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Putin Instructs Promsvyazbank To Support Defense Industry In Diversification

Necessary to prop up defence industry enterprises when resolving diversification issues, Vladimir Putin said at the working meeting with Promsvyazbank CEO Petr Fradkov on Monday.

Moscow Expects Clear US Response On Russia's Security Guarantees

Russia believes that the United States understands the seriousness of the situation in the security sphere and the necessity of taking steps on the basis suggested by Russia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Monday.

"We believe that our American colleagues are fully aware that the situation is quite difficult and tense and that a responsible approach is needed," he said. "It is necessary to act on the platform, on the basis we have suggested in line with President [Vladimir] Putin’s instructions."

"We expressed the hope that as part of the implementation of the Russian president’s instructions we will be able to evoke a clear response from the West, first of all from the United States, and begin the process of elaborating legally binding guarantees of Russia’s security in the format of two agreements, which are interlinked and cannot be, so to say, torn apart into fragments, elements," he said.

On December 17, the Russian foreign ministry released two Russian draft agreements in security guarantees from the United States and NATO.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on NATO to begin substantive talks on reliable long-term security guarantees to Russia. He stressed that Russia needs legally binding guarantees because the West has failed to fulfill its verbal commitments.

According to Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov Ushakov told US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that Moscow was ready to begin talks on draft documents on security guarantees. Russia will be represented at these talks by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.

Putin Thanks Russian Special Agencies’ Officers For Preventing Terrorist Attacks

Russia’s security agencies managed to achieve a decline in the terrorist threat, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that 32 terrorist attacks have been prevented over an 11-month period this year.

"Over recent years, there are significant progress and positive dynamics in this challenging, extremely responsible area [the fight against terrorism]. There has been a dramatic decline in the terrorist threat," the Russian head of state said in a video statement on the occasion of the Security Agency Worker Day.

According to Putin, "over the past eleven years, more than 200 terrorist attacks have been foiled, the number of terrorist crimes has decreased dramatically over this period." "The vast majority of such crimes are nipped in the bud," he added. "Over an 11 month-period this year, 61 crimes have been prevented, including 32 terrorist attacks, thanks to your effectiveness and coordination. This is a good result, but there are still many issues," the Russian president addressed the employees of the security agencies.

Putin said that the fight against terrorism should be tough and uncompromising. "At present, there is a challenging international situation. The nature and scale of current challenges and risks make higher demands on the work of special services. First of all, a tough and uncompromising fight against terrorism is your main, priority task," the president stressed.

Putin said that the fight against terrorism should be tough and uncompromising.

"At present, there is a challenging international situation. The nature and scale of current challenges and risks make higher demands on the work of special services," he noted.

"First of all, a tough and uncompromising fight against terrorism is your main, priority task," Putin addressed employees of the special services.

Everything Will Be As Usual: 'Peskov shut up' And Putin Himself Will Continue His Press Conference

Talking about Putin's upcoming annual press conference, which will take place next Thursday, December 23, Dmitry Peskov joked that everything will be as usual: "I will start holding a press conference, then Putin will tell me to shut up, and President himself will continue to conduct it."

Peskov's Remarks About Navalny's Pardon & Khodorkovsky's Futile Efforts To Rock Russia

Possible issue of Navalny’s pardon to be decided on legal basis, and, Khodorkovsky spares no expense to rock Russia, but fails, Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with RTVI's Tina Kandelaki on Friday.

The issue of pardoning convicted blogger Alexey Navalny, if it emerges, will be resolved according to legal procedures.
"Listen, I don’t know," he said in response to a question on the possibility of Navalny’s pardon and his future life abroad. "This is the prerogative of a convict serving time, the commission, first at a colony, then in the region, then the central one, then the head of state. There is a certain order defined by the law: the convict submits a petition, he says that he admits guilt, which guilt he admits, and then it follows a chain [of events], the way the law prescribes it," the Kremlin official explained.
Navalny, who received two suspended sentences over the Yves Rocher case, was declared wanted for numerous violations of the terms of his suspended sentence. On January 17, he was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport having arrived from Berlin. On February 2, Moscow’s Simonovsky District Court converted Alexey Navalny’s suspended sentence to 3 years and 6 months in a medium-security prison.
Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky violated many agreements and spares no expense to rock Russia, but he will fail due to his complete lack of understanding of the situation in the country, Peskov said.
"He violated many agreements. He was pardoned earlier than he was supposed to be released [from prison]. He does not spare his own money to rock our country, and, probably, will continue doing it. But he is not too successful, because he is spiritually, situationally, informationally, and on the gut feeling level is completely separated from Russia," the spokesman said, answering a question why Khodorkovsky is not on agenda.
This man does not realize what is happening in Russia, Peskov claimed.

Peskov: 'Ukraine Completely Lost For Russia As partner And Ally'

Ukraine is completely lost for Russia as a partner and ally, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"Have we lost Ukraine as a partner, ally and so on? At this point, yes, completely," he said in an interview with RTVI. In this context, he noted "the Ukrainian authorities’ hostility toward Russia."

According to the Kremlin spokesman, the Ukrainian authorities are doing their utmost "to cut the cord linking it to Russia in any way." "They are simply cutting everything, from the capillary vessels to the central arteries of our bilateral relations. They have already cut them, to be more precise. That is why we have no relations as such," he said, adding that Russians and Ukrainians will nevertheless remain brotherly nations. "A brotherly people cannot be lost, it will always be a brotherly people," he said. "Yes, [Ukraine’s] authorities may keep on trying to cheat on their people, to imbue them with hatred for Russians, for Russia, to strip them of the chance to get first-hand information from our mass media. They can ban our mass media, ban our internet websites, but the two brotherly people cannot lose one another."

The Kremlin spokesman noted that Ukraine "is declaring its intention to join NATO openly, officially, actually at a legislative level." "It is very bad for us because this way NATO’s military infrastructure will inevitably begin drifting toward our borders. Without [Ukraine’s] membership in NATO, we now see how the alliance is gradually beginning to absorb, intrude into Ukraine," he said.

NATO began with supplies of defensive weapons, then it began to supply offensive weapons, then - double-use weapons, then it began to send instructors who teach Ukrainian soldiers how to use these advanced weapons.

"NATO’s creeping intrusion into Ukraine is already taking place and Russia cannot stay indifferent to it. That is why Putin’s position is quite tough on the one hand and coherent and peaceful on the other. His initiative to agree to some binding security guarantees is a very constructive proposal, which can fence us off from the tension which has emerged on the European continent over the Ukrainian problem," Peskov said.

He noted that "rhetoric, which seemed like it would never return: detente and the like, is now being used again." "We thought that it was lest in the Cold War era and will never be back. And here it is again," he added.

Peskov Says Putin And Biden Not Friends But Speak In Mutually Respectful Tone

Talks between Russian and US Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, are held in an atmosphere of mutual respect rather than in a friendly atmosphere, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"I did not say ‘friendly tone.' It was a mutually respectful, constructive and business-like tone. They are not friends. After all, they haven’t had many contacts yet," he said in an interview with RTVI.
He recalled that Putin and Biden had seen each other when Putin was Russia’s prime minister. "Back then, they had a meeting at the White House, at various international events, but they haven’t had many opportunities to speak to each other," he noted.
According to Peskov, contacts between the leaders of great powers cannot but be mutually respectful, but the leaders may not always agree with each other. "Here, we can state a very serious gap in the conceptual approaches on issues of paramount importance. Putin spoke about red lines and our national interests. Biden, in turn, spoke about his unpreparedness to recognize red lines. But the atmosphere was business-like and respectful," he said, adding that no more differences emerged between the sides but they "fixed them to the extent that they had already been."
The Kremlin spokesman noted that Putin feels equally comfortable with everyone he speaks with thanks to his expertise in international affairs and a vast record of contacts with world leaders. However, Peskov refuted allegations that there were hopes for an improvement in relations between the two countries under the United States’ previous president, Donald Trump. "Such expectations were cherished by anyone but professionals. Don’t forget that under Biden we maintain various communications channels and there was no communication under Trump. It was actually frozen," Peskov explained.
"It should be borne in mind that Trump is not a professional politician. It is a kind of phenomenon that broke into the United States’ politics, made a lot of fuss and quit politics. Biden is a professional politician who has gone through all the difficulties of American politics, from the very bottom to the very top. So, his expertise and professionalism cannot be overestimated. At least, I can say that it is comfortable for Putin and Biden to speak with each other because they get their positions across to each other, speak about the problem and give a clear answer - either ‘yes’ or ‘no,’" the Kremlin spokesman stressed.

Putin Says Sanctions Turn Into Tool Of Competitive Struggle

Sanctions have turned into a tool of competitive practices, Vladimir Putin said on Friday at the meeting of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

"The same refers to various restrictions of political nature, the so-called sanctions. Indeed, something may occur initially as a political tool but we see now that often this is simply a tool of competitive struggle," Putin said.
Russia will respond to attempts of dominating the environmental topics to achieve competitive advantages, the President said. "All such aspirations related to the attempt of harnessing the environmental topics for achievement of competitive advantages should encounter a certain response from our side. And we will definitely do that," Putin added.

Putin Urges Russians Not To Forget About Anti Covid Measures After First New Year's Toast

You know how it happens: after the first toast, everyone forgets about any precautions. However, this is not the case today. You need to carefully look at these [anti covid] recommendations and do everything in order to comply with them, Vladimir Putin said on Friday at the meeting of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

President Putin Greets 30th RSPP Congress

Vladimir Putin greeted all the participants in the Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on Friday.

"I would like to congratulate the RSPP on the anniversary. this year your highly respected organisation which united the country’s biggest, leading companies and enterprises, celebrates its 30th anniversary,"he said.
Thise years was a complicated, difficult period in the development of new social relations, a period of “moving into adulthood” of the domestic market economy – the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has earned a reputation of a reliable partner of all branches of government and all civil society institutions.

Russia Ready To Begin Talks On Security Guarantees With US Immediately

Russia is ready to begin talks on security guarantees with the United States immediately and suggests Geneva as a venue for such talks, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Friday.

"As for us, we are ready to begin talks with the United States in a third country immediately, literally already tomorrow, on Saturday, December 18. We have already offered the Americans to meet in Geneva to launch these important talks on the basis, on the platform of the two draft documents we have, which we plan to promote while waiting for a constructive response from the United States," he said.
Earlier on Friday, the Russian foreign ministry released two Russian draft agreements in security guarantees from the United States and NATO.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on NATO to begin substantive talks on reliable long-term security guarantees to Russia. He stressed that Russia needs legally binding guarantees because the West has failed to fulfill its verbal commitments.
According to Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov Ushakov told US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that Moscow was ready to begin talks on draft documents on security guarantees. Russia will be represented at these talks by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.

Putin Visits ASI Exhibition Of New Promising Projects

Vladimir Putin visited an exhibition presenting new projects of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) on Thursday.

It was created at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin to support promising ideas for the work of medium-sized businesses, improve the business climate, develop young managers and work in the social sphere. Then the head of state chaired a meeting of the Agency's supervisory board.

Putin's Meeting With Mongolia's Counterpart In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin held talks in the Kremlin with the President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, who arrived in Russia on a working visit on Thursday.

Zakharova Сalls West’s Actions Towards Assange ‘Cannibalism’

The Western countries’ actions towards the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, are aimed at "annihilating" him, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Wednesday.

"The actions taken by our Western partners over the past few years smack of cannibalism. All this is not about some double standards or defiance of lofty principles and ideals. It’s about the annihilation of an individual, revenge for his stance, for his courage and for the fact that he deemed it necessary, apparently aware of the potential risks, to share with the world some crucial information that shed light on the lies and deceit committed by a number of states," she said.

Zakharova expressed surprise that the international community’s reaction to the inhuman treatment of Assange was so slack.

"Everybody can see that this man is being annihilated. He looks like two different people. Everybody can see his current condition, not to mention the campaign of victimization the champions of democracy have organized against him."

Assange has been in custody in London’s Belmarsh Prison since April 2019, after the embassy of Ecuador revoked his asylum, which he had enjoyed for seven years. In January, the Westminster Magistrates’ Court refused to extradite Assange to the United States where he faces 18 criminal charges, but at the same time ruled that he should stay in custody until the US appeal has been considered. On December 10, the Court of Appeal of England and Wales upheld the US Department of Justice’s appeal filed in the case of the WikiLeaks founder’s extradition to the US.

In the United States, Assange is charged with a number of offenses in connection with the largest disclosure of classified information in US history. If convicted on all counts, he may be handed a 175-year prison term.

Putin Fulfills The Dream Of A 13-Year-Old Sick Girl

On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with 13-year-old Tatyana Trotsenko from the Stavropol Territory, who attended a performance of the ballet Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theatre.

On December 5, while attending the International Volunteer Forum, the President joined the New Year Tree of Wishes national campaign for the fourth time. Vladimir Putin fulfilled the dream of 13-year-old Tanya from the town of Izobilny, Stavropol Territory, who is currently undergoing treatment in St Petersburg.
The girl was taken on a guided tour of the Mariinsky Theatre, after which she watched a ballet, Swan Lake. She also talked to the cast.
In addition, the President suggested that the girl and her parents see the Swan Lake ice show in Moscow.
Vladimir Putin ended the conversation by wishing Tanya a happy New Year, good health and high spirits.

Putin-Xi Virtual Summit 'A Sample Of Genuine Interstate Cooperation In 21st Century'

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping held a virtual summit on Wednesday. The conversation began at 11:07 Moscow time and lasted a little over an hour - to 12:21 MSC.

At the beginning of the virtual summit, Putin waved his hand as a welcoming gesture and referred to Xi Jinping as his "dear friend". The Chinese leader responded with the same gesture and a broad smile.
Putin noted that current meeting "makes it possible to discuss the development of Russian-Chinese comprehensive strategic partnership."
The President described the relations between Moscow and Beijing as "a sample of genuine interstate cooperation in the 21st century." According to him, a new model of interaction has been shaped between two countries "based among other things on such principles, specifically, as non-interference in domestic affairs and respect for one another’s interests, determination to turn the shared border into a belt of everlasting peace and good neighborliness." Putin added that the close coordination between Russia and China on the global stage and a responsible joint approach to solving relevant world issues has become a tangible factor of stability in international relations.
Putin also stressed that Moscow and Beijing have consistently supported each other over international sports cooperation, including the non-acceptance of any attempts to politicize sports or the Olympic movement. He was confident that the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing would be held at the highest level as "China knows how to do it."
The Russian leader hoped that next February he would finally be able to meet with Xi Jinping in person in Beijing, where they are scheduled to hold negotiations, and then take part in the opening ceremony of 2022 Winter Olympics. He thanked his Chinese counterpart for the invitation to visit such a symbolic event." Xi Jinping responded that he looked forward to "the Olympic meeting" with Putin.

Putin: 'When West Creates A Real Hypersonic Weapon, Russia Will Already Have An Antidote'

I think that we will be able to "pleasantly surprise" our "partners" when they have this [hypersonic] weapon, (with a high degree of probability), we will already have a means of dealing with this weapon, Vladimir Putin said in an interview for a documentary entitled "Russia: Its Recent History" aired on the Rossiya-1 TV channel on Sunday.

Putin: "Only Heartless Does Not Regret USSR Collapse & Only Headless Wants To Recreate It'

Vladimir Putin said what he thinks about the collapse of the Soviet Union during interview for a documentary entitled "Russia: Its Recent History" aired on the Rossiya-1 TV channel on Sunday.

Lukashenko Called Poland's Plans To Wall Build On Border With Belarus A 'Stupid Idea'

Alexander Lukashenko, talking about Poland's plans to build a wall on the border with Belarus, called it a stupid idea, during an interview with Nisa Efendioglu, a journalist and presenter of TRT Haber TV channel.

“Apparently, some of the initiators of this project in Poland have run out of money. therefore, they want to replenish their wallets using this project. if we talk about the wall, it will cost neither $400 million nor $500 million, as they plan, but about $1 billion,” the head of state said.
He noted that a wall had already been built in some sections of the Belarusian-Polish border, but this does not help deter refugees: “As Polish special services admit, most of the refugees penetrated the country in the areas where this wall was built. all in all, about 25,000 people. therefore, does it make any sense to build such a wall?”
Lukashenko recalled the U.S. attempts to build a wall on the border with Mexico. "One President was into it, the next administration is destroying this wall now. I think that something like that will happen in Poland,” the Belarusian leader noted. “We are not concerned about it. That's their problem. Let them do it. This will not hurt us. But the situation in Poland is very unstable. The current government may not survive. And I am sure that smarter, more rational people will come to power and find better use for one billion dollars."
The Berlin Wall fall was a victory for European democracy. everyone welcomed the destruction of dividing lines and walls on the border! Now they want to fence the European Union off with a 5.5m high wall? Somehow it does not fit into their ideology and democracy. This is a stupid, silly idea," the President concluded.

Putin Claims West Has Been 'Dreaming' About Russia's Collapse Since 90s

The West was confident in the imminent collapse of Russia back in the 1990s, Vladimir Putin said in an interview for a documentary entitled "Russia: Its Recent History" aired on the Rossiya-1 TV channel on Sunday.

Putin Admits 'In 90s Sometimes Worked As A Private Hire Taxi Driver'

In an interview with Russian TV, Vladimir Putin admitted that in the difficult 1990s for Russia, he sometimes worked as a private taxi driver on his famous Volga GAZ 21, which he brought from the GDR.

Lukashenko Says Deep Reasons Behind Pressure On Belarus Are Connected To US

Aleksandr Lukashenko gave an interview to the Turkish broadcaster TRT. The interviewer was Nisa Efendioglu, a journalist and presenter of TRT Haber TV channel.

When asked about the reasons behind the pressure on Belarus, Lukashenko said: “Deep reasons behind pressure on Belarus are connected to the USA. I am not going to recount all the reasons. I will try to specify the key ones. The key reason is that we happened to be the key link in the USA’s and NATO’s pressure on Russia.”

Lukashenko remarked that once the revolt failed and a fast attempt to break the country failed, they switched to systematic pressure and a hybrid war. “Pressure and attacks against Belarus from various directions with different intensity are the essence of this hybrid war. It is manifested as pressure via mass media, via diplomatic channels, political channels. And now they have switched to tough pressure via economic channels. Five packages of sanctions have been introduced by Americans and Europeans against Belarus,” the head of state said.

Putin, Top Judge Discuss Russia’s Legislative System

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with Chairman of the Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin on Monday.

Putin and Zorkin congratulated each other on the last Constitution Day of Russia.
The Constitution is the foundation of the entire legal system of the state, and the role of the Constitutional Court here, as the supreme constitutional control body, is of everlasting importance.
"The updated Constitution has strengthened the role of the Constitutional Court even more,"Putin stressed.
Russia has been living under the sign of the updated Constitution for the second year already. "Of course, we are trying to use the new provisions of the Constitution, for example, in the social sphere.
The number of complaints has not increased, but the number of rulings has remained approximately the same,"Top Judge said.
According to Zorkin, Russia’s legislative system has become stable, balanced and more professional. "Of course, there are always blemishes, the pabulum for the Constitutional Court. But I think that now we should lay greater emphasis on law enforcement, because we check not just the letter of the law but also take into consideration law enforcement practice. And that is where the trouble lies, as the saying goes,"Zorkin said.
Also, the judge noted an increase in the level of legal awareness of citizens.
"The level of legal awareness, of course, has increased, and increased demands are being made on us,"he added.

Putin Harshly Reacts To Filmmaker's Public Statements At HRC Meeting

During the Meeting of Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, Vladimir Putin reacted sharply to the public and emotional statements by film director Alexander Sokurov on the revision of the federal structure of Russia, the army and the Union State.

Sokurov became quite emotional as he proceeded to express his point of view on Russia’s federal structure, problems in the North Caucasus, a number of regional border conflicts, human rights concerns, support for the Russian North and its culture. Alexander Sokurov ended his remarks by saying: “I apologise for speaking so long and so passionately, too passionately. I am sorry.”
"We can debate this issue if you like and as long as you like. But I assure you that the overwhelming majority of the people realise what kind of trouble they will face if they act differently. By the way, the Chechen people know this better than anyone else in the Caucasus,"Putin said. Russia have 2,000 territorial claims in our country.
"Mr Sokurov, do you want to see a repeat of the Yugoslavia scenario on our territory?"he added.
The President warned the director against rash statements.
"I have known you for a very long time now, and I have a lot of respect for you, because you always speak your mind. Frankly, though, you are not always accurate in what you say. Certain things should be properly considered and reviewed first, such as relations among the Nakh [Chechen and Ingush peoples] people. Please take these matters seriously,"he said.
"These matters must be taken very seriously. And talking about this lightly for everyone in our country to hear is not something that even you should do. I assure you that these are dangerous games, we have been here before,"he added.
Putin also stood up to protect the Russian army.
"Do not worry about our army. It is doing fine, it is developing. An organisation as complex as an army, with almost a million service members, cannot go without issues. But if you look at our army of the mid-1990s and today's army… Just look at what those who have declared us an adversary are saying about our army. You will get an idea of the distance covered by our army, its current status and what we can count on in the near future,"he said.
The President also touched upon the topic of Russia's assistance to Belarus within the framework of the Union State.
"You can think whatever you want about Belarus, Belarusians, or the leadership of Belarus, but to say that it lives off our allowance is incorrect, Mr Sokurov. It is unseemly to say so in public. This shows disrespect for the entire nation and the entire country, which is part of the Union State. This is a delicate and lengthy process that requires exceptional competence and patience, and respect for your partner,"Putin stressed.

Putin Disappointed With Facts Of Memorial Case

Vladimir Putin discussed the International Memorial case with journalist Nikolai Svanidze at the meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

Svanidze raised the issue of the developments around Memorial. The Prosecutor’s Office called on the court to shut down International Memorial and the Memorial human rights centre and asked the President to take control of the matter.

In turn, Putin acquainted those present with the facts from this case.

"As for the international organisations Memorial is trying to defend, they are blacklisted in Russia as terrorist and extremist organisations,"he read.

The second problem is that unfortunately Memorial has repeatedly committed violations, and, as the document given to me reads, it did so defiantly. Its violations were blatant.

Finally, according to the documents, this organization defended Nazi criminals.

Putin admitted that he always considered the Memorial to be the main guardian of the memory of victims of political repression in the Soviet Union, but Nazi criminals turned out to be on the list of those whom Memorial considers to be victims of political repression of Soviet political repression.

"Memorial itself should make its current activities fully meet the noble goals that it declared to be the main area of its work and should prevent anything similar to what I have just mentioned,"Putin stressed.

The President promised to closely follow the progress of the trial.

"I hope they will be unbiased,"he noted.

Putin Discuss Law On Foreign Agents In Media At HRC Meeting

Vladimir Putin discussed the law on foreign agents in the media with the editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets Pavel Gusev at the meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

Gusev spoke about the law on foreign agents in the media, which he described as one of the most controversial laws, listed its shortcomings and proposed creating a separate working group with the participation of corresponding parliamentary committees, journalist unions, and the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights in order to deal with the issues that are haunting media outlets recognised as foreign agents.
"We should pay attention to what you said, including the way this document was drafted, meaning that it was not discussed with the professional community. we must do more than just note this. this work must be done and we must see how it works and what it leads to,"Putin said.
"We must ensure freedom of speech and, to a certain extent, the inviolability of people who talk about the flaws of our society, the imperfections of our state apparatus and the governance system, and questions that arise during election campaigns. No doubt about it. What we need to do though is protect ourselves from potential external interference in our domestic affairs. We need to protect ourselves from anyone using any kind of tool in Russia to pursue their goals that have nothing to do with our interests. This is what we are talking about,"he added.

Putin Supports Measures To Prevent Cyberbullying For Teens

The bullying and the promotion of Western culture, although this has nothing to do with culture, in our society, and these behaviour patterns are often promoted by social media, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Thursday.

Western parliamentarians are now actively discussing the impact of these international platforms on the minds of younger people and their personal development, and their negative impact on the psyche of teenagers and children. we, too, should step up and take a closer look at that. Europe is paying much attention to this, and the United States is beginning to raise these issues at public or parliamentary platforms.
Putin supported Kirill Kabanov's proposals on preventive measures in this matter.
"We should proceed with caution given the young age of the people we are talking about, but we must do it nonetheless,"he said.

Putin: 'We Must Not Restrict People’s Rights While Ensuring Their Coronavirus Safety'

"We must not restrict people’s rights, on the one hand, while ensuring their security and safety. therefore, before we issue any final decisions, they must be exhaustively discussed,"Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Thursday.

Vaccination certificates only serve as proof of vaccination.
"We also know that almost all countries have chosen the same path, all countries without exception that have the opportunity to vaccinate their people. still, we have to proceed very carefully, weigh out every step and understand what is happening. the entire procedure must be perfectly clear and transparent. it must not create any additional problems for people,"he added.
The President also raised the issue of dividing society into those who are for and against vaccinations. "Some people are opposed to vaccination and object to any restrictions. and those who support vaccination receive jabs and demand, including from officials in their regions, that they be guarded from the unvaccinated. you see, there are certain issues in society that also need to be addressed. at any rate, we must make decisions carefully,"Putin noted.
The President suggested not rushing to introduce restrictions on public transport.
"We must fully consider the consequences and check if the transport system is ready. we must not restrict people’s rights, on the one hand, while ensuring their security and safety. therefore, before we issue any final decisions, they must be exhaustively discussed,"Putin said.
"We will, in cooperation with the professional community, find a solution that can guarantee the rights of all citizens,"Vladimir Putin stressed.

Putin Says Torture In Russian Prisons Is Absolutely Unacceptable

Vladimir Putin commented on violations at the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, including violence against prisoners and torture, which have recently appeared on the Internet.

"Such things are absolutely unacceptable. What is there to say?"Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Thursday.
The Central Office of the Investigative Committee is conducting a preliminary inquiry into the issues that have become public and are now being reviewed as part of the criminal cases that have been opened.
"I agree with you that it is necessary to take system-wide measures that would change the situation.

Everything you mentioned definitely needs to be very carefully analysed, after which relevant measures can be adopted,"President said after report of the Council member Eva Merkacheva.
The Federation Council has already started introducing amendments to the legislation that actually define the crime of torture. This work is underway.
Also discussed were the issues of the large number of people in pre-trial detention centers, the use of modern technologies and tracking methods instead of detention, the establishment of correctional facilities and the equipment of prison hospitals.

Putin Says Developments In Donbass Look Like Genocide Of Russians

Developments in Donbass look like genocide, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on Thursday.

"You and I know what is happening in Donbass. It certainly looks like genocide, as you said," he pointed out, addressing Executive Director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency Kirill Vyshinsky.
Putin emphasized that Russophobia was the first step to genocide. The head of state noted that "it requires careful action so that these notions aren’t devalued." However, in his words, the notions should reflect the reality of what is happening at the moment.

Putin Cleaned CIA Employees Out From Russian Government In 2000s

Vladimir Putin shed some light on the methods that foreign states used to influence the Russian Federation in mid-1990s. He underscored that he thwarted such actions in the early 2000s.

"For instance: mid-1990s-early 2000s; in the early 2000s, I’ve cleaned all of them out, but in mid-1990s, we had Central Intelligence Agency employees as advisors and even official employees of the government of the Russian Federation, as we learned later," Putin said at the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights meeting Thursday.

"Later, they were brought to responsibility in the US for, while being CIA employees and working in Russia, they violated the US law and took part in the privatization," the President underscored. According to Putin, "this is only one example" of attempted interference in Russia’s internal affairs. "In reality, they are much more numerous," Putin said.

According to the head of state, "certain countries had some degree of control via this channel."

"There were American specialists sitting at our nuclear weapons complex sites, they went to work there, from morning to late night - they had a table and an American flag. They lived there and worked there. They did not need any fine instruments to interfere in our life, because they had control over everything already," Putin said.
He underscored that "of course, the situation has changed, the country became different, it became more independent, more sovereign; its armed forces’ capabilities are growing and the attitude towards Russia began to change."

"As soon as Russia started claiming its interests, started to raise its sovereignty, economy and armed forces’ capability, new instruments of influence on our internal political life became needed, including rather fine instruments via various organizations, funded from abroad," the Russian leader believes.
He underscored that Russia has not become hostile to anyone.

"This is simply not true. Russia has not become hostile to any part of the world at all. A certain part of the world considers us their adversaries," Putin noted. "Did we declare anyone as our adversary in any strategic documents? No. It is us who were declared," Putin explained.

Putin's Remarks At The Virtual EAEU Summit

Vladimir Putin participates in a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (EAEU) via videoconference on Friday.

Also taking part in the meeting were Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov; heads of the EAEU observer states – President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev; Honorary Chairman of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council Nursultan Nazarbayev, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Executive Committee and Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States Sergei Lebedev, and Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank Nikolai Podguzov.
The participants adopted a package of documents following the meeting. In particular, they adopted agreements on the use of navigation seals to track shipments in the Eurasian Economic Union and on audit activities within the EAEU. A number of decisions were also taken, including on the formation of a free trade zone between the EAEU and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the areas of the EAEU’s international activities for 2022, observer state status in the EAEU, and the functioning of a common services market.

Russian Fighter Jets Escort NATO Warplanes Over Black Sea

Russia’s Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets escorted a group of French and US warplanes over the Black Sea, the National Defense Management Center said in a statement on Thursday.

"On December 9, 2021, Russian airspace control systems detected aerial targets flying towards the Russian border over international waters in the Black Sea," the statement reads.

According to the center, Russian aircraft crews identified the aerial targets as a Mirage 2000 jet fighter and a Rafale fighter from the French Air and Space Force, the US Army’s CL-600 Artemis reconnaissance aircraft, an RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft from the US Air Force and a French KC-135 refueling aircraft, and escorted them over the Black Sea.

"The planes were stopped from violating the Russian border," the statement said. "After turning the foreign warplanes away from Russia’s border, the Russian fighter jets safely returned to their home airfield," the center added.

Three Su-27 fighters from the Southern Military District’s air defense quick reaction alert forces were scrambled to escort the foreign aircraft.

Russia's MFA Notes Kiev Sending More Troops To Donbass Conflict Area

Ukraine is building up its troops near the line that separates its self-proclaimed republics, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

The country is doing this with the support from NATO, which is "simply pumping weapons into Ukraine, which is in a state of civil war," she said at a news conference.
Ceasefire violations in the area reached almost 90,000, Zakharova said.
"The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission is registering the deployment by Kiev of heavy weapons, including large-caliber artillery and armored vehicles, to the east of the country," she said. "The use of drones is ongoing."

Putin's Opening Remarks At Meeting Of Council For Civil Society And Human Rights

On the eve of Human Rights Day, on Thursday, Vladimir Putin held a traditional meeting with the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

"I am happy to note that now the Council is actively dealing with pressing problems that are causing concern in our society," President noted.
One of them is protecting people from financial fraud. Criminals have deprived tens of millions of people of their housing, literally leaving them out in the street. The Council persistently raised this issue and eventually amendments were introduced to the law on the activities of consumer credit co-operatives, banning the issuance of loans secured only by housing as collateral. This created a barrier in the way of fraudulent schemes of microcredit organisations.
Also, Council has supported the owners of agricultural lands who had no right to maintain forests on their land plots. Facing huge fines, they had to destroy these forests. The Council’s view on that matter was taken into account as well, and the Forest Code has been amended to allow landowners to keep the forests, which has saved hundreds of hectares of forest.
The Council has contributed was to ensure the compliance of foreign IT companies operating in Russia with Russian legislation. It is no secret that there have been numerous cases of fraud, abuse of our citizens’ personal data and the distribution of illegal content, including content dangerous to children, on transnational online platforms. At the same time, people have nowhere to turn to with their complaints or to demand the restoration of their rights.
Putin also mentioned the Council's decision that concerns a small group of people but is extremely important for every one of them.
Putin also mentioned the Council's decision that concerns a small group of people but is extremely important for every one of them.
"It concerns children after a retinoblastoma operation. These children need to confirm their disability every year until they grow up to receive financial support for the prosthetic eye care – I remember how we discussed that matter and how our colleagues raised it. The issue has been settled following discussions at the Council, and now the disability certificate the children receive after surgery remains valid until they turn 18," he added.

What Is Vladimir Putin Ashamed Of?

The problem of the homeless, without a doubt, should cause a feeling of shame among all those in power in Russia, Vladimir Putin stressed at the meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, on Thursday.

"I know that all our traditional confessions are somehow involved in this work, helping people, and we need to encourage this in every possible way, establish work with them and also support them in work in this direction,"Putin said.

Russia’s Military Chief Warns Moscow Will Suppress Any Kiev's Provocations In Donbass

The standoff in eastern Ukraine is escalating but any provocations by the Ukrainian authorities to settle the strife in Donbass involving the use of force will be thwarted, Chief of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov cautioned at a briefing for foreign military diplomats on Thursday.

"The deliveries of helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles and aircraft to Ukraine are pushing the Ukrainian authorities towards abrupt and dangerous steps. Kiev is not fulfilling the Minsk Agreements.

The Ukrainian armed forces are touting that they have started to employ US-supplied Javelin anti-tank missile systems in Donbass and are also using Turkish reconnaissance/strike drones. As a result, the already tense situation in the east of that country is further deteriorating," Russia’s military chief noted.
"However, any provocations by the Ukrainian authorities to settle the Donbass difficulties militarily will be thwarted, the chief of the Russian General Staff warned.
As Gerasimov pointed out, the hype spread by the media about Russia allegedly bracing for an invasion of Ukraine is a lie, while military activity on Russia’s own soil requires no notifications.
"NATO countries pay excessive attention to troop movements on Russian territory. The troop relocation in the course of combat training is routine practice for the armed forces of any state. Military activity conducted on national territory does not require any notice. The media reports on Russia’s alleged preparation for an invasion into Ukraine is a lie," he stressed.

Putin Says West Trying To Restrain Russia’s Development From Fear Of Competition

Washington's sanctions against the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and other scientific organizations can only be seen as US attempts to restrain Russia's development, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with participants of the Congress of Young Scientists.

"What we can state is that these restrictions and sanctions are being introduced on the grounds of ensuring the security of the United States. How does your institute threaten the security of the United States? This is complete nonsense," he said, commenting on restrictions against MIPT and other Russian scientific organizations.
According to Putin, such measures have only one explanation: they are an attempt to contain the development of Russia.
Elaborating on this topic, the head of state recalled the situation in the mid-1990s.
"We [Russia] were all good and everyone liked it when they sent us potatoes as humanitarian aid. Thank you for that, many did it sincerely," the Russian President said.
But in general, as soon as Russia began to get out of its difficulties and began to develop, it turned into a competitor for the Western countries and they started to pursue the policy of containment against it, Putin went on.
Earlier, the US Department of Commerce put MIPT on the list of legal entities that, according to Washington, are the "military end users" of the products. This is according to a notice published on November 24 in the electronic database of the US Federal Register. Organizations on the list are subject to a stricter export control regime.
The West launched its policy of containment in relation to Russia because the country began to get out of its difficulties and develop as a competitor, Vladimir Putin said.
Russia began to compete in production, science, and energy, the head of state added. "And this is what they don’t like. Therefore, our so-called partners began to pursue a policy of containment," Putin said.
He drew attention to the fact that this policy towards Russia is nothing new and has been pursued for centuries.
"If you look at the diplomatic correspondence, say, at the beginning of the 19th century, you will see: as if everything was written yesterday. That is simply amazing. When you read it - it is all the same word for word," he said.
Now Western countries have returned to such rhetoric precisely because they are afraid of competition, the head of state said.
"Science and education are one of the areas of competition, one of the areas to restrain the development of Russia," he noted.
To be able to successfully resist sanctions Russia needs to strengthen its sovereignty Putin went on. He underscored that science is the future of any country because technological achievements take shape in "concrete development results."
"So how can we respond to it [sanctions]? Globally, of course, we need to strengthen our sovereignty," Putin said, referring to US sanctions against Russian science.
The President recalled that although Russia is the largest supplier of energy resources to the world market, the country purchases a significant part of equipment related to oil production abroad.
"Could we avoid it [such a situation] in due time? Yes, we could, of course. But we did not pay attention, because it did not occur to us that the situation could develop as it is today," he said.

Putin's Address On Heroes of Fatherland Day

On Thursday, Vladimir Putin congratulated Russians on Heroes of the Fatherland Day.

On February 16, 2007 the deputies of the Russian Duma made changes to the Federal law “On the days of martial glory and memorable dates of Russia”. According to these changes the Day of December 9 was declared the Heroes of the Fatherland Day. On this day are celebrated the Heroes of the Soviet Union, the Heroes of the Russian Federation, the holders of the Saint George Order and the Order of Glory.
The date of the holiday is timed for the day of a Christian saint, a great martyr Saint George the Triumphant who obtained his nickname for courage and spiritual victory over tormentors who had not succeeded to make him refuse the Christianity and also for his miraculous aide to people in danger. The cult of Saint George the Triumphant passed from Byzantine Empire to Russia in 10-11th centuries. Initially the Saint George was known as the patron of counts especially during their war marches. On the icons he was portrayed as a standing warrior with a spear and a shield or a sword and a spear. Gradually the standing warrior was being replaced by a horseman struggling with a serpent. A legend “A miracle of George and a serpent” was dedicated to him. It told about the Saint George who saved a tsar’s daughter from a terrible serpent-ogre suppressing him with a cross and a prayer and then piercing him with a spear.
Before the October revolution there was a tradition to celebrate all the holders of St. George Order on this day, from such prominent persons as A.V. Suvorov, G.A. Potemkin, M.I. Kutuzov to ordinary soldiers, sailors and Cossacks awarded with St. George crosses and medals. For the last time the holiday of St. George holders’ was celebrated in the imperial Russia on November 26 (December 9), 1916. After the October revolution of 1917 the Order and the holiday itself were abolished.
August 8, 2000 the Order of Saint George was restored as the highest military award in Russia, and in 2007 was also revived the holiday - Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland, which was first celebrated in Russia December 9, 2007.

Putin Meets With Participants In The Congress Of Young Scientists

Vladimir Putin held a meeting with participants in the Congress of Young Scientists, which is capping off the Year of Science and Technology in Russia. 

The Congress of Young Scientists is being held on December 8–10 at the Sirius Science and Art Park.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...