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Putin's Fatherland Defender Message

On 23 February, Defender of Russia Day is celebrated in Russia. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all those who served, who are on alert now, and those who are just going to join the ranks of Russian army. All over the country there are celebrations. It all starts with laying flowers at the memorials of glory. Traditionally, Vladimir Putin made address to congratulate veterans, the military and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and all Russian citizens on this holiday.

Putin, Lukashenko Informally Discuss Interaction At Sochi Ski Resort

Alexandr Lukashenko arrived in Sochi to meet with Vladimir Putin. The day before, 26 years have passed since the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and Belarus, the first integration document after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Putin meets a guest on the street. A warm welcome and an immediate invitation to the house, it's cool now in the mountains. The negotiations are taking place in a small cottage on the territory of the hotel in Krasnaya Polyana, at an altitude of almost 1.5 kilometers above sea level. Leaders communicate without ties, like old friends.
Indeed, it is difficult to imagine another country with which such close ties can be. Belarus became the first state to take part in clinical trials of the Sputnik V vaccine. In the near future, joint production of the vaccine on the territory of the republic is planned.
As for the economy, Russia has supported Belarus annually by an average of $ 20 billion. Although the turnover has decreased by about 15% due to the pandemic and the immediate task is to restore and increase it. At the same time, Russia buys almost half of everything that Belarusians sell. These are mainly machines, equipment and agricultural products.
And, of course, jobs for Belarusians. There are now about a million citizens of the union country in Russia. Among them there are 10 thousand students who entered our universities through a general competition. Negotiations are already underway to open points for the USE in the republic. And the largest joint project in recent years for $ 10 billion is the BelNPP. The first power unit has already been brought to full capacity. The nuclear power plant will ensure the energy security of Belarus.
By the way, gas and oil are supplied to the Union country on preferential terms. Over the past 10 years, Minsk has saved a huge amount on this - about $ 70 billion. Belarus processes Russian raw materials and sells the resulting gasoline, diesel and fuel oil to the West.
Putin and Lukashenko took a break from work and rode snowmobiles to the ski slope. Both presidents love this winter sport. At the same time, no one closed the resort, and the leaders greeted the vacationers. They were lucky with the weather today - the tracks were rolled out after a heavy snowfall, which lasted several days here.
Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov warned in advance that the meeting in Sochi would be "very long." And so it happened. In general, everyone is used to it. The talks with the leader of the allied country have never ended quickly.

Putin, Rogozin Discuss Russian Space Ambitions

The ambitious tasks to be solved in outer space were discussed today by President Vladimir Putin and the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin. The Moon program and the strengthening of the satellite constellation, the renovation of the ISS. Rogozin reported to the head of state on new projects and the results of 2020.

Almost 60 years ago, Yuri Gagarin said let's go. Russia will celebrate the round date of the first manned flight into space on April 12, but what now?
Today, Vladimir Putin discussed with Dmitry Rogozin, head of Roscosmos, how Russia maintains its reputation as a space power.
First, Luna (Moon) -25 will fly to the natural satellite of the Earth by automatic vehicles, then a manned program will fly. The new "Eagle" is already, as experts say, in iron, that is, it is ready for testing. The newest Angara rocket should put it into orbit.
The successful launch of the heavy "Angara" in December last year was called by many a breakthrough, and not only in the context of Moon exploration, the family of carriers up to the super-heavy class opens up opportunities for flights much further.
However this, although not far off, is still the future. The present, what matters here and now, is the orbital satellite constellation.
The sea transport will have its own space eye, Roscosmos plans to launch a radar apparatus this year, this is especially important for the development of the Northern Sea Route, the earth's weather interferes with ordinary satellites in those latitudes.
The state defense order, according to Rogozin, is 100% fulfilled, but, by the way, in the case of Roskosmos, we are talking not only about flights and spacecraft and not only about military needs. In addition, it is planned to launch two modules to the ISS. They have already been delivered to Baikonur. The Science, multifunctional laboratory module, will be launched in May this year.
This year, according to Rogozin, promises to be intense, and therefore interesting. Anticipation of a really big holiday for astronautics should help too.

Putin, Biden & Merkel In Nord Stream 2' Battle

This video is about secret negotiations and the real reasons for US pressure on Europe.

The aggravation of the situation around the gas pipeline is extremely beneficial for American politicians, and even freezing it is an American dream in general. But while European wind turbines freeze and aquariums in American homes freeze. And nobody could question the reliability of Russian gas for heating.
Never before has a US President spoken at a Munich Security Conference. The circumstances are exceptional. Transatlantic unity is bursting at the seams. First of all, because of the actions of Washington itself, but for some reason, Russia is again to blame.
The US President said that the Kremlin is attacking Western democracy, seeks to weaken the European project and NATO. According to him, it is easier for Russia to intimidate individual countries than to negotiate with the united transatlantic community.
Greenhouse conditions have been created for Biden. At the conference, in fact, only the closest allies in NATO and the EU. Even discussions are not provided for by the program.
Angela Merkel noted that it is important to develop a common transatlantic agenda with regard to Russia. Germany believes that NATO and EU defense policies should complement each other. Angela Merkel noted that it is important to develop a common transatlantic agenda with regard to Russia. Germany believes that NATO and EU defense policies should complement each other. The general approach is likely to take into account not only American interests. A clear allusion to Nord Stream 2 is the most painful topic for the Germans in relations with the United States. American senators, for example, threatened with sanctions the leadership of the German port of Mukran in the Baltic, this is the logistics base for the construction of the pipeline. The port is 100% owned by the city of Sassnitz and the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Frank Kracht, the Burgomaster of Sassnitz, stressed that the Germans should not allow the US to dictate how to build an energy and environmental policy that serves the interests of Germany and Europe.
House Republican chief foreign affairs official Michael McCaul announced that Biden's administration announced only two sanctions today in a Congress-approved report on entities involved in sanctioned activities related to Russia's malicious Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. According to the statement, the report lists only Russian pipe-laying vessel Fortuna and its owner, KVT-RUS, "which were both already sanctioned by the previous Administration under separate authorities.".
Earlier, Bloomberg, citing its sources, reports that the US government will not impose restrictions on German companies yet. Washington does not intend to go to a sharp confrontation with allies now. Severe frosts in the US and Europe have demonstrated how vulnerable green energy can be. Typical problems when ice builds up on the blades of a wind turbine. In the end, a fossil-fueled helicopter comes to the rescue. Many in Europe did not even think about the fact that solar panels, it turns out, can be covered with snow, and windmills stop due to cold weather.
Against this background, Russian gas is a real guarantee of energy security. So what's the point of hindering the construction of another gas pipeline? Vladimir Putin recently spoke about the reasons for the opposition.
The United States wants, Putin said, to make Russia pay for its failed geopolitical project called Ukraine. The idea is that the current regime in Ukraine will continue to feed on money for the transit of Russian gas.
It is known that Berlin is holding closed negotiations with the new American administration on the Nord Stream 2 issue. Die Welt publishes commentary by ex-vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. “From the point of view of European sovereignty, this issue has nothing to do with the United States. I believe that the fate of the pipeline should be determined by a European decision with all the chances and risks associated with the project. But not America. "It is noteworthy that this is not just said by an ex-member of the government, but by the current head of the organization, a lobbyist for the development of relations with the United States. The Germans are extremely annoyed. Judging by the publication in the business publication Handelsblatt, Washington offered Berlin options that were completely offensive for German sovereignty, such as automatically limiting gas pumping through a new pipeline from Russia in the event of a reduction in transit through Ukraine. “Automatism, as the US government imagines it, is rejected by Berlin. This would make the supply of gas to the German government too dependent on Ukraine. Finally, it is possible that the confrontation will be provoked by Kiev itself. "

And again about sovereignty. The Germans even offered the Americans a deal that strongly resembles a bribe. Here is a letter signed by the Minister of Economy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz. It was addressed at that time to US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The document was published a week ago by German environmentalists. Scholz writes about his intention to invest up to a billion euros in terminals for receiving liquefied gas from the United States just so that Washington does not interfere with the construction and operation of Nord Stream 2, which, by the way, is already 95% ready. Here is a high allied relationship based on rules and values.

Russia's Reaction To NATO's New Strategy

NATO's new strategy, according to Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, will be aimed at containing Russia and China. At the same time, he noted: in the previous concept it was about partnership with Russia, now the situation has changed.

In China, they called the NATO concept a manifestation of the Cold War mentality.
The reaction of the Russian Foreign Ministry was also obvious. Maria Zakharova recalled that the rapprochement between Russia and NATO was interrupted in 2002 through the fault of Western partners.
Who after that is more aggressive ? Especially if we recall all kinds of NATO military exercises of recent times, now in the Black Sea, now in the Baltic, now in Poland and Lithuania, but, most importantly, everything is near the borders of Russia.
The invariably loud names of the exercises like "Defender of Europe", "Allied Spirit" or "Iron Wolf". What is this whole flock of thousands with ships, planes and tanks trying to achieve? And as if the Cuban missile crisis was so long ago that the red light of the threat of mutual destruction does not light up in the heads of NATO strategists.
And also the memory of the Second World War is so short that the possibility of the Third in Brussels and the Pentagon is treated with some frightening ease.
Yes, Russia has something to answer - for example, hypersonic weapons. And this still cools the ardor of the armchair generals, but the degree of the imposed confrontation is only increasing, and the struggle itself goes far beyond the framework of military blocs.
That is, NATO is opposing the multipolarity of the world with an increase in military spending and a desire to open a new ideological front. In other words, it creates new threats.

Putin Doubts US Freedom Of Speech

Freedom of speech in the United States and other Western countries, Putin said, is questionable. An example of this is the efforts of Big Tech to restrict user access to various Internet platforms and the US vassals policy of double standards in relation to undesirable media for them.

The actions of IT companies are a serious challenge not only for Russia, this can be seen in the example of the United States, Putin said. According to him, it is quite clear that such an ideological split is taking place all over the world.
The so-called double standards have become quite evident lately, according to the President, and there is no doubt that so-called opponents are working against Russia.
Ukraine’s move to ban three TV channels is based on double standards related to freedom of expression. Also. concerns Latvia, which in one attack hit 16 Russian media outlets.
There was no reaction from European free speech advocates. That is, all the statements that the West considers wrong are propaganda.
It’s nothing but attempts to use some tools to achieve geopolitical goals, Putin stressed. related videos

Putin's Remarks On Russia West Standoff

Vladimir Putin said that the West is using people like Navalny to try to destabilize Russia, which is becoming stronger, contrary to their wishes. He recalled that the West hastened to declare the collapse of the Soviet Union, the destruction of the national economy and all the country's defense achievements as a victory in the Cold War.

And the need for "such decisions", as a rule, is justified from the standpoint of their own exceptional superiority. Those notorious democratic values, the need to protect which every American president declares, eventually turn into planes with bombs and missiles flying to unwanted countries to spread liberal values.
And this path, which is different from the West, which Russia is following, irritates the West the more, the less influence it has. Yes, 30 years ago, a significant part of the Soviet arsenal was scrapped, but already in the 2000s, domestic scientists developed an even more accurate and much less vulnerable weapon. In early 2018, the world first heard about the Sarmat missile system, Poseidon underwater drones, the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile, laser and hypersonic weapons.
Achievements of Russian biologists who gave the world coronavirus vaccines, breakthrough achievements of physicists, successes of domestic farmers ... all this, according to the President, became a great irritant for Western colleagues.

Putin Sees Patriotism As Basis For Russia's Future

Well, we present to your attention another episode of the closed meeting of Vladimir Putin with the chief editors of the media. The patriotism of multinational Russia, according to Putin, is the basis for its development.

The President believes that the interethnic and inter-confessional unity of the peoples of Russia, their love for the Fatherland, reverence for the older generation, memory and respect for history will become the basis for the great future of the country.

Lavrov Believes Trump (Who Escaped Impeachment) Striking Person

A second Democratic attempt to impeach Trump has failed. The Senate found the 45th President of the United States not guilty of incitement to mutiny and an unauthorized action staged by Trump supporters outside the walls of the Capitol, when the results of the presidential election were approved there.

Only 57 senators voted in support of the impeachment - 10 less than the indictment needed. In support, Trump supporters unfurled flags outside his Florida residence.
The former head of the White House retained the opportunity to participate in the elections, although this is precisely what the Democrats sought to prevent. "This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country,"Trump said, adding that "no president has ever gone through anything like it."
Earlier, in his interview, Sergey Lavrov called Donald Trump a striking personality and politician. The minister added that he is "following with astonishment" the Trump impeachment proceedings.

Putin's Closed Meeting With Russian Media Chifs

Vladimir Putin discussed Russia's success in the defense industry, the fight against COVID-19, protests in defense of Navalny and relations with the West, and more with the editor in chiefs of Russian media.

A big conversation took place last week, as they say, in a non-public format. But then the Kremlin decided to publish the details of the meeting.
Despite the pandemic and the restrictions associated with it, the president has no shortage of communication with the press. For example, just two months ago there was a big press conference. By tradition, although in a new format, Putin answered journalists' questions for several hours.
The meeting with the chief editors of the media is also an annual event, but the conversation at it is about more global, if not to say, conceptual topics. The meeting with the editor-in-chief took place, as they say, "not for publication," but some details of this frank conversation were leaked to the press, after which the Kremlin published some of the responses. Who and what exactly asks questions remained behind the scenes, but they spoke, in particular, about the recent attempts to provoke street riots in Russian cities and what this means from the point of view of geopolitics.
All this is largely, in Putin's opinion, a manifestation of the policy of containing Russia. The West does not succeed. Therefore, elements of irritation are more and more clearly felt. Perhaps no less annoying "potential opponents" and our successes in the economy.
For three consecutive years Russia has been the world leader in wheat export, for example. Agriculture is not just booming - it has, in fact, been resurrected from the ashes. A surprise for the West, according to Putin, was the success of Russian doctors and scientists in the fight against COVID-19.
Russian healthcare showed such results not just because the authorities "invested" in it, but because they "developed" it. This is the result of systematic work, a systematic approach. It is for the even development of the country in all main areas that the national projects were launched by the presidential decree. They have set more ambitious goals than previous programs.

Putin Greets Dr Dedov On 80th Birthday

Ivan Dedov, the main person in Russia in the fight against diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system, who turned 80 today, is receiving congratulations.

Vladimir Putin also congratulated the outstanding doctor on his birthday. For his special services to the nation, Vladimir Putin conferred upon Ivan Dedov the title of Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation.
When Ivan Dedov graduated from the university, there was virtually no endocrinology in our country.And we are talking primarily about patients with high sugar levels. In the 70s, people with this diagnosis often became disabled, with gangrene, amputated legs, completely blind.
At the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology, which Dedov created from scratch, the diabetes department is just one of many. Here they learned how to solve almost any problem related to hormones.

Lavrov Warns Of Likely End Russia-EU Relationship

Due to anti-Russian rhetoric and systematic destructive EU sanctions, Sergey Lavrov, warned today during interview with Vladimir Soloviev that Russia does not want a break with Europe, but must be ready for this. And if this happens, it is not Russia's fault.

The usually reserved Russian top diplomat showed seriousness of intentions. In addition, European partners should seriously think about this, because in Russian politics the minister does not speak on a whim, but voices the opinion of the President.

Lukashenko Reveals Plans For Intra Belarus Changes

All Belarusian People's Assembly has begun in Minsk today, which takes place every five years. This time the interest in him is special. Six months have passed since the presidential elections, and now Alexandr Lukashenko has revealed plans for changes within the country and his vision of relations with the rest of the world.

The main statements of the All Belarusian People's Assembly were made on the very first day of the forum - the country is starting to develop a new Constitution, the need for which was discussed here in the last six months after the presidential elections. Addressing the delegates with a four-hour address, Lukashenko announced a specific deadline for preparing the main document.
The President said that the form of a presidential republic should be preserved. In his opinion, in the next five years the Belarus should place its stake on a multi-vector foreign policy - to establish a dialogue with Europe. At the same time, Russia was, is and will be the closest partner and ally.
The period that the country is going through, in his address, Lukashenko called a turning point, compared it with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and called the actions of the West a failed blitzkrieg. Pro Russian Lukashenko's statements were welcomed by both the delegates to the meeting and the guests.
The opposition refused to participate in the meeting. Instead, they urged their supporters to take to the streets again. Nevertheless, it is calm in the center of Minsk today. There are no security officials or protesters in sight.

Putin Ready To New Steps To Curb Arms Race

New steps to curb the arms race and control nuclear arsenals were discussed by Vladimir Putin today with permanent members of the Russian Security Council.

At the same time, the President noted the importance of the agreements that Moscow and Washington have already managed to reach after the new American administration came to the White House.

Let us recall that the New START Treaty is the only instrument for mutual control over the defense power of the two largest nuclear powers - Russia and the United States. It expired on February 5th.
Previous American President Trump did not want to renew the agreement in its previous form. But Biden, who replaced him, on the contrary, agreed with Moscow's proposal to prolong the agreement for five years without any changes or additions.
All formalities were completed last week and the parties exchanged relevant notes. The agreement will be valid until February 5, 2026.

Russian Diplomatic Workers’ Day 2021

Today the professional holiday is celebrated by people who defend the interests of Russia in the international arena. 

Vladimir Putin congratulated the employees and veterans of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Diplomatic Workers’ Day. The President stressed that Russian diplomats are making a significant contribution to strengthening peace on the planet and to solving the most important global and regional problems.

Largely thanks to the active and consistent actions of the Foreign Ministry, it was possible to achieve stabilization of the situation in a number of hot spots, to ensure constructive cooperation with most foreign partners.
Also, in the building on Smolenskaya Square, Sergey Lavrov laid flowers at the memorial plaques in memory of the killed employees of the Foreign Ministry. According to the Minister, the strength, knowledge and experience of Russian diplomats, relying on the wisdom of their predecessors, must be used in the most active way for the persistent advancement of the country's interests.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov traditionally laid a wreath at the grave of the 19th century Russian diplomat Alexander Bodisko. In total, he remained ambassador to the United States for 17 years and set a tenure record that was broken only in Soviet times by Anatoly Dobrynin.
Antonov noted that the positive experience of predecessors should be used in modern work, including in establishing a constructive dialogue with Washington. According to the Ambassador, Russia is ready to negotiate strategic stability with the new US administration. There is no time for quarrels. Critical issues need to be addressed, including those related to the pandemic.

Putin Evaluates Judges' Work

Russian court system has successfully adapted itself to new conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Vladimir Putin notes on Tuesday during a session with judges on the outcomes of 2020.

In Russia, almost 2,500 courts of different jurisdictions, and all of them, in such a difficult time as the pandemic, according to the President, worked well and smoothly.
During the pandemic in 2020, even more cases were considered in Russia than in the previous 2019 - by 3,920,000, which, according to Putin, indicates an increase in citizens' confidence in our Themis. Also, the Russian judicial system was highly appreciated by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe.
In particular, in the issue of prompt decision-making in comparison with 47 courts of Western states, our judicial system obviously wins. Average time for consideration of civil cases and economic disputes: in Russia - 50 days, in Germany - 220 days, in France - 420 days, and in Italy - 527 days.
It is indicative that during the pandemic, the courts were empowered, based on the epidemiological situation, to postpone some non-socially significant and non-urgent cases, but preferred to consider almost all applications from citizens and organizations. At the same time, of course, special attention was paid primarily to social issues.
During the pandemic, the number of bankruptcy cases of citizens increased: from 50,700 to 74,600 cases. To stabilize the economy and help the victims, the Supreme Court and the government have developed a legal mechanism for introducing a moratorium on the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings in respect of certain categories of debtors from April 6, 2020 to January 7, 2021. The number of disputes on non-fulfillment of contractual obligations has also increased recently.

Putin Launches World's Most Powerful PIK FNR Near St Peterburg

Vladimir Putin ordered the launch of the PIK reactor to full capacity and trial experiments at research stations in Gatchina, near St Peterburg.

Putin Will Provide SPUTNIK V To Everyone

Speaking to leading Russian scientists, on Monday, Vladimir Putin said that technological progress must serve the people and be widely available. He emphasized that thanks to researchers, Russia is in the lead in the world in the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus. In addition, Russia is the only country that has three vaccines of its own design. The President called the achievements of Russian science a great success. However, the most important, according to Putin, was the possibility of widespread vaccination. The joint efforts of researchers, domestic companies and the state have allowed people in Russia and elsewhere in the world to benefit from this scientific breakthrough

Italy can and should start vaccinations with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, the head of the Rome Institute of Infectious Diseases said after the authoritative scientific journal Lancet praised the drug. Already 21 countries have approved Sputnik V.
Hungary has made all the necessary decisions at the national level to start vaccination. In the Czech Republic, the law allows you to do the same, but there they hope that first the go-ahead will be given at the level of the entire European Union.
Prime Minister of Slovakia said that the country is ready not only to produce Sputnik V, but also to provide them with Europe. However, the ex-head of parliament claims that the production of the drug in Slovakia is not so simple, it is better to ask for supplies from Russia.
For other countries, the vaccine is produced according to our technology, but at foreign enterprises.

Putin's Science Message

On Russian Science Day, Vladimir Putin chairs Science and Education Council video meeting.
The President suggested that scientists conduct a comprehensive discussion on creating competitive conditions for the successful technological development of Russia, including the creation of a modern research infrastructure that would allow solving the most complex and even unique research problems.

According to Putin, the competitiveness of the national economy and domestic companies, everyday life, the well-being of every person, as well as the security of Russia are directly related to this.
Global competition for technology and knowledge is rapidly gaining momentum around the world. It is quite obvious that the country that comes forward will determine the further development of all mankind. Therefore, it can be said without exaggeration that scientific and technological sovereignty is a matter of the present and future of Russia, summed up Vladimir Putin.
During the meeting, the President instructed to launch the PIK reactor at full capacity and conduct test experiments at research stations.
The head of state also said that he had signed a decree on measures to implement the state scientific and technical policy in the field of green development and climate change.

Putin Holds Security Council On Support Russians Abroad

Vladimir Putin discussed the situation of Russians abroad at Security Council video meeting. The President noted the importance of state policy issues in the field of international humanitarian cooperation and interaction with compatriots abroad. He added that this is important not only for those who live outside of Russia, but feel a connection with their historical homeland.

Further, the meeting took place behind closed doors, but I dare to suggest that the main concern is caused by Ukraine's actions.
In this regard, we present an episode of the briefing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maria Zakharova, where she emphasizes the Nazi sentiments in Ukraine, aimed at infringing on the constitutional rights of both Russians living there and of other nationalities.

WWII Veteran Blames Navalny. EU Diplomats Back Home

On Friday, February 5, Alexei Navalny was brought to court on charges of defamation of a World War II veteran who participated in a promotional video backing last year's amendments to the Russian Constitution.
This time Navalny is accused of libel.

According to the investigators, on June 2, the blogger published a vide in his Telegram channel and Twitter account, in which World War II veteran Ignat Artyomenko expressed his position in support of the amendments to the Russian Constitution.
Navalny described the veteran and other people in the video as traitors without a conscience and as corrupt lackeys.
Insulting a 95-year-old WWII veteran in Russia is tantamount to political suicide for the so-called opposition leader.
Foreign diplomats from the British and French embassies were also present at the court today. By the way, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced today has declared a Swedish, a Polish and a German diplomat personae non gratae because of their participation in the January 23 unauthorized rallies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They must leave Russia as soon as possible.
All this happens at the moment when Minister Sergey Lavrov receives in his department EU's Josep Borrell.
Well, Navalny does not admit his guilt. Babushkinsky District court postponed the proceeding on the libel case against blogger Alexey Navalny until February 12.

Navalny Will Be Released Ahead Next Presidential Election 2024

On Tuesday, Alexey Navalny’s suspended sentence in the Yves Rocher embezzlement case has been converted to 3,5 years behind bars. The narrow-minded perfume giant then trusted the Navalny brothers. As a result, Yves Rocher was short of 30 million, which probably went "revolutionary needs."That is, Mr. Navalny was convicted today of a commercial crime (fraud).

"Anti-corruptionist" Navalny will serve his time in medium-security prison. By the way, the brother of our hero Oleg Navalny has already served his sentence for this crime and can now share his prison experience with, until recently, the lucky Alyosha.
According to preliminary reports, the Swindler will be behind bars for two and a half years, taking into account one year he was placed under house arrest during the preliminary investigation in the Yves Rocher case.
The guy will have time to free himself for the next presidential election, which will be held in 2024. Judge Natalya Repnikova stated that Despite the preventive measures taken with him, Navalny repeatedly violated his deadlines for reporting to the inspection. The court considers the motion of the [Russian] Federal Penitentiary Service to be satisfied.

Putin Greets Patriarch Kirill On Enthronement Day

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates today Day of Enthronement of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The Patriarch celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

12 years ago he was elevated to the patriarchal throne. Festive services in honor of the anniversary are held today in all Orthodox churches.
Vladimir Putin congratulated him on the Day of Enthronement. The meeting took place in the Patriarch's Chambers of the Moscow Kremlin. The Head of State thanked the Primate for the years of service.

Putin Pays Tribute To Yeltsin

Vladimir Putin paid tribute on Monday to the first President of Russia. On Boris Yeltsin’s 90th birthday anniversary, Russian President laid flowers on the grave of the first President of Russia at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

«Дворец для Путина» или история большого фейка (Русские субтитры)

Итак, нашумевшая история о дворце Путина российского блогера Алексея Навального обрастает всё новыми подробностями.

Авторы так называемого расследования громко объявили этот дворец самым секретным и охраняемым объектом в России. Для  пущей загадочности они добавили, что простые смертные не могут попасть сюда ни по суше, ни по морю, ни по воздуху.

Однако журналисты Mash проехали туда на обычной легковой машине, опровергнув это заявление.

На фоне курортных пейзажей признаков повышенной безопасности не обнаружено. Кроме, конечно, ограды из легкой проволоки вокруг стройплощадки. Но перелезать через забор ребятам не пришлось, они вошли через главный вход.

Нестыковки начались прямо у входа. Как видите, вместо обещанной копии царских ворот Зимнего дворца с золотыми орлами - просто пустой парадный проем. Здесь нет просто ворот, да и не было никогда.

Тщетным оказался и поиск роскошных интерьеров.

Вместо знаменитого кальянного бара и дымовых трубок здесь более скромные элементы декора.
Что ж, этот бассейн тоже далек от версии Навального.

И, конечно же, как пройти мимо знаменитой аквадискотеки. Сами строители называют эту мем-локацию просто фонтаном.

В целом такая унылая обстановка вызывает только чувство разочарования. Не исключено, что авторы так называемого расследования тоже были бы разочарованы, если бы хоть раз здесь побывали.

Но их здесь не было, и все съемки шикарных интерьеров, как выясняется, являются творением специалистов компьютерной графики из немецкой киностудии Black Forest Studios. Это малоизвестная компания, которая, судя по рекламному ролику, открывает новые возможности для киносообщества всего мира.

По данным немецкого издания Schwarzwälder Bote, съемочная площадка в городке Кирхцартен была построена в ноябре прошлого года, а уже в декабре по странному стечению обстоятельств уже поступил хороший заказ. Причем не откуда-то, а из США. 

«В начале декабря они получили запрос из США о наличии свободных производственных мощностей. Работа с Навальным в Кирхцартене проходила в условиях строгого соблюдения.
 гигиенических норм, безопасности и полной секретности », - пишет немецкое Schwarzwälder Bote.

При таких условиях, наверное, даже можно было бы снять следующий эпизод «Звездных войн». Но вышло иначе. В общем, кино, фейк и больше ничего.

La Gran Historia Falsa Del 'Palacio De Putin' (Subtítulos en español)

Así, la sensacional historia sobre el 'Palacio de Putin' del bloguero ruso Alexei Navalny está adquiriendo cada vez más detalles.

Los autores de la llamada investigación declararon en voz alta que este palacio era el objeto más secreto y protegido de Rusia. Para agregar misterio, agregaron que los simples mortales no podían llegar aquí ni por tierra, ni por mar, ni por aire.

Sin embargo, los periodistas de Mash llegaron allí en un automóvil de pasajeros común, refutando esta afirmación.

En el contexto de los paisajes del resort, no se encontraron signos de mayor seguridad. Excepto, por supuesto, una cerca de alambre ligero alrededor del sitio de construcción. Pero, los muchachos no tuvieron que trepar por la cerca, entraron por la entrada principal.

Las inconsistencias comenzaron justo en la entrada. Como puede ver, en lugar de la copia prometida de las puertas reales del Palacio de Invierno con águilas reales, solo una puerta de entrada vacía. Simplemente no hay puerta aquí y nunca la ha habido.

La búsqueda de interiores lujosos tampoco tuvo éxito.

En lugar del famoso bar hookah y las pipas de humo, hay elementos decorativos más modestos.
Bueno, esta piscina también está lejos de la versión de Navalny.

Y, por supuesto, cómo pasar por la famosa aquadiskotheque. Los propios constructores llaman a este lugar-memoria simplemente una fuente.

En general, este entorno poco atractivo solo provoca un sentimiento de decepción. Es posible que los autores de la llamada investigación también se hubieran decepcionado si hubieran estado aquí al menos una vez.

Pero no estaban aquí, y resulta que toda la filmación de interiores elegantes es creación de especialistas en CG del estudio de cine alemán Black Forest Studios. Esta empresa poco conocida, que, a juzgar por el comercial, presenta nuevas oportunidades para la comunidad cinematográfica de todo el mundo.

Según la edición alemana de Schwarzwälder Bote, la película ambientada en la localidad de Kirchzarten no se construyó hasta noviembre del año pasado, y ya en diciembre, por una extraña coincidencia, ya había llegado un buen pedido. Y no de cualquier parte, sino de Estados Unidos.

“A principios de diciembre, recibieron una solicitud de Estados Unidos sobre la disponibilidad de instalaciones de producción gratuitas. El trabajo con Navalny en Kirchzarten se llevó a cabo en condiciones de estricto cumplimiento de las normas de higiene, seguridad y total secreto ”, escribe Schwarzwälder Bote.

En tales condiciones, quizás, uno podría incluso filmar el próximo episodio de Star Wars. Pero resultó diferente. En general, cine, falso y nada más.

'Putin's Palace' The Story Of Great Fake

So, the sensational story about the 'Putin's Palace' of of the Russian blogger Alexei Navalny is acquiring more and more details.

The authors of the so-called investigation loudly declared this palace to be the most secret and guarded object in Russia. For added mystery, they added that mere mortals could not get here neither by land, nor by sea, nor by air.
However, Mash journalists got there in an ordinary passenger car, refuting this statement. Against the backdrop of the resort landscapes, no signs of increased security were found. Except, of course, a light wire fence around the construction site. But, the guys did not have to climb over the fence, they entered through the main entrance.
The inconsistencies began right at the entrance. As you can see, instead of the promised copy of the royal gates of the Winter Palace with golden eagles, just an empty front doorway. There is simply no gate here and never has been.
The search for luxurious interiors was also unsuccessful.
Instead of the famous hookah bar and smoke pipes, there are more modest decorative elements. Well, this swimming pool is also far from Navalny's version.
And, of course, how to get past the famous aquadiskotheque. The builders themselves call this mem-location just a fountain.
In general, this unattractive environment only causes a feeling of disappointment. It is possible that the authors of the so-called investigation would also have been disappointed if they had been here at least once.
But they were not here, and all the filming of chic interiors, as it turns out, is the creation of CG specialists from the German film studio Black Forest Studios. This little-known company, which, judging by the commercial, presents new opportunities for the film community around the world.
According to the Schwarzwälder Bote German edition , the film set in the town of Kirchzarten was built only in November last year, and already in December, by a strange coincidence, a good order had already arrived. And not from anywhere, but from the United States.
“In early December, they received a request from the United States about the availability of free production facilities. Work with Navalny in Kirchzarten took place in conditions of strict observance of hygiene standards, safety and complete secrecy, ”the Schwarzwälder Bote writes.
In such conditions, perhaps, one could even shoot the next episode of Star Wars. But it turned out differently. In general, cinema, fake and nothing else.

Putin: COVID Pandemic In Russia Receding

The situation with the pandemic in Russia is better than in other countries, but it is too early to relax, Vladimir Putin said at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday.

According to him, objective data shows that the actions taken in Russia to curb the COVID-19 spread are in line with the level of threats which it poses for citizens. The vaccination will help to finally turn the tide.
Its volume, according to the head of state, should correspond to the indicators of the vaccination company associated with influenza, that is, almost 70 million people.

Putin: Love Between Russia & EU Should Be Mutual

Love should be mutual, Vladimir Putin said at the Davos Forum on Wednesday, speaking of Russian-EU relations. He noted such a fundamental thing as a common culture.

Major European political figures have talked in the recent past about the need to expand relations between Europe and Russia, saying that Russia is part of Europe. Putin stressed that Geographically and, most importantly, culturally, its are one civilisation.

Putin, Biden Extended New START For Five Years

The question of ratifying the agreement extending START-3 (New START) appeared on the agenda of the State Duma and the Federation Council after a telephone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. From the conversation, which the Kremlin press service called frank, it became clear: the new American administration, unlike the previous one, is ready to accept Russia's proposal and extend New START without conditions. The proposal put forward by Vladimir Putin over a year ago.

After the US withdrew from a number of international arms limitation treaties, New START remained the last stronghold of deterrence. It was signed in 2010 by Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama.
Russia and United States approached this year with nuclear parity, about 2,500 warheads each. Russia was ahead in silo-based missiles, but the US was superior in submarine missiles. New START further reduced this number to 1550 warheads on 700 carriers. At the same time, the agreement implies mutual inspections, the exchange of telemetry, that is, it provides opportunities for mutual control.
The agreement is valid until February of this year, and the Trump administration did not want to renew it in its current form. Russia, however, has consistently advocated maintaining the status quo. Indeed, only on a parity basis can a truly effective deterrence be ensured and the world free from the threat of an arms race and a major war.
The State Duma included the New START issue as the first issue. Even before the vote, it was clear that the ratification of the agreement would be supported by all parliamentary factions. As a result, the Treaty was ratified unanimously. And literally an hour later, the Federation Council also unanimously approved the New START.
The Russian Foreign Ministry praised the pragmatism demonstrated by the Biden administration in its early days in power. Russia is ready to cooperate with the United States on strategic stability issues, again on the basis of reciprocity, without unilateral concessions.
And although Moscow does not expect a sudden warming of relations with America, the New START continuation will still make our world less unpredictable.

Putin Opens Transport Interchange Near Moscow

Vladimir Putin participates in the opening ceremony of transport interchange at the intersection of the M10 Rossiya motorway and Repin Street in Khimki. The city near Moscow was, in fact, divided into two parts by the Leningradskoye Highway and the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Traffic jams are common there, not even during rush hour, and the issue has not been resolved for years.

Back in April 2019, one of the employees of the Energomash research and production association in Khimki, which the head of state was visiting at the time, complained about this problem to the president. The girl said that due to the traffic collapse, the company is losing good specialists.
The flyover was built at the Putin’s instruction under the national project Safe and High-Quality Motorways. The interchange is to link the city’s “old” and “new” districts and make its industrial sector more accessible.
The transport interchange has an area of about 40,000 square metres. The carriageway has two to five lanes, and allows a maximum vehicle speed of 70 kph.
Vladimir Putin had a short talk with the construction participants and the girl who raised this issue a year ago.

Putin Responds To Navalny 'Palace Investigation'

Vladimir Putin stated that the alleged palace, which he allegedly owns in Gelendzhik, according to some "Navalny investigation", does not belong to him or his close relatives. Putin thinks that the rumors of the palace he allegedly owns were used to try brainwash Russians.

The President stressed that any such real estate has certain documentation and data on financial transactions, on legal procedures with the participation of notaries, there must also be certificates left in notary books and in electronic form.
Putin noted that he knows some of the people mentioned in the film, some of them are old friends or former colleagues, a distant relative or just a person he knows. Meanwhile, there are people whom the president does not know at all. According to the Russian President, many of these people are afraid of being near him because of the threat of sanctions. He stressed that they entered the business world long before he became president.
Commenting on a recent film about a "palace" that he allegedly owns on the Black Sea coast, Putin said he paid particular attention to an episode related to the wine business. The President admitted that after his resignation, he might try to engage in winemaking not as a business, but as an occupation.

Moscow: Navalny Protests 01.23.21

Despite repeated reminders by the authorities about the inadmissibility of holding mass actions during a pandemic, supporters of Alexei Navalny took to the streets on Saturday in different regions of Russia.

In Moscow, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about four thousand people went to an unauthorized rally. Pushkinskaya Square was practically blocked, there is information about clashes with law enforcement officers.

Navalny, who arrived from Berlin on Sunday, was detained right at the Sheremetyevo airport. The Russian, twice conditionally convicted, was put on the wanted list for systematic violations of the terms of punishment. By decision of the Khimki court in Moscow, he was arrested until February 15. On February 2, the court will consider the issue of replacing his suspended sentence with a real one.

Russia Hails US Proposal For New START Extension

Russia welcomes the United States’ political will to extend the New START, but everything will depend on the details of this proposal, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told the media on Friday.

Earlier, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that President Joseph Biden was in favor of extending the contract without any changes or conditions.
Let us recall that at the moment the New Start is the only treaty in force between Russia and the United States, which concerns arms limitation and ensures global security.

Vladimir Putin's proposal to extend the New Start by five years was not accepted by the previous Donald Trump administration and created tensions in view of the imminent end of the Treaty. The Russian president counted on a change in the situation with the arrival of the new US administration.

Trump's Farewell & Biden's Inauguration

Moscow hopes that with the coming to power of US President Joseph Biden, a new chapter will begin in the development of Russian-American relations, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said after inauguration ceremony. 

US President Donald Trump left the White House Wednesday and headed to Florida without waiting for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

The outgoing leader held a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Andrews near Washington. He wished Joe Biden's administration luck and success.

The inauguration ceremony of 46th President of the United States Joe Biden has taken place Wednesday on the steps of the Capitol Building. Mr Biden took the traditional oath to uphold the Constitution with his left hand placed on the Bible, that has been in his family for 127 years.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama as well as former Vice President Mike Pence who chose not to attend Donald Trump’s farewell speech at Joint Base Andrews.

A few moments earlier, Kamala Harris was sworn in as Vice President.

The traditionally grandiose ceremony had to be scaled back this year due to coronavirus restrictions. Only lawmakers were cleared to be present at the event, each of them could invite one guest.

Unprecedented security measures were taken in Washington DC in light of reports of potential unrest that can be caused by Trump supporters.

Putin Practises In Epiphany Ice Swimming

Vladimir Putin participates in Epiphany ice swimming in the Moscow region this morning. This folk tradition celebrates Baptism of Jesus (Epiphany).

In Russia ice swimming is connected with the celebration of the Epiphany on 19 January. There is a popular belief that the practice erases a person's sins. The first mention of this tradition dates back to the 16th century. Even during the Soviet Union, ice swimming did not stop, although it was not as massive as now (On the holiday in January 2020, 2 million people practised ice swimming in Russia for the baptism of Jesus).

Putin: Russia's Power In Citizens' Trust

Only thanks to the trust of citizens, according to Vladimir Putin, Russia was able to overcome the crisis of power and the economic collapse of the 90s.

Harmony between the state and society is an absolute necessity for the development of the country, the President noted.

Putin's Message To Russian Investigators

Vladimir Putin congratulated the Investigative Committee of Russia on its 10th anniversary. The President thanked the investigators for their work and expressed hope for their further successful activities in the suppression of crimes.

The activities of the Investigative Committee, according to Putin, must be honest and responsible so that the investigation of cases leads to fair sentences. That is why this department was separated from the prosecutor's office and is an independent authority.
Designated innovations created favorable conditions for effective fight against corruption, also in superior executive and legislative bodies, which was problematic before due to dependance of the investigative establishment chief assignment with the approval of above mentioned government bodies, and subordination to these bodies.
Currently, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is not included into any structure of governmental authorities, or any branch of governmental authorities. Fundamentally, investigative power implemented by the Committee is the continuation of presidential power, and can be treated as checks and balances in the system of separation of powers.

Putin Orders To Mass COVID-19 Vaccination For Russians

At a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Vladimir Putin has instructed authorities to move forward with mass coronavirus inoculation for all Russians starting next week.

In Russia, a large-scale vaccination of the population is already underway, but due to the fact that the pharmaceutical industry has exceeded the planned volume of vaccine production, the President considered it possible to begin mass vaccination of Russians from next week.

Putin's Message To Russian Prosecutors

On the Prosecutor's Office Worker Day, Vladimir Putin sent a message to the employees of the department. He praised their work to protect the law and congratulated them on their professional holiday.

The President noted the expansion of prosecutorial powers and expressed the hope that they will make every effort to protect the country's citizens from crime, corruption, etc. Putin stressed the need to control social assistance funds for families with children, the unemployed and health workers.
Control over the implementation of the Constitution, according to the President, is especially relevant this year in connection with the upcoming elections to the State Duma.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...