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Putin's Address To University Graduates

On Saturday at midnight, Vladimir Putin congratulated university graduates on completing their studies.

July 10, all of Russia celebrates a special day - the All-Russian Student Graduation Day. The President warmly congratulated the young specialists who had just defended their theses on the successful completion of their studies at universities.
Student years become history, and they enter a completely new stage, when almost everything will depend on themselves.
In a modern world, it is extremely important to constantly search for and obtain new knowledge and skills, to be always aware of the most advanced solutions in your professional spheres, to be able to introduce and use them; and this concerns virtually all careers.
Putin wished everyone success in their search for their unique path and their true vocation: 'Yes, it does not always happen right away, the first time. But the most important thing here is not to give up, and then you will definitely find a career that will fully reveal your knowledge, abilities and the best human qualities. You will be totally proud of this career because it will benefit the people and will serve the whole of Russia.'

Putin Stresses Need For Tight Controls On Arms Trade

Tight control over the arms trade was the topic of Vladimir Putin's meeting with permanent members of the Russian Security Council on Friday.

The president demanded to restore order in this sector after the tragedy at a school in Kazan. Today they talking about specific proposals and measures. The head of state expects them, first of all, from the heads of law enforcement agencies.

Putin, Biden Discuss Cybersecurity, Syria Over Phone

Vladimir Putin held telephone talks with Joe Biden on Friday.

This is the first telephone conversation between heads of state since the Russian-American summit, which took place in Geneva on June 16. At that time, the focus was on strategic stability, cybersecurity, regional conflicts, trade relations and cooperation in the Arctic.
According to the Kremlin, the presidents continued the dialogue on information security and the fight against cybercrime, begun at the Geneva summit. The need for substantive and constructive cooperation in this area was emphasized; it should be permanent, professional and non-politicized. At the same time, despite Moscow's willingness to cooperate on cybersecurity, there have been no calls from the United States in a month.
Another topic of conversation is the situation in Syria. The emphasis was on the humanitarian aspects. Putin and Biden positively assessed the coordination of efforts on Syria, including in the UN Security Council.
Vladimir Putin also expressed condolences in connection with the collapse of a residential building in Florida. The tragedy occurred on June 24, 78 people were killed.
It is known that the telephone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden lasted an hour.

Putin's Aurus Tests Moscow CRR

The quality of the road surface on the Moscow Region Central Ring Road (CRR) was appreciated by Vladimir Putin at the wheel of the presidential Aurus.

On a short trip, the head of state was accompanied by a girl - an Avtodor specialist. And, of course, not some ordinary employee.
As it became clear from the dialogue, the chief specialist Stanislav Kuznetsova prepared thoroughly for the presentation of the road for the President.
At this time, the builders were already waiting for the President's command to start the movement along the last remaining section of the Central Ring Road.
To the sound of horns, a column of construction equipment set off along the section between Simferopol and Kaluga highways. Traditionally, the builders were the first to get the right to drive on the new road.
At the head of the convoy are two unmanned trucks. These last 25 kilometers, due to the abundance of engineering communications, turned out to be the most difficult - the road was built here for more than a year. And now the Central Ring has closed.
The central ring road runs about 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. The highway is laid bypassing large settlements and connects 13 federal highways. One of the sections of the Central Ring Road also passes through the territory of new Moscow.
This is on frames of accelerated shooting, where days and weeks are compressed into seconds, everything seems to be fast and simple. In fact, the construction of the giant ring road took about seven years.
First, the western section was opened - from the Kaluzhskoe highway to the M-10 Russia highway. It's free. Only a small part of it has been rebuilt, mainly a reconstructed concrete pavement.
Further clockwise. The longest is the third launch complex: the 106-kilometer track was built from scratch. From the highway M-11 Neva to M-7 Volga. You can fly along it from the north-west to the south-east of the Moscow region in an hour.
Last winter, TsKAD-4, 97 kilometers long, also started working. It connects the highways M-7 Volga and M-4 Don. And here is the finish line to the Kaluga highway.
A total of 55 bridges, 144 overpasses and 18 transport interchanges have been built on the 336.5 km long highway.
The new road will become a key factor in the development of the Moscow region. It will create about 15 thousand jobs.
The Central Ring Road will become part of the Europe-Western China international corridor. The Russian section of the transport artery with a length of 2500 kilometers will include a high-speed highway from the Kazakh border, the Moscow-Kazan highway under construction with an exit through the new ring around Moscow to the M-11 road to St. Petersburg.
In 2024, a high-speed highway from Kazan to Yekaterinburg should also open. The President discussed the progress of work with the governors and Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnulin, who is in charge of the project.
After the launch ceremony, Vladimir Putin talked with the builders of the Central Automobile Ring. Almost 180 thousand cars pass along the highway every day. Now, after the commissioning of all sections of the new ring, this figure is likely to become even higher.

Putin Talks To Finalists Of Bolshaya Peremena Child Contest

Vladimir Putin talked to children who are already looking for their own way, dreaming, thinking. On Family, Love and Fidelity Day, he spoke via video link with the finalists of the Bolshaya Peremena contest. For the first time there are so many of them. And for the first time, so many fresh, interesting ideas.

This year, the geography of the Bolshaya Peremena contest is wider, and there are more participants.

Over 2.5 million schoolchildren. And for the first time, students from fifth to seventh grades - more than a million children. In Artek these days there are finalists, with whom the President traditionally contacts.

By the way, the conversation with the President is not yet the finale of Bolshaya Peremena. The winners will be announced in a week. High school students will receive financial awards, and pupils from the fifth to seventh grades - tickets for the special train Bolshaya Peremena, which will travel on the Transsib in September.

Putin Discusses An-26 Plane Crash In Kamchatka At Cabinet Meeting

The first topic of Vladimir Putin's Cabinet meeting on Wednesday was the tragedy in Kamchatka, where the An-26 plane crashed on a regular flight on the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Polana route.

Rescuers are working at the crash site, they are faced with the task of finding and identifying the bodies of the victims. There are three versions of what happened - unfavorable weather conditions, aircraft failure and crew error.
"A technical commission has been set up to investigate the incident. Unfavorable weather conditions, technical failure and pilot error are being considered as the three main causes of the crash," the transport minister said.
Efforts are ongoing to search for, identify and evacuate the bodies of those killed in the crash, he added. As of 4:30 p.m. local time, rescuers had found the fragments of 11 bodies on the crash site. The terrain’s features and complex weather conditions are complicating the rescue operation, Savelyev informed.
The Russian transport minister said he had visited the crash site. "As of now, the commission members and I have made a flight over the crash site," he said.
"Today we flew along the route in weather conditions that were not very good but we landed at [the community of] Palana, using a different route and experienced no problems. That is why, we want to understand why the plane’s commander made such a difficult decision," the transport minister said, without elaborating on it.
An Antonov An-26 passenger plane belonging to the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airline went missing on July 6. The plane bound from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for Palana was carrying 22 passengers and six crewmembers.
Russia’s Emergencies Ministry earlier confirmed that the bodies of 19 people had been found on the crash site. The search is being complicated by a storm. Debris from the plane was found 3.8 kilometers away from the airport of Palana, according to the Emergencies Ministry.

Putin Personally Congratulates Pashinyan On Election Results

The elections in Armenia demonstrated that the acting Prime Minister of the country Nikol Pashinyan has the confidence of the people, this is the most important condition for further development. This opinion was expressed by Vladimir Putin, welcoming Pashinyan to the Kremlin on Wednesday.

"And for this, the most important thing is to have the people's trust. You have it. This is shown by the results of the elections," the Russian President added.
The head of the Russian state emphasized that in difficult times for any country, people's trust is the most important condition for further development: "I really, sincerely congratulate you on this, I hope that we can formally and informally with you at lunch time. talk on all the issues that we have discussed in such detail lately and which require our solution."

Nikol Pashinyan said that the situation in the region is not very stable. "Of course, everyone knows your personal efforts and the efforts of the Russian Federation in achieving a ceasefire in the 44-day war, and I must say that after the deployment of Russian peacekeepers in general, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is stable, but from time to time there are some hotbeds of concern. , instability, ”he noted.

Russian Su 30 Fighters Intercept US Spy Plane Over Black Sea

Russian Su-30 fighters intercepted a US Navy Boeing P-8 Poseidon multi-mission maritime patrol plane over the Black Sea on Tuesday evening, Russia’s National Defense Control Center reported on Wednesday.

Russian radar stations detected an aerial target approaching Russia’s state border. Su-30 fighters of the Black Sea Fleet’s quick reaction alert naval aviation and air defense forces were scrambled to identify the target, the statement says.
"The crews of the Russian fighters identified the aerial target as a Boeing P-8 Poseidon aircraft and shadowed it over the Black Sea," the National Defense Control Center said.
The aircraft that belonged to the United States was not allowed to violate Russia’s state border, the National Defense Control Center stressed.
Currently, NATO’s Sea Breeze multinational naval maneuvers are running in the Black Sea. The drills involve Ukraine, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, and Latvia. About 4,000 personnel, 40 warships, 30 aircraft, and over 100 motor and armored vehicles are involved in the Sea Breeze 2021 maneuvers.
The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is an anti-submarine warfare plane that is also capable of accomplishing patrol operations. Boeing P-8 Poseidon aircraft are operational in some NATO countries, including the United States. The aircraft has an operating range of over 8,000 km. It is capable of employing various anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare armaments, including Harpoon missiles.

Putin: Human Rights & Freedoms Are Greatest Value

Vladimir Putin on Wednesday in the mode of videoconference, addressed the Conference of Heads of Prosecutor's Offices of European States, which is taking place in St. Petersburg.

Despite the difference in powers and the specifics of national legislation, prosecutorial offices play an important role in ensuring the priority of law in European countries, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the interests of the state and society. These main goals and objectives unite European prosecutors' offices and underline the importance of cooperation and constructive professional partnership.
Putin stressed the importance of the upcoming discussion of the role of the prosecutor's office in protecting civil rights in accordance with the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights: 'People, their rights and freedoms are the greatest value, and the state's duty is to create effective mechanisms for their smooth implementation.'
Also, compliance with the norms and requirements of environmental safety, the fight against cybercrime and the fight against illegal migration deserve serious attention. These are common challenges for all European countries, and the effectiveness of a joint response to them will largely determine social stability, law and order, as well as the sustainable development of the states of the European continent.

Putin Marks 300th Anniversary Of Kuzbass

300 years since the industrial development of Kuzbass. An important date for the entire region. It is one of the largest coal deposits in the world. And Vladimir Putin came to discuss the ambitious plans set by the residents of Kuzbass.

This flaming heart can be seen from kilometers away - there is no better symbol of the hard and selfless labor of the miners. A miner growing out of a block of coal looks at the capital of Kuzbass, which appeared thanks to such nameless heroes.
Laying flowers at the monument to the Kuzbass miners is the first point on Vladimir Putin's trip to the region. Governor Sergei Tsivilev attended the ceremony with the head of state.
Now a new page is being filled in the history of Kuzbass: roads, housing are being built in the region, kindergartens, schools and hospitals are opening.
The first Presidential Cadet School beyond the Urals has opened, where boys from all over the country come. The head of state was given a tour of the buildings, equipped with the latest technology, where cadets study robotics and artificial intelligence, master science and play sports.
The Governor proposed building a similar cadet corps for girls and asked the president to support the project.
On behalf of the President, a cultural and educational cluster is being built here, the same ones are being built in Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and Sevastopol. Branches of the Mariinsky Theater, the Russian Museum, a music school at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory, and corps of the country's leading universities will appear in Kemerovo.
According to the project, the Siberian cluster was supposed to be completed in 2023, but the builders are ahead of schedule - the first buildings will open the doors this academic year.
The new facility also hosts celebrations for the 300th anniversary of the region: the Kuzbass Ice Palace is capable of receiving six thousand spectators. But the number of guests was reduced due to the difficult situation with the coronavirus, and security measures were increased.
The head of state congratulated the people of Kuzbass, stressing that the main wealth of the region is its people with special Siberian hardening.
This Siberian character, as before, can give a new impetus to the development of the region. The future of the region was discussed at a meeting between the President and the Governor. Sergei Tsivilev reported on the already built and renovated schools, sports complexes, and outlined the tasks for the future.
In addition, the government approved the Kuzbass development program until 2024 - the region will be allocated more than 50 billion rubles from the federal budget. And here the emphasis will be placed on the participation of Kuzbass companies.

Putin Discusses With Deputy PM MIC's Diversification

Vladimir Putin discussed with Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov the development and diversification of defense industry products.

How to increase the share of civilian products at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex? This question was raised today in Novo-Ogarevo at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, who oversees the defense industry complex in the government.
The scope of work for defense enterprises can be ensured, among other things, thanks to price preferences and restrictions on purchases of foreign goods. According to Borisov, at the same time, the quality of the supplied products is carefully monitored so that they correspond to the best world analogues.

Putin Approves Russia's National Security Strategy

Vladimir Putin approved the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation.

The new Security Strategy proceeds from the fact that our world is going through a period of radical transformation. The number of centers of power, regional and global, is constantly growing; The West, which is in deep crisis, is trying by all means to maintain its hegemony; and transnational corporations seek to limit the influence of traditional states.
The document states: Russia is faced with colossal external pressure designed to slow down the development of our country. A number of states have openly declared us opponents, and the likelihood of regional wars with the participation of nuclear powers is growing. The source of the threat is directly named.
An integrated approach, because the problem is complex. Even if the United States and its allies do not dare to engage in a direct military conflict, they will confine themselves to minor mischief, such as provocation of a British destroyer, many other means of pressure remain in their arsenal.
They are trying to isolate Russia, tear it away from its traditional allies and partners. How far everything can go can be seen in the example of Ukraine. On Wednesday, during a direct line, Vladimir Putin said that he did not consider the Ukrainian people unfriendly. But then he added: 'I am concerned about something else. A more fundamental thing namely the beginning of the militarization of the Ukrainian territory. This creates significant security problems for us. This concerns really already vital interests of the Russian Federation and the Russians.'
And here's a classic example of non-military pressure we've all felt: sanctions. The authors of the strategy are convinced that in order to resist them, Russia must be both economically open and economically independent. Thus, a clause on reducing the use of the dollar appeared in the new document. And it is emphasized that we are being forced to take this step.
Information security: an area that requires a lightning-fast response.
IT technologies are developing most dynamically - the number of hacker attacks on domestic resources from other countries is also growing. Including those whose armed forces have cyber troops and are practicing attacks on critical objects of our infrastructure. The use of foreign technologies and equipment in our country increases vulnerability, which means that here, too, we must strive for self-sufficiency. And also IT-technologies make it possible to carry out rapid raids on an invisible, but very important information front. The very fight for the minds that Russia lost at the end of the twentieth century. And which has not ended since.
And also IT-technologies make it possible to carry out rapid raids on an invisible, but very important information front. The very fight for the minds that Russia lost at the end of the twentieth century. And which has not ended since. This is a revision of basic morality, the propaganda of permissiveness and unlimited consumption - it would be naive to think that all this arose by itself.
In addition, the Strategy points to the obvious demand of Russian society for greater efficiency of public administration, greater social justice and an increase in the well-being of the people. Defense issues are vital. But even in the face of incredible external pressure, the authors of the strategy put them as the second item on the list of priorities. In the first place is the preservation of the people, the combination of the power of the state and the welfare of its citizens. This is not something new - Vladimir Putin spoke about this, for example, in his message to the Federal Assembly: 'The meaning and content of Russia's policy in the international arena is to ensure peace and security for the well-being of our citizens, for the stable development of the country. Russia has its own interests, and, of course, which we defend and will defend, within the framework of international law. And if someone refuses to understand this obvious thing, does not want to conduct a dialogue, chooses a selfish and arrogant tone. Russia will always find a way to defend its position.'

Lavrov Announces Updated Edition Of Gulf Collective Security Concept

Russia is working on an updated edition of the Collective Security Concept for the Persian Gulf and will soon present it to the parties concerned, Sergey Lavrov said on Friday after talks with his visiting Bahraini counterpart Abdullatif bin Rashid Alzayani.

Traditionally, Moscow has maintained friendly relations with all Gulf countries, being guided by the principles of equality and mutual respect. Russia began to work on a concept of collective security in the Gulf back in the 1990s when the geopolitical situation was absolutely different. The concept envisages a step-by-step progression, on the basis of equal cooperation between all regional countries and other sides concerned, to unblock conflict situations, foster trust and control measures, and ultimately forge a mechanism of collective security and cooperation in this sub-region.

Putin Holds Security Council On Digitalization

On Friday, Vladimir Putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the Russian Security Council via videoconference. The main topic is digitalization in the field of security.

"Recently, we have been not only talking at length about digitising the economy and all our life as a whole, but also doing much in this area.
Today, we will talk about the role of our cooperation in this area in the public administration and national security of Russia, including all of its aspects linked with ensuring defence capability and domestic security and so on. There are many issues in this area.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko is supposed to speak today on this topic. He is in charge of this area of work in the Government,"Putin stressed.

Putin Advises Biden 'Switch On Your Head' And Rethink World Changes

The contradictions in the intentions and actions of Joe Biden in relation to Russia, according to Vladimir Putin, are due to the fact that Washington is trying to maintain its monopoly, despite the cardinal changes in the world. On the one hand, the American leadership understands this, and therefore a meeting took place in Geneva. On the other hand, they strive to maintain their monopoly at all costs. Hence the threats and further destructive behavior, including exercises, provocations and sanctions.

The Russian President drew an analogy between the leadership of the United States (in fact, President Biden) and a child: "There is a little child, who does not even talk yet, and he made a mess, so his mother told him firmly: 'Never do that again. Switch on your head.' And at that very moment he did that motion with his finger, said 'click' and switched on his head. Good job."
Conventional dads and moms in the United States, highly respected analysts, scientists and practical workers, even in the past, give advice to their political leaders and their political class that is in power in the broad sense of the word. What is this advice? They tell them the following: “Listen, the time when we were an absolute hegemon after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the period of the unipolar world is gone, and you must operate on the premise that the world is changing, and doing so rapidly.”
As an example, he cited Russia, which is developing despite all the obstacles created by the West: "No matter what sanctions are being imposed on Russia, and no matter what they do to frighten us, Russia is nonetheless making progress. Its economic sovereignty is growing, its defence capability has reached a very high level, and, in many important parameters, it has surpassed many countries, in some respects, including the United States.
In conclusion, Putin expressed the hope that Russian-American relations will return to normal.

Putin Will Support Belarus Amid EU's Pressure

Russia will keep providing fraternal Belarus with comprehensive support amid the challenging domestic political situation in that country and the external attempts to fuel tensions, Vladimir Putin told an online forum of Russian and Belarusian regions on Thursday.

'We will continue providing our fraternal Belarusian people with comprehensive support in the current rather challenging domestic political situation in Belarus, amid the ongoing political and sanctions pressure and persistent attempts to rock the boat from overseas,' Putin stressed.
Putin vowed that Russia would further support its 'Belarusian friends in countering sanctions-related restrictions, recently imposed by the EU.' 'We believe that the ban on the supplies of some Belarusian goods to the EU countries harms interests of businesses and people,' he noted.
The Russian president also said that 'Belarus remains not just a good neighbor for Russia but also its closest ally.'
The Russian leader greeted all the forum’s participants, noting that the event was being held via a video link again due to the pandemic.
'But it is important that such meetings of representatives of regional and local bodies of power, the business community, educational, scientific and cultural figures are regular and provide an opportunity to discuss the most essential issues of Russian-Belarusian interaction in politics, the economy and the humanitarian sphere and map out joint projects between regions of Russia and the Republic of Belarus,' Putin said.
The Russian leader also spoke about the discussions already held at the forum, the plans and decisions that had been adopted.

Putin Believes Ukraine Leadership Is Clearly Unfriendly, Unlike Its People

Russia considers the current Ukrainian leadership unfriendly, but not the Ukrainians, Vladimir Putin said during his annual Q&A session, known as the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday.

'I do not consider the Ukrainian people unfriendly," the president said. "However, the current leadership of Ukraine is clearly unfriendly, unlike its people.'
Putin considers Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians to be one people.
The President promised to write an article detailing this topic in the near future. And he expects that people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will get acquainted with the real history of the ethnos of the three fraternal peoples.

Putin Reacts To Provocation With British Destroyer Off Crimea

The incident with the British guided missile destroyer Defender off Crimea was a clear provocation, Vladimir Putin said during his annual Q&A session on Wednesday.

This is, of course, a provocation, which is absolutely clear. What did these provocateurs want to show and what goals did they seek to achieve? First of all, it [the provocation] was comprehensive and was staged not only by the British but also by the Americans because the British warship ventured into our territorial waters in the afternoon while early in the morning, at 07:30, a US strategic reconnaissance plane took off from a NATO airfield in Greece, from Crete, I believe. I later received a report on that. We saw and observed it clearly,' Putin said.
The British destroyer's intrusion into Russia's territorial waters in the Black Sea pursued reconnaissance aims, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. "It was obvious that the destroyer intruded in pursuit of military aims, trying to find out with the help of a reconnaissance plane what our armed forces' countermeasures to this sort of provocations might be, to see what facilities are activated, where they are located and how they work.
Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on June 23 that the Black Sea Fleet jointly with the border guards of the Federal Security Service (FSB) halted a violation of the state border by the UK Navy’s guided missile destroyer Defender off Crimea’s Fiolent Cape.
The British warship ventured three kilometers into the Russian territorial waters. A Russian guard ship fired warning shots while a Su-24M bomber dropped bombs in the UK warship’s path to chase it out of Crimean waters.
The Russian Defense Ministry slammed the UK destroyer’s operations as a gross violation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and urged the British side to investigate the warship crew’s actions.

Putin Hosts Russian Team in the Kremlin Ahead Of Tokyo Olympic

Vladimir Putin on Wednesday hosted members of the Russian Olympic team in the St George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

The Kremlin brought together athletes and their coaches representing such sports as boxing, volleyball, judo, swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, modern pentathlon, artistic gymnastics, fencing, and rhythmic gymnastics.
The XXXII Summer Olympic Games will be held in the capital of Japan from July 23 to August 8.

Putin About Meeting With Zelensky

Answering a question about a possible meeting with the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin noted. that Volodymyr Zelensky introduced Ukraine under external control, 'What then to discuss?'

The Russian leader does not refuse such a meeting, but he would like to understand what will be discussed at it.
'The supporters of normal relations with Russia are strangled in the bud. Some are put in jail, others are put under house arrest or killed on the street. What's the point in meeting Zelensky?' said Putin.

Putin Admits Receiving Sputnik V Vaccine

Vladimir Putin disclosed during his annual Q&A session on Wednesday that he had been inoculated with the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine.

'As for me, when I did this and this took place in February, there were actually two [vaccines] in circulation: EpiVacCorona from the Novosibirsk-based Vector Center and Sputnik V, as you know. Both of them are good,' the Russian president assured.
'I proceeded from the fact that I needed to be protected as long as possible, and I made my decision to get the Sputnik V jab,' Putin said.
The Russian leader said that his daughter had also been inoculated with the Sputnik V jab and stressed that the vaccine was needed and it entailed no serious consequences.
'There are people with different bodily constitutions, with chronic diseases and the elderly, the so-called risk groups. [Here] this is life-threatening. The inoculation, however, is not dangerous, and we haven’t had a single complication in our country,' the head of state noted.
Putin said he had for long refrained from specifying the vaccine he had been inoculated with in order not to create competitive advantages among the inoculations.
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has been approved for use in 67 countries totaling over 3.5 billion people. More than 30 nations have already launched mass vaccination campaigns using Sputnik V. The Russian vaccine boasts a 91.6% efficiency rate, which is confirmed by the data published in the Lancet medical journal.

Putin's Direct Line 2021

At about four hours, the President answered the questions of the Russians during the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.

The main Russian topic today is the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. This year the communication took place in a new way, no spectators or experts in the studio.
Only questions from the field, received by phone, through the website or mobile application. There were also live broadcasts from the localities. In total, about two million applications were received.
It is clear that all of them could not get on the air, but many, even in different regions, are sometimes similar. As Vladimir Putin himself noted, Direct Line allows us to make a certain selection of the most pressing problems throughout the country.
At the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting, the President himself stressed that all issues would be fixed and worked out. And for some there is already a result.

Russia's Military Planes Prevent Border Violation By Dutch Frigate

On June 24, 2021 the Black Sea Fleet's means of monitoring NATO ships' movements in the Black Sea established that the Dutch frigate The Evertsen changed course in international waters and started moving towards the Kerch Strait. To prevent a violation of Russia's territorial waters Sukhoi-30 fighters and Sukhoi-24 bombers were scrambled to fly near the Dutch naval ship at a safe distance. The frigate promptly turned away from the Russian border and continued along the original course.

Earlier, the Dutch Defense Ministry claimed that Russian fighters created an unsafe situation in the Black Sea by flying too low over the frigate The Evertsen. The incident occurred the next day after a British frigate intruded into Russia's territorial waters.
According to the Dutch side, "the fighters were armed with bombs and air-to-surface missiles intended to strike targets from the air" and "flew dangerously close by and low [over the frigate], performing feint attacks." Besides, the frigate suffered disruptions of its electronic equipment after the flyover.
The planes strictly followed international rules, the Russian Defense Ministry said. "All flights by Russian planes were carried out in strict compliance with international rules of using airspace," it said.

Rosatom Began Construction Of Fifth Block Of India's Kudankulam NPP

Rosatom has begun construction of the fifth block of the Kudankulam NPP in India

Rosatom has begun construction of the fifth block of the Kudankulam NPP in India. The start was a solemn ceremony - pouring concrete into the foundation slab of the reactor building.
Large-scale project: the most modern Russian technologies are used. The power units of the Kudankulam NPP comply with all international safety requirements.

Joint Statement of the Russia and the China on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China


On the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, signed on 16 July 2001, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, in order to continue the dynamic development of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in a new era, in accordance with the spirit and letter of the Treaty, declare as follows: 

The Treaty organically combined the historical experience of the development of the Russian-Chinese relations and the generally accepted norms of international law. This basic policy document created the legal framework for the long-term and stable development of the Russian-Chinese comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in the twenty-first century. 

Guided by the Treaty, Russia and China have formed a model of a new type of interstate relations that meets the fundamental national interests of the two countries and aspirations of their peoples, which also plays an important role in promoting a multipolar world order and ensuring international and regional security and stability. Twenty years of experience of dynamic and comprehensive development of the Russian-Chinese cooperation show that the Treaty successfully reflects the realities of the international environment that is undergoing unprecedented change. 

Today, when the largest pandemic in this century is making more acute global competition, the provisions of the Treaty not only remain relevant, but also are gaining a new meaning and continue to serve as a solid support for Russian-Chinese relations. The Heads of State of Russia and China appreciate the historic and practical importance of the Treaty and agree to extend it in accordance with article 25.


The Russian-Chinese relations have reached the highest level in their history. They are mature, constructive and sustainable and promote the development and prosperity of the two countries and the well-being of their peoples, representing a model of harmonious coexistence of the States and mutually beneficial cooperation between them. 

Russia is interested in a stable and prosperous China and China is interested in a strong and successful Russia. Considering each other as priority partners, the Parties, guided by the Treaty, will further strengthen coordination and cooperation in all fields, including political, security, military, trade and economic, humanitarian and international spheres. Having defined strategic support and mutual assistance, integration, a focus on innovation, common advantage and mutual benefit as benchmarks, they will continue developing their comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in the new era. 

The Russian-Chinese relations are based on equality, deep mutual trust, commitment to international law, support in defending each other's core interests, the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. While not being a military and political alliance, such as those formed during the Cold War, the Russian-Chinese relations exceed this form of interstate interaction. They are not opportunistic, are free of ideologisation, involve comprehensive consideration of the partner's interests and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, they are self-sufficient and not directed against third countries, they display international relations of a new type.

 Russia and China have completely resolved the border issue inherited from history and now the two countries have no mutual territorial claims. The Parties are determined to turn the common border into a belt of eternal peace and friendship handed down from generation to generation, which will be the cornerstone of our interstate relations. 


Guided by Article 10 of the Treaty, the Parties will continue to develop an intensive dialogue at the top and high levels, which is an essential tool for the promotion of the whole spectrum of Russian-Chinese relations. 

The Parties will continue to use leaders' diplomacy which plays a leading role in ensuring a progressive deepening of the bilateral strategic partnership, including mutual visits, meetings on the margins of international forums, and other contacts between Heads of State. They will continue to improve the mechanism of regular meetings between the Heads of Governments, the work of the intergovernmental commissions at the level of deputy prime ministers, the various formats of interregional cooperation as key instruments for 3 coordinating and expanding bilateral practical and humanitarian cooperation; develop contacts between the heads of the highest legislative bodies, exchanges and dialogue through interparliamentary commission, specialized committees and commissions, and deputy friendship groups; maintain a direct dialogue between the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation and apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in order to coordinate and harmonize matters relating to contacts between the Heads of State and implementation of the agreements reached between them; cooperate actively, through consultations of the high representatives for strategic security and for public security, justice, and law enforcement, on global, regional and national security and on addressing traditional and emerging challenges and threats. 


In accordance with the principles set forth in Article 7 of the Treaty, Russian-Chinese military and military technology cooperation is developing in a spirit of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation and is not directed against third countries. The Parties adhere strictly to agreements on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the State border areas and on building confidence in the military field. Russia and China successfully cooperate on multilateral forums in the framework of the SCO and ADMM-Plus to ensure global and regional security. 

The Parties intend to continue deepening interaction between the armed forces by maintaining a regular dialogue between the heads of defence agencies, increasing the number and scope of joint exercises, exchanges between military districts, services and branches of the armed forces, and improving the legal framework and cooperation in the field of military training. 

Russian-Chinese economic cooperation is in conformity with the fundamental interests of the two countries and contributes to the well-being of their citizens. Welcoming the achievements of practical cooperation in recent years and guided by Articles 16 and 17 of the Treaty, the Parties intend to consistently expand the scope and ensure the genuinely strategic nature of such interaction, focus on providing favourable conditions for it, bearing in mind primarily each other's interests and acting on the basis of the principle of mutual benefit, in accordance with national legislation and each Party's international commitments. 

To this end, the Parties have agreed: 

to increase the volume of bilateral trade, including by developing long-term investment cooperation and supporting business entities in implementing investment projects, creating a stable business environment, strengthening cooperation in the field of antimonopoly and competition policy, and identifying new points of economic growth; 

to strengthen strategic and comprehensive energy cooperation, implement existing and reach meaningful new agreements on the supply and processing of hydrocarbons, peaceful use of nuclear energy, and on other areas of cooperation; 

to deepen trust-based financial interaction, support the expansion of mutual payments in national currencies in bilateral trade, investment and lending, facilitate non-stop payments between economic entities, and encourage access to each other's capital markets of investors and issuers of the two countries; 

to strengthen cooperation in the field of industry, information and communication technologies, space and aviation; 

to enhance cooperation in the field of scientific and technological innovations, maintain mutually-beneficial cooperation of the Parties in fundamental science, high technologies, promote bilateral exchanges of experts, expand innovative cooperation; 

to ensure effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; to increase interaction in agriculture, facilitate mutual access of agricultural products to the markets of the Parties, develop investment cooperation in agro-industry; 

to promote an early post-epidemic recovery of transport links, deepen cooperation in the field of transport, resolve cross-border and transit transportation issues on the basis of equal rights and for the mutual benefit, promote the development and facilitation of bilateral transportation procedures, modernize and build points of entry and transport infrastructure along the common border, deepen customs cooperation, as well as facilitate the customs procedures by ensuring the transparency and security of international trade, enhance interaction along the border rivers; 

to strengthen cooperation on the use of the Northern Sea Route on the principles of mutual benefit, respect for and consideration of littoral State’s interests, promote sustainable development of the Arctic; 

and to enhance interregional ties. 


The Parties reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the agreements reached between the leaders of Russia and China to create the Greater Eurasian Partnership in a 5 parallel and coordinated manner, as well as to developing the One Belt One Road initiative. The Parties noted the importance of the Eurasian Economic Union and One Belt One Road construction plans and their interrelation to ensure continuous and sustainable economic growth in the Eurasian Macro-Region, as well as the importance of enhancing regional and economic integration, maintaining peace in the region and developing the region itself. 


The Parties will continue to pay special attention to the development of humanitarian exchanges that play an important role in deepening the mutual understanding and passing the traditions of good-neighbourliness and friendship between the peoples of Russia and China from one generation to the next. 

To this end, the Parties have agreed: 

to expand bilateral education, inter-university and academic ties, encourage the learning and teaching of the Russian language in the People's Republic of China and the Chinese language in the Russian Federation; 

to deepen interaction in cultural exchanges and enhance the role of cultural centres, friendship societies and public organizations, strengthen cooperation among artistic groups, theatres, museums and other cultural organizations of both countries, develop dialogue on the preservation, restoration and use of historic and religious sites and historic and cultural monuments, pay special attention to military and memorial sites, strengthen the legal framework for cooperation in this area; 

to promote secure, comprehensive and planned recovery and harmonious development of tourist exchanges between the two countries and improve the quality of tourist services with due consideration of the changing epidemiological situation; 

to deepen cooperation between the two countries on archival affairs; based on the principles of mutual trust and benefit, to promote cooperation in health care and health sciences, expand interaction in ensuring public health and epidemiological well-being by paying special attention to the prevention of and response to the spread of infectious diseases, the development of diagnostics, drugs and vaccines; 

to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in physical culture and sports, oppose the politicization of sports on the international arena, support China's hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing; 

to promote cooperation in the field of ecology and environmental protection, early notification and exchange of information concerning transboundary environmental 6 emergencies, in the field of rational use and protection of transboundary water bodies, biodiversity conservation and establishment of specially protected natural territories, solid waste management; 

to enhance exchanges concerning environmental protection and response to climate change within the UN, BRICS, SCO and other multilateral formats; to strengthen interaction on media policy, mutual broadcasting of television programs; 

to increase cooperation between print, electronic, and new media; to continue to implement joint projects in book publishing, inter alia, to translate works of Russian classical and modern literature into Chinese and works of Chinese classical and modern literature into Russian and to publish them; 

to help deepen mutual exchanges, expand dialogue between the two countries’ think tanks, and conduct joint research; 

to strengthen friendly ties between the young people in Russia and China, and to support the development of professional exchanges among young entrepreneurs. 


The world is facing turbulence, with markedly increased instability and uncertainty. Humanity has been afflicted by a growing lack of governability and trust in international affairs, increased disparities in development and the rise in the potential for conflict. Ensuring common security and promoting sustainable development remain crucial challenges. Some states encourage rivalry and confrontation between major powers in a “zero sum game”. Force is becoming an increasingly important factor in international relations. Negative factors also include: attempts of certain countries to divide the world on ideological grounds, brazen interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, unilateral arbitrary sanctions, and undermining of the legal framework of the international relations system, including in the area of arms control. These actions complicate the process of resolving international conflicts and problems. The threats of terrorism, extremism and separatism are increasing, especially in the territories of the neighboring states and regions. 

Russia and China share a common understanding of the need to form a more equitable democratic world order. To this end, the Parties should strengthen foreign policy coordination, uphold common interests on the global stage, and maintain global and regional balance of power. As global turbulence intensifies, the relevance of Russian-Chinese strategic cooperation increases. 

The Parties will remain committed to genuine multilateralism, will jointly defend the international system with the UN playing a central coordinating role and a world order based on international law, will stand for the principles of equality and mutual benefit, non- 7 interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, peaceful settlement of disputes, rejection of the use of unilateral coercive measures that contravene the principles of international law and the UN Charter. The Parties will resist attempts to replace universally agreed international legal instruments and mechanisms with non-inclusive formats whereby non-consensual methods of resolving international problems are elaborated; and will resist attempts to unleash political struggle in multilateral structures. 

The Parties note that the spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection has become an international factor with a long-term impact on the world's economic, social and political processes and the entire system of inter-State relations, and invite all countries to set aside their differences, demonstrate genuine humanism and solidarity, strengthen cooperation and relinquish attempts to use the problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for geopolitical purposes. The Parties support the central coordinating role of the World Health Organization in the fight against the pandemic. 

Heads of States unanimously believe that the initiative to convene a summit of the UN Security Council permanent Member States proposed by the Russian Party is of great practical importance and should serve as a basis for starting a serious and direct conversation between the leaders of the five founding powers of the UN that bear special responsibility for maintaining international peace and security concerning the principles of multilateral cooperation and ways to address the most critical problems faced by humanity. 

The Russian Party notes the positive significance of the China-proposed concept of building a community of shared future for humanity to enhance the solidarity of the world community and unite the efforts against common challenges. The Chinese Party notes the positive significance of the efforts of the Russian Party to create a fair multipolar system of international relations. The Parties believe that these doctrinal ideas will contribute to strengthening international peace and security, implementing the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and ensuring progressive development and prosperity of the entire humankind. 

The Parties urge States and associations of States to refrain from using unilateral coercive measures (including extraterritorial ones) that impede the full implementation of sustainable socio-economic development goals, especially in developing countries, and have an adverse humanitarian impact on the civil population. 

The Parties intend to continue their joint efforts to promote the use by the UN human rights mechanisms of an even-handed approach to systemic advancement of human rights and counter politicization of the international human rights agenda, the policy of double 8 standards and the use of the human rights issues as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign States. 

The Parties consider that nuclear States have a particular responsibility to maintain international security and global strategic stability and should therefore address existing concerns through dialogue and consultations, increase mutual trust, strengthen general security and avoid misunderstandings and erroneous strategic decisions that could exacerbate tensions and cause a military confrontation. The Parties are firmly convinced that nuclear war has no winners and should never be unleashed. Given the risks of nuclear escalation, we should also do our utmost to prevent any armed conflicts between any States with military nuclear capabilities. 

Russia and China reaffirm their commitment to their obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and will continue coordinating their efforts with a view to preserving and strengthening the Treaty for the benefit of international peace and security. 

The Parties note that global and regional security and stability are gravely affected by the US decision to withdraw from several crucial international arms control agreements. The Parties express their concern over the implementation of the US plans to develop its global missile defence system and the deployment of its elements in various parts of the world, coupled with the building of the capacity of high-precision non-nuclear weapons capable of attaining strategic objectives. Such actions jeopardize international and regional security and global strategic stability. 

The Parties underline that after withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the United States has accelerated its research and development of land-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles. The US Party seeks to deploy them in the Asia-Pacific and European regions, thus aggravating tensions and increasing mutual distrust. The risks to international and regional security are on the rise, while the international arms control and non-proliferation system is weakening, which undermines global strategic stability. Russia and China call upon the United States and relevant stakeholders to show restraint and positively react to the Russia-sponsored initiative to impose a moratorium on deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range ground-based missiles. The Parties intend to maintain a close dialogue and coordinate their positions on the issue. 

The Parties stand against actions of certain Western countries to transform outer space into a sphere of military confrontation and reiterate the need to exert all possible efforts to prevent an arms race in outer space and space weaponization, and its transformation into an arena for military confrontation and to ensure the safety of space activities and preserve outer 9 space for peaceful purposes. The Parties reaffirm the urgency of elaboration of a legally binding multilateral instrument that provides solid guarantees for the prevention of an arms race in outer space and placement of weapons in outer space, on the basis of the Russia-China draft treaty on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space, the threat or use of force against outer space objects. They encourage all States, especially space-faring nations, to assume a political commitment not to be the first to place weapons in outer space. The Parties will continue their joint efforts to promote the peaceful use of outer space in the interests of more effective advancement of economic development and social progress. 

The Parties reaffirm their commitment to the goals and objectives of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction and call upon the States Parties to the Convention to hold regular consultations and cooperate in addressing any issues related to its implementation on the basis of consensus and strictly within the mechanisms provided for in the Convention. 

The Parties stress the importance of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction as a pillar of the international security system, support the compliance with and strengthening of the Convention, including through the adoption of a legally binding protocol to the Convention with an efficient verification mechanism, call upon the States Parties to the Convention to refrain from preventing negotiations on the mentioned protocol and increase transparency of their military biological research conducted in their countries and abroad, and encourage the States Parties to the Convention to actively cooperate with each other, including via consultations, in addressing any issues related to the implementation of the Convention. 

With a view to countering the threat of chemical and biological terrorism, the Parties underline the need for the launch of multilateral negotiations on an international convention on the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism, including at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. 

The Parties share the understanding that multilateral interaction in the field of nonproliferation and export controls should not target certain States or prevent the legitimate economic and scientific and technical cooperation between countries. The Parties intend to strongly counter discriminatory approaches in this field and the use of export control tools as a lever for imposing political pressure or sanctions. 

The Parties reaffirm their commitment to strengthen international information security both at bilateral and multilateral levels, and they will further contribute to establishing a 10 global international information security system based on such principles as prevention of conflicts in information space and promotion of the use of information and communication technologies for peaceful purposes. In this context, they underline the applicability of international law, in particular the UN Charter, to information space, however, a common understanding on how it is used given the specifics of information and communication technologies is required, express their support for the work being done within the UN to elaborate new rules, norms and principles of responsible behaviour of States in information space and reiterate the key role of the UN in countering threats in the field of international information security. 

The Parties emphasize the need to ensure an ongoing and continuous specialized negotiation process under the aegis of the United Nations within the new UN Open-Ended Working Group 2021–2025, set up at the initiative of Russia with active support from the People's Republic of China. 

Russia and China strongly support the work of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee of Experts established under UN General Assembly resolutions 74/247 and 75/282, promote the early adoption of a comprehensive UN convention on combating the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes, and call on all parties to engage constructively in negotiations. 

The Parties underscore their unity on issues related to Internet governance, which include ensuring that all States have equal rights to participate in global-network governance, increasing their role in this process and preserving the sovereign right of States to regulate the national segment of the Internet. Russia and China emphasize the need to enhance the role of the International Telecommunication Union and strengthen the representation of the two countries in its governing bodies. 

Russia supports the Global Initiative on Data Security launched by China, and both Parties intend to continue promoting the development of possible joint measures to counter threats to international information security, including data security, within the UN OpenEnded Working Group 2021–2025. 

The Parties are determined to continue deepening bilateral cooperation on the basis of the joint statement of the President of the Russian Federation and the President of the People's Republic of China on cooperation in the development of information space of 25 June 2016 and the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Cooperation in Ensuring International Information Security of 8 May 2015. 

The Parties will continue to mutually support one another's efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and counter the policy of double standards in combating terrorism. They will further strengthen cooperation to counter the spread of terrorist and extremist ideologies, recruitment activities, and the phenomenon of relocating foreign terrorist fighters, suppress material and financial support to terrorist organizations, combat incitement to terrorism and investigate terrorist crimes. 

The Parties will continue to jointly advocate for an open, transparent, inclusive, and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization playing a central role, and to take coordinated action to ensure its effective and uninterrupted functioning. 

The Parties will continue to strengthen international cooperation to jointly address global challenges, including climate change and biodiversity conservation. 

The Parties call for taking concerted region-wide efforts to build an equal and indivisible security system in the Asia-Pacific region based on the principles of noninterference in the internal affairs of sovereign States, peaceful settlement of disputes, and non-use of force or threat of force, and establishing truly constructive non-conflict interaction to find effective pathways for regional development. 

The Parties will continue to step up cooperation to strengthen the SCO, BRICS, RIC, G20 and other multilateral mechanisms as responsible and influential actors contributing to the process of shaping a more equitable and representative world order to ensure equal, indivisible, comprehensive, co-operative and sustainable security and stable economic development. 


The Parties, guided by the Treaty and adhering to the principles set forth therein, will develop bilateral relations in keeping with the spirit of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation passed down from generation to generation. They appeal to the international community to move forward together and to protect and nurture common values such as peace, development, justice, democracy, and freedom. 

28 June 2021

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...