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Putin's Tough Phone Talks With Macron On Ukraine 03 03 22

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron on Thursday.

The presidents continued their frank exchange of views on the situation regarding Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin commented in detail on President Macron’s Address to the Nation on the Ukraine War, which he delivered yesterday, disputing many of the points. Thus, Emmanuel Macron described Russia’s statements about fighting Nazism in Ukraine as “lies.” In this connection, the President of Russia provided a well-corroborated explanation regarding the neo-Nazis’ substantial role in the state policy of Kiev. He pointed out that during the special operation to defend Donbass, Russia intends to continue its uncompromising struggle against the militants of the nationalist armed units, who are committing military crimes, including by deploying military equipment in residential areas and using civilians as human shields.
The President of Russia noted that Emmanuel Macron had not mentioned in his address that the Ukrainian leadership had sabotaged the Minsk agreements for the past seven years, or that the Western countries, including France, had done absolutely nothing to make Kiev implement them.
Moreover, they had closed their eyes to years of genocide against peaceful civilians in Donbass, which led to numerous casualties and forced hundreds of thousands of people to seek asylum in Russia. Vladimir Putin put forth the details of Russia’s principled approach and terms in the context of talks with the representatives of Kiev. He reaffirmed that Russia’s priority goals were demilitarisation and a neutral status for Ukraine, so that it would never pose a threat to the Russian Federation.
It was emphasised that the goals of the special military operation would be attained in any case, and that any attempts to play for time by drawing out talks would only result in additional demands to Kiev being included in Russia’s negotiating stance.
Another point the President of Russia emphasised was that the Russian Armed Forces involved in the special operation, which is proceeding according to plan, are doing their utmost to save civilian lives. They are using precision weapons to destroy exclusively military infrastructure. The allegations about missile and bomb attacks on Kiev and other Ukrainian cities are untrue and are elements of the anti-Russia disinformation campaign.
Vladimir Putin reaffirmed Russia’s readiness for cooperation with its foreign partners to address acute humanitarian problems. He urged the President of France to join the efforts to ensure the safe evacuation of foreign nationals from Ukraine. He mentioned, for example, the large group of Indian students in Kharkov, whom the Ukrainian security services have taken hostage. Emmanuel Macron promised to take the issue up with the Kiev leadership.
It was agreed to continue contacts at various levels on the issues raised during the conversation.

Russian MOD Warns Foreign Mercenaries Against Participating In Ukraine's Hostilities

At Thursday's briefing, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov emphasized that all mercenaries sent by the West to help the Kiev nationalist regime are not combatants under international humanitarian law and they are not entitled to prisoner of war status.

Please note that against the background of the encirclement and destruction of the main groups of Ukrainian nationalists by the Russian Armed Forces, Western countries have increased the dispatch of contract soldiers from private military companies to the areas of hostilities.
Foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine are committing sabotage and raids on Russian convoys of equipment and supplies, as well as aircraft covering them.
It is they who, evade getting into the frame of the phones of supposedly “local residents” in the propaganda videos distributed on social networks by the Ukrainian special services.
All attacks by foreign mercenaries are carried out using weapons supplied by the West to the Kiev regime. We are talking about anti-tank systems Javelin (USA), NLOW (Great Britain) and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems Stinger, the use of which requires serious training.
The US military intelligence has launched a large-scale campaign to recruit PMC contractors to be sent to Ukraine. First of all, employees of the American PMCs Academi, Cubic and DynCorp are recruited. Great Britain, Denmark, Latvia, Poland and Croatia legally allowed their citizens to participate in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. The command of the French foreign legion plans to send military personnel - ethnic Ukrainians to help the Kiev regime.
According to Zelensky, about 16,000 foreign mercenaries are expected to arrive in Ukraine in addition to the existing ones in order to compensate for the crushing military failures of the Ukrainian armed forces. For them, a visa-free regime is officially introduced.
Last week alone, about 200 mercenaries from Croatia arrived through Poland and joined one of the nationalist battalions in southeastern Ukraine.
Today, the Defence Attache at the Croatian Embassy in Moscow was summoned to the Russian Defenсe Ministry.
The military attache was pointed out to the illegal activities of Croatian citizen Denis Sheler, who participated in the hostilities in the south-east of Ukraine in 2015, forming detachments of Croatian mercenaries to be sent to Ukraine.
We noticed that we are aware of the arrival in Ukraine of about 200 Croatian mercenaries. I want to emphasize that all mercenaries sent by the West to help the Kiev nationalist regime are not combatants under international humanitarian law.
They are not entitled to prisoner of war status.
The best thing that awaits foreign mercenaries upon arrest is criminal prosecution. We urge citizens of foreign countries planning to go to fight for the Kiуv nationalist regime to think twice before the trip.

Russian Defense Ministry's Report On Situation In Ukraine 03 03 22

In total, 1,612 military facilities were hit during the operation, among them: 62 command posts and communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 39 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 52 radar stations, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on Thursday.

Also, 49 aircraft on the ground and 13 aircraft in the air, 606 tanks and other armored vehicles, 67 MLRSs, 227 field artillery mounts and mortars, 405 units of special military vehicles, as well as 53 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with the Russian Armed Forces fire support, continued offensive operation and reached the Krasny Lyman - Privolye - the northern outskirts of Severodonetsk.
The advance was 4 kilometers.

The units of the armed forces of Donetsk People's Republic narrowed the encirclement of Mariupol, and also took control of Vinogradnoye, Sartaka and Vodyanoye.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, continuing successful offensive operation, seized control of Chistopolye, Novopoltavka, Zhovtneve and formed up the front line with units of Donetsk People's Republic.
Balakleya city was liberated from the nationalist battalions.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are taking measures to ensure the safety of the civilian population of Ukraine.

In Borodyanka, where units of Ukrainian nationalists are located along with equipment in residential areas, civilians can safely leave the settlement through a specially organized corridor in Berestyanka direction.
Russian servicemen do not obstruct for the civilian population leave.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to strike at the objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

As a result of a long-range high-precision strike, a reserve technological radio-television centre in Lysaya Gora area in Kiev, which was used by the Ukrainian security service for psychological operations against Russia, was disabled. 

There were no casualties or destruction of residential building.

Russian MOD Reports On Today's Situation In Ukraine

In total, 1,533 objects were hit during the operation, among them: 54 control points and communication centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 39 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 52 radar stations, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on Wednesday.

In addition, 47 aircraft on the ground and 13 aircraft in the air, 484 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 63 multiple rocket launchers, 217 field artillery and mortars, 336 units of special military vehicles, 47 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

Among the nationalists and servicemen of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, the losses are: more than 2,870 killed and about 3,700 wounded. Only according to confirmed data, the number of captured servicemen of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine is 572 people.

Unfortunately, there are casualties among our comrades participating in a special military operation.
498 Russian servicemen were killed in the performance of military duty. All possible assistance is provided to the families of the victims.

1,597 of our comrades were injured.

I want to emphasize once again that neither conscripts nor cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of Russia participate in a special operation.

The information spread by many Western and individual Russian media about the allegedly incalculable losses of the Russian grouping is purposeful disinformation.

Russian soldiers and officers show courage, bravery and heroism during a special military operation.

Putin's Order 'IT Companies In Russia To Be Exempt From Income Tax For Three Years'

President Vladimir Putin signed the Executive Order On Measures to Ensure the Accelerated Development of the IT Industry in the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure faster development of the IT industry, the President instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to allocate funds from the federal budget in annual aid to support promising IT solutions.
The Government was also instructed to allocate funds to accredited organisations involved in the IT industry to improve the living conditions of their workers and raise their salaries; and to ensure that these organisations can be provided with concessional loans at an interest rate under 3 percent for maintaining operations and implementing new projects.
The Government is also to take measures to establish a profit tax rate of 0 percent for accredited organisations until December 31, 2024, and to simplify the hiring of foreign nationals by these organisations and obtaining residence permits for such foreign nationals.
Additionally, the accredited organisations will be eligible for tax concessions and incentives. They will be exempt from tax control, foreign exchange control and other forms of state and municipal control for up to three years. The Executive Order also provides for consolidating and stimulating procurement of critical domestic IT solutions and technologies for state and municipal purposes and specific legal entities, as well as simplifying such procurement.
According to the Executive Order, Russian citizens employed by the accredited organisations will be exempt from compulsory military service until the age of 27, as long as they continue to work for the said organisations.
The Government was instructed to make respective legislative amendments as necessary.

Putin's Executive Order On Additional Temporary Economic Measures To Ensure Russia’s Stability

President Vladimir Putin resolved to take additional temporary economic measures to ensure the financial stability of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the hostile actions undertaken by the United States of America, joined by other foreign states and international organisations, which imposed restrictive measures on citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian legal entities in contravention of international law, to ensure the national interests of the Russian Federation and maintain its financial stability, in keeping with Federal Law No. 281-FZ On Special Economic Measures and Coercive Measures, dated December 30, 2006; Federal Law No. 390-FZ On Security, dated December 28, 2010; and Federal Law No. 127-FZ On Measures Impacting (Counteracting) the Hostile Actions of the United States of America and Other Foreign States, dated June 4, 2018 the President has resolved to take additional temporary economic measures to ensure the financial stability of the Russian Federation.
In particular, a special procedure for transactions is to come into force on March 2 for foreign nationals who are connected to the states that are undertaking hostile actions towards the Russian Federation and its citizens. The new measures concern transactions to issue ruble credits and loans to these foreign nationals, as well as transactions that result in the transfer of ownership of securities and real estate.
It is further noted that such transactions can be implemented on the basis of permits issued by the government commission on monitoring foreign investment in the Russian Federation.
Furthermore, transactions to purchase securities can be conducted by these individuals during on-exchange trading on the basis of permits issued by the Central Bank by agreement with the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation that stipulate certain conditions.
In addition, this Executive Order also concerns transactions by nationals of any other foreign state that concern shares or real estate purchased after February 22, 2022 from the nationals of states that are undertaking hostile actions against Russia.
The document also adjusts certain measures stipulated in the Presidential Executive Order No. 79 On Imposing Special Economic Measures in Connection with the Hostile Actions of the United States in League with Other Foreign States and International Organisations, dated February 28, 2022.
In addition, the document introduces a ban on the movement of foreign currency in cash exceeding the equivalent of $10,000 out of the Russian Federation.

Putin - Maduro Phone Talks

Russian Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro at the Venezuelan side’s initiative on Tuesday.

Vladimir Putin shared his assessments of the developments around Ukraine and stressed that the goal of the special military operation was to protect civilians in Donbass, to ensure Kiev’s recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics as well as Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea, to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, and to secure its neutral and nuclear-free status.

Nicolas Maduro expressed his strong support for Russia’s decisive actions, condemned the destabilising activity of the United States and NATO, and emphasised the importance of countering the campaign of lies and disinformation launched by Western countries.

The presidents also discussed topical issues of further promoting Russian-Venezuelan strategic partnership and the implementation of joint projects.

Russian Defense Ministry Reports On Current Events In Ukraine

The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, continuing successful offensive operations, and took control over Starobelsk and Svatovo settlements. Since the beginning of the special military operation, the depth of advance has been 75 kilometers, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on Wednesday.

The grouping of troops of Donetsk People's Republic, having expanded the offensive zone, took control over Kalinovka, Lebedinskoe, Pionerskoe, Karla Marx, Nikolaevka And Osipenko settlements.  Progress since the beginning of the operation amounted to 58 kilometers.

The units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established control over Tokmak And Vasylievka settlements, where Ukrainian servicemen refused to resist and voluntarily laid down their arms. After they sign receipts refusing to participate in hostilities, the Ukrainian servicemen will return to their families.

The Russian Armed Forces took Kherson regional centre under full control.

Civil infrastructure, life support facilities for the population and urban transport operate on a daily basis.

The city does not experience shortages in food and essential goods. Negotiations are ongoing between the Russian command, the administration of the city and the region to address issues of maintaining the functioning of social infrastructure facilities, ensuring law and order and the safety of the population.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continued to strike at the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

In order to suppress information attacks against Russia, the technological facilities of the Security Service of Ukraine and the 72nd Main Centre for Psychological Operations were hit with high-precision weapons in Kiev city. The hardware broadcasting of the TV tower was disabled. As a result of the strike, the destruction of residential buildings was not allowed.

The forces of the operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces delivered a massive air strike on the military infrastructure of Ukraine. 67 objects were hit.

In total, since the beginning of the operation, the Armed Forces of the   Russian Federation have hit 1,502 objects of the military  infrastructure of Ukraine.

Among them: 51 command posts and communication centres of the Armed  Forces of Ukraine, 38 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile  systems, 51 radar stations.

47 aircraft on the ground and 11 aircraft in the air, 472 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 62 multiple rocket launch systems, 206 field artillery pieces and mortars, 336 units of special military vehicles, 46 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

Putin - Mohammed bin Zayed Phone Talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The conversation focused on topical issues of Russia-UAE cooperation. The leaders praised the level of interaction they had reached, including in the political, trade and economic and other spheres. They noted the importance of constructive joint work at international organisations, above all the United Nations, and reaffirmed their mutual commitment to further all-round development of bilateral relations of strategic partnership.

The implementation of OPEC Plus agreements was discussed. The parties stressed their intention to continue coordinated effort in the interests of maintaining global energy market stability.

The developments in Ukraine were reviewed. Vladimir Putin gave an exhaustive explanation of the reasons for the special military operation to protect Donbass as well as its goals and tasks. In his turn Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan stated that Russia has the right to ensure its national security.

Sergey Lavrov's UNHRC Virtual Address

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks at the High-Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council’s 49th session, via videoconference on Tuesday.

The situation around the world is becoming increasingly complex. It is deteriorating right in front of our eyes. This is because the United States and its allies persist with their aggressive efforts to impose the so-called “rules-based order” on other members of the international community. How has this “order” affected human rights? Ukraine is a telling example in this regard.
It is the policy of the Washington-led “collective West” which is to blame for the fact that the Kiev regime has been at war with its own people since 2014. It has been at war with everyone who does not agree with the neo-Nazi “Maidan values,” with the criminal policy of the Ukrainian authorities, which have been systematically violating human rights and the rights of ethnic minorities, as well as the commitments Kiev has within the UN and the OSCE, and even the Constitution of their own country.
Lies about the Second World War are being shamelessly inculcated. Hitler's local henchmen are proclaimed heroes, and actual anti-fascist heroes are forgotten. Monuments to those who defeated Nazism are being demolished. War criminals who fought in the ranks of the Third Reich are being glorified. The most recent step came in the form of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine sending a draft law about Ukraine's withdrawal from the CIS Agreement on Perpetuating the Memory of the Courage and Heroism of the Peoples in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War to the Verkhovna Rada on February 23. And so it was utterly blasphemous for Vladimir Zelensky to declare, on the very same day, that he honours the memory of his grandfather who fought in the Red Army to liberate the Soviet Union and Europe from Nazism.
The former authorities headed by President Poroshenko, with the support of Washington, effected a church schism and created what is now known as the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Laws have been adopted against the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Its churches are being seized, and millions of its parishioners and clergy are being persecuted. What is this other than a violation of religious freedom?
The West began to turn a blind eye to what was happening back in February 2014, when the radicals carried out an unconstitutional coup and tore up the agreement, backed by EU guarantees, with the then President of Ukraine. The putschists who came to power declared their intention of seeking alliance with the West and immediately launched an offensive against the Russian language, resolved to expel everything that is Russian from Crimea, and sent gunmen there. The eastern regions of Ukraine that opposed the coup were accused of terrorism, although they had not attacked anyone. On the contrary, punitive battalions were used against them; their cities were bombed from the air and fired at from artillery and multiple launch rocket systems. They destroyed civilian sites, schools, and hospitals. They killed civilians. An inhuman economic, transport and food blockade was imposed on Donbass. The Kiev regime got away with all of that. International organisations, at best, were limited to impotently calling on “both sides.”
The United States and its allies, which are directly responsible for numerous violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and are guilty of crimes that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, once again apply double standards. The current Kiev regime is a vivid example of the fact that when you are a loyal vassal of the hegemon and participate with particular zeal in serving his policy of containing Russia, you can do anything you like. You can trample upon human rights and freedoms, kill people, and cultivate neo-Nazi traditions and practices. In exchange for your absolute fealty and obedience, the “civilised” West will turn a blind eye to everything. Moreover, the other day, the European Union, in a fit of Russophobic frenzy, decided to supply lethal weapons to Kiev. For us, the life of every Russian and Ukrainian, every resident of Donetsk and Lugansk, is as valuable as the life of a European or an American.
"The West’s arrogant philosophy based on a sense of its own superiority, exceptionalism, and licence must come to an end," Lavrov stressed.

Lavrov 'It's High Time That US Nuclear Weapons Were Returned Home'

It is high time that US nuclear weapons were returned home and the related infrastructure in Europe, totally dismantled, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video address to the Disarmament Conference.

"We find it unacceptable that US nuclear weapons remain on the territory of a number of European countries in circumvention of fundamental provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The faulty practice of joint nuclear missions involving non-nuclear NATO countries still persists. Scenarios for using nuclear weapons against Russia are simulated within their framework," he added.

Lavrov Says Russia To Seek Legally Binding Security Guarantees From NATO

Russia believes that obtaining legally binding security guarantees from NATO members is of paramount importance, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video address to the Disarmament Conference.

"[Our] Western "colleagues" have not yet shown any willingness to provide Russia with long-term legally binding security guarantees. For us, achieving these objectives is of fundamental importance," Lavrov emphasized.

The minister stressed that the issue here is refusing NATO’s expansion any further, and abandoning the "Bucharest formula" (2008 Bucharest Summit) that sees Ukraine and Georgia becoming members of the US-led military bloc. "Western countries should refrain from establishing military facilities on the territory of former USSR states that are not members of the alliance, including the use of their infrastructure for conducting any military activity. It is necessary to return NATO’s military capabilities, including strike [capabilities], and NATO infrastructure to the state of 1997, when the NATO-Russia Founding Act was adopted," Lavrov concluded.

Russian MOD 'Exit Of Armed Forces Of Ukraine To Sea Of Azov Is Completely Blocked'

The exit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Sea of Azov is completely blocked, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on Tuesday.

On March 1, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a strike with long-range air and sea-based high-precision weapons. Two airfields and three air defence radar posts were hit.  The strikes excluded the defeat of civilian infrastructure and residential buildings.

In total, since the beginning of the operation, the Armed Forces of the  Russian Federation have hit 1,325 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

Of these: 43 command posts and a communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
395 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 59 multiple rocket launch systems, 179 field artillery and mortars, 286 units of special military  vehicles were destroyed.

The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, advanced from the beginning of the operation to a depth of up to 61 kilometers and blocked Svatovo village.  Novoborovoe, Barykino, Klimovka, Bulgakovka, Golubovka settlements were taken under control.

The troops of Donetsk People's Republic conducted successful offensive operations, taking control of Ivanovka, Talakovka, Starodubovka, Berestovoe and Belotserkovka settlements. The depth of the group's advance over the past day was 19 kilometers.

Advance detachments of the People's Militia of the DPR reached the administrative border of the Donetsk region and joined the military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which took control of the regions of Ukraine along the coast of the Sea of Azov.

The exit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Sea of Azov is completely blocked.

Lavrov 'Zelensky's Team Must Prove Ability To Negotiate So As Not To Repeat Story Of Minsk-2'

Moscow hopes that the Ukrainian side will finally see the necessity of an independent approach and the ability to negotiate at the talks between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday in a video address to the United Nations Human Rights Council session.

"As you know, talks between Russia representatives and Kiev’s delegation have begun at [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s request. I hope the Ukrainian side will see the seriousness of the situation and its responsibility, will understand that it should demonstrate an independent approach and its ability to negotiate in order to avoid the recurrence of the situation with the Minsk agreements," he said.
The Russian-Ukrainian talks were held on Monday. The talks lasted for five hours. The Russian delegation was led by presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky, who said earlier that the Russian delegation was ready to speak with the Ukrainian side as long as it may take to reach agreements. He also said that the delegations had preliminarily agreed to hold the next round of talks in Belarus.

Shoigu 'Russia’s Main Task In Ukraine Is To Protect Itself From West'

The main task of the special operation in Ukraine is to protect Russia from the Western military threat, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Tuesday.

"The main task is to protect Russia from the military threat, being created by the Western countries, which try to use the Ukrainian people against our country," Shoigu said in a distance conference on Tuesday.

He stressed that the Russian forces were not occupying the Ukrainian territory and that every measure was being taken to save the lives and maintain the security of local civilians.

"Let me stress that all strikes are targeted against military facilities and exclusively smart weapons are being used," he added.

How Did Russian-Ukrainian Talks In Belarusian Gomel End?

Russian Defense Ministry Sums Up Current Situation In Ukraine

In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 1,146 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov summed up Monday.

Among them: 31 command posts and communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 81 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 75 radar stations.
Operational tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 6 columns of armored vehicles of the Ukrainian armed forces.
311 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 42 aircraft (on the ground), 51 multiple rocket launchers, 147 field artillery mounts and mortars, 263 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
Over the past 24 hours, another 110 Ukrainian servicemen have voluntarily laid down their arms. The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic during the day continued to conduct offensive operations in the direction of Kremennoe settlement, moving forward another 3 kilometers.
The units of the armed forces of Donetsk People's Republic advanced 16 kilometers in a day and captured Zamozhnoe settlement.

Putin Tells Macron Ukraine Settlement Is Possible Only With Respect For Russia Interests

In a phone call with French President Emmanuel Macron, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the settlement of the situation around Ukraine is possible only if Moscow’s interests are taken into account unconditionally, the Kremlin press service reported.

"Vladimir Putin stressed that this settlement is possible only with unconditional respect for the legitimate interests of Russia on the security track, including the recognition of the Russian sovereignty over Crimea, the settlement of the tasks of demilitarization and denazification of the Ukrainian state and ensuring its neutral status," the Kremlin said.
"The Russian side is open to talks with Ukrainian representatives and expects that they will lead to the sought result," it stressed.
The presidents thoroughly exchanged views on all aspects of the developments in Ukraine. "The French side voiced known views concerning Russia’s special operation to defend Donbass and expressed hope for the soonest settlement of the ongoing conflict via dialogue with Kiev," the press service said.
"The Russian president drew special attention to the fact that the Russian armed forces do not endanger civilians and carry out no strikes against civilian facilities," the Kremlin’s press service said after the phone call.
Putin said that "the threat comes from the Ukrainian nationalists, who use civilian population as a human shield, intentionally deploy attack weapon systems in residential areas and step up the bombardments of Donbass cities."
The Russian and French leaders agreed to continue contacts. The conversation was long and had been initiated by the French side.

Russian Armed Forces Will Put An End To Endless Threats From Kiev Regime Against Russia

Russia was supposed to put an end to the 8-year war in the Donbass, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov stressed on Monday.

"Russia did not start hostilities. Russia is completing them.
Military actions by the regime in Kiev and the systematic destruction of the inhabitants of Donbass lasted 8 years.
During this war, more than 14 thousand people died, hundreds of children.
It was necessary to put an end to this. It was necessary to put an end to the endless threats from the Kiev regime against Russia. And Russia will do it," he noted.
The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is conducting successful offensive operations, advancing 23 kilometers.
Control was taken over Novaya Astrakhan And Borovenki settlements.
The units of the Armed Forces of Donetsk People's Republic, continuing the offensive, and blocked Mariupol.
All settlements that have come under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to live as usual. The life support facilities of the population are functioning, transport is working. Most city administrations, in agreement with the command of the Russian troops, carry out joint enforcement of law and order and the maintenance of peaceful life.
I would like to emphasize that only officers and servicemen who serve under contract in the positions of privates and sergeants take part in special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces.

Talks Between Russia And Ukraine Begin In Belarus

All attention is focused on the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. They have been walking for about two hours near the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

From the Russian side, the delegation is led by presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky.

Also present at the talks are deputy heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense - Andrey Rudenko and Alexander Fomin, head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky and Ambassador of our country to Belarus Boris Gryzlov.

Among the representatives of Ukraine: Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, head of the faction of the ruling Servant of the People party David Arakhamia and adviser to the head of Zelensky's office Mykhailo Podolyak.
The meeting was supposed to take place the day before, but the Ukrainian delegation took a long time to get there.

Such a hitch is regrettable, said the press secretary of the head of the Russian state. There is no information about the course of the meeting yet, negotiations should go in silence, Dmitry Peskov added.

Putin Discuss 'Empire of Lies' Sanctions Against Russia At Cabinet Meeting

Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with the Cabinet on Monday, devoted to anti-Russian sanctions, once again called the Western community the "Empire of Lies."

"Mikhail Mishustin and I previously discussed this topic, keeping in mind, of course, the sanctions that the so-called Western community – as I called it in my speech, the “empire of lies” – is now trying to implement against our country," he said.

Putin Inspects Progress Of Construction Of National Space Centre In Moscow

On Manday, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Centre, which is currently undergoing massive reorganisation, involving, in particular, the construction of the National Space Centre complex.

The reorganisation project is being carried out by the Moscow City Government and the State Corporation Roscosmos at the instruction of the President. As a result, a unique research and production, engineering and educational cluster for the space and related industries will be created in the Filevskaya water meadow that will employ over 50,000 highly qualified engineers, scientists, researchers and specialists.

The National Space Centre will be the centrepiece of the renovated area. Its construction will make it possible to pool together several key space industry organisations in one location – the central office and situation centre of the State Corporation Roscosmos, sectoral institutes, and other enterprises, which are currently scattered around Moscow. The National Space Centre will also incorporate a modern educational complex, youth design bureaus, a business support centre, exhibition pavilions and a centre for diversifying production.

In addition to the construction of the National Space Centre, the project envisages the preservation of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Centre’s manufacturing complex as well as a new research and production cluster of the Technopolis Moscow special economic zone. A part of the territory will be set aside for the construction of social facilities and residential buildings for the relocation of city residents as part of the housing renovation programme.

At present, 800 people are engaged in works at the facility. The construction is to be completed in 2023.

Defense Ministry Reports Russian Aviation Gains Air Superiority Over Entire Ukraine

Russian aviation has taken air supremacy over the entire territory of Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov stressed on Monday.

Over the past day, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 8 Buk M-1 combat vehicles, S-300 and Buk M-1 air defence systems, 3 radio positions with P-14 stations, 4 assault aircraft on the ground and one assault aircraft shot down in the air.

In total, since the beginning of the operation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have hit 1,114 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine. Of these: 31 command posts and a communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

314 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 57 multiple rocket launch systems, 121 field artillery and mortars, 274 units of special military vehicles were destroyed. 

The groupping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support of the Russian Armed Forces, carried out successful offensive operations and established control over Khvorostyanka, Sukhanovka, and Artem settlements.

The units of the Armed Forces of Donetsk People's Republic, continuing the offensive, advanced another 19 kilometers. The Novyi Aidar was taken under control and Volnovaha was completely blocked.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have taken control of Berdyansk and Energodar cities. Russian servicemen fully guard and control the area around Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. NPP personnel continue to work on maintenance of facilities and control of the radioactive situation in the normal mode. The radioactive background is normal.

The leadership of Ukraine and the authorities of the city, having announced a curfew, persuade the residents of the capital to stay in their homes. This once again proves that the Kyiv regime uses the inhabitants of the city as a human shield for the nationalists who have deployed artillery units and military equipment in residential areas of the capital.

It is also announced that groups of “Russian saboteurs” are allegedly operating in the capital, and the city itself is blocked.

The real situation is as follows. 

Armed gangs of looters, robbers and nationalists are rampaging in Kiev, who received weapons as a result of the criminal decision of the authorities to distribute them uncontrollably to the population.

We appeal to the people of Kiev.

All civilians in the city can freely leave the capital of Ukraine along the Kyiv-Vasilkov highway.  This route is open and safe.

Once again, I want to emphasize that the armed forces of the Russian Federation strike only at military targets. Nothing threatens the civilian population.

Russian MoD Promises To Find All Ukrainian Nationalists

All nationalists involved in the abuse of Russian military personnel in violation of the convention on the treatment of prisoners of war will be found and will inevitably bear severe responsibility, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov stressed on Sunday.

"But we know how the Ukrainian Nazis treat the few captured Russian servicemen. And we see that the tortures are the same as those of the German Nazis and their henchmen-policemen in the Great Patriotic War.
I want to emphasize.
All faces, voices, phone numbers, their coordinates, IP addresses, as well as the correspondence of all Ukrainian Nazis involved in the abuse of our comrades are recorded and identified. This also applies to the leaders of the Kiev regime and their executors, who directly call for bullying of Russian military personnel in violation of the convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. All of you will be found and will inevitably bear severe responsibility," he added.
The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, successfully advanced another 4 kilometers deep into the enemy's defenсe. The units of Donetsk People's Republic, having overcome the resistance of the nationalist units, advanced another 6 kilometers. Nizhne, Granitnoye and Gnutovo settlements were liberated.
In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 1,067 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
Among them: 27 command posts and communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 38 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 56 radar stations.
Today, 7 anti-aircraft missile systems were destroyed, including one S-300 near Kramatorsk city. 3 attack unmanned aerial vehicles Bayraktar TB-2 were shot down in Chernihiv suburbs.
254 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 31 aircraft (on the ground), 46 multiple rocket launchers, 103 field artillery mounts and mortars, 164 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
Russian military personnel show courage and heroism in the course of carrying out combat missions of a special military operation.
There are dead and wounded of our comrades.
But our losses are many times less than the eliminated nationalists. And losses among the military personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces.
As for the Ukrainian prisoners of war, we will continue to treat with dignity all servicemen of the Ukrainian armed forces who laid down their arms.
We understand that they took an oath to the people of Ukraine. All who laid down their arms and ceased resistance will be returned to their families.

Putin Puts Russia's Strategic Forces On High Alert

In response to aggressive statements in the West Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders to introduce what he described as a "in a special mode of combat duty" in the Russian army’s deterrence (Strategic) forces.

"Top officials in NATO’s leading countries have been making aggressive statements against our country. For this reason, I give orders to the defense minister and chief of the General Staff to introduce a special combat service regime in the Russian army’s deference forces," Putin said at a meeting with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov in the Kremlin on Sunday.

Putin stressed that the Western countries were also taking unfriendly actions against Russia in the economic sphere.

"I am referring to the illegitimate sanctions, which are very well-known to everybody," he added.

The meeting took place against a backdrop of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, which Moscow began in response to a request for assistance from the leaders of the Donbass republics.

Defense Ministry Reports On Latest Events Of Russian Special Operation In Ukraine

The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, desperate to hold back the offensive of the group of troops of the Russian Armed Forces, began the massive use of ammunition filled with phosphorus in Kiev suburbs near the Gostomel airfield, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on Sunday.

The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People's Republic, with fire support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, has advanced up to 56 kilometers and is rapidly developing the offensive, The units of the armed forces of the Donetsk People's Republic advanced another 3 kilometers in the direction of Petrovskoe and completes the defeat of the reserves of the Vostok operational-tactical group. Control was taken over Anadol and Andreevka settlements.
In Severodonetsk, Luhansk region, nationalists, acting as barrage detachments, under the threat of execution of commanders, are trying to stop the retreating units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and force them to continue resistance. Nationalist detachments killed 4 officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Refugees arrive from the territories of the Luhansk People's Republic occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently, more than 300 families have arrived in Lugansk, who are receiving all the necessary assistance.
In Mariupol, assault detachments of the Right Sector that arrived from Lviv region are terrorizing civilians. Nationalists place armored vehicles and artillery in residential areas, using the local population as a human shield.
They use 122 mm shells for D-30 howitzers and rockets for BM-21 Grad systems, still of Soviet production.
The use of these munitions is prohibited by the third protocol of the 1980 UN Inhumane Weapons Convention.

Putin Praises Russian Special Operation Forces For Protecting Country And Its Citizens

The Russian special operation forces always honorably fulfill their military duty, protecting the country and its citizens and ensuring the national interests, President Vladimir Putin said while congratulating the servicemen and veterans on the Special Operations Force Day, which is celebrated on February 27.

"You have repeatedly demonstrated the readiness to act efficiently, clearly and competently in any difficult conditions, to handle the most challenging and responsible tasks, always honorably fulfill your military duty to protect your country and its citizens, to ensure Russia’s national interests," the head of state noted.

[I’d like to express] special gratitude to those who are heroically fulfilling their military duty during a special operation to provide an assistance to the people of Donbass," the Russian leader said

Russian Armed Forces’ High-Precision Weapons Attack Ukrainian Military Infrastructure

Russia’s armed forces attacked Ukrainian military infrastructure with high-precision weapons, using air-and sea-based cruise missiles, on Saturday, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Sunday, adding that no attacks on cities were conducted.

Over the past 24 hours, the grouping of troops of Luhansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Russian Armed Forces, carried out successful offensive operations and took  control over Novoakhtyrka, Smolyaninovo, Stanichno-Luhanskoe settlements. The depth of advance deep into the defence since the beginning of the offensive operation is 52 kilometers.

The grouping of troops of Donetsk People's Republic continued the offensive in the direction of Petrovskoe, advancing another 12 kilometers. Pavlopol and Pischevik were taken under control.

Over the past day, Kherson and Berdyansk cities were blocked by the Russian Armed Forces. Genichevsk city and Chernobaevka airfield near Kherson were also taken under control.

During the conduct of the special military operation, the process of mass refusal of Ukrainian military personnel to continue hostilities continues.

Yesterday, in the Kharkiv region, the 302nd anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, equipped with Buk M-1 air defence systems, voluntarily laid down their  arms and surrendered. 471 Ukrainian servicemen were detained. All Ukrainian servicemen are treated with respect and assistance. After filling in the documents, they will be sent to their families.

On February 26, from 4:00 pm to 4:20 pm, Ukrainian nationalists from the Azov Battalion attacked residential areas of Sartana settlement in Mariupol suburbs and at school No. 8 in Mariupol city with MLRS Grad. As a result, there is destruction of residential buildings and there are casualties among the civilian population. Russian Defence Ministry warned that Ukrainian nationalists were preparing such provocations.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not strike cities and towns, they take all measures to save the lives of civilians.

On February 26, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched another strike with long-range precision weapons using air- and sea-based cruise missiles against Ukraine's military infrastructure.
In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 975 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

Among them: 23 command posts and communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 3 radar posts, 31 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 48 radar stations.

Downed: 8 combat aircraft, 7 helicopters, 11 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2 Tochka-U tactical missiles.

223 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 28 aircraft (on the ground), 39 multiple rocket launchers, 86 field artillery mounts and mortars, 143 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.

Ramzan Kadyrov Wants Peace In Ukraine

Chechens, Russians and other peoples love Ukrainians and want peace, Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov said on Saturday.

"Dear Ukrainians, we love you and don't want war," he said.
Speaking about the military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, the leader of Chechnya asked the people of Ukraine to treat this forced measure related to Russia's security with understanding. At the same time, the main task of the Russian military is to avoid civilian casualties. "Every human life is priceless," Kadyrov stressed.
President Zelensky, in the opinion of the Head of Chechnya, must take steps towards the negotiation process.

'Fights Without Rules' FM Lavrov VS CNN's Chance

Exemplary incident occurred at a press conference of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday.

CNN Reporter Matthew Chance repeatedly tried to break into the air and ask the Russian minister a question, ignoring the rules of the event and his colleagues.
Lavrov scolded the journalist for the lack of elementary manners, while noting that this was probably a consequence of Matthew's long stay in Ukraine.
In the end, the poor fellow was given the floor.
"I am now in the capital of Ukraine. Recently, the outskirts of the city came under shelling. Does Russia plan to 'decapitate' the Ukrainian leadership and replace it with a pro-Russian one?" CNN reporter asked.
Irritated, Lavrov responded by recommending that the journalist, despite his "chaotic activity", read Putin's address, made the day before, in order to be aware of the Russian position on the special operation in Ukraine, which would avoid empty questions and save a lot of time for everyone.
"I realise that you have other things to worry about and would be hard pressed to read the statement describing Russia’s stance carefully. However, I encourage you to do so. Since you are in Ukraine, encourage your Ukrainian colleagues, primarily representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to read it," Lavrov noted.
According to top diplomat no one is going to attack the Ukrainian people, or to degrade Ukrainian servicemen. It is about not allowing neo-Nazis and those who promote genocidal methods to run that country. Currently, the Kiev regime is controlled by two external mechanisms: the US-led West and neo-Nazis who are promoting their “culture,” which is flourishing in modern Ukraine.
"I would like to ask you, a representative of the free media, a question: why, in all these past eight years, did no Western journalists regularly cover what was happening on the Ukrainian government-controlled western line of contact in Donbass? All the more so, if you are now that horrified by what is going on in Kiev. Has anyone from CNN ever been to Donbass? Have you seen schools being destroyed, or women carrying babies in their arms being killed? Have you seen carpet bombing of a children’s beach? Has anyone at all been there?" Lavrov stressed.

Russian Armed Forces Receive Order To Advance As Kiev Rejects Talks

The Russian Armed Forces were ordered to advance in all directions after Ukraine had refused to hold talks, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing on Saturday.

"Today, all units were ordered to advance in all directions in accordance with the operation’s plan after Ukraine had refused to take part in the negotiation process," he noted.

According to Konashenkov, the forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR, LPR) continue to advance towards the positions of the Ukrainian army with the fire support of the Russian Armed Forces.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation based on a request from the heads of the Donbass republics. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans to occupy Ukrainian territories and the goal was to demilitarize and denazify the country. Russia’s Defense Ministry reported later that the Russian Armed Forces were not delivering strikes against Ukrainian cities. The ministry emphasized that the Ukrainian military infrastructure was being destroyed by precision weapons and there was no threat to civilians.

Lavrov's 'Democracy Lesson' For NBC's Simmons

Russia cannot recognise a [Ukraine's current leadership] government that oppresses its own [Donbass] people and uses genocidal methods against them as democratic, said Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, answering a question from сorrespondent for NBC News Keir Simmons about the threat of a change in the "democratic regime of Volodymyr Zelensky" as a result of a Russian special operation in Ukraine.

"So that we are on the same page, please tell me where you stand when you cover current developments? Does democratic society, the values ​​of which you advocate so vehemently, agree with the efforts to ban the use of a language spoken by the majority of the population? Do democracies that you represent agree with the decision to ban education in the Russian language, or in any other language spoken by the people for that matter, from, say, grade 5? Or, to make illegal the use of one’s mother tongue in everyday life, including shopping, talking to people at hotels or other public places? Is it customary in a democratic society to refer to people in a certain part of the country, in this case Ukraine, as “subhuman” or as a “species,” as President Zelensky called them? At our talks today we recalled President Poroshenko’s promises after he had been democratically elected. He said that the portion of Ukraine under their control will have everything, including schools, kindergartens, food, leisure and prosperity, whereas those (he pointed to Donbass) will sit and rot in their holes," he noted.
President Vladimir Zelensky said something along these lines when he demanded that those who consider themselves part of Russian culture should get out of Ukraine.
Lavrov shows the selective principle of Western MSM when covering the events of recent years in Ukraine.
"In the West, everything is perceived solely through the lens of their own selfish interests. That is, when you are infringed upon in any way, you immediately begin to cause a ruckus about it, but when the linguistic, cultural and religious rights of millions of people in Ukraine are infringed upon, your emphasis shifts from human rights to the “democratic” nature of the local regime," he said.
Lavrov claims that the goal of Russia's military special operation in Ukraine was openly stated: demilitarization and denazification.
"This is because the never-ending torchlight processions, glorification of the Nazis, the cultivation of Nazi customs and habits in so-called volunteer battalions are taking place with tacit connivance, including from the media," he added.

Defence Ministry Reveals 821 Ukrainian Military Facilities Were Crippled By Russia’s Strikes

In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 821 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters reported on Saturday.

Among them: 14 military airfields, 19 control points and communication centers, 24 S-300 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 48 radar stations.
Downed: 7 combat aircraft, 7 helicopters, 9 unmanned aerial vehicles.
87 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 28 multiple rocket launchers, 118 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
The forces of the Russian Navy destroyed 8 military boats of the Ukrainian Navy.
Russian Armed Forces, expanded the areas of the breakthrough in the enemy's defence during the day and continue to develop the success of the offensive.
The grouping of troops of the Luhansk People's Republic advanced to a depth of 30 kilometers and captured the settlements of Bakhmutovka and Grechishkino.
Formations and military units of the Donetsk People's Republic, advancing in the direction of Novomayskoye, covered another 6 kilometers.
Nationalist battalions, retreating, blow up power substations and bridges across rivers behind them. The units of the Russian Armed Forces have established full control over the city of Melitopol. Russian servicemen are taking all measures to ensure the safety of civilians and exclude provocations by Ukrainian special services and nationalists.
During the night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck with high-precision long-range weapons using air- and sea-based cruise missiles at the objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
"I would like to emphasize once again that the fire is conducted only on the objects of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, excluding damage to residential and social infrastructure. In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 821 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine," Konashenkov stated.

Lavrov 'Zelensky Lies When Declaring Readiness To Discuss Neutral Status Of Ukraine'

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is making false claims when he speaks of his willingness to discuss the neutral status of the country, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday at a press conference following talks with LPR Foreign Minister Vladislav Deinego and DPR First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Peresada.

"He is now just telling you lies, deceiving you in simple terms, when saying that he is willing to discuss the neutral status of [Ukraine]," Lavrov said.

Kremlin 'Kiev Suggests Holding Talks In Warsaw, Not Minsk, Then Cuts Off Communication'

The Ukrainian side in response to an idea to hold talks in Minsk, suggested Warsaw instead and then stopped communicating, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"After a brief pause, the Ukrainians stated that they were reconsidering the idea with Minsk and that now they wanted to go to Warsaw and after this cut off communication altogether, took a pause," the Kremlin official told journalists.

According to the Kremlin official, this pause "has been for a rather long time." That said, he emphasized that "unfortunately, this pause is accompanied by the fact that in [Ukraine’s] major cities, what the president was talking about at the Security Council [is happening], nationalist elements are deploying multiple launch rocket systems in residential quarters, including in Kiev." "We consider this situation extremely dangerous," he noted.
Putin’s press secretary stated that the Kremlin wanted to absolutely openly describe this situation.

At a special briefing for journalists, the Kremlin spokesman stressed that "it is very important to reconstruct the chain of events so that it would be clear." "We want to be transparent here to the utmost degree," he emphasized. The Kremlin official called the current situation "a very important story." He reiterated that earlier on Friday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky made a statement on his readiness to discuss Ukraine’s neutral status. "This was one very important condition for the resolution of the crisis that President Vladimir Putin was talking about and that, essentially, was at the foundation of the goal that is being pursued during this special military operation," the Kremlin official noted.

He added that, considering this offer by Zelensky, Putin agreed to hold such talks in Minsk. "Putin immediately called [Belarusian] President [Alexander] Lukashenko and arranged for the Belarusian side to do everything in order to organize in the best way possible both the arrival of delegations and the guarantee of their security, this element is also very important now, and conditions to hold precisely these talks," the press secretary added. He also reported that at the president’s instructions, the Russian side immediately formed a delegation consisting of the representatives of the Defense Ministry, the Foreign Ministry and the presidential administration. "All this information was conveyed to the Ukrainians," he said.

Kadyrov Advises Zelensky To Call Putin With Apology

Every family in the Chechen Republic is ready to accept refugees from Donbass, the head of the region, Ramzan Kadyrov, said today. He also advised President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to call the Russian president as soon as possible with an apology.

US's Javelin, UK's NLAW Anti Tank Missiles Became Trophies Of Russian Troops

During the hostilities, a large number of weapons delivered by Western countries to Ukraine over the past few months have been captured. American Javelin and British NLAW anti-tank missiles are among the trophies, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov reported Friday.

In total, the Russian Armed Forces disabled 211 military infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Among them: 17 command posts and communication centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 19 S-300 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 39 radar stations.
Shot down: 6 combat aircraft, 1 helicopter, 5 unmanned aerial vehicles.
67 tanks and other armored vehicles, 16 multiple rocket launchers, 87 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
Groupings of troops of DPR and LPR continue offensive operation against units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with fire support from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic advanced to a depth of up to 21 kilometers and captured Trekhizbenka settlement.
Formations and military units of Donetsk People's Republic, having broken through the prepared defence of the nationalist battalions, advanced up to 25 kilometers and reached Volnovakha.
Russian Armed Forces units blocked Sumy and Konotop cities and are taking measures to ensure the safety of the civilian population both in these cities and in the surrounding settlements.

Lavrov's Remarks After First Ever Talks With Top Diplomats Of DPR, LPR

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks following first ever talks with Foreign Minister of the LPR Vladislav Deynego and First Deputy Foreign Minister of the DPR Sergey Peresada on Friday.

On February 21, having considered requests by Donetsk and Lugansk, President Vladimir Putin resolved to recognise these two republics as sovereign and independent states. Corresponding executive orders were signed. Based on these executive orders, diplomatic relations were established between the Russian Federation and these two republics on February 22.
"Today, during the talks in this new capacity, we exchanged views on specific matters of interaction, including rather pressing issues such as steps to open embassies for the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic in Moscow and, accordingly, Russian diplomatic missions in Donetsk and Lugansk," Lavrov said.

Shoigu, Papikyan Discuss Prospects For Russian-Armenian Military Cooperation

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Armenian Defence Minister Suren Papikyan discussed prospects for bilateral cooperation in the military sphere in Moscow on Friday.

"Before we begin our main agenda on various issues of our military and military-technical cooperation and our joint work, I would like to thank you for your prompt and very important work during the aggravation of the situation in Kazakhstan, when you, as the chairman of the CSTO in our part of the Council of Defence Ministers of the CSTO member states, made difficult, but very prompt, important and necessary decisions that allowed quite energetically and very effectively to help our Kazakh colleagues resolve this situation," Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said.
Also during the meeting, Sergei Shoigu welcomed Suren Papikyan, noting that this is his first visit to the Russian capital as the Minister of Defence of Armenia.
"I can assure you that I will do everything possible to further increase the Armenian-Russian defence cooperation," Papikyan stressed in his welcoming speech.
At the same time, the head of the Armenian military department noted that currently "there is no general reduction in tension, and every time we have to face new challenges and threats."
"It is obvious that it is possible to overcome all these challenges and threats facing our states by acting exclusively together," Papikyan said.
He noted that "in this context, the meeting at the level of the heads of defence departments of the allied states is of particular importance."

Putin Urges Ukrainian Military To Take Power Into Their Own Hands

Russian President Vladimir Putin urged on the Ukrainian military to take power into their own hands and not allow neo-Nazis and Benderites to use the people as human shields, durring  meeting of the Russian Security Council on Friday.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...