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Moscow Says Western Media Are Crossed All Possible Lines Of Human Morality

The Bild newspaper has crossed all moral boundaries by publishing an article about Russia’s alleged plan to invade Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday in an interview with the Soloviev Live YouTube channel.

"It’s been a while since we’ve been meticulous with words and phrases in order to be delicate in some way, not to take offence and proceed from the best intentions of partners. Currently, they have crossed all possible lines of human, genuine morality and ethics. Today, [the German newspaper] Bild published an article of an allegedly detailed plan of attack," she said. "From its point of view, the Russian President [Vladimir Putin] drew helmets himself, muzzles ... some cartridges, calibers, and so on."

Concerns over Moscow’s alleged preparations for an invasion into Ukraine have been increasingly announced in the west and in Kiev recently. Moscow has repeatedly rejected such speculation.

Zakharova added that Moscow took retaliatory measures towards German broadcaster Deutsche Welle following Berlin’s decision to ban RT DE in Germany to demonstrate that further steps in this direction will not go unanswered.

"We respond, we’ve been taught, we are doing this to demonstrate that further steps in this direction will come at a cost," the diplomat stressed.

On February 2, the Commission on Licensing and Supervision banned the broadcasting of the RT DE TV channel in Germany since there was no required license under the media law.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced earlier that Moscow was shutting down Deutsche Welle’s news bureau in Russia as the first stage of retaliatory measures following the German regulator’s move to ban RT DE in Germany. Other measures will include the withdrawal of credentials from all staff members at Deutsche Welle’s Russian bureau and the launch of a process aimed at identifying Germany’s government and public agencies involved in banning RT DE from broadcasting and putting other kinds of pressure on the Russian media outlet, who will eventually be barred from entering Russia.

 Journalists of the Deutsche Welle (DW) broadcaster have been invited to accompany German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his visit to Moscow on February 15, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

"To prevent any misunderstandings: Deutsche Welle is invited to the Chancellor’s trip to Moscow," he wrote, commenting on the publication in Der Tagesspiegel daily that his agency had allegedly refused DW reporters to accompany the chancellor on his trip to Russia.

Kremlin Calls 'Bloomberg News' Synonymous with 'Fake News'

On Saturday, Representatives of the Kremlin and the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on Bloomberg's erroneous headline "Russia invades Ukraine."

The Bloomberg news agency’s publishing error about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine makes it clear how dangerous West-triggered tensions are, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday.

"This shows how dangerous the atmosphere of extreme tension that has now developed due to the aggressive actions of our counterparties in Europe. And any spark is dangerous amid tensions.

In general, such a serious publication as Bloomberg ... probably, now we will not say "fake news," but "bloomberg news." It will be righ," Peskov pointed out.

On Friday, Bloomberg news site posted a headline reading: "Russia invades Ukraine" but later admitted the mistake and removed the headline. According to the agency, headlines are usually prepared for many scenarios and this one was published inadvertently. "The headline has been removed and we are investigating the cause," Bloomberg said.

The West and Kiev have recently been echoing allegations about Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine. Russia has repeatedly rejected these allegations.

In turn, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova drew attention to the silence of the US State Department regarding fake publications by the US news agency Bloomberg.

"When will the US State Department release a report over Bloomberg’s fakes? They released it about RT, although there were no facts. However, there are plenty of facts about Bloomberg, and the State Department keeps mum," Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel.

Opening Of Beijing Winter Olympics, Zakharova's Message In Chinese

Congratulatory message by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the occasion of the Chinese New Year and the opening of 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.

"I would like to wish the friendly Chinese people a happy New Year according to their traditional calendar. May you have a happy holiday, well-being and prosperity, and may all your wishes come true. I would like to wish success to the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. All the best!" she said.
President of China Xi Jinping officially announced the opening of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing during the opening ceremony of the event at the Bird’s Nest Stadium on Friday.
Vladimir Putin greeted the Russian Olympic team during the opening ceremony of the Games.
In addition to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the dignitaries included Argentine President Alberto Fernandez, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Singaporean President Halima Yakob, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrein Oyuun-Erdene, Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Pak Byung-suk, Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri.
Also in the stands were UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus and SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming.
The VIP box was above the press area, which meant reporters were unable to see all the dignitaries that were in attendance.

Lavrov's Remarks Following Putin-Xi Talks In Beijing

The primary focus was the tensions that the West has been deliberately escalating around Russia and China, Sergey Lavrov said following talks between Vlsdimir Putin and Xi Jinping, which took place on Friday in Beijing.

"The President of Russia described once again our position at the talks with the United States and NATO on the need to work out clear security guarantees in Europe. The PRC President reaffirmed support for Russia’s stand on this problem. He emphasised that it reflected the fair aspirations of the Russian state and people," he added.

Zakharova Says UK, US Officials Squeal On 'Russian Aggression' Provoke Only Acrid Laughter

The statements on "Russian aggression" by the US and British official structures, they provoke acrid laughter and jokes not only in Russia but across the globe because it is impossible to take these statements, these sets of mythical cliches, these phobias seriously," Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova stressed. 

"But it is necessary to be serious and responsible about the reality: the Kiev regime’s requests to play down the zeal are heeded neither in Washington nor in London. I wouldn’t say that they don’t care, they simply have their own goals. They have a political crisis both in the United States and in Great Britain. So, they urgently need to find a possibility to do some virtual fighting anywhere and they are doing it to divert the attention of the people in their countries from the current political developments at home."

 Maria Zakharova has called on the UK prime minister to stop disseminating fabricated ideas about the alleged threat of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

"UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson posted a video on the government’s official account in social networks, where he tells viewers about Russian troops near the border with Ukraine and threatens with ‘very real’ perspectives of an imminent Russian aggression," she said. "Stop intimidating people, stop spreading fake news and threats."

She noted that the suspenseful music that accompanies Johnson’s words deadens the voice of the Kiev regime, which has begun to "shout out loud opposite things to what the Britons and the Americans are saying." "The Ukrainian authorities have suddenly understood that that the West is simply using their country in its geopolitical interests and are trying to backpedal," she said, citing as an example the statements by Ukraine’s security chief, as well as defense and foreign ministers.

Putin, Xi Discuss Bilateral Agenda In Beijing

Vladimir Putin held talks in Beijing with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping on Friday.

The talks focused on the bilateral agenda and trade and economic cooperation. The President of China mentioned the intention to increase bilateral trade to US$250 billion. The President of Russia spoke about promoting the use of national currencies in mutual settlements, which the Chinese side supported. They also discussed bilateral military-technical cooperation, mutual recognition of coronavirus vaccines and the opening of borders depending on the epidemiological situation.

During the working lunch, the two leaders discussed the international situation and regional issues, in particular, the circumstances surrounding the security guarantees proposed by the Russian Federation. Xi Jinping thanked Vladimir Putin for his wholehearted support of the One China principle.

A joint Russia-China statement and a package of documents have been adopted within the framework of the visit.

They include an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in anti-monopoly legislation and competitive policy and several other interdepartmental documents, such as the agreement on cooperation in ensuring compatibility and interoperability of GLONASS and BeiDou navigation satellite systems in terms of the system time scales; a joint statement on the completion of a roadmap for high-quality development of Russian-Chinese trade in goods and services; and a plan of consultations between the foreign ministries of Russia and China in 2022. In addition to that, the sides have signed a memorandum of understanding between the Russian Economic Development Ministry and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to promote investment cooperation in sustainable (green) development, and a joint statement between the relevant ministries on holding the Russian and Chinese years of cooperation in physical education and sports in 2022–2023.

The commercial contracts signed are related to the purchase and sale of natural gas via the Far Eastern route, and the purchase and sale of crude oil for delivery to oil refineries in Western China. Other documents signed include a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of low carbon development between Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and an agreement on cooperation in the field of information development and digitalisation between Rosneft and Huawei Technologies for the period to 2027.

Putin's Article 'Russia And China: A Future-Oriented Strategic Partnership'

On the eve of my upcoming visit to China, I am pleased to address directly the large Chinese and foreign audience of Xinhua, the world's largest news agency.

Our countries are close neighbours bound by centuries-old traditions of friendship and trust. We highly appreciate that Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, entering a new era, have reached an unprecedented level and have become a model of efficiency, responsibility, and aspiration for the future. The basic principles and guidelines for joint work were defined by our countries in the Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, the twentieth anniversary of which we celebrated last year. These are, first and foremost, equality, consideration of one another's interests, freedom from political and ideological circumstances, as well as from the vestiges of the past. These are the principles we are consistently building on year after year in the spirit of continuity to deepen our political dialogue. Despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are striving to dynamically build the capacity of economic partnerships and expand humanitarian exchanges.

During the upcoming visit, the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping and I will thoroughly discuss key issues on the bilateral, regional, and global agendas. It is symbolic that our meeting will take place during the Spring Festival – the Chinese Lunar New Year. After all, as the Chinese saying goes, ”make your whole year's plan in the spring“.

The development of business ties will certainly be given special attention. There is every opportunity for this as our countries have substantial financial, industrial, technological and human resources allowing us to successfully resolve long-term development issues. By working together, we can achieve stable economic growth and improve the well-being of our citizens, strengthen our competitiveness, and stand together against today's risks and challenges.

At the end of 2021, the volume of mutual trade increased by more than a third, exceeding the record level of 140 billion U.S. dollars. We are well on the way towards our goal of increasing the volume of trade to 200 billion U.S. dollars a year. A number of important initiatives are being implemented in the investment, manufacturing, and agro-industrial sectors. In particular, the portfolio of the Intergovernmental Commission on Investment Cooperation includes 65 projects worth over 120 billion U.S. dollars. This is about collaboration in such industries as mining and mineral processing, infrastructure construction, and agriculture.

We are consistently expanding the practice of settlements in national currencies and creating mechanisms to offset the negative impact of unilateral sanctions. A major milestone in this work was the signing of the Agreement between the Government of Russia and the Government of the PRC on payments and settlements in 2019.

A mutually beneficial energy alliance is being formed between our countries. Along with long-term supplies of Russian hydrocarbons to China, we have plans to implement a number of large-scale joint projects. The construction of four new power units at Chinese nuclear power plants with the participation of Rosatom State Corporation launched last year is one of them. All this significantly strengthens the energy security of China and the Asia region as a whole.

We see an array of opportunities in the development of partnerships in information and communication technologies, medicine, space exploration, including the use of national navigation systems and the International Lunar Research Station project. A serious impetus to strengthening bilateral ties was given by the cross Years of Russian-Chinese Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation in 2020–2021.

We are grateful to our Chinese colleagues for their assistance in launching the production of Russian Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines in China and for the timely supply of necessary protective equipment to our country. We hope that this cooperation will develop and strengthen.

One of Russia's strategic objectives is to accelerate the social and economic upliftment of Siberia and the Russian Far East. These territories are immediate neighbors of the PRC. We also intend to actively develop interregional ties. Thus, the modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway has been started. By 2024, their capacity must increase one and a half times through higher volumes of transit cargo and reduced transport time. The port infrastructure in the Russian Far East is also growing. All this should further enhance the complementarity of the Russian and Chinese economies.

And, of course, the conservation of nature and shared ecosystems remains an important area of bilateral cross-border and interregional cooperation. These issues have always been the focus of our countries' public attention, and we will certainly discuss them in detail during the negotiations, as well as a wide range of humanitarian topics.

Russia and China are countries with thousands of years of unique traditions and tremendous cultural heritage, the interest in which is persistently high both in our countries and abroad. It is true that in the last two years the number of tourists, joint mass events, and direct contacts between our citizens has reduced due to the pandemic. However, I have no doubt that we will catch up and, as soon as the situation allows, will launch new outreach and educational programs to introduce our citizens to the history and present-day life of the two countries. Thus, President Xi Jinping and I have agreed to hold the Years of Russian-Chinese cooperation in physical fitness and sports in 2022 and 2023.

Certainly, an important part of the visit will be a discussion of relevant international topics. The coordination of the foreign policy of Russia and China is based on close and coinciding approaches to solving global and regional issues. Our countries play an important stabilizing role in today's challenging international environment, promoting the democratization of the system of interstate relations to make it more equitable and inclusive. We are working together to strengthen the central coordinating role of the United Nations in global affairs and to prevent the international legal system, with the UN Charter at its centre, from being eroded.

Russia and China are actively cooperating on the broadest agenda within BRICS, RIC, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as well as other associations. Within the G20, we are committed to taking national specifics into account when formulating our recommendations, be it the fight against pandemics or the implementation of the climate agenda. Thanks to a large extent to our countries' shared solidarity, following the 2021 G20 Summit in Rome informed decisions were made on international cooperation to restore economic growth, recognize vaccines and vaccine certificates, optimize energy transitions, and reduce digitalization risks.

We also have convergent positions on international trade issues. We advocate maintaining an open, transparent and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the rules of the World Trade Organization. We support relaunching of global supply chains. Back in March 2020, Russia proposed an initiative on ”green trade corridors“ that excludes any sanctions, political and administrative barriers. Its implementation is a useful aid to overcoming the economic consequences of the pandemic.

The XXIV Olympic Winter Games starting in Beijing are a major event of global significance. Russia and China are leading sporting nations renowned for their sporting traditions and not once have hosted the largest international competitions with dignity. I fondly remember my visit to Beijing in August 2008 to attend the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. Guests and athletes from Russia will remember the vivid performance for a long time, and the Games themselves were organized with the scale and exceptional hospitality inherent to our Chinese friends. For our part, we were delighted to host President Xi Jinping at the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Sadly, attempts by a number of countries to politicize sports to the benefit of their ambitions have recently intensified. This is fundamentally wrong and contrary to the very spirit and principles of the Olympic Charter. The power and greatness of sports are that it brings people together, gives moments of triumph and pride for the country and delights with fair, just and uncompromising competition. And these approaches are shared by most of the states participating in the international Olympic Movement.

Our Chinese friends have done tremendous work to prepare well for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. I am convinced that China's extensive experience in the excellent organization of representative international competitions will make it possible to hold this festival of world sports at the highest level. I would like to wish the Russian and Chinese teams impressive results and new records!

I send my warmest congratulations to the friendly people of China on the occasion of the Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. I wish you good health, prosperity, and success.

Article by Vladimir Putin for the Chinese News Agency Xinhua 03.02.2022

Putin, Macron Discuss Ukraine, Security Guarantees During Phone Call

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron at the latter’s initiative on Thursday. 

The substantive dialogue on the situation around Ukraine and issues related to the Russian initiative to develop long-term legally binding security guarantees for the Russian Federation was continued.

The leaders exchanged views on the current state of affairs, including in the context of recent contacts with a number of international partners and France’s Presidency at the EU Council.

Vladimir Putin again emphasised the provocative statements and actions of the Kiev leadership, which run counter to the Minsk agreements.

Putin's Virtual Meeting With Delovaya Rossiya Ahead Trip To Beijing

On the eve of his visit to China, on Thursday, Vladimir Putin managed to hold a large (about four hours) virtual meeting with Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) National Public Organisation.

Taking part in the meeting were representatives of Delovaya Rossiya regional branches and general and coordinating councils, including owners of major Russian companies and members of the expert community.
The agenda included items such as stimulating private investment, reducing the administrative burden and excessive oversight, developing infrastructure, and improving legal regulations.

Lavrov Wishes China Success In Hosting Olympics At Meeting With Wang Yi

Sergey Lavrov wished China success in hosting the 24th Winter Olympic Games at a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Thursday.

The two top diplomats agreed that a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics was another proof of attempts to politicize sports, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"Sergey Lavrov wished China success in hosting the Winter Olympic Games and making them a spectacular show," the statement reads. "The top diplomats agreed that a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics was another proof of attempts to politicize sports and a blatant violation of the spirit of the Olympic Charter, particularly the principle of political neutrality at sporting events," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

The 24th Winter Olympic Games will take place in Beijing on February 4-20 and the Paralympics will be held on March 4-13.

"This is a good opportunity to get together in person. It will allow us to discuss in detail all issues that require our attention and to exchange views, all the more so given the fast-paced agenda on the eve of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s visit to the People’s Republic of China, which starts tomorrow," Lavrov said.

Alberto Fernandez's Remarks Following Talks With Russia's Putin

Argentina and Russia must provide a new impulse to the agreement on comprehensive strategic partnership, signed by the two countries in 2015, Argentine President Alberto Fernandez said at the joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Thursday.

"I asked President [Putin] to make it so that the strategic partnership agreement, signed by Argentina in 2015, enters full effect," he said.

According to Fernandez, the two countries must deepen their joint work so that "Russia and Argentina can expand their ties."

Lukashenko, Shoigu Discuss Joint Large-Scale Military Exercises

Belarus is ready to create new combat training centers with Russia to practice with the latest weapons, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said during his meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu in Minsk Thursday.

"We are ready to create more centers to practice with both the air defense systems and the newest weapons being developed in Russia today. Once again, it is critically important for us to learn about them and understand how to use them," the Belarusian leader said.

The meeting was also attended by Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin. Three such training centers have been established already - two in Russia and one in Belarus, the report noted.

Lukashenko also underscored the importance of reinforcing the Belarusian border with Ukraine.

"Your assistance, assistance from your specialists is important here, [they] will help us to define the most painful points on this direction in order to create this defense at our southern frontiers without extra expense," the head of state said. "We don't need someone else's territory, we have yet to develop our own - From Brest to Vladivostok."

'Will make it count'

The President of Belarus thanked Moscow for its support involving the Russian Aerospace Forces, noting that this "has a cooling effect on heads of some" neighbors.

"The situation is being escalated, they push us to make a response; there have already been several provocations that we could have responded to with force. They understand that, if we respond, Russia will get involved, so we tolerate it for now," he said.

Lukashenko noted that provocations happen constantly.

"So, thank you very much for always supporting us, responding to our requests. We will make it count," the president promised.

He also called the recent CSTO peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan a successful one.
"Once time passes, they will write textbooks on it. That was a brilliant operation," he said.

Currently, an inspection of Union State response forces is taking place. It will culminate with the Union Resolve 2022 military exercise, which will take place between February 10 and 20 in Belarus. Shoigu arrived in Minsk, where he will inspect the performance of both countries' armed forces together with his Belarusian counterpart Viktor Khrenin.

Belarus has done an unprecedented job of deploying a large group of Russian troops on its territory in preparation for the joint exercise Union Courage-2022. This was stated by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at a meeting with the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in Minsk.

"Today we will conduct a large inspection of what has been done at this stage of preparation for the exercise, what needs to be done. But you quite rightly noted that the first stage, which consisted in the transfer of large groups of troops with equipment to almost 10 thousand kilometers, is coming to an end. And, of course, the Belarusian Ministry of Defence, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who gave all the commands to deploy a large network to receive such a group, did an unprecedented job," the head of the Russian military department said.

At the same time, Sergei Shoigu noted that everything is organized in such a way that today there is an opportunity to deploy reserve forces and means.

"That is, everything is not just brilliantly organized. There is still an opportunity for additional reception of equipment," the Russian Defence Minister said, adding that this exercise is being conducted on behalf of the Supreme Commande

Putin's Remarks After Talks With Argentina's Fernandez

Argentina is one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America, Vladimir Putin said at a press conference following talks with his Argentine counterpart Alberto Fernandez on Thursday.

"I would like to point out that Argentina is one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America. For over 150 years, our countries have been maintaining good and friendly relations based on equality, respect, and concern for each other’s interests," Putin said.

According to him, Russia and Argentina seek to strengthen their close and mutually beneficial cooperation in every possible way and find new fields of collaboration.

The Russian leader paid special attention to the two countries’ fruitful cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. He noted that Argentina was the first country in the western hemisphere to approve Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine.

All in all, in Putin’s words, the parties thoroughly discussed the entire range of bilateral issues at their talks that took place in a business-like and constructive atmosphere. They substantially considered potential areas where it would be possible to boost comprehensive strategic partnership. In addition, according to the Russian president, Fernandez and he exchanged views on some pressing international and regional issues.

Putin - Fernandez Summit 'Argentina Seeks To Get Rid Of Dependence On US, Getting Closer To Russia'

Vladimir Putin on Thursday met Argentine leader Alberto Fernandez and expressed hope for further face-to-face contacts in both countries.

"You are visiting Russia only briefly this time, of course, due to this situation (the pandemic - TASS)," Putin said. "But I hope we will be able to continue our in-person contacts in Argentina and Russia."

He added he was very happy to see Fernandez, and that they had been planning to have a face-to-face meeting for a long time. "Unfortunately, it was impossible to do this due to epidemiological circumstances," the Russian president said. Putin also said that both he and the Argentine president were flying to Beijing for the opening of the Olympic Games scheduled for February 4.

Before then, the presidents can comfortably discuss bilateral ties and the international situation, Putin said.
Putin extended his appreciation to his Argentinean counterpart, Alberto Fernandez, for being the first country in the Western Hemisphere to register the Russian coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V.

Sputnik V production was launched earlier on sites in Argentina, the Russian President noted. Over 6 mln doses of the pharmaceutical have already been produced and registration of the Sputnik M vaccine for adolescents is in progress.

"I would like to congratulate you with such a large-scale of vaccination performed; you have almost 78% of the population vaccinated. This is a very good result," Putin said.

The countries still have to do much for the promotion of bilateral trade and economic cooperation but the pace of its development is good overall, he concluded.

Argentina highly appreciates Russia’s assistance in combating the pandemic, including shipments of coronavirus vaccines, Alberto Fernandez said.

"Argentina holds Russia in very high regard, and particularly your aid, shipping the vaccines to us. This was very important to combat the pandemic," he noted.

Fernandez stressed that Moscow significantly supported Buenos Aires at this moment. "We are very grateful to you, since there was a shortage of vaccines at that time, and thanks to your assistance we did a very good job, the results are excellent," the Argentine leader added.

He pointed out that he himself was vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. "I received two doses and waited a little for the third one to be vaccinated with Sputnik," Fernandez said. When hearing this, Putin smiled and replied, "Me too."

Argentina is now facing a difficult situation because we have serious external debt and challenging economic issues.

"Since the 1990s, Argentina has been strongly oriented towards the United States. Argentina and its economy are largely dependent on the US and our relations with it. In fact, our debt to the IMF also emerged because of this relationship," Fernandez noted.

"I am consistently working to rid Argentina of this dependence on the IMF and the US. I want Argentina to open up new opportunities. Cooperation with Russia is vital for us. I would like to assure you, and I hope that you will accept my assurances that we do want to develop cooperation with Russia," he stressed.

Peskov Explains Why Putin Does Not Wear A Mask

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, answered the question of journalists: Why does Vladimir Putin himself not wear a mask?

"All persons who come into contact with him, repeatedly, during the week, undergo medical testing. Some of them have to be in quarantine for some time. Yes, this happens too. And therefore, the President at certain moments, especially during public speaking, he does not wear a mask. However, at the same time, exhaustive security measures are being taken," he said.

Vladimir Putin's Phone Talk With UK's Johnson

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson on Wednesday.

The leaders held a detailed exchange of views on the internal crisis in Ukraine and developments related to providing long-term, legally binding security guarantees to the Russian Federation.

The President of Russia explained his principled approaches to these issues. Thus, Kiev’s chronic subversion of the Minsk agreements was underscored. It was noted that NATO was not ready to respond adequately to Russia’s well-grounded concerns, as it used the alliance’s so-called “open door” policy, which violates the fundamental principle of indivisibility of security, as an excuse.

Putin Discuss Personal Data Protection With Security Council

Vladimir Putin discussed the protection of personal data with the permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Wednesday.

Putin Сongratulates Patriarch Kirill On Enthronement Anniversary

Vladimir Putin congratulated the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church on the 13th anniversary of his enthronement on Tuesday.

Patriarch Kirill was elected a local council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2009. The day before, in honor of the holiday, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church served a liturgy in the church of the Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky in Peredelkino.

Putin Awards Outstanding Russians In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin participates in the presentation of state awards took place at the Kremlin’s St Catherine Hall on Wednesday.

"Each of you has your own destiny, your own “life line”. But what all of you have in common is your dedication to working for the good of your native country, society, for the good of our citizens," Putin said,
The President noted that these achievements have opened up new horizons in various fields and continue to do so; they serve Russia’s modern development, make a great contribution to its successful future, and provide an example of dedication, duty, determination and daring to make difficult and often out-of-the-box decisions.

Shoigu's Virtual Meeting With Russia's Armed Forces Leadership

On Tuesday, a conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces was held at the National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the head of the military department, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu.

Opening the meeting, the Defence Minister recalled that in accordance with the decision of the Presidents of Russia and Belarus, the reaction forces of the Union State are being checked. From the Russian Armed Forces, the military administration bodies and units of the Eastern Military District are involved.

The first stage of inspection is currently underway. The troops were transferred to a distance of up to 10 thousand km, including aviation units and military units of the air defence were relocated. The protection and defence of state and military facilities, the state border in the airspace has been organized within the framework of the unified regional air defence system of Belarus and Russia.

As part of the second stage of the inspection (in the period from February 10 to 20), a joint exercise Union Courage–2022 will be held at five Belarusian training grounds. During the exercise, tasks will be worked out to ensure the military security of the Union State and counter terrorism.

"I would like to emphasize that the number of participants in the maneuvers and the main weapons systems does not exceed the parameters established by the Vienna Document of 2011, which does not oblige us to notify foreign partners about the events being held," the head of the Russian military department added.

Nevertheless, within the framework of voluntary transparency, informed the military attaches of foreign states about the inspection and joint exercises.

"In addition, in accordance with the training plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2022, a series of naval exercises are being held in January–February in all areas of responsibility of fleets. The actions of the Navy and the Aerospace Forces are being worked out to protect national interests in the oceans and to repel military threats from sea and ocean directions, more than 140 warships and support vessels, more than 60 aircraft are involved in the exercises," the Defenсe Minister said.

Turning to the thematic part of the meeting, the head of the military department proposed to discuss the supply of the Bars-M mapping and remote sensing satellites to the troops.

The Progress rocket and space center is engaged in the modernization and manufacture of Bars-M products in the interests of the Armed Forces.

"Today we will consider the problems with the deadlines for the delivery of spacecraft, as well as measures to remedy the situation," said General of the Army Sergei Shoigu.

The second issue on the agenda of the conference call was devoted to the strategy of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation until 2025.

"I want to emphasize that the development of the system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Armed Forces directly affects the introduction of breakthrough technologies, the re-equipment of troops with the latest high-precision and other types of weapons. During the implementation of the strategy, the Ministry of Defenсe is regularly updating the fleet of military measuring equipment — more than 600 units of the latest models have already been delivered to the troops," the Defenсe Minister said.

In addition, according to the head of the military department, an automated system for monitoring the condition of measuring instruments is being created. The regulatory legal framework in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, as well as within the framework of CIS cooperation, is being actively improved.

"The measures taken can significantly improve the efficiency of the existing system. Today we will see how the action plan for the implementation of the strategy is being implemented," Sergei Shoigu added.
The 24th Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing from February 4 to 20.

"The Russian team consists of almost a third of CSKA athletes. Army men have won prizes at world championships more than once. I am sure that this time they will adequately represent our country at the Beijing Games. I sincerely wish our athletes good luck and high results," Shoigu said.

Putin Says West Ignored Russia’s Key Demands In Responses To Security Guarantee Proposals

In their responses to the Russian proposals on security guarantees, the US and NATO ignored Moscow’s fundamental demands, Vladimir Putin told a news conference following talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The president said they had substantially exchanged opinions regarding proposals on giving Russia long-term legal guarantees of security from the West.

"Let me note that we are closely analyzing the written responses received from the US and NATO on January 26. However, it is already clear, and I informed Mr. Prime Minister about it, that the fundamental Russian concerns were ignored," Putin said. He explained that Moscow had seen no adequate response to three key demands - preventing NATO’s expansion, non-deployment of strike weapons systems near Russian borders and returning the military infrastructure of NATO in Europe to the positions existing in 1997 when the Russia-NATO Founding Act was signed.

"At the same time, ignoring our concerns, the US and NATO generally refer to the right of the states to freely choose ways to ensure their security. But this is not just about giving somebody the right to freely choose how to ensure their security," Putin emphasized. This is only one part of the well-known principle of the indivisibility of security, he reiterated. "The second inalienable part says that no one should be allowed to strengthen their security at the expense of the security of the other states," the president stressed.

Besides, while considering international issues, the Russian president and the Hungarian prime minister discussed the current state of things in relations between Russia and the European Union. In conclusion, Putin expressed gratitude to Viktor Orban for productive joint work. "I am confident that the results of our talks will help to further strengthen Russian-Hungarian multifaceted partnership," he said.

Lavrov's Remarks On Security Guarantees After Phone Talk With Blinken

The United States reacted negatively to Russia’s key demand that the accords on indivisible security be implemented responsibly, Sergey Lavrov said after a phone talk with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday.

"As for the key issue that generally prompted us to turn to the United States and the North Atlantic alliance with the initiative, the reaction was negative. I mean our demands that all must responsibly implement the agreements on indivisible security reached within the OSCE framework in Istanbul in 1999 and in Astana in 2010," Russia’s top diplomat pointed out.

The US reply to Russia’s proposals on security guarantees that was received last week showed that "the Americans prefer to focus on discussing still important but secondary issues," Lavrov insisted.

At the same time, the West seeks "to sink into oblivion" the key principle of indivisible security, he said. "They literally make as the cornerstone exclusively the principle of the freedom of choosing unions while completely ignoring the condition agreed at the highest level that infringing upon the security of other states in this case is inadmissible," the Russian foreign minister elaborated.

"In order not to let this happen, when we received a reaction from Washington to our original proposals, I described this in detail in a special message and sent it to all OSCE foreign ministers and the foreign ministers of other countries to let them know our position," Lavrov said.

Moscow is also alarmed that other NATO countries, for example, France, "insist on the need of ensuring security based on the documents that preceded the adoption of the Istanbul charter and the Astana declaration and, in particular, they quote a document of the 1990 OSCE Paris summit, which lacked a provision that the security must not be strengthened at the expense of the security of others," he added.

Russia will insist on an honest talk with NATO and seek explanations why the West does not want to honor its commitments, the Russian foreign minister stressed.

"Today, I confirmed to Antony Blinken that after all this is an issue, which we will not allow talking down. And we will insist on an honest talk and on an honest explanation why the West is unwilling to implement its commitments or wants to implement them selectively in its favor," Russia’s top diplomat said.

At the same time, the US Secretary of State agreed that there was a subject matter for discussion with Russia regarding the issue of indivisible security, Lavrov said.

"Tony Blinken agreed that there is a subject matter here for a further talk. We will see how things will develop," Russia’s top diplomat said.

Moscow is completing inter-agency coordination work on Washington’s proposals received in the process of security discussion and a subsequent report will be made to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the foreign minister said.

The news that appeared earlier on Tuesday that the United States had allegedly received Moscow’s reply to its security proposals emerged due to misunderstanding, Lavrov said.

"Today we, indeed, heard a message from the US Department of State that a reply was allegedly received from Moscow to the document that the Americans had sent as a reaction to our original proposals on the guarantees of security in Europe," the foreign minister said. "There is a misunderstanding here."

Putin Emphasizes Hungary Is Important Russian Partner In Europe

Hungary is the important Russian partner in Europe, Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday after talks with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban.

"I would like to stress that Hungary is the important partner of Russia in Europe. Despite the challenging situation related to the coronavirus pandemic, mutual trade grew by 30% to $5.5 bln as of the end of eleven months of the last year," Putin said. Mutual investments of both countries also increased, he noted.

"Our negotiations with the Prime Minister were held in the meaningful and businesslike atmosphere, traditional for Russian-Hungarian relations. I should say we discussed almost all items we wanted to discuss," the Russian leader added.

Putin, Orban Discuss European Security, Gas Supplies In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin met with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban in the Kremlin on Tuesday.

The discussion focused on the further development of bilateral cooperation in trade, economic, energy, cultural and humanitarian areas as well as current European security issues.

Putin, Macron Discuss Situation Around Ukraine, Possible Personal Meeting

Moscow and Paris will look at the possibility of a personal meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Emmanuel Macron of France, the Kremlin press service said on Monday after a telephone conversation between the two presidents.

"The sides agreed on further telephone contacts. They also agreed to look at the possibility of a personal meeting between the Russian and French presidents," it said.
"The leaders continued to exchange views on the situation around Ukraine and on issues linked with the long-term legally binding security guarantees to Russia," it said. "Vladimir Putin once again informed about Russia’s principled approaches to these problems."
It was the second telephone call between the two presidents in the past week. They spoke over the phone on Friday, January 28. Their conversation focused on the issue of security guarantees to Russia. The Russian president said that Moscow would analyze the United States’ and NATO’s written responses to its draft agreements and before making a decision on further actions. He stressed however that the West had ignored Russia’s principled concerns in its responses.

Russian UN Envoy Says US Seeking To Mislead Int’l Community About Real Situation Around Ukraine

The United States is seeking to mislead the world community about the real state of things around Ukraine and the reasons for the current outburst of global tensions, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said on Monday.

"In its explanatory note to the initiative to call today’s meeting, the US delegation said it considers the deployment of Russian troops on Russian territory as a threat to international peace. It is not only inadmissible interference into the domestic affairs of our country but also an attempt to mislead the international community about the real situation in the region and the reasons for the current global tensions," he said at a UN Security Council meeting on the situation around Ukraine.

Putin, Justice Minister Discuss Russia's Penitentiary System

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Minister of Justice Konstantin Chuychenko on Monday.

The main topic of the meeting was the Concept for the development of the penitentiary system until 2030.

Kremlin Says Truss' Statements About New Sanctions Undermine Investment Attractiveness Of UK

Statements by British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss about possible new sanctions against Russian businessmen undermine the investment attractiveness of the United Kingdom, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Also, he has called on Europeans to ultimately understand that it is inadmissible that the United States is meddling into their affairs, bearing in mind that Washington is seeking to fan tensions.
On January 30, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, in an interview with Sky News, said that the country's authorities would amend the current legislation in order to be able to expand the sanctions list. According to her, at present, London can only impose sanctions against those who are directly involved in destabilization activities in Ukraine. Amendments to the legislation will expand the list so that any company of interest to the Kremlin and the Russian regime could be subject to sanctions.
Liz Truss refused to disclose any details about the announced restrictions. When asked about possible measures against the property of large Russian businessmen residing in London, the UK Foreign Secretary noted that nothing is ruled out.

Russia Seeks To Achieve From West Regard For Its Interests

Russia knows from its own mistakes what statements of the West are worth, and it will seek to achieve that they take into account Russia’s legitimate interests, Sergey Lavrov told the Voskresnoye Vremya program on Channel One on Sunday.

According to the top diplomat, Russia is facing serious problems now because the West acted carelessly and dishonestly towards Russia’s interests. "It could have been different, but history has no subjunctive mood. We have become wiser. They say one can learn only from one’s own mistakes. Now we know what the West’s words are worth," Lavrov stressed.

"We will now seek to achieve not only pledges, political commitments ‘on paper’, but also legally binding guarantees that would ensure security across the European continent with the full and equal regard for the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation," Lavrov said.

Relations between Russia and the US looked absolutely cloudless in the early 1990s, he said. "Of course, there was a touch of euphoria. It seemed to those who were determining the foreign policy, that all problems would be settled automatically, since Russia would become part of a "civilized" world, Western culture, the architecture of security, and would get strong support on different tracks," Lavrov added.

In the same time, the West was confident that Russia would now follow the path meeting its interests, and this continued rather long in the 1990s, he said. However, at the start of the 2000s, Russia regained the historical and national self-awareness.

President Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech in 2007 came as the landmark. "Reputed authors of a number of US scientific, political magazines draw attention to Russia’s statement of 2007 about its concerns, and about agrowing disillusionment in the West and its interests. They say directly that Putin’s words fell on deaf ears back then," Lavrov added.

Lavrov Answers McFaul's Question On Ukraine, Donbass Via 'Russia's Liberals'

Sergey Lavrov answered Stanford University professor Michael McFaul's "absolutely ignorant" (according to him) question about Ukraine, the recognition of Donbass, etc. which was 'kindly voiced' by Echo of Moscow radio station Editor-in-Chief Alexei Venediktov (representative of the so-called "Russian liberals")during an interview on Friday.

Lavrov Answers Media Question About Possibility Of Full Breaking Russia-US Relations

In an interview on Friday, Sergey Lavrov answered a question from Govorit Moskva radio station Editor-in-Chief Roman Babayan about the possibility of a complete severance of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States due to ignoring Russian proposals for security guarantees, the threat of unprecedented sanctions against Russia's top leadership (in particular against Vladimir Putin and himself), as well as the aggravated diplomatic crisis between the two countries.

Lavrov Insists Russia Doesn’t Want War, Yet Won’t Allow Its Interests To Be Disregarded

Russia is not interested in a war, yet Moscow won’t allow its security interests to be disregarded, Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with radio stations on Friday.

"If it depends on the Russian Federation, there won’t be a war. We do not want wars, but we won’t allow our interests to be flagrantly stepped on and ignored," he emphasized.

The Russian top diplomat noted that the talks with the US and NATO on security issues have not yet been concluded. "As you know, the Americans and NATO members have studied our extremely simple proposals contained in the drafts of an agreement with Washington and an agreement with the North Atlantic alliance for over a month and we received the answers only the day before yesterday, which muddy the waters in many ways in such a Western style, yet there are some rational kernels on secondary issues," he explained.

The foreign minister specified that these "secondary issues" at certain stages were very important. According to him, they involve the issue of intermediate-and shorter-range missiles that emerged after the US withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). "We urged them to listen to the voice of reason after all, and the President of Russia then sent his message to all OSCE members, inviting them to join our unilateral moratorium with the coordination of verification measures. This was shrugged off, but now it is included in their proposals," he pointed out.

Additionally, according to the top diplomat, the counter-proposals contained concepts similar to the previously ignored Russian initiative to withdraw the exercises away from the border on both sides and to agree on a limit distance for the approach of combat aircraft and warships, [in addition to] a number of other deconfliction, de-escalation, and confidence-building measures. "All of this has been rejected for the past two or three years.

 Now, all of this is being put forward for discussion. So the constructive content in these proposals, essentially, has been borrowed from recent Russian initiatives. Nevertheless, I think that this is still something, as we say in Russia. Yet, the important part for us is to sort out the conceptual foundations that European security is built on," the foreign minister concluded.

Even Zelensky Doesn't Believe 'Russian Threat' Myth

Incredible case! Pan Zelensky did not speak in unison with his supreme curator.

A fragment of his interview with foreign journalists after the same telephone conversation with Joe Biden, when the US and Ukrainian administrations were forced to make excuses.

The reason was the words of a CNN correspondent in Kiev, as if Biden warned a younger colleague: Kiev is threatened with ruin, namely ruin, by Russian troops. Zelensky seems to have found it too theatrical even for his own standards.

"I don't think the White House is wrong in its analysis. I believe that today they are participants in this informational situation that has developed around our borders. Since the White House understands that there are risks, they constantly talk about it, they constantly support this topic and make it as sharp as possible. In my opinion, this is a mistake, such signals cause a very powerful reaction in the world," President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said. 

Lavrov Says Russia Won’t Change Its Position On Security Guarantees

Russia will not change its position on security guarantees and there is no room for compromise, Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"If they [US] insist that they will not change their positions, we will not change our positions either," he said in an interview with radio stations on Friday. "It's just that their position is based on false arguments, and on a direct misrepresentation of facts, while our position is based on what everyone signed," he maintained.

"I don’t see any possibility for a compromise here, otherwise what can we agree on if they openly sabotage and misrepresent previous decisions. This will be a key test for us," Lavrov said.

"It is very important to not try to simply shake off the responsibility, and this is exactly what our American and other NATO partners are doing now," he stated. "It will be impossible for them to evade answering the question of why they are not doing what their presidents signed up to in terms of the inadmissibility of strengthening their defense at the expense of the security of others," Lavrov added.

The United States and NATO gave Russia written responses to proposals for security guarantees that Moscow demanded from Washington and Brussels on Wednesday. According to these statements, the West did not make concessions for Russia, but outlined directions for further negotiations.

Putin, Macron Discuss Issue Of Providing Russia With Legally Binding Security Guarantees

Vladimir Putin discussed the issue of providing Russia with long-term and legally binding security guarantees by phone with French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday.

EU Promotes A 'Trench' Philosophy, Wants To Present Everything In Friend-Or-Foe Paradigm

The EU promotes a “trench” philosophy and wants to present everything in the friend-or-foe paradigm (or ally-adversary, to use the current terms), Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department Alexey Zaitsev side on Thursday.

"The “conclusions” of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on January 24 confirmed that the EU has an extremely ideological approach to the new world order. Obviously prompted by the anti-Russian wing, the text was written in a confrontational style and follows Cold War patterns. Meaningful analysis and perception of European security problems have been replaced with politicised assessments. There is an obvious reluctance to address the root causes of the deteriorating situation and to understand that NATO’s unrestrained expansion is clearly dangerous," he said.

All this runs counter to the principle of indivisible security that was  set forth and repeatedly affirmed by the EU countries and in OSCE documents adopted at the top level, including the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, the 1999 European Security Charter and the 2010 Astana summit declaration.

"The EU’s “conclusions” are permeated with hypocrisy. It is emphasised that “spheres of influence” are unacceptable in the 21st century. That said, a number of EU functionaries openly declare that the Western Balkans belong to the EU (President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said this at the EU-Western Balkans summit on May 6, 2020). Or that “whenever we are present in the region, there is no space for others” (as former Head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini told ambassadors of the EU countries on September 3, 2018). In one-on-one conversations, EU officials bluntly say that Mali and the CAR are the EU’s “backyard.” EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell also said that after the departure of the US and NATO, it is necessary to prevent Afghanistan from falling into the hands of Russia and China," Zaitsev added.

In essence, the issue of European security is reduced to Ukraine. The pathological inability to acknowledge its mistake of supporting the Ukrainian coup d’etat in 2014 and stop openly abetting the Kiev authorities that are discriminating against Russian speakers, is preventing the EU from facilitating the settlement of the internal Ukrainian conflict (via direct dialogue between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk). It doesn’t allow the EU to take a broad view of the situation in Europe either. It also prevents the EU from understanding that the implementation of the Russian proposals on the legally binding security guarantees from the US and NATO will create the necessary conditions for the stable development of all countries of our common continent (regardless of their membership in military blocs or unions). It will also enhance European security, thereby allowing the EU to ensure its required strategic autonomy and independence.

"We are surprised by the EU’s call for dialogue after it unilaterally decided to immediately freeze the entire diverse system of cooperation with Russia in 2014, including in foreign policy and security. It refuses to engage in top-level contacts or discussion of security issues," he said.

Zaitsev added that simply put, the EU’s desire to take part in discussing Russian proposals on security guarantees looks strange against the backdrop of such “conclusions.”

Putin Considers MFA Proposals For Further Action On Security Guarantees

Vladimir Putin convened the Security Council to discuss the proposals of the Foreign Ministry on further actions on security guarantees on Friday.

"By and large, the Security Council of Russia and its regular meetings prepare strategic planning documents in a variety of spheres. But today we will talk about foreign policy, an area of the Security Council’s direct responsibility," he said.
Putin added that Foreign Ministry has prepared an updated draft of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation. It is certainly a strategic planning document. The Foreign Ministry took into account the recent global changes, including changes that took place in international politics over the past five years.
The report of Minister Sergey Lavrov was held behind closed doors.

NATO's Tantrums Over 'Russian Threat' Designed To Justify Containment Of Russia

Russia understand why NATO is throwing tantrums about the Russian threat in front of the countries of the Alliance: how else would they explain and justify the need for the military containment of Russia? Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department Alexey Zaitsev side on Thursday.

"Such statements by the NATO Secretary General create an unfavourable environment for the dialogue on security guarantees. They go to show that it has become common practice for the Alliance to bolster its negotiating position with military capabilities," he said, answering a question on the statement by Jens Stoltenberg that Alliance is considering increasing its presence in the east, including possible deployment of additional combat groups.
For decades, the Alliance has consistently reinforced its eastern flank, taking over the territories of new member states and creating new infrastructure and weapons depots. Reconnaissance aircraft are present in the air space near the Russian borders almost around the clock. NATO strategic aviation is practicing attacks on Russian facilities and command and control centres. NATO military planning is entirely geared towards the same goal which is “deterring” Russia and achieving military superiority on all potential theatres of war and in all operational environments. The threshold for the use of nuclear weapons is lowered conceptually and technically. The sea is used for projecting power. As a reminder, Romania and Poland are home to the US global missile defence system with the capability of launching Tomahawk missiles.

Putin To Comment On Western Replies To Security Guarantee Proposals

Vladimir Putin will find the time and the form in which to express his position regarding the West’s reply to Russia’s security guarantee proposals, but no decision regarding the details has been made yet, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media on Friday.

"I have no doubts that this will happen. I have no doubts that the president will set a date and find the form in which to express his position. In this particular case no decisions have been made yet. As soon as they have been made, we will let you know," the Kremlin official said, when asked if Putin was going to describe his reaction to the replies received from the West.

The United States and NATO on Wednesday handed to Russia their written answers to Russia’s security guarantee proposals. The US sides asked Russia to refrain from making these documents public, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reviewed their highlights. As follows from their statements, the West failed to agree to any concessions of fundamental importance to Russia, but outlined prospects for further talks.

Moscow Says Without 'Western Aid' Conflict In Eastern Ukraine Would Have Ended Long Ago

Moscow are convinced that without “Western aid” the conflict in eastern Ukraine would have ended long ago, Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department Alexey Zaitsev side on Thursday.

"Moreover, the conflict that began with the advent of nationalists to power in Kiev most likely would have never happened," he added.

The past week has clearly shown the artificial character of the domestic conflict in Ukraine. Some Western countries are trying hard to fuel it in an effort to divide the historically common peoples of Russia and Ukraine and create a hotbed of instability, complicating relations between the EU countries and Moscow.

"We consider unacceptable even the idea of a war between our peoples," Zaitsev side.

"We urge the Ukrainian authorities to finally show independence, think about the interests of their own country and its people and find a sustainable political solution to the current conflict in direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk. We hope the NATO countries will stop fuelling the conflict in eastern Ukraine and abstain from interfering in the domestic affairs of that country. This should allow the contracting Ukrainian parties to resolve their differences in a direct dialogue between themselves," he added.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...