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Vladimir Putin's 'Сarbon Footprint'

Vladimir Putin discussed the issue of personal carbon footprint with Andrei Kostin, moderator of Russia Calling! Investment Forum on Tuesday.

Vladimir Putin Hosts Vietnam's President In The Kremlin

On Tuesday, the Kremlin hosted talks between Vladimir Putin and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc, who is in Russia on a working visit.

The two heads of state praised the cooperation between Vietnam and Russia in the area of defense and security. The two countries have achieved many important results in the development of their partnership, deepened a robust political relationship and reaffirmed their determination to make economic cooperation an important pillar in Vietnam-Russia relations.
The two leaders reiterated that cooperation in the energy sector is one of the key pillars of the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Russia and is beneficial for both sides. The presidents stressed the importance of further cooperation both on the Vietnam Shelf and in Russia in conformity with international law. Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Vladimir Putin agreed to speed up the implementation of the project for the construction of a nuclear science and technology center in Vietnam.
The presidents also praised cooperation between the two countries in such traditional areas as education, professional training, science and technology, culture and tourism, information and communications technologies.

Lukashenko Proposes To Deploy Russia's Nuclear Weapons In Belarus

Breaking news: Belarus will offer Russia its territory for the deployment of nuclear weapons if the nuclear weapons of NATO countries are in Poland, President Alexander Lukashenko said this in an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

What Problems Keep President Putin Awake At Night?

On Tuesday, at the plenary session of the Russia Calling! Investment Forum, Vladimir Putin answered the question of a Qatari investor about what problems keep the Russian President awake and how he solves them.

Putin Says A New Wave Of Pandemic Amid High Inflationary Pressures Could Lead To Global Food Crisis

The world economy is entering the next wave of the pandemic amid high inflationary pressures, one of the reasons for them was broken supply chains when demand recovered, Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the 13th VTB Capital Investment Forum "Russia Calling!"

The crisis erupted in the global energy market. First of all, it has already served as a multiple increase in the quotations of nitrogen fertilizers, and for agricultural producers around the world it is one of the key resources for maintaining soil fertility and stable yields. It is obvious that this situation creates risks for further growth in food prices.
"With regard to the economic agenda itself, high inflationary pressure is a distinctive characteristic of the current situation - with it the world is entering the next wave of the pandemic," he said.
According to him, growth in prices was caused by a variety of reasons. "In particular, consumer demand for services in tourism, transport, and public catering has recently sagged and shifted towards goods. At the same time, due to closed borders and imposed restrictions, many supply chains have been broken, a shortage of certain goods started to become noticeable, which pushed prices up," Putin said.
Putin noted that the extremely soft budgetary policies of most developed countries played a significant factor in accelerating inflation, and maybe even a key role.
"Of course, the large-scale influx of funds into the economy allowed supporting individuals and businesses in difficult times. And we are doing this in Russia too. But at the same time, this global movement, so to speak, has led to a sharp jump in prices on global markets, including commodities," Putin said.

Putin Сalls On International Community To Jointly Counter Omicron Variant

Given the global, cross-border nature of coronavirus infection, including the new omicron variant, an effective response to the challenge of the epidemic can only be given together, Vladimir Putin said at a plenary session of the Russia Calling! Investment forum.

"I am sure that it is difficult to argue with such a thesis. And the understanding of our common responsibility, especially the leaders of the leading, developed countries of the world, will become the basis for more active joint actions,"he added.
"In the coming weeks it will become clear how serious the consequences of the new strain [Omicron] are. however, it is very clear that we need to be prepared for any change in the virus,"Putin said.
The Russian President noted that it is necessary to constantly monitor the effectiveness of tests and vaccines to use clear algorithms to reduce the spread of infection.
"Maintaining an increased readiness of the health system is important, including drug supplies, oxygen, bed reserves and the most effective disease management protocols,"he added.
Putin instructed the Russian government to prepare an updated action plan in connection with the risks of the spread of a new strain of coronavirus.

Russia's PM: Government Will Support Families Of Victims In Siberia Coal Mine Tragedy

Aid to the wounded and the families of the victims should be provided immediately in the Listvyazhnaya mine tragedy, Mikhail Mishustin said on Monday at a meeting with the deputy prime ministers.

"The Government, for its part, will also channel funds to support every wounded and every family of the deceased. An order was signed to allocate about 80 million rubles for this purpose. The families of the victims will receive from the federal center 1 million rubles each, those suffered serious and moderate damage to their health - 400 thousand rubles each, in case of a slight degree of damage, the payment will be 200 thousand. All funds must be immediately sent to people,"Mishustin said.

Putin Discuss Large Scale Infrastructure Projects With BTS MOST Board Chairman

On Monday, Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with BTS-MOST Board Chairman Ruslan Baysarov.

The company builds and reconstructs tunnels, railways and highways, seaports, subways in our country and abroad. Among the most famous projects are the bridge to the Russian island in Primorye, as well as the crossing between Russia and China.

Zakharova Talks About Protecting Compatriots Abroad, Obtaining Russian Сitizenship

A new issue has come to light (it existed before, but on a smaller scale) which is pressure on the Russian diaspora’s activists, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"Based on the newly arisen challenges faced by our compatriots and the entire world, we will adjust and adapt our approaches," she added.
Last week, the Coordinating Council of the Organisations of Russian Compatriots in the United States had to suspend its activities due to persecution by the US security services.
"It is our right to maintain contacts with our homeland, preserve our cultural identity, and maintain the Russian language. this right is being violated by a number of countries, primarily the Baltic States and Ukraine. we will step up our efforts to prevent discrimination against our communities abroad, including by engaging international venues,"Zakharova noted.
Maria Zakharova also explained the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship and the accelerated procedure for obtaining it.
In the first 10 months of 2021, Russian consular missions abroad issued Russian citizenship documents to over 2,200 stateless persons and over 21,000 children born in mixed marriages in foreign countries.
The Presidential Executive Order No. 622 of October 31, 2018, approved the State Migration Policy Concept of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025, which focuses on voluntary resettlement for permanent residence in our country of our compatriots living abroad, as well as other persons who can be successfully integrated into Russian society.
As part of implementing this concept, the Foreign Ministry is taking part in drafting federal laws aimed at simplifying the existing rules and procedures underlying the institution of Russian citizenship. The latest changes include repealing the requirement to renounce another existing citizenship when applying for a Russian citizenship or when a preferential procedure is used to grant to citizenship with regard to the following applicants:
– persons who have received a higher education in Russia;
– highly skilled specialists with professions that are in high demand in the Russian economy;
– citizens of Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Ukraine;
– foreign nationals and stateless persons married to Russian citizens who reside in the Russian Federation and have children in this marriage.
In addition, a law was adopted with the participation of the Foreign Ministry under which several groups of citizens can be issued a residence permit and then granted Russian citizenship without the need to first obtain a temporary residence permit. These include, in particular, - people who were born in the RSFSR who were citizens of the Soviet Union; - persons who have a parent or a child who are Russian citizens and reside in the Russian Federation; and foreign citizens who are recognised as native speakers of the Russian language.

Zakharova: 'Russia’s Threat To Ukraine' Are A Provocation To Create Tensions

The claims of Russia’s threat to Ukraine advanced by the United States, NATO and Kiev should be viewed only as provocations to create tension, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

When asked about the CNN statement, the Russian diplomat noted that this representative of the Western MSM cannot be regarded as a source of truthful information.
"If you watch CNN, you should know that we have ‘invaded’ Ukraine several times. And ‘tanks are ploughing through Ukrainian fields.’ According to CNN, this has been happening for many years now. What a mess we have made there. So you had better stop using this channel as a reliable source of information. We have had to disavow their reports many times and have caught them red-handed with fake news," Zakharova said.
The NATO countries and the US claim they stand for the soonest resolution of the conflict in Donbass, but in fact are pumping Ukraine with weapons to be used against those Kiev calls its citizens and who it allegedly cares about.
"For the sake of these people, the Kiev regime begs the international community to constantly provide assistance and protect them from Russia. all this is done in the name of the same people they use weapons against, weapons provided by the West. it is a horrific vicious circle. and more than just weapons, the US, NATO and Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to conduct military exercises. a global military absorption of the country is underway,"she added.
The Minsk agreements have long been forgotten. Everything related to human rights is no longer relevant in Ukraine, and it seems that all of their declarations, statements and rules that have human rights components are used everywhere except Ukraine.

Putin's Сongratulatory Address On KVN (Funny TV Show) 60th Anniversary

On Saturday, Vladimir Putin made a video message on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of KVN, a popular humorous television show - Club of the Funny and Inventive.

Zakharova Says US Assessment Of Religious Freedom In Russia Is Detached From Reality

The US assessment of religious freedom in Russia is detached from reality and of an anti-Russian nature, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Thursday commenting on the "country of particular concern" list in terms of ensuring religious freedom released by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on November 17.

According to the diplomat, Russia is on the list, since it has allegedly "systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom."

"The fact that the American assessment doesn’t correspond with reality, doesn’t correlate with the facts, I think it is the least severe one. This is yet another deliberate attack by the United States on our country and a number of other states. I’m positive that those who worked on this report have no idea about life here. [It seems like] a complete detachment from reality, intentional or non-intentional, I think there is the attitude which uses while preparing such documents."

"I’d like to point out once again and confirm that our country is free from all the horrors which were described. There is no religious persecution, specific individuals and organizations that violate the administrative and criminal legislation of our country are and have been brought to justice," the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman concluded.

Russia Slams US Initiated Summit For Democracy As Tool Of Confrontation

The Summit for Democracy, which is expected to be hosted by Washington, is aimed at creating confrontation and bringing ideology back to international relations, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday.

"The event is undoubtedly aimed at creating confrontation and divisions and is another one in a series of Washington’s steps to implement its policy to bring ideology back to international relations in the spirit of the notorious concept of a rule-based order," she pointed out.

According to her, the United States once again seeks to establish a club to confront the countries who maintain strategic independence from the collective West and their sovereign view on a fair world order, first and foremost, Russia and China. "They [the Americans] plan to wage this battle primarily by interfering in the domestic affairs of independent and sovereign states, citing the fight against corruption, the need to protect human rights and ensure democratic standards," the Russian diplomat stressed.

"The United States claims the right to decide who is worthy of being called a democracy and who is not, Zakharova noted. "It certainly looks cynical, I would say that it looks pathetic given the state of democracy and human rights in the United States and in the West in general," she said.

Zakharova added that the initiative to hold the summit was part of the US strategy aimed at undermining the role of the United Nations and creating universal platforms primarily based on the G7 and NATO.

On December 9-10, Washington intends to host the Summit for Democracy, which will involve the leaders of countries, rights activists and businessmen. A total of 110 countries and territories have been invited to participate in the event.

Putin Pays Tribute To Victims Of Kuzbass Tragedy

Vladimir Putin honored the memory of all those killed in Kuzbass, both miners and rescuers, on Friday.

"I want to once again express condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to all those injured," he said.
The Russian President instructed the Government and regional authorities to do everything to support the victims and the families of the victims.
"Whenever such tragic events occur, we immediately start investigating what had caused them. we must make sure that nothing like this happens in the future, and to achieve that we need system-wide efforts and control over the execution of previous decisions,"Putin stressed.
According to the latest information, 64 people were hurt in the incident and 51 people died, including 5 rescuers.
According to the investigation, the mine’s top management violated safety rules, which led to a gas dynamic phenomena and subsequent filling of the ventilation with smoke, which led to deaths of the miners in the area.

Lavrov Lauds RIC Format’s Contribution To Fostering Multipolar World Order

The Russia-India-China (RIC) format has contributed to building a multipolar world order and rule of international law, and is a key global and regional policy factor, Sergey Lavrov reported on Friday at the online meeting of the RIC foreign ministers.

The RIC format remains one of the key factors of global and regional policy, recognized in ensuring security, improving the architecture of transnational relations in the Asia-Pacific region as well as promoting broad economic integration in the Eurasian space. The development of our ‘troika’ is an integral part of the process to shape a more just and democratic multipolar world order with UN coordination. In addition, it contributes to establishing such universal values as multilateralism, equality, and the rule of international law on the world arena," the foreign minister explained.

Lavrov stressed that Russia, India, China are united by the repudiation of trade protectionism and politically motivated unilateral sanctions. In addition, they reject the use of force in international affairs. "We have been working together on an extensive agenda on the UN platform within the framework of the G20, BRICS, and the SCO. We support ASEAN-centered cooperation mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific region," he added.

According to him, given the circumstances of the ongoing pandemic, the system of international relations has faced daunting challenges in the field of socio-economic development. "The virus triggered a crisis in global management. A rise in protectionist and isolationist views has become a serious test of strength for countries and multilateral associations," Lavrov pointed out.

"Today’s exchange of opinions on the most pressing issues on the international agenda is of great importance amid the increasing turbulence globally and regionally. I hope that our compelling dialogue will contribute to the fuller development of the vast and truly strategic potential that the RIC format has," the top diplomat concluded.

Press Conference By Putin, Aliyev, Pashinyan After Trilateral Talks In Sochi

Statements following the results of trilateral talks between the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Vladimir Putin has described his talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan as useful and timely and expressed the hope their agreements will be observed.

"I would like to stress that the meeting was utterly useful and timely," he said after the trilateral talks in Sochi. "I have a present for the Armenian and Azerbaijani friends - this is an olive branch, which symbolizes peace and prosperity. I hope very much that today’s agreements will be observed and will create conditions for further steps towards the normalization of relations in the South Caucasus.

According to the Russian president, the three leaders issued a joint statement on the results of their joint work in Sochi. "It tells in detail about what we did and what we agreed," he added.

Putin Participates In Trilateral Karabakh Talks With Aliyev, Pashinyan

On Friday, in Sochi, Vladimir Putin took part in trilateral talks on Nagorno-Karabakh with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

Putin's Bilateral Meeting With Azerbaijan's Aliyev In Sochi

On Friday, Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev held a bilateral meeting at the Bocharov Ruchei residence in Sochi.

Russia Urges France, Germany To End Political Speculations Over Ukraine

Moscow is urging Paris and Berlin to end political speculations over the conflict in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Thursday.

"We are calling upon Germany and France to drop political speculations and time-serving PR campaigns that distort the reality, and to give thought in earnest to urging Kiev to comply with its obligations. It would be a good idea to start commenting on what is happening there on a regular basis. Not to provide information support for Kiev’s actions that apparently play into the hands of the West, but to make daily comments on everything that is happening on the engagement line and on all civilian casualties," she said.

Zakharova advised the West to make regular comments on the security situation and the "aggressive rhetoric by officials in Kiev and political and public figures, the closure of mass media and the crackdown on freedom of speech."

"Everything that we do becomes the focus of unhealthy interest all the time. Now it is possible to set eyes on Kiev, since Germany and France bear responsibility for it," she added.

Zakharova stressed that if the Ukrainian authorities are really indifferent towards the plight of its own citizens, they should end bloodshed in Donbass at once and establish a direct dialogue with the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Donetsk People’s Republic on the implementation of the package of measures.

The Russian Foreign Ministry on November 17 published diplomatic correspondence between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his French and German counterparts in order to prevent distortions of Moscow’s position regarding the idea of a meeting of Normandy Quartet foreign ministers. Zakharova explained later that this correspondence showed Moscow’s proposals regarding the Normandy Quartet in order to fill a future meeting with specific content, and also demonstrated that the Western partners’ claims about Russia’s allegedly unconstructive stance were groundless.

Zakharova Slams Nord Stream 2-Related Sanctions Imposed By US As Obsession

The new sanctions related to Nord Stream 2 imposed by Washington look like a manifestation of an obsession, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing on Thursday.

The arguments about the purely commercial nature of the project, which is indeed extremely important for the stable provision of energy and supporting the competitiveness of Germany and overall, the European Union, are well-known, Zakharova said, adding that Moscow has repeatedly expressed them, in particular to its American partners.
"Another thing should be noted, that the US is building barriers for the export of Russian energy resources to the European market with one hand, making it rather hypocritically, while extending the other hand, convincing Russia and other producing countries, so to say, ‘pump more’ to knock prices down. This all is being done by one side. In saying the word side, I mean political figures, not the US people that I think have no idea how far the US’ national interests are from what certain representatives of the political establishment are trying to do with it," she emphasized.
Washington ignores the interests of its allies by imposing new sanctions, according to Zakharova. "The situation confirms that Washington, to put it mildly, fundamentally ignores the interests of its own allies and is not concerned for them. They are not worried about anything. It is no coincidence that some say in Germany that the US’ actions in this direction, against Nord Stream 2, contradict the spirit of bilateral partnership. But how else can it be commented on? Though whether they will be heard by American politicians, by the way, and media outlets that are automatically against any cooperation with Russia, even when it is beneficial for Washington, is questionable," she said.
"Russia’s position remains unchanged: unilateral anti-Russian sanctions are illegitimate, they hurt not so much ours as the interests of the US itself, and in the case of Nord Stream 2, [the interests of] the direct allies of the US, collective and individual - the European Union, Germany," the ministry’s spokeswoman added.
On Tuesday, the US Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions on the Cyprus-based company Transadria and the Russian-flagged vessel Marlin. US State Department Spokesman Ned Price said at a briefing on Tuesday that Washington intends to continue introducing sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which the US side considers "a Russian geopolitical project" and "a bad deal" for Europe and Ukraine.

Putin Holds Talks With Serbia's Vučić In Sochi

Moscow and Belgrade will endeavor to find a solution for the gas price for Serbia that will be acceptable for the country, Vladimir Putin said on Thursday at the meeting with Serbian leader Aleksandar Vucic.

He thanked Alexandar Vucic for the condolences expressed in connection with the tragedy.

The situation at the Listvyazhnaya coalmine in Kuzbass is not getting better and rescue workers’ lives are in danger, Russian President said.

Moscow has unwavering support for Belgrade’s position about the Kosovo settlement, Vladimir Putin said during talks with his Serbian counterpart.

"Regarding our efforts and joint steps on the international stage, including the Kosovo settlement, you know that our position is based on a principle and isn’t subject to the current political situation,’’ Putin said. ‘’We support your position about the Kosovo settlement and I hope the situation will eventually come to a point when it will serve the interests of all the people living in the region.’’

Vladimir Putin noted the development of cooperation between Moscow and Belgrade in the military sphere.
"We regularly hold joint drills, develop interaction along the lines of power structures, defense ministries, general staff," the Russian head of state said.

Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Serbian President wished his counterpart success at the upcoming election.

It is planned that parliamentary and presidential elections will be held in Serbia on April 3, 2022. Earlier, Vucic stated that the goal of his party is an absolute victory at all levels.

Lavrov Notes Fidel's Contribution To New World Order At Talks With Cuba's Cabrisas

During a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Cuba Ricardo Cabrisas, Sergey Lavrov noted Fidel Castro's contribution not only to Russian-Cuban strategic ties, but also to the creation of principled approaches to organizing a new, just world order not only in the Latin America region and the Caribbean, but the world at large, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the he death on Wednesday.

Ricardo Cabrisas said that today's visit to Moscow reminded him of his first meeting with the Russian capital back in 1963.
"It's like first love," the Russian minister remarked with a smile.

Volunteer Putin Participates In Testing Intranasal Coronavirus Vaccine

Vladimir Putin said he personally tested an intranasal vaccine against coronavirus.

"I have nothing unusual, an absolutely classic case, exactly six months after inoculation my protective titers went down and specialists recommended to have a revaccination procedure which is what I did a couple of days ago," the head of state said at a meeting with cabinet members on Wednesday.
"At first I did it as a jab, and the day after a conversation with Denis Logunov (Deputy Research Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology) he personally performed the second half of this procedure on me, namely, this intranasal powder," Putin noted.
"It’s also in a syringe only instead of a liquid substance he [Logunov] drew powder, asked me to take a deep breath on the count of three, sprayed on one side, on the other side. Then I sat for 15 minutes and everything was over," the president divulged.
He admitted that he didn’t experience any unpleasant sensations. "I had no sensations, frankly speaking, simply nothing, just sat for 15 minutes and then left," the head of state said.
"Today, after these two procedures, the shot and the intranasal form, I’ve already exercised in the morning, so I can attest that everything is developing the way our scientists and specialists say, it’s just like that," Putin emphasized. "We’ll see what the result will be from the point of view of elevating these protective titers," he added. Vladimir Putin met with Logunov on Sunday, on the same day he reported that he got a booster shot against coronavirus.

Shoigu Says NATO’s Activity Near State Borders Prompts Russia To Combat Potential

NATO’s growing activity near the Russian borders prompts the need to maintain the nuclear forces’ combat readiness and bolster the non-nuclear deterrence potential, including the provision of the troops with precision weapons and effective destruction capabilities, Sergey Shoigu said on Wednesday.

"The tense military and political situation in the world and NATO’s increased activity near the Russian borders prompt the need to further develop the armed forces qualitatively," the defense chief said at the ministry’s board meeting.
The Russian defense minister highlighted as priorities in developing the armed forces the tasks of "raising their combat capability, maintaining the nuclear forces’ combat readiness and strengthening the non-nuclear deterrence forces."
"Today we will hear how these tasks are resolved with regard for the provision with precision weapons, effective destruction capabilities and advanced armaments and hardware," Shoigu said.

Lavrov: More Countries Realize Need For ‘Safety Net’ Against Western Whims

Increasingly more countries begin to realize the necessity of creating a "safety net" against Western countries’ unreliability and inability to negotiate, Sergey Lavrov said.

"Increasingly more countries begin to realize the necessity to create a safety net, to create systems that won’t make them dependent on the whims, the unreliability, the inability to negotiate with our Western colleagues," he said at an international forum organized by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).
According to the Russian top diplomat, the Western countries, being the largest shareholders of the World Bank and other financial institutions, have been blocking, for political reasons, not only projects in Russia but also in such countries as Syria. "Although this is about observing all norms effective today. The politicization is blatant. I don’t think that with such actions the West will build a good reputation for itself," he added.

The Russian foreign minister noted that Russia had been increasing cooperation with fellow thinkers, of which there are many - this is the post-Soviet space, the EAEU, the CIS, the SCO, BRICS. He added that via bilateral channels the connections are bolstered with Asian, African, Latin American countries and their subregional unions that had also displayed an interest in a partnership within the framework of the EAEU.

Shoigu Discuss US Nuclear Threat With Chinese Counterpart

US Air Force strategic bombers have significantly increased their activity close to the Russian eastern border as the pilots are practicing missile strikes, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

The flights also threaten China, he said during talks with China’s Defense Minister Wei Fenghe. There were 22 such flights in 2020 over the Sea of Okhotsk, up from three in 2019, Shoigu said.

‘’In the course of these activities, US bomber crews conduct practice approaches to cruise missile firing points with subsequent mock missile strikes,’’ Shoigu said.

Russia’s air defense systems promptly detected US strategic bombers at all times, established surveillance and worked to prevent incidents, the minister said.

"With this background, coordination between Russia and China is becoming a stabilizing factor in global affairs,’’ Shoigu said.

The US takes the same aggressive military actions and deterrence tactics against China as it does against Russia, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said during his meeting with his Russian counterpart, adding that both Russia and China counteract Washington together.

"Comrade Minister just spoke about military threats, pressure and deterrence against Russia from the US. The US also takes such actions against China as well. I completely agree with your assessments," Wei Fenghe said.

Lavrov Calls Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 'Blatant Example' Of Western Actions

The sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 project are a blatant example of unilateral and politically motivated restrictions by Western countries, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday. He was speaking at a forum sponsored by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

"It has become a sign of the times for many years already that a number of Western states, most Western states, actually, led by the Americans, use politically motivated, unilateral restrictions, which are introduced for everything: with or without a reason, as they say. And, of course, a blatant example here is what they are doing with Nord Stream 2," Lavrov said.

Considering this, the Russian companies are now working "in very difficult conditions," he noted.
"For our part, we respond to such unfriendly steps in a considered, adequate manner. We are guided by the tasks of maintaining the stability of the domestic economy and financial system," Lavrov stressed.

At the same time Russia offers its own positive agenda "to ensure equal interaction and the balance of interests in international economic relations without any discrimination," the top diplomat added.

On Monday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the Department of State had submitted a report to Congress pursuant to the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2019 (PEESA) for a possible introduction of sanctions against Nord Stream 2.

The report lists two vessels and one Russia-linked entity, Transadria Ltd., involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Transadria Ltd. will be sanctioned under PEESA, and its vessel, the Marlin, will be identified as blocked property, he said.

The construction of Nord Stream 2 was fully completed on September 10, 2021. Initially it was to be finished by the end of 2019, but was delayed due to US sanctions. The gas line consists of two strings with a total capacity of 55 bln cubic meters per year from the Russian coast across the Baltic Sea to Germany.

Before pumping can commence, the operator of the project should be registered as an independent transport operator - the Federal grid agency is to issue certification by January 8, 2022. The agency cannot prohibit commercial gas pumping, but if it starts before the registration is finalized the operator will be fined. This registration is obligatory for meeting the norms of the EU Gas Directive.

Peskov Says Russia Not Intent On Attacking Ukraine, Harbors No Hostile Plans

Russia harbors no aggressive plans towards Ukraine, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

"Who will attack whom? [Will it be] Russia against Ukraine or Ukraine against Russia? American and Ukrainian media outlets keep claiming that Russia is gearing up for hostility against Ukraine, for an attack but we say that Ukraine is planning belligerent actions against Donbass, the LPR and the DPR [Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics]. This is the nuance that has to be understood and interpreted properly," the Kremlin spokesman stressed.

"We have stated at various levels, time and again, that Russia is not going to attack anyone and harbors no aggressive plans. It is utterly wrong to claim the opposite and it is utterly wrong to associate any Russian troop movements on the territory of our country with such plans. This is not so," the Russian presidential spokesman maintained.

The US-based news agency Bloomberg earlier reported, citing sources that American intelligence allegedly divulged Russia’s plans to attack Ukraine in early 2022. The news agency claimed that around 100,000 Russian troops might be involved in the operation.

Putin's Opening Remarks At The Talks With Palestine's Abbas In Sochi

Moscow’s position on the issue of settling the Palestinian problem remains the same: it should be resolved in accordance with the approaches of the UN Security Council and taking into account the interests of all the residents of the region, Vladimir Putin said during talks with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas held in Sochi on Tuesday.

"The position of the Russian Federation in the Palestinian direction, on the issues of settling the Palestinian problem, remains the same. The Palestinian problem should be resolved in accordance with earlier decisions made at the level of the United Nations Security Council, that takes into account the interests of all the people residing in that region, on the basis of two independent states," he emphasized.

The Russian president assured that work in this direction would continue "no matter how difficult it will be." "I think that during today’s meeting, esteemed Mr. President, you and I will exchange information on what is going on now in greater detail, what is the actual situation at this moment of time, and will think together on what is possible to do to move forward," he told his Palestinian counterpart, adding that he was very happy to see him.

Gazprom May Stop Gas Supplies To Moldova In 48 Hours Due To Non Payment

Gazprom has notified Moldova of the possible termination of gas supplies in 48 hours due to the lack of payment under the current contract, the company’s spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov said.

In October, Gazprom and Moldovagaz extended their gas supply contract for five years. Following the talks, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure of Moldova Andrei Spinu said that the new gas price for the republic in November will be $450 per 1,000 cubic meters and will vary depending on the market situation.
"Taking into account Moldova’s very difficult economic and financial situation and being guided by the desire to keep Moldova's ability to pay off its debt obligations to Gazprom, as well as the position of the Russian President, the Moldovan side has repeatedly turned to for assistance, Gazprom decided to sign the contract practically on the terms of the Moldovan side, but with a significant and important point: Moldova is to make current payments for gas 100% on time. The deadline for the next current payment is today, November 22. No payment. In this regard, today Gazprom, in accordance with the contract, notified the Moldovan side that in 48 hours gas supplies to Moldova will be stopped," Kupriyanov said.

He also added that Gazprom is strongly disappointed with Moldova's failure to fulfill its contractual obligations." Kupriyanov recalled that Gazprom's proposals regarding the gas price for Moldova were market-based and were formed on the basis of exchange trading, while the Moldovan side insisted on more preferential pricing for itself.

The debts of Moldovan consumers are accumulated on the balance sheet of Moldovagaz.

Earlier, Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov said that at present, Moldovan consumers from the right bank of the Dniester owe about $433 million. Taking into account the delays in payments, the total amount of debt stands at $709 million. The parties agreed to clarify this figure this year during the audit.

In addition to that, consumers from the left bank of the Dniester - the unrecognized Transnistria region - owe Gazprom more than $7 billion. The Moldovan government does not recognize this debt, since it does not control the situation in the Transnistrian region.

Lavrov Says Belligerent Rhetoric Shows Kiev’s Wish To Send Donbass Conflict Into Hot Phase

The Kiev authorities’ belligerent rhetoric indicates their wish to send the Donbass conflict into a hot phase, Sergey Lavrov told a news conference on Monday, while commenting on media reports Kiev has for the first time used US anti-tank systems Javelin in the southeast of Ukraine.

"I have not heard this news. I have seen no reports. In principle, over the past weeks and months we have seen a heavy mind-flow from the Ukrainian leadership, in particular, military officials, a flow of thoughts generated by deranged and for this reason very dangerous minds. That this belligerent rhetoric is being stepped up apparently reflects the wish to stage some provocation and to send the conflict into a hot phase," Lavrov said.
"Warmongering is the only word I can think of to describe Kiev’s aggressive plans. They are threatening to use the Javelin and they have already used the Bayraktar. They have never said they did that accidentally. Its use is categorically outlawed under the Minsk agreements. They declared that with pride. There was some sort of confusion at the beginning. First, they said, ‘yes, it did happen’. Then they denied it, ‘no, there was nothing of the sort’. But eventually they acknowledged it and said that they would continue to use attack drones in Donbass, thus defying their commitments under the Minsk Deal once again," Lavrov said.
Another example of belligerent rhetoric, he stressed, was seen in the allegation the Ukrainian military have no restrictions regarding the use of weapons in Donbass to abide by.
"This is tantamount to Ukraine’s refusal to comply with its obligations signed in July 2020 to the effect how it should react to fire and how the opening of return fire must be agreed," Lavrov said.

Russia Gives Lebanon Satellite Images Taken On Day Of Beirut Port Bombing

Russia handed over satellite images, made on the day of the Beirut port explosion, to Lebanon, and hopes that this will aid the investigation of the incident, Sergey Lavrov said in the wake of talks with his Lebanese counterpart Abdullah Bou Habib Monday.

"We discussed perspectives of the possible participation of Russian economic actors in restoring the infrastructure destroyed during the August 4, 2020, explosion in the port of Beirut. At the request of the Lebanese government, we handed over the space imagery and satellite photos prepared by Roscosmos," he said.

"We hope that they will aid in the investigation of this incident. This matter is attracting very serious attention in Lebanon right now," the Minister said, expressing his hope that the truth will be established of the matter.
Earlier, Bou Habib said he planned to discuss the handover of satellite images, made at the time of the explosion, during his visit to Moscow on November 20-23.

Last week, Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin announced that the space company prepared space photos of the port of Beirut despite having not received an official request.

On August 4, 2020, a 1.5-kiloton of TNT explosion occurred in the port of Beirut, destroying thousands of buildings inside and outside the city. A total of 219 people died and 6,500 people were injured in the explosion, while over 300,000 people were left without shelter. According to the Lebanese police, the explosion happened after welding operations ignited over 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored at the port warehouse.

Russia's FTS Head Reports To Putin On Country's Budget Revenues

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Head of the Federal Taxation Service (FTS) Daniil Yegorov who updated him on the agency’s current operations on Monday.

The Federal Taxation Service manages 80 percent of the tax revenues of all budgets, including extra-budgetary funds. Consequently, FTS prioritise the system’s sustainable, high-quality performance.
"In January-October, we obtained revenues worth 23 trillion rubles, or 37 percent more than 2020 levels. Considering the abnormal 2020 period, even compared to 2019, we have boosted revenues by 23 percent, and we are still seeing substantial growth,"Yegorov said.
The Federal Tax Service predicts that total revenue will amount to 28 trillion rubles at the end of 2021 (an increase of seven trillion rubles), i.e. at the level of 2020.
According to FTS's Head, this applies to the economy, as well as the rise in prices for hydrocarbons and metals.
"All these factors had a positive effect, and the effect of tax management should be added,"he added.
Regarding income tax, as reflected by wage balance sheets, FTS have expanded these volumes by 17 percent, and small businesses are achieving 20 percent growth.
And this proves the growth of real wages, Yegorov concludes.

Putin Revaccinated With Sputnik Light & Wants To Participate In Nasal Coronavirus Vaccine Tests

Vladimir Putin said on Sunday he wants to participate in the tests of a nasal coronavirus vaccine developed by Russia’s Gamaleya Center.

"Can I take part in this experiment?," Putin asked the Center’s deputy director, Denis Logunov, after he told the president about the Center’s new development.

"Naturally," Logunov said, adding that the president will have to sign a written consent for that.
"I will sign it. OK. I will sign with no fail. We can do it today," Putin said.

Putin also told Logunov he had got revaccinated against COVID-19 with Sputnik Light and felt well.
In October, the Gamaleya Center received a Russian health ministry’s permit for the second phase of clinical tests of a nasal form of the coronavirus vaccine. The Center’s director Alexander Gintsburg said that the nasal form would be an addition to the regular vaccine to ensure an extra barrier to the infection.

More than 50 million Russians have got inoculated with the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine and nearly 120 million people have received this vaccine in other countries, Vladimir Putin said on Sunday.

"To date, more than 50 million people in Russia have received this vaccine and still more people in the world: more than 100 million, nearly 120 million have got vaccinated with this vaccine in those countries which recognized it," Putin said, adding that "this is a big data for analysis" of the jab’s efficacy.

Putin Says Russia To Remain Impartial Mediator In Middle East Settlement

Russia will continue to act as an impartial mediator in settling conflicts in the Middle East, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an enlarged board meeting of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

"Russia has always acted and will continue to act as an impartial mediator in settling conflicts and crises in the Middle East and to promote stabilization of the situation in this region in every possible way," he said.
Putin recalled that Russia played a direct part in efforts to defeat international terrorism in Syria, thus preventing the collapse of that state.

"Then, within the framework of the Astana format together with Turkey and Iran an intra-Syrian settlement process was launched under UN auspices," he stressed.

Putin pointed out that Russian diplomacy should continue to promote normalization of relations between Syria and other Arab countries, its prompt return to the League of Arab States and the raising of international aid for improving the humanitarian situation in that country.

Also, Putin stressed that promotion of a Palestinian-Israeli settlement was of "fundamental importance for improving the situation in the Middle East."

Putin's Remarks On Russia's Foreign Policy In Asia-Pacific

The centre of gravity of the world’s politics and economy steadily shift from the Euro-Atlantic to the Asia-Pacific, Vladimir Putin said at an enlarged board meeting of the Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

"Russia should continue vigorously developing relations with the states of the Asia-Pacific Region, being guided by its ambitious initiative to create the Greater Eurasian Partnership as a common, broad and open space of security, mutually beneficial economic and humanitarian cooperation,"he added. Russia will continue strengthening ties with our good neighbours and friends in the People’s Republic of China.
"Our bilateral ties have now reached the highest level in history and amount to a comprehensive strategic partnership. It is possible to say that they are a model for effective interstate cooperation in the 21st century,"Putin said.
Some of Western country's are openly trying to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing.
"We are well aware of this. Together with our Chinese friends, we will continue responding to such attempts by expanding our political, economic and other cooperation, and coordinating steps in the world arena,"Putin noted.
India is a particularly privileged strategic partner of Russia. Russia intend to build up our truly multifaceted bilateral cooperation.
"We regard India as an independent, strong centre of the multipolar world. We have a similar foreign policy philosophy and priorities,"Putin said.
Cooperation between Russia and ASEAN contributes to maintaining stability and security, as well as ensures sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.
It is equally important to maintain the intensive work with our partners in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, consistently implementing existing initiatives for post-pandemic economic recovery, stimulating trade in goods and services, investment and technological exchange, and expanding humanitarian contacts.

Putin: Afghan Situation Requires Extra Security Measures On Russia’s Southern Borders

The situation in Afghanistan prompts the need for additional security measures on Russia’s southern frontiers, Vladimir Putin said at an enlarged board meeting of the Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

"We face serious tasks in the Afghan direction, especially after the Americans have pulled out from that country," the Russian leader said.
As Putin pointed out, while continuing contacts with the Taliban (radical militant group outlawed in Russia), it is necessary to use more actively the formats of Moscow consultations and consultations of the extended Troika on the Afghan peaceful settlement with the participation of key external players and countries neighboring on Afghanistan for the purpose of establishing civil peace and public order, neutralizing terrorist structures and drug-related crimes.
"The developments in Afghanistan prompt the need for additional measures to ensure Russia’s security on the southern frontiers and provide assistance to Central Asian states as our allies, which perceive Russia as a guarantor of stability in the region. It is necessary to continue working in this mode, taking measures to prevent uncontrolled flows of refugees and prevent the infiltration of terrorists and other criminal elements through our border," Putin said.
Head of the UN mission in Afghanistan Deborah Lyons stated at a UN Security Council meeting earlier on Thursday that the Taliban, which had come to power in Afghanistan, were unable to stem the expansion of the Islamic State terrorist group (outlawed in Russia) on Afghan territory.
According to Lyons, in 2021, the number of terrorist attacks has increased significantly compared to last year, while IS-Khorasan militants are operating in almost all Afghan provinces.

Putin Urges Diplomats To Increase Attention To Compatriots Living Abroad

Russian diplomats must increase their attention to compatriots living abroad and to preservation of the general Russian cultural identity, Vladimir Putin said at the Foreign Ministry expanded board meeting Thursday.

"Among other priority tasks standing before the diplomatic service, I would like to point out the need to increase attention to strengthening of ties with compatriots living abroad, protection of their interests, and preservation of the general Russian cultural identity, as well as streamlining of procedure of provision of Russian citizenship to our compatriots," Putin said.

He noted that this issue is shared between several ministries and agencies.

"However, the Foreign Ministry must work on this as well," the head of state said.

"Overall, would be a right thing to outline optimal paths for the implementation of the creative potential of the multi-million Russian world. Undoubtedly, it is important to keep creating an atmosphere of good-neighborliness, security and cooperation on the post-Soviet territory," Putin concluded.

Patriarch Kirill Says Russia Leader Of Free World, Cannot Be Influenced Externally

Russia is the leader of the free world, the country that cannot be influenced from the outside, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the 16th Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church said.

"Listen carefully, Russia is the leader of the free world. We are indeed a free country, this is a real fact. We are free from the most potent external influences, we are developing along our own path, and I hope to God this path is successful," he told the Russia-1 TV channel in an interview on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
The Patriarch stressed that Russia may serve as an example to other countries. "We have a lot of problems but these problems can be resolved. We currently don’t have any pressing issues around which societal interests may collide and profound irreconcilable differences may emerge. I think this is the grace of God. And the existing difference of opinion is a normal difference of opinion that does not destroy the foundations of human life, the statehood, the spiritual life - it creates the fertile ground for a creative clash of opinions which may result in new ideas, new projects directed at the further development of our Motherland," he explained.

Putin Calls For Dialogue Between Belarus Authorities, Opposition

Vladimir Putin has called for a dialogue between the Belarusian authorities and the opposition.

"We are aware that although the situation in Belarus has returned to calm, nevertheless there are problems. We are well aware of that. And we call for a dialogue between the authorities and the opposition, of course," Putin said, while speaking at an enlarged board meeting of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday.
Belarus on August 9, 2020 held a presidential election, in which according to the Central Election Commission the incumbent president, Alexander Lukashenko emerged the winner. The opposition’s candidate, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, placed second. She did not recognize the returns and left the country. After the election results were announced, mass protests began in the country. During the first days, clashes with police took place.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...