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'He Has Lost Touch With Reality' Lavrov Ignores Stoltenberg's Statements

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has lost touch with reality and it is difficult to perceive his statements seriously, Sergey Lavrov told reporters on Wednesday, commenting on Stoltenberg’s words about a potential military buildup on the eastern flank.

"You know I have not been giving any consideration to his statements for a long time. In my opinion, he has already lost touch with reality," Lavrov said.

On Monday, the North Atlantic Alliance said that NATO Allies "are putting forces on standby and sending additional ships and fighter jets to NATO deployments in eastern Europe, reinforcing Allied deterrence and defense as Russia continues its military build-up in and around Ukraine." For his part, Stoltenberg argued that the deployments of new Allied forces in Eastern Europe "does not threaten Russia" and that NATO "remains ready to continue dialogue with Russia."

Communists Propose To Recognize DPR, LPR As Independent, Sovereign States

On Wednesday, in the State Duma, communist deputies proposed to recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics as independent and sovereign states.

"To quarrel Russians on the borders of Russia and Ukraine is the golden dream of the Anglo-Saxons. I believe that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are one people, with a common history, faith and victories. And those who offer to quarrel us there are the criminals themselves. We must do everything not to follow this path.
We made a proposal [State Duma] to recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. This does not provoke a war, it provokes the defense of our citizens, because there are already 600,000 citizens of the Russian Federation there," General Secretary of Russian Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov said.

Putin Believes Russia Has Competitive Advantages In Cryptocurrency Mining

Putin instructed the government and the Bank of Russia to come to a consensus on the regulation of cryptocurrencies and report on the results.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Russia has a competitive advantage in the field of cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency has pros and cons. New technologies are a source of profit. But you can also permanently lose your wallet if you forget or lose your password.

Last week, the Central Bank proposed to ban cryptocurrencies in Russia.

Putin instructed the government and the Bank of Russia to come to a consensus on the regulation of cryptocurrencies and report on the results.

United Russia Asks Russian Authorities To Provide Military Aid To Donbass

The United Russia political party asked the Russian leadership to provide aid to Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics (LPR and DPR) and ship military products, necessary to deter aggression and protect their citizens, the United Russia Duma faction leader Vladimir Vasilyev announced Wednesday.

"We address the leadership of our country, [asking] to provide aid to Lugansk and Donetsk Republics in form of shipment of military produce necessary to deflect military aggression and to take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the citizens," Vasilyev said, according to the party press office.

"We are concerned with protection of lives of Russian citizens and compatriots living in DPR and LPR. We held consultations in the Duma Council and in the faction, and came to an understanding that we cannot leave the people to the mercy of the Kiev regime," Vasilyev added.

According to the politician, NATO actions "are no longer simply worrying, they are truly alarming and bewildering." "To orchestrate a hysteria in the global media and to pump Ukraine with Western lethal weapons at the same time is very dangerous," Vasilyev underscored.

He noted that Ukraine today receives missile systems, grenade launchers and other armaments, as well as "instructors, who teach how to use these systems." "This is a big danger, this is preparation for hostilities, undoubtedly. For hostilities against civilians who live there," Vasilyev said.

He added that Russia cannot allow an "extermination of people."

"We’ve been waiting for a long time for reason to prevail in Washington, but this does not happen. We hear only about sanctions and about weapons coming to the conflict area. The scenario, displayed by the collective West in Ukraine, looks like a return to Nazism and times of [Stepan] Bandera. We cannot put up with this," Vasilyev underscored.

"United Russia is watching with great concern the pumping of Western lethal weapons into Ukraine. Almost all leading NATO countries do this, and they do it on a very large scale. The number of shellings in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions has increased many times, civilians are dying, and at this time, Western curators are pushing the Ukrainian junta to a direct invasion of the Donbass. They arm the national battalions, for whom Bandera and Hitler are heroes, and the swastika is their respected sign. I believe that under these conditions, Russia should provide the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics with the necessary assistance in the form of the supply of certain types of weapons to increase their defense capability and deter the military aggression clearly being prepared by Kiev. We must stop the Kiev regime," Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrey Turchak said.

Putin's Remarks At Virtual Meeting With Italian Business Community

Vladimir Putin held a virtual meeting with heads of leading Italian companies on Wednesday.

The discussion focused on trade, economic and investment cooperation between Russia and Italy and prospects for further expanding bilateral business ties.

Russia and Italy managed to keep the economic cooperation at a high level during the pandemic period, Vladimir Putin said.

Supporting the macroeconomic stability in the country remains the priority for Russian authorities, President Putin said.

Italian companies are receiving Russian natural gas at prices much lower than market ones owing to long-term contracts, Putin said.

Russia sees serious prospects for expansion of the business partnership between Moscow and Rome in other energy spheres as well, the President said. This refers in the first instance to development, use and commercialization of renewable energy sources, he noted.

The Italian business has already invested about 500 mln euro into construction of wind power plants in three Russian regions, Putin added.

The absence of mutual recognition of COVID vaccines and vaccination certificates between Russia and the EU does not contribute to an intensification of business contacts and trips, Putin said.

In this context, he mentioned the recent joint Russian-Italian comparative research of coronavirus vaccines, performed by the National Institute for Infectious Diseases of Italy. According to this research, the Russian Sputnik V vaccine "displayed the highest titer of antibodies to the Omicrons strain and once again proved its efficiency," Putin noted.

The president noted that the online meeting with the Italian business was attended by key Russian economic ministers and heads of largest Russian companies, so that the Italian businessmen could listen to Russian colleagues’ first-hand assessments of the development perspectives of the Russian-Italian economic ties.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told Italian businessmen that Moscow will compete with Rome for the right to host the World Expo 2030.

"The Russian capital, Moscow, has put forward its candidacy to host the World Expo 2030. We know, of course, that Rome is also a candidate city," Putin said at a meeting with representatives of leading Italian companies on Wednesday. He recalled that Italy has already held such events. "Our country has never done this, although it has been participating in it for 170 years and was represented at the first Expo in London in 1851," Putin noted.

Russia was the first country to formally apply in April to host Expo 2030, proposing Moscow as the location for the event. In June, it was reported that the South Korean Busan has also applied. On October 7, Italy nominated Rome. Ukraine also applied to host Expo 2030.

Lavrov Says Russia To Take Measures If West Provides No Response On Security Guarantees

Russia will take necessary measures, should the West fail to provide a constructive response to Moscow’s initiatives on guarantees of security, Sergey Lavrov said, speaking in the State Duma Wednesday.

"Should there be no constructive response, should the West continue its aggressive course, then, as [President Putin] said repeatedly, Moscow will take necessary response measures," the Minister said. "In any case, everyone must consider the security of Russia and its citizens an absolute priority, and it will be ensured under any circumstances."
The United States has promised Russia that it will provide its replies to security guarantee proposals this week. Moscow will not let the West downplay this initiative and brush it under the carpet during endless discussions, Lavrov said.
"Depending on the contents of that reply we and our colleagues from other agencies will draft our proposals addressed to President Vladimir Putin regarding further steps. There is a distinct trend towards downplaying our proposals and brushing them under the carpet in endless discussions. In particular, this concerns the attempts to dump this issue onto the OSCE and the insistent calls by the European Union for finding a place for it in these discussions. We will not let this happen. We will not let them emasculate our initiative," Lavrov said.
He stressed that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a meeting in Geneva on January 21 promised that Washington would hand to Moscow its item-by-item replies explaining the US stance in writing already this week.
On December 17 last year, the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft agreements on security guarantees addressed to the US and NATO, which say NATO won’t expand eastward, deny membership to Ukraine and limit deployment of serious offensive weapons, including nuclear ones. There are fewer and fewer countries willing to sacrifice their national interests for the West, or pull chestnuts out of the fire for the United States and the European Union, Lavrov said.
According to him, the world is no longer US-centric or even Western-centric and the unipolar global order will never be restored. "The number of those willing to sacrifice their core national interests and, so to say, pull chestnuts out of the fire for their superiors from Washington and Brussels is declining," the Russian top diplomat emphasized.
Lavrov pointed out that the vast majority of countries shared Russia’s principled approaches, which rejected the West’s diktats in terms of ideology and its geopolitical "zero-sum games."

Lavrov Says West Seeks To Punish Russia, China By Sanctions, Provocations

The West is trying to punish Russia and China by various unsuitable tools, including sanctions, Sergey Lavrov said at a plenary session of the State Duma on Wednesday.

"The West is trying, as they say, to punish dissidents, who pursue an independent policy, primarily our country and China, by various unsuitable tools such as different kinds of sanctions, demonization in the media space, provocations carried out by special services and so on," the top diplomat noted.

Lavrov pointed out that "the West led by the US" was trying to confront the objective course of history, seeking to secure a one-sided advantage for themselves "not really considering the interests of others, in fact not taking them into account at all."

"Washington and its allies are persistently imposing their own vision of international life on the global community, calling it the need to establish and respect an order based on rules. As part of this concept, the West arrogates to itself the right to set up rules in various fields, completely ignoring the principle of genuine, universal multilateralism, embodied in the UN, thereby undermining international law and the UN-centric architecture of international ties," the Russian top diplomat said.

20 Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Warships Deploy To Sea For Drills

Over 20 combat ships and vessels of the Russian Black Sea Fleet departed from their naval bases in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk for drills in the Black Sea waters, the Fleet’s press office reported on Wednesday.

"The drills of combined-arms task forces, naval strike and amphibious assault groups in the Black Sea involve frigates, guard ships, missile corvettes and missile boats, amphibious assault ships, small anti-submarine warfare ships and also minesweepers.

During their transit to the designated areas, the warships’ crews will hold a series of communications and safe maneuvering drills in the sea lanes with intensive shipping and also an exercise to provide air defense at sea, the press office specified.

In compliance with the 2022 plan of the Russian Armed Forces’ training, a series of naval drills will be held in January-February this year in all the areas of responsibility of the Navy’s fleets under the general command of Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov.

The naval maneuvers will focus on measures by the Navy and the Aerospace Force to protect Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean and counter military threats to Russia from the direction of seas and oceans.

The drills will cover the seas adjacent to Russian territory and also operationally important areas of the World Ocean. Separate drills will run in the Mediterranean, North and Okhotsk Seas, in the northeastern Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.

Overall, the sweeping drills will bring together over 140 warships and support vessels, more than 60 aircraft, 1,000 items of military hardware and about 10,000 troops.

Putin Sees Off Russia’s Team To Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

On Tuesday, Vladimir Putin met with members of Russia's national team ahead of the opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Putin expressed his certainty that Team ROC will do everything it can during the Beijing Olympics to once again prove the high standards of the Russian sports school. He made this remark during his video conference meeting with the athletes.
"We believe that our athletes - the Russian Federation national team - will do everything it can to prove the high class of the Russian sports school and to delight its fans. I wish you all the best and good luck," Putin said.
Speaking to ice hockey player Yegor Yakovlev, Putin noted that he, being a champion of the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics "must be well aware of how the country reacts to what our hockey team does on the ice."
"Russia likes winter sports - both figure skating and ice hockey. This always takes a special place, although other winter sports have a lot of fans as well. But, I believe, ice hockey matches attract the most fans," Putin noted. "We know that there are no easy matches at the Olympics, we understand that all this is difficult, but we will sincerely root for you and hope for success," he added.

Putin Congratulates University Students On Russian Students Day

On Russian Students Day, Tuesday, Vladimir Putin held a virtual meeting, with students from Moscow, St Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod universities.

"Today, in line with an ancient tradition, we mark Tatyana’s Day, also known as Russian Students Day. I would like to convey my greetings to undergraduate students, medical residents, post-graduate students, and of course school pupils who are only preparing to enrol at universities. It goes without saying that my greetings also go to well-established adults. After all, the memories of student camaraderie and the marvellous university years stay with us forever. It is not surprising that even many years after graduating, today’s researchers, doctors, engineers and specialists in various fields stay friends and meet up with their peers to share memories of the wisdom and advice they received from their professors and mentors," he said.
Putin noted that it is thanks to this connection between generations that Russia is moving forward, making scientific and technical breakthroughs, including in mathematics and digital technologies.
"In fact, Russia has built a solid track record in these disciplines and has firmly established itself as a frontrunner," he added.

Kremlin Says Putin, Cuban President Did Not Discuss Deploying Military Bases

Vladimir Putin and his Cuban counterpart Miguel Diaz-Canel did not discuss bolstering bilateral military-technical cooperation or deploying military bases during their telephone conversation, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

"No," the Russian presidential spokesman said, replying to a question about whether the Kremlin press office’s message that the leaders discussed "both countries’ further coordination on the international scene in line with the principles of strategic partnership and the traditions of friendship and mutual understanding" should be understood to mean bolstering military-technical cooperation and deploying Russian military bases.

As the Kremlin press secretary pointed out, "the relations between Russia and Cuba have deep traditions."
"They are filled with solid content and, indeed, it is extremely important to synchronize positions on international and regional issues of mutual interest. This is what the heads of both countries spoke about yesterday," Peskov insisted.

The Kremlin press office reported on January 24 that Putin and Diaz-Canel held a telephone conversion.
"The leaders had an in-depth exchange of opinions on bilateral cooperation in trade, the economy and investment. The Cuban head of state thanked Russia for the humanitarian aid supplied to the republic, including in the context of countering COVID-19. The presidents discussed both countries’ further coordination on the international scene in line with the principles of strategic partnership and the traditions of friendship and mutual understanding," the Kremlin press office said in a statement.

During their talk, both leaders "reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and agreed to intensify contacts at different levels," the statement reads.

Putin Hosts Kamchatka Governor In The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Governor of Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov to discuss the territory’s socioeconomic development on Monday.

The President started the meeting by saying that growth in the territory’s agricultural output has been gathering momentum, alongside higher fixed capital investment, while industrial output and construction had decreased slightly, and the share of substandard housing is quite high. In response, the Governor noted that in 2021 industrial output started to recover, which is mostly attributable to fish processing following a very good fishing season.

As for construction, Kamchatka has been struggling with this sector for a while now. The territory has finally succeeded in ending the stalemate on the substandard housing issue and has drafted several comprehensive housing development projects. It raised funds for improving the utility infrastructure through infrastructure loans, and is preparing to build a total of 200,000 square metres of housing. The construction of single-family homes is receiving special attention.

On the coronavirus, the Governor said that the situation has been quite stable in Kamchatka. The Defence Ministry has done a lot to help the territory by deploying an infectious disease hospital, with military personnel stepping in to help the territory during peak periods. Vladimir Solodov also reported on launching the construction of the Kamchatka Regional Hospital, and asked the President for his support in approving allocations for the construction.

The Governor went on to emphasise that improved living standards was a priority for the territory, which managed to prevent a decline in real disposable income during the epidemic. Support measures taken under the President’s instructions, as well as the decision to increase the minimum wage played a special role in this regard. Unemployment remained relatively low as well, and fewer young people left the region, which is another positive development.

Vladimir Putin said the territory needs to install broadband, and Vladimir Solodov replied by noting that the territory’s northern areas will benefit from internet connection as soon as 2023, although the northernmost districts, as well as the Komandorskiye Islands will still have to rely on satellite communications. The Governor pointed out that when asked what they need the most, young people in the northern villages ranked internet first, followed by quicker postal deliveries. The territory intends to carry out a pilot project on using drones for this purpose.

The Governor spoke about the construction of new facilities, in particular, sport centres. One unique facility has already been completed and will open soon – a year-round winter sports centre, where athletes will be able to train right on the Avachinsky volcano, including in summer. This first major ice arena in Kamchatka has been built with private money.

Vladimir Solodov brought up a problem that is common for most regions in the Far East. It has to do with the normative level of the federal government’s co-financing of the national projects in the Far Eastern regions. In particular, according to him, standard projects do not objectively take into account the higher construction costs in regions such as Kamchatka. The President suggested that the Governor should formulate the relevant proposals in writing and send them to him in order to instruct the Government to work on this.

The Governor also raised a number of questions that are very important for Kamchatka Territory. They concern a fair indexation of fees on aquatic biological resources, investment quotas for the construction of fishing vessels and so on.

Vladimir Solodov stressed that the region expected a tangible effect from the Northern Sea Route. Novatek is already implementing the first project for the shipment of liquefied natural gas. Kamchatka is a convenient transshipment point in the east of the country.

The President and the Governor also discussed the construction of roads and air transport, especially in the region. In this regard, the Governor asked for federal subsidies to partially finance such non-alternative routes, as the regional government cannot afford this. The President also asked him to prepare relevant proposals.

The discussion predictably covered tourism, which Vladimir Solodov called the most promising industry. He said Kamchatka was known to the whole world. At present, work is underway in the Valley of Geysers. The region has seen a 60 percent increase in tourist inflow. New tourist facilities are being added. One of them is a falconry centre. Its first stage has already been completed, and the first batch of birds is going to be delivered soon.

The Governor also said that the region was going to host the Ecosystem Nationwide Youth Forum in August, before the Eastern Economic Forum. It will be the first carbon-neutral forum, innovative in many ways. Mr Solodov invited the President to attend it.

Putin's Telephone Conversation With Cuba's Bermudez

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez on Monday.

The leaders had an in-depth exchange of opinions on bilateral cooperation in trade, the economy and investment. The President of Cuba thanked Russia for the humanitarian aid supplied to the republic, including in the context of countering COVID-19. The presidents discussed further coordination of Russia’s and Cuba’s actions in the international arena in line with the principles of strategic partnership and the traditions of friendship and mutual understanding.

Vladimir Putin and Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and agreed to intensify contacts at different levels.

Kremlin Says Reports About Reducing Gas Supplies To EU Amid Sanctions Are ‘Fake Hysteria’

Reports that Russia could allegedly cut gas supplies to Europe in the event of sanctions are an example of "fake hysteria", Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"This is another brilliant example of fake hysteria. Hysteria, which is constructed through various fake and provocative false stories," he said.
Peskov stressed that Russia, even in the most difficult moments of relations with the West, "was a reliable guarantor of Europe's energy security". "In the most difficult moments of confrontation between East and West, Russia flawlessly fulfilled its contractual obligations," he recalled.
When asked if Moscow would continue to behave this way in the event of new sanctions, Peskov confirmed, "Russia has never given anyone a reason to doubt its reliability."

DPR Head Says Ukraine Pull Artillery And Tanks To Donbass

Kiev is actively preparing for a forceful solution to the conflict in Donbass, Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin said on Monday.

The US and UK are recalling their diplomats from Ukraine. Austria and Latvia are also ready for this. At the same time, even the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called such decisions premature. Because of the same mythical threat of military action from Russia, NATO announced today that the Alliance is sending ships and fighters to Eastern Europe.

Earlier, Western media, including The New York Times, citing informed sources in the US administration, wrote that Washington could transfer up to 5,000 military and equipment to the countries of Eastern Europe and the Baltic states. The day before, a new batch arrived in Ukraine - more than 80 tons of weapons, as well as Javelin anti-tank missile systems.

The fact that Kiev is actively preparing for a forceful solution to the conflict in Donbass was reported today in both Luhansk and Donetsk. Ukraine is pulling up artillery and tanks to the line of contact. The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, spoke about this in an interview with Channel One.

“The concentration of personnel along the line of contact, as well as the pulling up of equipment from Ukraine, causes more concern. There are instructors from the United States and instructors from the UK. Several groups have been transferred over the last period of time, the last group is 40 people, which is now based in the Avdiivka area. Before that, several sabotage groups were deployed, which were aimed specifically at destruction, at the commission of terrorist acts against infrastructure facilities,” he said.

'Blinken's Paradox' History Of Anti-Russian Hysteria

Drawing a parallel with Secretary of State Blinken's favorite hobby, there are only two songs in his repertoire lately, but both have already become hits in America. Here is the first one: “Russia has begun planning military operations in Ukraine. The invasion of Ukraine is unjustified, unforgivable, unacceptable.” And here is the second disc, which seems to be jamming: “The consequences for Russia will be severe! Moscow will face very serious consequences. There will be very serious consequences for Russia.”

It seems to be nothing surprising, because the future Secretary of State studied and took his first steps in politics at the height of the Cold War. But when official Washington considered the Soviet Union an "evil empire" and imposed sanctions, Blinken opposed a confrontation with Moscow.

The main gas pipeline from the Yamal Peninsula through the Volga region and Ukraine was supposed to pump blue fuel to the capitalist countries of Europe, which gave the USSR billions in loans for construction. Germans, British, French, Belgians, Italians and Dutch - potential adversaries for Moscow turned into Western partners. The US was furious.

The United States imposes sanctions on the export of oil and gas technologies to the Soviet Union, then expands them so that Europeans cannot use American developments in Siberia. Europe called the sanctions illegal, and notes of protest flew across the ocean.

At this time, a young lawyer and aspiring apparatchik of the Democratic Party, Blinken, writes the monograph “Ally versus Ally”, in which he argues that American sanctions, first of all, harm the Americans, because they themselves could make good money on the Siberian gas pipeline.

“For American business, the most obvious effect of pipeline sanctions is the loss of Soviet contracts. According to the US government, the sale of oil and gas technologies and equipment to the USSR would bring profit to our companies in the amount of 300 to 600 million dollars," Blinkin writes in his monograph.

An even bigger problem, Blinken believed at the time, was that America, with a whip in its hands, ceased to be a reliable partner for anyone.

“Foreign buyers of American technology have realized that their introduction into production carries a double risk. First, embedded technologies may suddenly become unavailable due to sudden US export bans. And secondly, fearing the same sudden bans, other countries may refuse to import products just because they are made using American technology," he writed.

The conflict with the European home is a direct damage to American interests, but this is not even the main thing. Blinken argued that people on the other side of the Iron Curtain were not afraid of sanctions.

“You can destroy the communist ideology, but Russian patriotism will unite millions of people. For Russians, this is at the level of reflexes - in difficult times to rally under the flag ... Even a successful trade war for the West can be much more dangerous than the peaceful sale of non-strategic technologies to Moscow,” Blinkin writes in his monograph.

As for bilateral relations, Blinken advocated an early end to the Cold War.

“Many Western diplomats have claimed that personal contact with the Russians led them to the idea of seeking a constructive working relationship with the Soviet Union. Similar things can happen to the Soviet elite in contact with the West. In this way, Cold War stereotypes can be erased,” he writed.

It is a paradox, but Blinken himself, once in power, first in the Obama cabinet, and then as head of the State Department under Biden, began to reproduce exactly the same stereotypes on an industrial scale.

More than 30 years have passed, and in the US-Europe tandem, as before, an ally goes against an ally. The USSR is long gone, but the problems of the leaders of the "free world" are still the same. In addition, the leaders themselves have become minor.

It used to be that even Democrats voted for a Republican president, Reagan's support was so great. And on the other side of the Atlantic, Margaret Thatcher and François Mitterrand discussed with him on an equal footing. And when Washington tried to create a special economic secretariat in NATO in order to dictate its will to all Western business, the Europeans immediately blocked the project. But now the US Secretary of State speaks directly about American exceptionalism, while the allies keep quiet.

“The world does not organize itself. When America retreats, one of two things happens. Or another country that does not share our interests and values is trying to take our place. Or no one does, and the world plunges into chaos. In both cases, this is bad for America,” said Anthony Blinken.

This insight probably came to Blinken in the 1990s when he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Formally unaffiliated with the state, this organization has been working for almost a century on various forms of exporting American ideology. For example, the architecture of NATO was invented there. Once in this closed club, Blinken automatically got into the personnel reserve of the Democratic Party.

“Ideologically, he always belonged to the so-called group of liberal interventionists - people who, since the Clinton era, believed that it was necessary to overthrow objectionable regimes and establish democratic ones. Blinken, although forced to act on the instructions of his boss, is generally a hardliner," Professor of political science of  Tennessee University Andrey Korobkov said.

  Is it because when the Republicans came to the White House, Blinken waited out, working in lobbying structures? He worked closely with the defense departments, and therefore hardly accidentally advocated the invasion of Iraq and demanded that the most severe measures be applied to Iran. Calling for a military operation in Libya, he went against his boss, Biden. And he supported Trump's opponent, as soon as he wanted to bomb Syria. Blinken is not so much a Democrat as a representative of the Washington "war party", which was bored after the end of the Afghan campaign.

“As soon as the campaign in Afghanistan ended, in America they suddenly started talking about the growing tension in Ukraine and about the Russian invasion. What does it mean? Quite simply, the US foreign policy and defense establishment needed a new conflict. It's a huge business, worth hundreds of billions of dollars. More conflicts, more tension: with Russia, China, Iran. People like Blinken don't want to solve problems, they want tension because it's good for business,” Journalist John Varoli said.

However, Russia is not Iraq, it is not worth straining it too much, otherwise the business may burn out. It's written in Blinken's book as a candidate of law. Maybe Secretary Blinken should reread it?

Zakharova Says West Seeking To Prepare Information Space For Major Provocations

The West is seeking to prepare information space for a series of large-scale provocation, including military ones, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday.

"[Information space] is being prepared, probably, for a range of large-scale provocations and public opinion is being prepared for that. It is very important for the collective West, for NATO, for Britons and Americans to create a corresponding information realm. They cannot act without it," she said in an interview with the Rossiya-1 television channel.
"Why are they doing that? What for? We don’t rule out large-scale information manipulations and provocations in future. We don’t rule out military provocations either," she said.
According to Zakharova, a series of fakes have already been spread via traditional mass media, not at the level of social networks. "Let us remember an article in the New York Times about the alleged evacuation of the Russian embassy in Ukraine. Let us remember a recent Bloomberg publication (that China’s leader had allegedly asked Russia not to invade Ukraine during the Olympic Games), which was refuted by both the Russian foreign ministry and China’s foreign ministry and the Chinese embassy said it yesterday," Zakharova said, adding that another example is the British Foreign Office’s fake about Russia’s alleged plans to change government in Ukraine.
The UK Foreign Office said earlier that Russia’s government is seeking to install a pro-Russian government in Ukraine, with former member of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) Yevgeny Murayev as its head.
Commenting on this statement, the Russian foreign ministry called on the British colleagues to stop indulging in provocations.

British Founds Future President Of Ukraine In Russian Sanctions Lists

The Russian Foreign Ministry called on British diplomats to "stop spreading nonsense" after claiming that Moscow allegedly plans to bring a pro-Russian politician to power in Kiev. The  Foreign Office even names the name - Yevgeny Muraev, a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. True, he himself, as it turned out, did not suspect this. In addition, Muraev, to put it mildly, does not have the best relationship with Moscow.

Did the Ukrainian politician Yevgeny Muraev, speaking about power, know that the West would prophesy for him the presidency in all seriousness? In any case, the statement of the British Foreign Office, published today, was commented by the ex-deputy of the Rada with surprise. More precisely, not a statement, but an exposure of the "insidious plan of the Kremlin."

"We have information that indicates that the Russian government intends to imprison a pro-Russian leader in Kiev, while at the same time considering whether to invade and occupy Ukraine. Former Ukrainian MP Yevheniy Murayev is being considered as a possible candidate," it says in a statement.

Meanwhile, Muraev has been banned from entering Russia for three years now.

“I have been under Russian sanctions since 2018 because of the conflict with Medvedchuk. My family's assets have been seized there. How does the British intelligence services and the Foreign Office combine this with the fact that Russia allegedly wants to appoint me the head of the 'occupation government.'  This is a question for Mr. Bean,"politician said.

British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss, who exposed the "Kremlin's plan," does not explain why Muraev was chosen. Notorious for her ride in a NATO tank near Russian borders, Truss has repeatedly sparkled with belligerent rhetoric against Moscow this week, fueling hysteria about a mythical Russian invasion of Ukraine, which Truss says has already survived (and this is a quote from an Oxford graduate) - “invasions from Mongols to Tatars."

Here is how the Russian Foreign Ministry reacted to the exposure of their British colleagues: “The disinformation spread by the British Foreign Office is another evidence that it is the NATO countries, led by the Anglo-Saxons, who are escalating tensions around Ukraine. We call on the British Foreign Office to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense and concentrate on studying the history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.”

Earlier, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, did not rule out that more and more provocations should be expected from the West.

"A Bloomberg publication that Chinese President Xi Jinping allegedly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin not to invade Ukraine during the Olympic Games is an operation of US intelligence agencies," she said.
The Chinese embassy in Moscow called these reports lies. Zakharova called it not just a fake, but a US special information operation. 

"We are expecting provocations from the US and the Kiev regime led by them, both informational and, it cannot be ruled out, military ones," she wrote on her Telegram channel. "They may do it, especially since they have a plenty of experience."

Immediately after the publication of the statement of the British Foreign Office about the imaginary plans of the Kremlin, the United States expressed concern. Biden discussed the situation around Ukraine with members of the National Security Council. As reported in the White House, it was about possible measures to contain Moscow and the supply of military assistance to Ukraine, whose army is already concentrating additional forces in the Donbass. This was announced from the territory not controlled by Kiev.

“The enemy placed the Osa complex near the settlement of Dmitrovka. Ukrainian militants prevented the work of OSCE observers in two settlements. Thus, in the areas of the settlements of Artem and Zolotoe, the mobile groups of the battalion, using the Bukovel-AD station, suppressed the signals of the control channels of the UAV mission of the OSCE mission," Officer of the press service of the People's Militia Department of the LPR Alexander Mazeikin said.

Ukraine needs more and more weapons. Official Kiev not only does not hesitate to ask the West for this, taking advantage of the fear that is being pumped up about the Russian threat. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry even called the German ambassador to the carpet, expressing deep disappointment that the FRG did not provide weapons. In addition, Kiev is outraged by the words of the commander-in-chief of the German fleet Schönbach, who dared to deny the likelihood of a Russian invasion.

"No, this is nonsense," he said. 

He also urged Kiev to forget about Crimea. “There is no Crimean peninsula, it will never return. Everything! This is a fact,” said Kai-Ahim Schönbach.

However, Schönbach has already been forced not only to publicly declare that all this is his personal opinion, but also to resign.

Su-35S Fighters Relocate To Belarus As Part Of Check Of Reaction Forces Of Union State

EMD's Su-35S fighters crews relocate to the Republic of Belarus as part of the check of the reaction forces of the Union State on Saturday.

During flight tasks, the crews of the Russian Aerospace Forces will practice flights to the maximum range, landing at Belarusian airfields, as well as joint preparation for re-flights with Belarusian specialists.
The check of the reaction forces of the Union State will take place in two stages.
At the first stage (until February 9), there will be the transfer and creation of groupings of troops (forces) on the territory of the Republic of Belarus as soon as possible, the organization of protection and defence of important state and military facilities, the protection of the State Border in the airspace, the check of the readiness and ability of the air defence forces on duty and means to fulfill the tasks of covering important objects on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
At the second stage of the check, from February 10 to February 20, Union Courage 2022 joint exercise will be held, the purpose of which will be to practice tasks of suppressing and repelling external aggression during a defensive operation, as well as countering terrorism and protecting the interests of the Union State.
During the exercise, measures will be taken to strengthen the protection of the State Border to prevent the penetration of armed groups of militants, to block the channels for the delivery of weapons and ammunition, as well as to search for, block, and destroy illegal armed formations and sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy.
Practical actions of troops (forces) will take place at the Domanovsky, Gozhsky, Obuz-Lesnovsky, Brestsky and Osipovichsky training grounds, as well as certain areas located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. It is planned to involve Baranovichi, Luninets, Lida and Machulishchi airfields.
The number of participants in the exercise, as well as the number of major weapons systems that fall under the scope of the Vienna Document 2011, do not exceed the parameters determined by it, which are subject to notification.

Joint Naval Exercise CHIRU-2022 Of Warships Of Russia, China And Iran In Gulf of Oman

The CHIRU-2022 joint Russian-Chinese-Iranian naval exercise took place in the Gulf of Oman (the northern part of the Arabian Sea) and in the airspace above it.

The Russian side was represented by a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet consisting of the guards cruiser Varyag, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs and the large sea tanker Boris Butoma. A total of 14 warships and auxiliary vessels were involved in the exercise from three fleets.
In the course of practical actions, the ships of the Russian Navy, together with the Chinese and Iranian Naval Forces, performed artillery firing on a naval target, carried out joint tactical maneuvering, worked out search and rescue tasks at sea.
In the final part of the CHIRU-2022 exercise, the practical skills of the parties in conducting inspection actions and freeing a ship conditionally captured by pirates were improved. In this episode of the exercise, an amphibious helicopter and special units of the Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Armed Forces of Iran) were involved.
After the completion of the exercise, the ships of the Pacific Fleet will continue the transition according to the long-distance campaign plan.
A detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet left Vladivostok for a campaign in December 2021 to solve tasks in the Asia-Pacific region. During this period, the ships conducted a number of private training sessions at sea, visited the Indian port of Cochin and took part in the PASSEX exercise with an Indian Navy ship.
In the future, the ships of the Pacific Fleet will make the transition to the Mediterranean Sea, where, together with the forces of the Northern and Baltic fleets, they will take part in the exercises of the Navy's inter-fleet grouping.
In accordance with the training plan of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2022, a series of naval exercises are held in January-February in all areas of responsibility of the fleets under the general leadership of the Russian Navy Admiral Nikolai Evmenov.
The main focus of the exercises is to work out the actions of the Navy and Aerospace Forces to protect Russian national interests in the world Ocean, as well as to counter military threats to the Russian Federation from sea and ocean directions.
In total, it is planned to involve more than 140 warships and support vessels, more than 60 aircraft, 1,000 units of military equipment, and about 10,000 military personnel to participate in the events.

Lavrov Сalls US State Department Report On 'Kremlin Disinformation' Unreadable And Deceitful

A recent report penned by the US Department of State in the run-up to the Geneva meeting about Russia’s so-called ‘disinformation’ on Ukraine is impossible to comprehend, and Moscow has already expressed its reaction on this score, Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"These papers, which the [US] Department of State specifically prepared for today’s meeting, are impossible to read," Lavrov said following his meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
"However, we have a special department, which is led by an official representative of the ministry and which is obliged to carefully scrutinize them," Lavrov noted. "Our reaction to them [the documents] has been already expressed," he concluded.
According to Lavrov, the reader should randomly open any page of the said report to understand that it can't stand up to any criticism.
"It’s a pure lie regarding the most of it [the so-called report]," Russia’s top diplomat stated.
On January 20, the US Department of State released ‘examples’ of Russia’s alleged "disinformation" efforts and its sole evaluation of the role of RT TV and the Sputnik news agency in Russia’s "disinformation and propaganda ecosystem."
According to the Department of State, "the Kremlin creates and spreads disinformation in an attempt to confuse and overwhelm people about Russia’s real actions in Ukraine, Georgia, and elsewhere in Europe," while RT and Sputnik "play a crucial role in how Russia uses disinformation to advance its foreign policy."

Lavrov Says Experience Of Russia West Relations Abounds In Examples Of Unfulfilled Promises

The experience of Russia’s relations with Western countries abounds in examples of their failure to fulfill their promises on European security issues, Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference after his talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday.

"The experience of our communication with Western counterparts on the issues of European security abounds in examples when something was promised but was not fulfilled," Russia’s top diplomat pointed out.
"Our American counterparts, other West Europeans and NATO members are, of course, not good at this [the fulfillment of promises]," Lavrov said.

Lukashenko Warns Against Ukrainian Neo-Nazism

We had no idea that several decades after the end of the Great Patriotic War, thugs with fascist swastikas would march along the central streets of Kiev and other cities, Alexander Lukashenko said on Friday.

Lavrov Participates In Bilateral Meeting With Swiss' Cassis

After Friday talks in Geneva with the US Secretary of State, Sergey Lavrov participate in a bilateral meeting with President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis.

Zakharova Сlaims US Officials Themselves Do Not Understand What They Are Saying

US officials invariably mention the US education system as one of their achievements. But their statements cast doubts on this claim. They either don’t understand the reality, or don’t know facts or are unable to draw conclusions based on the available facts, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"It is impossible to accept what our US partners are saying because of their complete disregard for the situation in Belarus, its reality and everything that is taking place around it and on its border. Moreover, they are highlighting a certain political component and are citing “facts” that are not facts at all. It is impossible to go into detail on these issues," she said, answering the agency's Belta question. Zakharova gave an example confirming her point of view.
"The US President held a news conference yesterday. Just take a look at the questions about Ukraine the journalists asked. They said clearly (their words cannot be interpreted in any other way) that Russia is ready to attack Ukraine. They presented this assumption as a hard fact. Moreover, they used it to ask the US President about the US response and possible plans to repel Russia. But this assumption is not a fact. Planted in the US information space through leaks, sources and official statements, this assumption has proliferated, has become a subject for analysis in the media, and is now formulated as a question for the US politicians. There is a difference between reality and assumptions, but assumptions have been repeated so often that they are now presented as reality and facts," she noted. Much of what Washington representatives are saying now is something even their American colleagues find hard to understand.
"The other day, Victoria Nuland mentioned 18 response scenarios in case Russia attacks Ukraine. It looks as if this shocked everyone, including the US State Department, the White House and US security agencies. What 18 scenarios? Where did she get them? Nobody could answer this question when people started asking," she added.
"Such statements are cut from the same cloth," she stressed.

Geneva Lavrov-Blinken Meeting On Security Guarantees

Moscow expects that Friday’s talks in Geneva will help Washington prepare specific responses to all of Russia’s proposals on security guarantees, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

"When you called me on the phone and suggested that we should meet so that you could get clarification of our concerns, we thought that it was a fruitful idea because we expect that it [the meeting] will help you prepare specific responses to all of our proposals and put forward your own proposals if you have any," Lavrov noted.
The US-initiated phone call took place on January 18, with Lavrov and Blinken discussing the prospects for contacts in the near future.
On December 17, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a draft agreement on security guarantees between Russia and the United States and a draft agreement on ensuring the security of Russia and NATO member states. Consultations on the issue took place in Geneva on January 10, followed by a meeting of the Russia-NATO Council in Brussels on January 12 and a session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Permanent Council in Vienna on January 13.

Zakharova 'Space, Policy, Overarching, NATO - What Could Be Wrong?'

On January 17, NATO released a document titled NATO’s Overarching Space Policy. Space, policy, overarching, NATO – what could be wrong? This document sets forth the alliance’s priority objectives and tracks regarding outer space. The average person or anyone lacking professional insight into these matters might not see any threat there. However, an in-depth look into this document reveals that the devil is in the details, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"This is a biased document. In fact, it is provocative, and is based on the destructive tenets preached by major NATO space powers led by the United States with a view to placing weapons in space, using force or threat of force against the space assets of other countries, and turning outer space into an arena for military confrontation. This is a telling example of how all the assurances of NATO’s peaceful aspirations do not hold water. I would like to pinpoint a small detail, which is not small at all, since we are discussing outer space," dhe added.
This document provides for the possibility of invoking Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty (collective defence) in response to attacks to, from, or within outer space. In fact, this provision gives NATO states the freedom to use kinetic and non-kinetic capabilities in outer space since it will be up to NATO to decide on a case-by-case basis whether something qualifies as an “attack.”
This is obviously yet another attempt to legitimise the use of force in outer space, which runs counter to the internationally approved goal of preventing an arms race in space. It seems that the NATO countries believe such behaviour to be a responsible approach to space.
"NATO’s Overarching Space Policy demonstrates yet again that Russia’s proposals on binding security guarantees are relevant and timely, as are our initiatives, which benefit from wide-ranging support on behalf of like-minded countries, to prevent an arms race in outer space. This is a question of drafting a legally binding instrument banning the deployment of any kind of weapon in outer space, using force or threat of force to, from, or within space, as well as having the UN member states undertake a political commitment that they will not be the first to place weapons in outer space," Zakharova stressed.

Zakharova Greets Russians 'Happy Republic Of Crimea Day'

Marked on January 20, the Republic of Crimea Day was established in 2009 and reaffirmed in 2014 under a law adopted by the Republic of Crimea, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted on Thursday.

"I would like to convey my greetings to all citizens of our country on Republic of Crimea Day. We offer our congratulations to the people living in this Russian region and wish them good health, peace and prosperity within Russia, our united homeland," she added.
This date, as well as the approaching anniversary of the Crimean Spring, gives us a great opportunity to remind everyone that the people living on this peninsula spent more than 20 years fighting for self-determination and justice. They were fighting for the very democracy the West has been preaching, at least in theory, while turning out to be completely oblivious of its commitments and promises in real life. It is in Crimea that we witnessed the ultimate triumph of democracy. This 20-year effort led the people of Crimea back home in 2014. The chronicle of how this popular will and hope gathered momentum among the people of Crimea as they moved toward reunification marks the main milestones of this truly noble cause.
On November 12, 1990, the Crimean Regional Council of People’s Deputies decided at its extraordinary session to hold a referendum on changing the Crimean Region into the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, as it existed until 1945. During the referendum on January 20, 1991 (which is the date for Republic of Crimea Day), more than 93 percent of voters supported recreating the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as an entity within the USSR.
However, Kiev sought to retake the initiative. On February 12, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a law reinstituting the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The corresponding amendments to the 1978 Constitution of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were adopted just four months later. This distorted the will of Crimeans, but they kept on fighting for their noble cause.
On May 5, 1992, Simferopol adopted the Act of State Independence for the Republic of Crimea, which stipulated the right to elect a president, government and supreme court independently, as well as introduced Crimean citizenship and state languages.
On May 13, 1992, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada recognised the resolutions of the Crimean parliament to promulgate the Act of State Independence and hold a new referendum, as unconstitutional and invalidated them.
On June 14, 1993, Crimea’s Supreme Council created the office of president of the Republic of Crimea. Supported by 72 percent of the voters, Yury Meshkov held this position from February 1994 through March 1995. On March 27, 1994, Crimea held a new referendum with the majority of voters backing the initiatives of the popularly elected president to promote closer integration with Russia.
Ukraine’s Central Election Commission and President called the March 27, 1994, referendum illegal, and in 1995 imposed a constitution on Crimea with both the presidential office and sovereignty missing from it.
The people of Crimea remember all too well how Ukraine trampled upon their rights and freedoms, attacked the Russian language, and sought to artificially impose alien historical views and values, as well as plans to deploy NATO forces, and military exercises openly declaring that Russia was their adversary. Everyone remembers the threats of invasion professed by the Maidan radicals. All this led the people of Crimea to choose, in all solidarity, reunification with Russia in the March 16, 2014, referendum.
"Crimea and Sevastopol have changed over the past few years. I have travelled there many times on work assignments, as well as privately. Crimea has been buzzing with activity. Enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, inter-ethnic accord is a condition for progress and development. Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean-Tatar are state languages there. Let me remind those who may not know this that Crimea guarantees cultural diversity, equality and mutual enrichment. Isn’t this a great example for the Kiev regime? If Crimea succeeded in this endeavour, Ukraine can also do it. Full steam ahead!" Zakharova stressed.

Zakharova Says West Arms Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Regime

The growth of neo-Nazi sentiment in Ukraine is of no concern to our Western partners or any relevant international organisations, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"We call on Western countries to stop the aggressive anti-Russia propaganda campaign, to stop fanning the flames of Ukrainian militarisation by dragging it into NATO, and instead use their influence to encourage Kiev to comply with the Minsk agreements and other international obligations,"she added.

Shoigu Chairs Military Acceptance Day In National Centre For State Defence Control

On Thursday, Moscow hosted another Acceptance Day chaired by the General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at the National Centre for State Defence Control, it was dedicated to summing up the implementation of the state defenсe order in the third quarter in terms of arms supplies, military hardware and the construction of military infrastructure facilities.

As the Minister of Defence noted, last year, despite the restrictions associated with the coronavirus infection, reliable and proper work of industrial enterprises and military authorities was organized, and the set pace for the implementation of the state defence order was ensured.
In 2021, the Armed Forces received more than five thousand new and modernized types of weapons, military and special equipment, among them: 900 armored combat vehicles; three modern submarines, including the Knyaz Oleg nuclear submarine armed with Bulava ballistic missiles; 4 surface ships, 10 combat boats, 17 vessels and support boats;151 units of new and modernized aviation equipment, including 77 aircraft, 29 helicopters, 45 complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles; four upgraded Tu-95MS missile carriers; three Bastion coastal missile systems; Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun systems; S-400 Triumph and S-350 Vityaz anti-aircraft missile systems.
The re-equipment of the first missile regiment with the Avangard missile system with intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with hypersonic glide wing units has been completed. A separate aviation regiment was formed, armed with MiG-31I(K) aircraft with the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.
Thus, the equipping of the army and navy with modern weapons has increased to 71.2%, and strategic nuclear forces to 89.1%. The serviceability of military equipment is maintained at 95%.
"I note that it is intensively used and has proven itself well in the course of various combat readiness checks, exercises, training, military applied competitions" Shoigu added.
Regarding the issue of building facilities for the needs of the Armed Forces, the head of the military department said that in 2021, 3030 buildings and structures were built and put into operation.
Priority measures were implemented within the framework of the State Armaments Program.
More than 690 objects of forces and means of nuclear deterrence have been built.
Places have been equipped to accommodate weapons and equipment entering the troops.
In the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces, silo launchers of strategic missile systems were put on combat duty in the Kaluga and Orenburg regions.
Events continue in Novosibirsk, Nizhny Tagil, Irkutsk, Teikovo and other regions.
As part of the deployment of the Unified Space System, the construction of facilities for the Western modernized command post has been completed.
The development of the airfield network, the Navy’s basing system and the infrastructure of the Arctic group continues.
The implementation of measures in the military districts and in the Northern Fleet made it possible to: ensure the placement of personnel and military equipment in the funds of residential and park areas of military camps; improve the material and technical base of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence; improve the quality of housing conditions and medical services for servicemen and their families.
“All the tasks set for the military construction complex in 2021 have been completed in full,” the Minister of Defence emphasized. “Thus, a systematic approach to the implementation of the planned activities made it possible to ensure the qualitative development of the Armed Forces.”
The event continued with presentations by Deputy Ministers of Defence of the Russian Federation Alexei Krivoruchko and Timur Ivanov.
Summing up, I would like to note that equipping the Armed Forces with the latest models of military equipment makes it possible to ensure the military security of our country and guaranteed protection of its national interests.
"The President of Russia set the task to bring the level of modernity of weapons, military and special equipment to 72.7% by the end of the year. For its implementation, it is necessary to continue the practice of concluding long-term contracts with advanced financing for all major types of weapons, including high-tech weapons," Head of the Military Department said .
The military construction complex is to put into operation 3,000 buildings and structures in key areas of development of the infrastructure of troops (forces) in accordance with the Action Plan of the Ministry of Defence until 2025, the State Armaments Program for 2018-2027 and the state defence order.

Moscow Mayor Reports To Putin On What Is Happening In Capital

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on Thursday.

Vladimir Putin is in constant contact with Sergei Sobyanin on various issues, but from time to time, like today, he is interested in how the mayor of the capital sees the overall situation in the metropolis.

A very important objective indicator: there is practically no unemployment in the city, the combination of "remote work" with the traditional form of labor organization gave such a positive result: the level of registered unemployment does not exceed half a percent! And this despite the fact that the population of Moscow is growing rapidly.

In terms of growth rates of key sectors of the economy, Moscow has surpassed the level of the pre-Covid 2019. For example, industrial production grew by 28 percent, and construction by 23 percent! Built 7.7 million square meters of housing, and 8.3 of non-residential property. Investors are filled with optimism: for every ruble invested by the city, there are 3-4 rubles of private investment. Fears that catering and trade will “collapse” due to COVID did not materialize.

The city occupies the highest places in international hospitality ratings, another confirmation of this is this: last year several restaurants received the so-called "Michelin stars", this is an international quality criterion, which means, literally, the following: "it certainly makes sense to come here, the cuisine and the service on the highest level."

The rapidly growing metropolis requires the development of transport infrastructure, as they say, "at a faster pace." Dozens of new metro stations are put into operation every year.

The President personally took part in the opening ceremonies of the stations several times. He is aware that there has never been such a pace of construction in history. Tunneling of the Big Circle Metro Line, 70 kilometers long, has already been completed.

Right now, when Moscow is almost at the highest point of development in its history, the draft application of the city to host Expo 2030 looks more appropriate than ever. Russia has been participating in the World Universal Exhibitions since the middle of the 19th century.

The approximate location of Expo 2030 has been determined, in case Moscow wins against competitors, exhibition pavilions will be built near Vnukovo. The subway and MCD will reach there in the near future, the high-speed Kiev highway and Vnukovo airport will be nearby. In fact, this could become another powerful cluster both in terms of new jobs and in terms of increasing the pace of the city's development.

Raisi Hands Over To Putin Draft Agreement On Strategic Cooperation For 20 Years

Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday that he would like to hear his position concerning the situation around the Iran nuclear deal.

"It is very important for me to know your position on the JCPoA [the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as the Iran nuclear deal]," the Russian president said.
Greeting his counterpart and mentioning the points of contact with Tehran, Putin said that as an observer, Iran is an active participant in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). He added that Iran’s relations with the Eurasian Economic Union are developing based on the interim agreement. "We are doing active work to establish a free trade zone between Iran and our assembly," the Russian president added.
The Russian president stated that their talks involve an extended agenda.
"I am very pleased to see you. And at the very beginning of our meeting I would like to ask you to convey my best wishes to the spiritual leader, Mr. Khamenei, upon your return to Tehran," Putin concluded. The two presidents are holding talks in the Grand Kremlin Palace’s St. Catherine Hall, where Putin usually receives foreign visitors. Nevertheless, the epidemiological situation has had an impact on the routine protocol. Putin and Raisi are seated at a large oval table in the middle of the hall, a few meters apart, with only two interpreters beside them.
The Iranian side has handed over to Moscow a draft agreement on strategic cooperation for a 20-year period, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said.
"We handed over to our Russian colleagues a document on strategic cooperation between our countries which can determine prospects for at least 20 years," he said. According to the Iranian president, "the current level of trade and economic relations [between Iran and Russia] is not satisfactory." "We can increase the level of our trade and economic cooperation by several times," he added.
Raisi also noted "the very good experience of cooperation between Iran and Russia in Siberia in combating terrorism." "This experience can create the prerequisites for its expansion and exploitation in other fields. In the present circumstances, it is possible to develop cooperation in the fields of economy, politics, culture, science, technology, defense, and military spheres, as well as security and space issues," the Iranian president pointed out.
"We would like our relations with Russia to be strengthened and comprehensive. These relations won’t be short-term or positional but long-term and strategic," the Iranian head of state noted. In addition, he thanked his Russian counterpart "for facilitating Tehran’s entry into the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization)".
On January 19, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi arrived in Moscow on his official visit. The meeting with Putin was the first since the Iranian politician took office. On January 20, Raisi is expected to speak at Russia’s State Duma and at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

First Units Of Russian Armed Forces Arrive In Belarus To Participate In Belarus To Participate In Union State’s Drills

The first units of the Russian Armed Forces involved in the inspection of the Union State’s response forces have arrived in Belarus, Russia’s Defense Ministry told journalists on Wednesday.

"The first units of the Russian Armed Forces involved in the inspection of the Union State’s response forces have arrived in the Republic of Belarus. The units of the Eastern Military District involved in the inspection of the Union State’s response forces, with regular equipment and weapons, undertook a combined march on their own and by rail to unfamiliar places where training tasks are performed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus," the ministry said.
According to the ministry, the inspection will take place in two stages. At the first stage, by February 9, the redeployment and establishment of groupings of troops on the territory of Belarus will be carried out as soon as possible. "During the second stage, the "Union Resolve 2022" joint exercise will be held from February 10 to 20, when issues of repelling external aggression, as well as countering terrorism and protecting the interests of the Union State will be worked out," the ministry stressed.
According to the defense ministry, during the exercises, activities will be taken to strengthen the state border protection to prevent penetration by militants, to block supply channels for weapons and ammunition, as well as to search for and eliminate illegal armed formations and the enemy’s sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

Lavrov Says Russia Hopes France, Germany Will Pressure Zelensky To Make Good On Promises

Our approaches are absolutely substantiated. They are clear and open," he said after talks with German Foreign Minister Analena Baerbock. "We are hoping that, repeated multiple times, these approaches have been heard in Berlin and Paris, because there’s no hope they heard them in Kiev."

"There’s only hope that Berlin and Paris will lean on Mr. Zelensky to make good on what he promised multiple times."
Lavrov stressed Russia would be ready to help to create conditions for implementing the Minsk accords.
He also said Ukraine did nothing to carry out the decisions of the Normandy Format talks among Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France that took place in in Paris in 2019.
"The Normandy Four had a summit in Paris in 2019, we have recalled that today, where difficult talks ended with the formulation and approval by all the participants of the summit of specific steps that the government in Kiev, first of all, has to make," Lavrov said. "Nothing has been done along those lines so far."
Therefore, Russia needs to understand before any further talks what the sides would bring to the table if the talks were to resume in some format, he said. Foreign policy advisors in the Normandy Format countries are now making efforts to that effect, he said.
Zelensky’s office said last week that Kiev was ready for decisions that would be regarded as necessary at the next Normandy Format talks. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in comments about that statement that implementing the existing decisions should be a priority.
Previous Trump's administration previously appointed a special representative for Ukrainian settlement, Lavrov said. The representative worked independently of the Normandy Format and the Contact Group, the minister said.
"He had peculiar views on who has to do what, and these views, honestly, contradicted the content of the Minsk package of measures," Lavrov said. "We have reasons to believe that the current administration views the situation around the Ukrainian settlement in a more realistic way."
"In particular, it acknowledges that the problem of the special status of Donbass needs to be resolved first," the minister said.
As soon as there’s clarity about the powers that should be granted to the governments in Donetsk and Lugansk in accordance with the Minsk accords, Lavrov said, it will be easier to make progress with the other issues. He said Kiev is trying to sidestep the political aspects of the Minsk agreements and focus instead on issues of secondary importance.
Lavrov said Russia will welcome US efforts to help the settlement in Ukraine, as the US has enormous influence over the government in Kiev.

Russia, Belarus To Hold Union Resolve 2022 Drills

Two battalions of air defense systems S-400 and twelve Sukhoi-35 fighter jets will be sent to Belarus from Russia for participation in Union Resolve 2022 exercise to be held next month for testing the readiness of the Union State’s collective reaction force, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said on Tuesday.

"Within the framework of testing the functioning of the single air defense system of the Union State twelve Sukhoi-35 planes and two battalions of the air defense system S-400, as well as a missile and artillery battalion Pantsir-S will be redeployed to Belarus," Fomin said.

He stressed that the hardware redeployment would take place during the first of the two phases of the readiness checks of the Union State’s collective force. The first phase will last till February 9. Military groups will be redeployed to protect the most endangered routes and key government and military facilities, as well as the Union State’s air border.

Fomin said that "the readiness and ability will be checked of the air defense forces on duty, including the joint command combat air defense center, to provide protection for key facilities in the territory of Belarus.

Alongside this, he said, during this phase the military units delegated by Russia’s Eastern Military Region and Belarusian forces involved will be conducting firing practice and other drills. Tactical exercises will be held at different proving grounds to practice defensive operations and struggle against illegal armed groups, Fomin said.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...