the issues [related to the protection of the environment]," the Russian president noted.
The report was presented by Sergei Ivanov, Special Representative of the Russian President on the Issues of Environmental Activities, Environment and Transport.
The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Speaker of the Federation Council (upper house) Valentina Matviyenko, Chairman of the State Duma (lower house) Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, Kremlin Chief of Staff Anton Vaino, Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov and Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin.

Lukashenko Vows Tough Response Poland

Alexander Lukashenko has stated that Minsk and Moscow would take a far harder line in light of the military build-up along Belarus' western borders.

"The Poles will use Leopard tanks to combat illegal migration on the border with Belarus. Perhaps you are surprised to hear this. I can't imagine how tanks will combat civilians. they are just looking for excuses to move their armed forces closer to our borders, that is, to the borders of the Union State [of Belarus and Russia]," Lukashenko said at a meeting with Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov. According to the Belarusian president, the authorities see it all clearly. "naturally, we will provide a very tough response to all that. we will wait for a little longer and issue a warning to them. and then, we also have things to move closer to the border. we have them, to say nothing of Russia. we will act tough here, and shrug off their criticism," Lukashenko stressed.
The Belarusian leader raised concerns over the deployment of Leopard tanks near the country's western border during a working trip to the Grodno Region on October 26. According to earlier reports, the Polish authorities plan to send 2,500 troops to help border guards protect the country's boundary areas from illegal migrants. Poland will also deploy units of the 10th Light Armored Brigade, equipped with Leopard tanks, to the city of Biala Podlaska on the border with Belarus. Meanwhile, a military exercise in Lithuania involving US Abrams tanks and German Leopard tanks was conducted.

Putin's Remarks At The ASEAN Russia Summit

Vladimir Putin participates in the ASEAN-Russia summit via videoconferenc, on Thursday.

Russia and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to actively support regional economic recovery, according to a joint statement adopted at the fourth Russia-ASEAN summit.

"We, the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Russian Federation, met via video conference on 28 October 2021 for the 4th ASEAN-Russia Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-Russia Relations," the statement reads.

According to the document, the parties will "actively support sustainable economic recovery in the region and explore practical cooperation to facilitate the promotion of people-to-people connectivity between ASEAN and Eurasia." In this regard, they pointed to the ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement Framework (ATCAF) and the EAEU Ecosystem of Digital Transport Corridors.

Lavrov: Russia Concerned By US Aspiration To Deploy Missiles In Asia Pacific

Russia is concerned over US’ aspiration to deploy short-and intermediate-range missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific, Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference following talks with his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui-yong on Wednesday.

According to him, the subject of the potential deployment of the US’ land-based short-and intermediate-range missiles in the Republic of Korea was not discussed during the talks today. "For a very simple reason that we are very well aware of the principled position of the president and the government of the Republic of Korea against such a deployment," the Russian top diplomat noted.
"If one talks about other countries and regions, we are certainly concerned over the aspiration declared by the Americans to deploy those missile systems banned by the INF Treaty in a land-based variant not only in Europe but also in the Asia-Pacific region," the foreign minister said.
The Russian diplomat noted that Russia confirms the offer made by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Americans and other NATO members a couple of years ago to declare a reciprocal moratorium on the deployment of such missiles in all regions worldwide. "Our Western colleagues reject this moratorium, don’t want to hold talks on this subject, this is sad," he pointed out.

Putin Orders Gazprom's Miller To Start Pumping Gas Into European UGS's

The situation on the global energy resources market is still extremely unstable, Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

"We are regularly holding such discussions and this is very important, especially on the back of the current situation on the global energy resources market. As you know, it remains highly unstable," the head of state said in an opening statement at the meeting on Yamal gas fields’ resource potential development.

The dramatic energy price growth leads to problems in associated sectors, the head of state added. "European metallurgical plants are affected; many fertilizer plants already have to suspend their operations, which will later become highly challenging for agriculture, for the agro-industrial sector at large," Putin noted.

Gazprom is ready to continue natural gas injection to European underground gas storages (UGS) after completion of UGS filling in Russia, CEO Alexei Miller said.

"As soon as we complete gas injection to UGS of the Russian Federation, will start injecting our Gazprom’s gas to European UGS. Certainly, there are no doubt this will improve reliability and stability of supplies during the forthcoming winter season," the top manager said.

According to Alexei Miller, Gazprom plans to reach the target gas volume injected into Russian underground gas storages (UGS) by November 1 and complete gas injection on November 8.

"We plan to complete gas injection to Russian underground storages by November 1; the target figure is 72 billion and 600 million cubic meters of gas, Miller said. Gas injection to Russian UGS will be fully completed on November 8, he added.

Gazprom has UGS in Europe, including Austria and Germany, Miller noted. "The gas volume in these underground storages is insignificant, very small, slightly below 190 mln cubic meters of gas," he added.

Lavrov’s Remarks After Talks With Chung Eui-Yong In Moscow

Moscow appreciates Seoul’s determination to develop a close partnership with Russia, Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday when opening talks with his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui-yong.

"Strengthening our ties with the Republic of Korea is one of our top priorities in the Asia-Pacific region. We greatly appreciate our Korean neighbors’ reciprocal determination to foster a close partnership with the Russian Federation," Lavrov said.

"We have a very ambitious agenda ahead of us, and we’re going to go through all the issues that require our attention today in line with the arrangements made by our presidents," Lavrov added. "We will exchange views on key international problems, most notably the situation on the Korean peninsula."

According to Chung Eui-yong, his current visit to Moscow is of particular importance since the two parties were able to exchange ministerial-level visits despite the pandemic. "We are especially happy since today we’re successfully closing the Year of Mutual Exchanges that you, Sergey Viktorovich, launched back in March of this year, and since we both bore witness to the beginning and the end of the important event that was the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries," he said. The South Korean top diplomat also noted that these relations have been consistently developing in the spirit of mutual understanding "for the sake of peace and prosperity in the Korean peninsula and more broadly in Eurasia."

"Russia is a key partner in South Korea’s effort to pursue its New Northern Policy," Chung Eui-yong noted.

Seoul’s foreign minister emphasized that Russian-South Korean bilateral trade in the third quarter this year rose 47% higher than the same period last year. "Our practical cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, medicine, and healthcare, as well as other sectors that are outlined in our ‘Nine Bridges’ concept, has been advancing steadily," the top diplomat concluded.

Putin's Video Address To East Asia Summit

Vladimir Putin addressed, via videoconference, the 16th East Asia Summit, on Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin has suggested setting up a regional mechanism for cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic under the aegis of the East Asia Summit.

"We suggest establishing a regional mechanism for cooperation in the fight against the pandemic under the aegis of the East Asia Summit," he said, addressing the summit via video link on Wednesday. Putin added that Russia would present "specific proposals on the matter through expert channels in the near future."

According to the Russian president, "the need to provide people with mental healthcare services and psychological support is crucial amid the pandemic and related severe restrictions, including quarantines and self-isolation." "This is why we undoubtedly support an initiative to adopt a separate statement on the matter at today's meeting, presented by Brunei's Chairmanship," Putin added.

Russia is interested in cooperation on digitalization with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Putin said.
"We are interested in the closest cooperation on digitalization with the states represented at the East Asia Summit," he said.

Putin noted that digital technologies offer exceptional help in solving the complicated task of strengthening connectivity in the region, developing infrastructure and trade, as well as transport and logistics corridors.
"We count on a high return from the Innovations for Smart and Sustainable Cities in Russia and ASEAN project, which is being launched through our dialogue partnership with the Association. Our capital Moscow, which is in the world’s top seven smart cities, will take an active part in it," the head of state said.
Russia’s proposal regarding a moratorium on the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles remains on the table and is becoming increasingly relevant, Putin said.

"As you know, Russia declared a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles in the Asia Pacific Region and other regions of the world, and called for a serious conversation on this issue with all interested states," Putin said.

The head of state underscored that "this Russian proposal remains on the table, and it is only becoming more relevant."

The Russian leader stated that it is important to maintain joint efforts on regional stability and security while sorting out pressing socio-economic problems. According to Putin, this is even more relevant, because the number of threats and challenges in the Asia Pacific Region keeps growing instead of decreasing, with old conflicts escalating as new conflicts pop up.

"In particular, we have repeatedly noted that, after the INF Treaty ceased to exist, the region faced the probability of these strike weapons appearing on its vast territory, and, accordingly, the prospect of a new round of the arms race," the Russian leader said.

Putin emphasized that Russia has consistently advocated the establishment of an atmosphere of equal and indivisible security in the Asia Pacific Region, the strengthening of a constructive cooperation atmosphere based on the principles of international law, including respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual consideration of interests.

"In our opinion, this is the only way to curb existing and emerging threats, solve problems that are highly relevant for our region and the entire global community, and to efficiently cooperate in the interest of sustainable development and the improvement of people’s welfare," he concluded, assuring that Russia would continue to contribute to such joint work.

Putin Hosts Sberbank CEO In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank German Gref on Tuesday.

Gref reported to Putin on the revival of the economy and the recovery in demand for credit resources.
"Our initial projections for lending growth were far less optimistic. What we can see now is that lending to legal entities has already increased by about 3 percent. At the same time, SME lending is up 28 percent, which means a very rapid recovery from the pandemic. Lending to individuals is also doing fine," he said.

Lavrov's Visit To Tromsø: Laying Flowers Ceremony, Press Conference With...

Upon arrival in Tromsø on Monday, Sergey Lavrov, along with his Norwegian counterpart, took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial to Soviet soldiers.

After the talks, Sergey Lavrov and Anniken Huitfeldt held a joint press conference.
Russia-NATO relations cannot be called catastrophic because there are no such relations at all. "Relations between Russia and NATO cannot be called catastrophic because only what really exists can be called catastrophic," Lavrov said. "We have no relations with NATO."
Also, Moscow Sergey Lavrov said that suggests Russian and Norwegian defense ministries launch high-level dialogue.
"We have relations with Norway, including in the sphere of security. And we would like to establish high-level relations between the defense ministries, along with regular security consultations," he said when asked whether Moscow and Oslo plan to invigorate bilateral contacts between the defense ministries amid the severance of Russia-NATO relations.
On October 6, NATO announced the reduction of the Russian mission from 20 to 10 people and revoked the accreditation of eight diplomats. Two more open vacancies were eliminated. The Alliance said the Russian diplomats are to leave Brussels before the end of this month.
On October 18, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia was suspending its permanent mission to NATO from November 1. Apart from that, Russia is suspending the NATO Information Office in Moscow and the NATO Military Liaison Mission Moscow starting on November 1.

EU Risks Freezing Its 'Tail' Trying To Limit Russia's Arctic Activity

Vladimir Putin warned the European Union against attempts to restrict legal Russian activities in the Arctic, expressing his attitude to the new EU Arctic Strategy proposed by the well-known "strategist" Joseph Borel at the Valdai Club Forum in Sochi.

Putin's Congratulatory Message To Russia's Customs Officers

On the Customs Officer Day, Vladimir Putin congratulated by video link all the current and former officers of the customs service on their professional holiday and on the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Customs Service.

Russia’s Customs Service is intertwined with the history of the Russian state. Over the centuries some of the leading figures of the country have protected its economic interests. Institutions which have benefited from the revenue generated by customs duties were: the Army, the Economy, the Health Service, Education and other improvements to the State. It is well known that many great architectural monuments were financed from money derived from taxes levied by the Customs.

The Russian Customs Service has always targeted Smuggling. The trafficking of contraband was not the only thing to be prevented by the Customs. Among other things which were targeted by the Moscow Customs Department were the following: heretical books, other items of a religious nature and playing cards, all of which could be harmful to the people of Russia. In the XVth and XVIIth centuries visiting foreigners were often found to be smuggling out of Russia secret maps of its territories and its fortresses. Even Russian Tsars and Emperors were subject to the rules of the Customs Authorities. The very colours of the Russian Customs flag symbolize honour, dignity, and the honesty and fairness of Russian Customs officers.  
A Brief History of the Russian Customs is excellently displayed by the  exhibits to be seen in the Central Customs Museum, founded in 1996.The museum is housed in the former Main Warehouse of Moscow, built by the distinguished Russian architect Konstantin Ton from 1847 to 1853.      
The museum shows a history of the Russian Customs Service over the  centuries. It shows various aspects of the activities of the Customs laying particular emphasis on its part in the State’s economic, political and socio- cultural development.        

There are examples of dutiable goods, prints showing the main trading  centres of  Russia, Charters granted by the Grand Princes, mannequins of tradespeople [the old name for customs officers]. All of these exhibits give a very vivid picture of daily life in the Xth and XIIth centuries when the Customs began as a revenue collected by the so – called Mytnic Brigades, who were responsible for the trading and transit of Myto Duties. At the end of the XIIIth century and at the beginning of the XIVth century the Mytnic Brigades were superseded by Tamgachey collectors of the Mongolian Khan Horde who collected the so-called Tamgha Duty.    
The Tamgha Duty proved to be one of the most profitable fees collected and was calculated according to a commodity’s value. Ever since that time, this fee has come to be known as a customs duty and its place of collection – a customs office.     
Revenue collection was entrusted to the Russian Principalities and by the XIVth century the right to collect the duties and be customs officials could be inherited in some towns, villages and small administrative settlements, the volosty.      
The names of these towns can clearly be seen on the old Charters which are on display. From the XVIth to the XVIIth century customs officers and their aids, the tselovalniky had to swear an oath to the Tsar and kiss an icon on taking up office. An icon “The Crucifixion” dating from that time is on display.

Some of the rarest artifacts to be seen in the museum are: the Customs Charter of Tsar Ivan the Terrible (1571) and the Law Code of Tsar Aleksey Michailovich (1649). The Trading Charter adopted on the 25th October 1653 and the Novotorgovy (New Package) Trading Act, dating  back to 1667 seem to be the basic customs legislative documents ever to have been agreed upon in Russia. The Prikas (the Central State Department) was in charge of the collection of revenue in the XVIIth century. Local authorities known as golovi and voevodi used to be responsible for the collection of customs duties and fees. Part time members of staff were called diyaki and podiyachie. Customs officials who collected a very larger number of fees were given a variety of rewards: bonus cups, ladles or dippers, goblets, bolts of expensive cloth and bundles of valuable furs (forty sables).       

A particular honour was an invitation to the Tsar’s festive dinner. One of the exhibits in the museum is a ladle, granted as a reward (1684), which was given to one of the tradespeople from Kasan (is it not Kazan) a certain Yakov Ivanov for his service in the Astrakhan Customs.

Of special interest are examples of the XVIIth century monetary system.

They are closely linked to monetary reforms introduced by Tsar Aleksey Michailovich who instigated the campaign  against the illegal importation of counterfeit money from Europe. There are examples of different annual and monthly customs seals – an integral part of the Russian customs service since the XVIIth century.       
Peter the Great pioneered the modernization of the Russian Customs Service, especially, in the organization of its personnel. In 1699, the post of Burmistr (The Head of the Customs Service) was adopted.

Since 1720 the major customs houses were called Senior Customs Observers or Inspectors. New appointments were made such as: comptrollers, collectors and a variety of customs dealers. The Russian State took over customs stations in August 1762. The control of the customs offices was entrusted to the Customs Collection Office in 1763. Since 1781, the management of the customs has been under the jurisdiction of the Customs Expeditions (State Bodies) and the General Governors.

The Customs system was increasingly developing its infrastructure. One of the most fascinating exhibits in the museum is the engraving by Machaev “Vue de la Bourse et du Magasin des Marchandises”. It depicts one of Russia’s largest Customs Houses, that of St Petersburg built in 1722 by Domenico Trezzini [or just Trezzini].

The reforms adopted between 1753 and 1757 greatly contributed to the core restructuring of the Russian Customs Service. In November 1796 the Kommerts-Kollegia (the Major Russian Customs Office) was given absolute power to control the collection of revenues. Since 1880, the minister of Kommerts – Kollegia gained complete control of and became the head of all the Customs houses in Russia.

In accordance with the Manifesto the Russian Empress Elizabeth, signed on the 20th December 1753, domestic customs houses were abolished along with 17 internal trade and transit duties. Inward and outward commodity transactions were levied with an additional 13% duty in Russian currency. There are some Russian coins on Display.       

Since 1811, the Customs Division in the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance has been responsible for the management of all customs stations. In 1864 the Customs Division was renamed the Customs Revenue Collection Department of the Ministry of Finance.      
In April 1918 the basic organization of the customs was fixed by the Sovnarkom Decree of the Government Regulation of Foreign Trade. The main focus was on the Governmental control of foreign trade and smuggling. In December 1921 a Customs Department which was responsible for state  control over the customs stations was established as part of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade. From 1946 to 1986 it was under the control  of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of theUSSR. Later the Main Customs  Department became the State Customs Directorate under the auspices of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.    
The New benchmark is dated 1991, when the State Customs committee was founded. 

Putin Explains The Causes And Consequences Of Europe's Energy Crisis

At a meeting in the Valdai Club on Thursday, Vladimir Putin again explains the causes and consequences of the energy crisis in Europe.

This is, first of all, the flawed, absolutely mediocre energy policy of the European Commission in recent years (pegging to the spot market and abandoning long-term contracts; ill-considered transition to green energy and reduced hydrocarbon production).
Also, short supply of American liquefied gas, which "sailed" to Asia towards a more attractive price. True, since his last speech at Russian Energy Week, a macroeconomic factor has also been added, namely the decision to increase the US national debt, which will invariably negatively affect energy prices.
According to Putin, the gas deficit in Europe is 70 billion cubic meters. And even the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, with a throughput capacity of 55 billion cubic meters, will not completely solve this problem.

RT's Simonyan Thanks Putin For Protecting Her Children From 'Liberal Fascism'

Mr President [Vladimir Putin], as a mother of three young children, I would like to thank you very much for your healthy conservatism. I am terrified by the thought of my 7-year-old son being asked to choose a gender, or my 2-year-old daughter being told from all mobile devices, and even at school, as is now happening in many Western countries, that her future is that of a “person with human milk who gave birth to a baby,” Margarita Simonyan said on Thursday, at the meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

"And the thought that these tentacles of liberal fascism, so-called liberal, will reach us and our children. I really hope that this will never be allowed in our country, despite its great openness," Editor-in-Chief Russia Today (RT) added.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...